This fucking guy has gotta go, Americans, he's allowed your fucking country to become the number one hotspot for this fucking virus in the world.
You guys need to eject him from office and put someone else in charge. The fucking guy has gotta go.
This fucking guy has gotta go, Americans, he's allowed your fucking country to become the number one hotspot for this fucking virus in the world.
You guys need to eject him from office and put someone else in charge. The fucking guy has gotta go.
I pray everyday that someone kills him
I agree he's completely lost it
ofcourse America is number 1 hotspot
we are number 1 !
dude, just stop.
are you freaking out because he just hit a record high approval rating?
>Guys China didn't start this mess it was this guy. Guys don't think about China or blame anything on China this is totally Drumpfs fault, I'm not even from the US but please guys let me tell you how to run your country guys. Guys this guy is a bad guy guys.
he acts like an ass so biden doesn't get coverage
>foreigner can't stop thinking about trump and america
wow, what a shocker
Trump 2020. Fuck you.
You fags can't even stop the man with a virus lol
Trump is our God Emperor and we all adopt him as such in Canada.
Majority of americans factually approve of his handling of the crisis
You lose.
>he's allowed your fucking country to become the number one hotspot for this fucking virus in the world.
No it happened because we let all these fucking chinks into our country. We should have kicked them all out after SARS back in early 2k.
you don't really understand what is happening if you think trump flips a switch on easter and everyone goes back to work. it's a gradual and controlled reopening of key industries in areas least effected while being heavily monitored and with additional precautions like social distancing still in place. trump said hot spots like new york and california will take longer to turn on.
the only alternative to this is for the us economy to be allowed to completely crash turning the us into a thrid world country
tv news has been very irresponsible in terms of how they are presenting this. just get your info directly from the white house if you actually want to know what is going on
You mean the flu?
over by april
Were flipping the switch on Easter buddy!
China is still number one. They simply stopped reporting cases.
This remark shows how fucking dumb you are, given the Vectors for the Sickness in the US are from boomers visiting Europe. But hey, you had laughs at China last few months when you could have gotten ready. Who's laughing now faggot?
How about instead you put a gun in your mouth memeflag nigger
We have 11 wuhans in the USA. Orange man and kike son in law have to pay.
>Thought North America would dodge the brunt of it
>Trump dooms us all
At least 20 million infected.
The cancelled phone subscriptions are the people being censored.
The shill operation once this board is mind boggling, it’s mind boggling.
Even a /poltard should be able to understand the comparison has to be per capita. Also NY is managed by Democrat Kikes almost exclusively.
>put someone else in charge
but where can we find a gay nigger with an illegal spic 'wife' to please you, Sir?
Fuck off retards.
Don't make me fucking report you to the FBI
>65% approval rating and rising
abolish 22
9/11 tribunal (GITMO) canceled from 3-17-20 to 4-10-20 (D-J-T), military Judge submits resignation
Calendar here.
resignation docs
"Colonel Cohen’s decision to leave the case also comes as he has been hearing testimony — and has scheduled more witnesses — in an ongoing set of hearings on the defense lawyers’ requests to exclude from the trial the F.B.I. interrogations of the men in 2007. The defense lawyers say those interrogations are tainted by the torture the defendants endured during their three and four years in secret C.I.A. prisons."
"Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is a terrorist and murderer held by the United States at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp under terrorism-related charges. He was named as "the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks" in the 9/11 Commission Report."
On March 23, 2020, the following document was filed and is now posted:
AE632II (GOV): Government Notice Of Status of Review of Requested Information
AE686C: Military Judge Ruling on Mr. bin 'Atash's Motion to Compel the Government to Produce All al Qaeda Training Program Documents
AE787B (GOV): Government Motion To Withdraw AE 787A (GOV), Government Response To Mr. Mohammad's Motion to Compel Discovery Regarding Psychological Impact of Torture on Torturers and on SERE Trainees
AE787C: Military Judge Ruling on Government Motion To Withdraw AE 787A (GOV), Government Response To Mr. Mohammad's Motion to Compel Discovery Regarding Psychological Impact of Torture on Torturers and on SERE Trainees
Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.
You are the biggest cuck on the board, leaf. Why is it that one Canadian who's cucking for him obsessively?
>god emperor
He is clearly neither. This is literally happening because the entire world is godless. Americans in particular will be punished hard by God for electing a serial adulterer to be their king even after he boasted of never having to apologize to God for anythjng.
You can tell that God is singling out Donald Trump for punishment personally by utterly destroying his precious stocks and employment numbers practically over night.
I'm sorry what was that about "never apologizing to God" you son of perdition and member of the Synagogue of Satan? And Bolsonaro, and BoJo, and all the rest will likewise be punished, and all the sickos promoting trannyism. Let none be spared by God's holy wrath until the world has once again humbled itself and come to know Him, and that goes for every last one of you kektard kiddie occultists and blasphemers on this board too
No way this cuck faggot will be elected. Too many dumb fuck mutts have died since 2016 and too many shit skins have received citizenship.
