sounds like a confession to me
What did hanx son mean by this?
Other urls found in this thread:
His face doomed him to a life of wiggerdom.
Fuck you kike
>wannabe insta thot in the comments
>you're a loser
>and im not scared of fema camps i wish i was in one
way to go lil roasty
Hanks will either crack or get fished.
Easter will be Jesus' Rebirth once again.
It's over for these inbred mongoloids
Are you fucking retarded?
I jerked off with him in high school. He's got a nice dick but mine is a little bigger desu.
t. masc gay literal faggot
The elites of our age are being exposed.
They can no longer conceal their pedo ways and their worship of devils.
The world is waking up.
Chet got banged by Bruce Jenner. Do the research yourself.
Msg him ask if he remembers post results here
That he is a wigger trying to mock Q boomers, but both sides are jewish theatrics and every real information about this gets ignored.
Same bro i also jerked off with him, we docked for a bit until our cum would dry out, i'm black and dick mogged him though.
Chets annual salary is 10K
please post here more often
He's poking fun at you schizos that have 0 self awareness. Fucking retards.
explain the joke
That he's rich and famous and rich and famous and and rich and and even more famous and rich and rich and rich and he can get any girl he wants while you pathetic sad poltards will never even lose your virginity.
Why does Tom Hanx have a retarded wigger son?
Qturds have a fantasy that coronavirus is all a fake event conspiracy to cover up mass arrest (think that 6 gorillion sealed indictments shit) and that the gov't has secretly arrested all the hollywood elite pedo cultists or whatever they believe they are (such as Ellen's """ankle monitor.""")
So basically they think Tom Hanks is part of this cabal and took his son's sarcastic video seriously because they lack the awareness or ability to understand irony.
I'm so sorry for the capslock, that was damn exciting to watch him try to fake being spooked while actually being terrified.
checked and blessed
>he did it
dumb shill
Keep up the good work, Smith! You're for sure going to get that promotion!
Who is this Sodomite?
I know it is probably your intention, but including an obvious photoshop FB post detracts from any credibility you might have.
>a confession
no retard, he's just mocking you for being stupid.
Tom Hanks' son
He looks like a real douchebag.
Well, he certainly can't type logically without being stirred up into a rage.
Is Chet a genius?
Gotta give credit where its due
Hoooly shit did no one see his latest post?
He says he got his Illuminati tattoo because he's spiritual and 'believes in God... kek. Seems pretty pissed!
>its afraid
God doesn't want you getting tattoos. He's a hypocrite.
how could you know
He's also not in the Illuminati because he's "got a bunch of shitty-ass furniture". Pretty compelling desu.
with the price of adrenocrome going through the roof, its no surprise he's slumming it
Yes he wants, bitch
He's a digger faggot living off of daddies fame
Lol what a fag
If he wanted you to have markings, he would have made you with them, or you'd develop them later on in your growth. You wouldn't have to endure a painful ritual that has substantial risk of infection when done improperly.
Why is all this celebrity bullshit being spammed?
>Leviticus 19:28
>"You shall not make any cuttings in your flesh for the dead, nor tattoo any marks on you: I am the Lord.”
I can't grok the idea that Tom Hanks put his benis in a woman, maybe they stole the kid from Walmart? Can you imagine a woman getting wet for Tom Hanks?
thumbs user, he gave us thumbs
Yahweh isn't God
this vid is weak bait
checked, and yes, yes he did.
He keeps looking to his left when he talks about human sacrifice. He's lying.
>that panic in his eyes
and subconsciously shaking his head like he's disagreeing with what he's saying.
Someone claiming to be this zero talent faggot showed up here a few hours after making that video on Instagram.
Notice that bitch is wearing a shirt with JFK on it on 3/10. Is that some kind of veiled threat against my President?
DESU looks like chaz bono here has been doing some big pharma or cocaine.
i wanna know more about this cannibal initiation ring
The illuminati also have a "god", it's just not our God, every time you hear them talk about "god" they're being perfectly sincere, they truly do worship this "god", it's just not our God.
dumbfuck believes in made up shit like lucifer. no greater idiots swallow the lucifer lie.