This was hilarious KEL

Tiny black girl is escorted by U.S. Marshals to school to defend her from a racist crowd, with some being armed with weapons.

What threat did this tiny girl pose, /pol?

Attached: 348764124.jpg (960x716, 169.63K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Racists prefer to pick on easy targets instead of anyone who can actually fight back

Why kind of shitty parent do you have to be to force your child through this kind of trauma for some shekels? The child abuse within my community, the black community, is REALLY disgraceful.

People knew that integration would lead to the decline of American society.

They were right.

Daily reminder that the federal government literally enforced anti-racism with the very real and in your face threat of death

>what's wrong with bringing crime into schools?

If someone had shot her we wouldn't be in the mess we are in today.


No. It was FORCED racial tensions
>You goys WILL be at each others throats for our profit, entertainment, and smokescreen.

The decline of the US education system, disrupting the safety and learning of white Americans for hundreds of years.


also, who dressed up that monkey?


>within my community, the black community,
Lol, nice larp faggot.

Finally nice to her someone say it.

Attached: 1580760715421.jpg (400x300, 18.29K)

living in a European nation

>European nation
I'm going to need you to look at a map bong.


That little girl opened the door to the madness that happens today. Niggers belong on the farm.

Attached: 1536196888136.webm (480x482, 976.69K)

Look at those chad feds.

its funny cause black people are the first to gang up and attack white people they deem not a threat.

>What threat did this tiny girl pose, /pol?

> whatever helps you sleep



The people who fought against forced integration of whites and blacks were courageous visionaries who have been vindicated over and over again. The white traitors escorting the girl should have been hung.

yep, destroying American hegemony is

European nation = created by europeans

black girls don't, and weren't by their mothers, dress that way, even in their heyday in the 1940s-50s where they really put an effort in at looking presentable

Attached: apr2016_i02_phenom-wr-v1.jpg (1072x800, 87.93K)

Niggerdry. She represents US-wide niggerdry. They should've been kept in their containment zones and the jews banished. There would be less violence and degeneracy.

This is an old picture, dickhead

Attached: 1585072368352.jpg (480x514, 29.99K)

Imagine if they could have seen what the "nation" is today

Attached: 1584873584676.jpg (640x640, 30.35K)

No a European nation is a nation on the European sub-continent

What a dirty big sheboon.

The threat posed was the resulting decades of black violence

Attached: 1D5BA1E0-11A2-4C5D-909A-797A0ACBD241.jpg (251x201, 11.73K)

Knock out game? - blindsiding pensioners.

Sadly this is what we have to work with today 70+% obesity rate mannish beasts. They were so nice prior to the 70's, I wonder what happened?

Attached: tumblr_inline_omv63pfZ0u1sacoli_400.jpg (383x445, 26.47K)


>Lives in 2020 with the full benefit of hindsight
>Can't see the threat this girl and others like her posed

Attached: 452356343422.jpg (326x294, 15.03K)

>The degradation of a society by the Jews.

It was a foot in the door that ended with the desegregation of the public schools and the disaster that followed. In the hindsight of over a half century it is clear the "racists" were right to object.

She was black in ameriKKKa

Notice the sneaky kike in the top right



You just know your country has gone to shit when a crowd of upstanding white people aren't even allowed to beat a brown child to death.

>What threat did this tiny girl pose, /pol?
A foot in the door

Attached: blackonwhiteviolence.jpg (828x663, 64.65K)


Why isn't she just going to school with her peers? Why put her through this? Probably scarred her for the rest of her life. The parents should have been charged with child abuse.

>It's what the people wanted!

Attached: equality.jpg (838x529, 92.16K)

Viruses are also very tiny, but they destroy the organism they infect.

faggots like to meme that the integrationists were powerless davids taking on the racist goliaths
look at op picture again
who has the power
have you ever seen the rallies for maintaining separate and equal schools
they were full of blacks and whites
full of parents and teachers
they knew that the progressive meme was a hoax
and they lost
so hard
because the ones with the power were just memeing all along

where's the white on white


>What threat did this tiny girl pose, /pol?
the potential to, in the future, give birth to more niggers, is the greatest possible threat.

You mean lack of integration you retard.

Any time the government needs to shove guns in your face to get you to accept something, it's not in your own best interest.

i c wut u did thar


Attached: ohDKCIOg.jpg (728x574, 29.14K)

People were protesting the end of segregation, not one individual kid. As it happens, the people were right - the end of segregation has been a total disaster for the US public school system. Whites and any other sane people have fled the system for the most part, and many "schools" today are basically just zoos.

her black eggs.

aaaaaaaaaaaand i'm out of here.

Northern schools were already integrated at the time. The south should have been left alone.
Nowadays, public schools in the inner-city cannot produce average results and students are passed without achieving basic standards.
The image in the pic has not lived up to it's charm and we ALL suffer from it.

and now american culture is decaying and niggers are a bigger plague than ever.
anti-racists ruined a great country.

>hundreds of years
I guess our educational system is that bad.

>their protection larp proved there was a threat
This is why camps are built