Who here /comfy/ ?????
These lockdowns are comfy, let's do it more often
I agree.
lots of free time to
Supermarket right next to my house has not shut down yet so i'm as comfy as ever.
If shit broke down completely i would have no problem breaking into other peoples apartments and steal everything they had.
No worries here, comfy af
can you imagine that some people are having mental breakdowns over this?
You mean those extroverts? It's feel comfy to be a Introvert.
I'm neet. My girl neet. Double trumpbux incoming. We are comfy as fuck. gamepass, blowjobs and steak ums til 2021 my brother.
Why were neets born being a neet?
roasties literally killing themselves from not getting constant attention
>dies after trying to kill herself
mission success
Truly mind boggling
Yeah Im pretty comfy
Folk dey say we no gwan lose peepee
I'm in bed drinking a beer and stipulating. But I only have ten beers left. I might have to suite up and seek essential materials at the local gas station here in Nampa, Idaho.
Implying you would have to break in.
Wouldn't your fellow swedes be obligated by law to hand over everything they own then strip naked and present their naked ass for you to ravage?
I have been on Yas Forums so I know its your peoples custom
I hope you converted your shares of gold into gameplay ultimate. Through free rewards and game codes for new releases I secured ultimate well into 2021 for like 20 real bucks.
I’ve been handed school work to do, not gonna do it
Yeah, it's like, "Woe is me. I hate drinking until the wee hours of the morning, calling old friends out of the blue, sleeping in, and having unlimited free time to expand my knowledge base."
All the normies are getting redpilled
So is IBM ever going to release a hotrod think pad? It's the best laptop to ever exist and I have used a variety of toughbooks at work.
My doggo and I are sheltering in place.
It's comfy as fuck.
my comfy schedule
>wake up around noon
>shower, walk and play with dog
>read for a bit
>shitpost on Yas Forums
>hit up the cuties at chickfila for my tendies
>shitpost some more on Yas Forums and Yas Forums
>sleep at 2 or 3 am
It is pretty comfy but I do wish I could go out and sit at Dunkin Donuts and drink a coffee. kind of sucks being a paranoid mess when I leave the house.
comfy af brother, I'm loving it
Best time to be a neet
We're reaching /comfy/ levels that should be possible.
I drive on empty streets to empty mall and buy 2 days worth of hummus and pita and a coffee then post here and call qtards schizos even though the happening is actually happening because they're fucking retards.
Pretttttttty comfy
Guys, my cat has sneezed twice today. Cats cant get it can they? I figured their higher body temps would kill it off. I've been worried that when she goes out some sick fuck would pet her and she would bring it home.
Just desanitize kitteh with a torch a lil. That's how the chinks stopped corona
max comfy here
living off frozen pizza, tendies, and good faps
shut the country down more often, this fukken rules
like school's been canceled as an adult
Just waiting on trumpbux
She only had a roastie exterior. She was a diagnosed autist.
I look at this and I'm reminded of when I cried on 9/11 as a child. I'm glad I did because now I know better beyond a shadow of a doubt to ever take any of this shit seriously ever again.
Similar to my dog in size and breeding, except my dog is a female, and all black with white highlights around her face. Convinced that chihuahua blends are superior breeds in terms of disposition and intelligence.
Moderately. I haven't had classes for the last few weeks, but still have work since it was declared essential. Literally 80% of the jobs in the state were declared essential, you're still allowed to go outside to exercise, still allowed to go to get food or medication, still allowed to buy gas. It's not a shelter-in-place order, just a "quit going to bars and sucking stranger's faces for fuck's sake" order and hasn't changed my life much.
ultra /comfy/ here. just murdered a whole bunch of people and left them in a dumpster. the cops don't care cause corona. enjoy faggots, free murders!!
Just downloaded this game called shoujo AI where my virtual waifu learns off me and gives me a good time to coooom, giga comfy bro.
>It's feel comfy to be a Introvert.
Lockdown you say? Didn't notice.
Not one to keep her safe.
What's that metal gear style upskirt game i saw someone posting. I want that one.
nothing different for me..always comfy
god i love tendies
>just another day in the USA
Very /comfy/ up in leafland, Im under gubberment contract. So Im still getting payed and dont have to come into work until farther notice.
Cat sneezes are often caused by a strain of herpes, if your cat sneezes often and there's mucus then you could get some lysine paste at a vet or on Amazon. You just put a dab on their food every day until a few days after the symptoms stop. It legit tastes good too, I tried some after seeing how much my cat liked it and it tasted like maple candy. Best of luck with your cat user.
Yeah I'm comfy, though I was already a NEET so nothing much has changed for me.
So comfy Pepe
Ultra comfy here, but I'm pretty sure my brother has it now so soon I'll be sick too. Good knowing you lads. I'll report back if I recover. Thanks for all the LivePD streams comfy anons
I'm comfy, but scared to go outside.
you'll be fine user
You'll make it user, the COVID spares Yas Forumsacks.
Dont worry fren no ones outside anyway.
i hacked my 3ds and super comfy.
bing bing bing wahoo!
Thanks fren. She seems happy and healthy. I moved a few things around today and probably stirred up some dust. It is probably unlikely right now, but somebody coofing on their hand and then I pet her is bothering me. I don't think she goes far when she goes outside though, just hangs around in the backyard.
wish you could date the guy instead that can is beautiful
I wish, I still have to wagecuck. Even during this.
Or I will become homeless.
And people, instead of staying home. Are going out to eat more than ever before where I live.
I have some old gasmasks and a mosin.
Hope I survive.
I'm "working from home" watching YouTube and playing vidya.
Two months stocked on food. Coffee. Beans tuna. Jerky.
Pistol for habbenings.
Broke up with my gf so I feel completely Zen and so happy to not have a child to take care of.
Probably gonna buy a new PC with my Trump bux.
No noise at night. Just sirens.
Im an inherent NEET that quits jobs every single time, so this is the comfiest shit in the world and came at the perfect time right after quitting my job. Perfect excuse so now my car payments are on a halt, I'm getting a job working from home in a field relative to computers instead of construction, and I live with my parents so I just started giving them some rent now recently. Comfy as fuck bros. Hell yes.This is the life I want to live not society but HERMCIETY.
I cant believe the drug testing lab is still open though had to substitute some piss