Nah just decided to stay up a bit longer and chill with some tunes.
Gabriel Miller
>implying white Americans think about England unless they're being forced to in grade school or skimming their eyes over trash tabloids talking about The Royal Family™ in the supermarket checkout line
I say White American because non-whites aren't and never will be really American
>Both working late at the office (gchq)? We're essential workers and yea, SUSSEX too but the fuckers pulled a sickie, something about having his piles looked at..
It's actually just using multiple layers, karen anime is pretty popular so you can easily paste things like that on backgrounds, you did that binfre one, pretty simliar stuff really.
I'm a freeman on the land and I sleep when I please
James Foster
Same lad, the quarantine has fucked me good.
Angel Myers
I miss Jeb, honestly.
Adrian Peterson
I did make an updated one whilst banting with canceranon but I haven't uploaded it because I can't fucking find it now, probably forgot to save it. Nah you'll probably make quality memes after a couple of days with a decent editor, just get a good mac one.
And so the police state rolled out to the sound of applause.
Connor Morgan
> One Brit dies every 13 minutes Thought the obesity would get them faster than that, it's a nothingburger
Liam Peterson
To quote the best star Wars series (prequels) "So this is how liberty dies . . . with thunderous applause."
Jace Wright
lad, us burgers have our heads way far up our own asses too much to think about you.
Jason Hughes
Ash Sarkar declares a communist uprising. Her leftypol followers take to the streets. Prime Minister Jeremy Corbyn calls to the EDL for help. EDL militants crush the leftypol uprising, shoot Sarkar in the head and throw her body into the Thames. Corbyn's rule is secure.