Are we watching the fall of the United States of America?

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Nope. Back to work goyim.


fucking nasty on board those too, filthy 30 people in 1 room nasty


Nice link kike

The US may have to reduce its military commitments due to the cost of the coronavirus. Shutting down the carrier fleet is just the start. at least the boomers are still out there. It's a very dangerous time.

Seems like a good time for China to invade Taiwan

The entire west is fucked with this fake epidemic drama, jews are using the opportunity to push their statist authoritarian commie bullshit into normie scum.
And they prepared themselves for this moment very well, insider trading, weird laws about epidemics, lots of predictive programming, ...

>fake epidemic
Of course. Coral your bats before user's leaks prove true.

90% of the people on that ship are in their 20's. I doubt any of them will need a hospital

Most soldiers aren't sick old boomers, so no they'll be fine.

Oh no!!! We're fucked!!! Load nukes!!! Expend all remaining ordnance on China ASAP!!!!

Do you even live in the USA? Everything is fine. Old, sick and poor people are dying and I’m in my underwear playing doom eternal. Might order a pizza later. Oh, and my stocks are skyrocketing. I stocked up when the market fell.

Stay mad.

Navy Officer here, it was only a matter of time. TR isn't even the first big deck to have cases.

it's going to breed super corona chan, targeting zoomers

They don't even have a ramp

They are Amerimutts, most of them are in shittier condition than 80 year olds in other countries. Bet they barely can walk but ride mobility scooters over the deck

>fake epidemic drama
hows Aircraft carriers being out of order fake drama?

It's a great time to buy airline stock. It's like 9/11, the bounce back in 20 years is gonna make you a millionaire.

>Oh, and my stocks are skyrocketing. I stocked up when the market fell.

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Pretty rich coming from the biggest shithole in Europe.

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Guam certainly is

Criminally underrated

reactor meltdown

Nice sauce OP you fucking nigger

Stay away from Boeing, though.

Corona on a carrier isnt as problematic as corona on a submarine.

Soldiers are in decent shape, even the fat ones are probably healthier than the average Russian, whose diet consists of cheap vodka and leftover solianka with a side of desperation

so... slightly cleaner than the conditions on a carnival cruise?

No were seeing demoralization shills working over time because the onky.xhance they have to not get fucked is to get the US to kill itself. Your arguing from a position of weakness.

Man, China should make a play for Taiwan and island clay

No, we are watching the start if something else.

Naw all of our weapons can fire autonomously we'll be ok.


>Seething Jap
Don't make us come over there and slap you again faggot

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This is a hidden blessing. The military will make pic related standard issue. We are entering the era of Helghast soldier standardization. Be excited anons, we are living in a historical era.

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>7 people die on a cruiseship of old people

What are they worried about - everyone gets the sniffles?

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Alaska reporting in. I’m not really noticing anything. You guys down there are fucked.

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But I thought some of you said this was a fake virus? Why is it affecting your mega $Trillion military?

>tfw I work at Boeing

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truth hurts

>united states of america
Kek. Idk that you know exactly what arrangments the world has made that would see the "fall of the united states of america" it doesnt work that way

RIP Nigger Navy

I just bought a ton of Boeing shares.

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>I stocked up when the market fell
lmao this shit is textbook

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Everyone will get a nasty flu and a few sailors will die. Then they'll get to sea again. What's China or Russia going to do?

Bad Chinese grammar
GTFO mutt

How can this be? I thought our guys already had it and gave it to them. That's what the chinks were shilling.
This act of war will cost you gooks everything.

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Chemicals and plastics will be in high demand as well.

Yes, and I hope it happens. America needs to be balkanized. They've terrorized the world for far too long.

>obvious chinkpost
you will starve, chink. CCP will off Xi for being a fuckup.


it's not like the chink navy is worth a shit anyway

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China and the CCP are going to be impaled by a huge international law gavel when this is over.

half a dozen attack subs could shut down China. they have no recourse. they can't even find them. all we have to do is interrupt their oil supply for 3 weeks and they'll starve

Still have to quarantine them.

How are you going to blow up all their gutters?

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