It's a good thing Americans choose the American president or else they would have pansies like we elected here and in Europe.
ur not even American Nice try idf
>given the Vectors for the Sickness in the US are from boomers visiting Europe
Which those "Europeans" are nothing but chinks. If they stayed in their home country instead of spreading across the globe like locust the world wouldn't be in this situation. Also remove you meme flag chink.
heres the thing about america becoming #1 out of everyone.. chinese numbers we know are probably fake, they have been hiding their numbers for a few weeks now, that being said the next on the list is italy 60.48 million 80,589 infected.. next on the list is spain 46.66 million with 57,786 infected lets go to the next germany 82.79 million population with 43,938 infected.... now lets look at america 327.2 million population with 85,505 infected.. with a less deaths then italy, china, and spain.. majority coming from new york... America is controlling this just fine.. it looks like everything is starting to curve as well with the infection rate addition each day staying the same for the past 3 days.. no more doubling.. fake news.. fake media, spread lies, make people panic.
It literally happened because your godless king spent week after week after week lying through his teeth to you that it was "just a flu" "a democratic hoax" or
>will disappear like a miracle any day now increasingly nervous president says for the 7th time this week
He botched his handling of this because he's a godless Mammon worshipping faggot and cuck of the Synagogue of Satan.
>eject him from office
Americans don't dump presidents just because your feelings about them are hurt.
Even if commie scum want it to be true.
Trump: wants to ban all travelers from china and quarantine others who came from infected areas
dems: you're a racist and xenophobe
HALF of all cases are in the state that said fuck off to ICE and immigration controls run by a Governor who sat around for weeks whining about it instead of doing what other on the ball governors were doing. Another THIRD of cases are in yet another leftist bastion that said fuck off to ICE and immigration controls
Leftists: Trumps fault !!!
Fuck off chink
Mutts are preparing for a worse president than the current mayor of London. LoooooooooL
I only thing I regret is that none of the presidents cracked down hard enough on stopping CCP sympathizers from entering our country and using up our resources.
America first. Meme flags last. KYS.
shut up globalist
There are going to be more deaths in America. This has only started
rent free
also also all fields
Fuck you faggot show your real flag so I know who to come and cough on you little coward bitch
Nah you don't get it yet.
Ratings of president 40%
Ratings of congress 15%
Ratings of media 5%
He's literally choosing the best possible enemy to run against. If I were a conspiracy fag I'd think he was paying the media himself just to be so fucking retarded. But I'm not, so I think the media is literally so retarded that keep doubling down on the original montecarlo gamblers fallacy
I hope you die to the chinese virus you pedophile kike faggot, God has chosen Trump and forgiven his sins just as he forgives us
Get fucked Northeast memeflag
the data says else wise, there will more MORE deaths but the virus is hitting its curve.. i'll trust the data over your crystal psychic ball..
I always do the opposite of what (((meme flags))) say. So....NAH
4 more years
We'll be the first country with full Herd Immunity. Our economy was come back online before anyone else!
A trump is a fart in UK. Fkin hekingrinoes kekstable coomer
Plus, we'll have rid of the degenerates, land will be cheap again and jobs will pay more now that worthless make work jobs have been culled from the herd
For just making totally unfeasable shit up off the top of his head to tell scared people?
I am tempted to say that I am happy to see the people who believe in what he says drink poison koolaid
But in this case they will take everybody else down with them
OP is a memeflaggot and an actual faggot. Trump isn't an absolute dictator, and even if he was, he wouldn't have the ability to micromanage the entire United States with 300 million people. Only God can do that. You must be a fucking degenerate liberal.
That's all well and good, except you're not considering the amount of whites died since 2016, and the amount of shit skins TRUMP IMPORTED in these past 4 years. He's done, no matter the opposition.
>makes memeflaggots seethe
Bless this man. Say it with me, faggot:
You already have herd mentality, bernout, so youre halfway there
Good, maybe you deserve to die and don't know it
OP dire news the CCP calls you home, your organs are required for glorious leader.
Is to bidens advantage at this point
Absolutely based.
He is going to kill yooo
Bruh it was no one’s fault that this world wide pandemic started.
Fuck many European leaders didn’t think the virus would be this serious at first too.
The number one personality trait of Chinese people is dishonesty. They lie for no reason they grow up that way.
My town is already saying we reached our peak in our area, infected are only less than 20
By summer it will disappear
I think they are hoping for economic crash by April so to weaken trumps chances in the elections
Trump doesn't give a fuck about any of u lmao
>spreads like wildfire
>across the globe
>not enough tests
>not enough testing sites or personnel
>most people not tested unless very likely to have it
those numbers are underrepresented