Okay, now this is based

Okay, now this is based.

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he's not wrong, Trump is a wishful thinking retard

>some strain of the common cold is more important than TWO PLANES JUST FLEW INTO NEW YORK SKYSCRAPERS

Based indeed. Trump had like a thousand chances to close the border but did nothing.

Man has got a point.

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Yeah cause the world trade centres didn't fucking blow up retard.
Also Bush knew it was coming.

So wait now leftists LIKE Dubya? I distinctly remember him being basically Satan to every one left of center back in the 00s

Way to completely discredit yourself for the remainder of this thread.
You were quite efficient about it, too

third year in office. also bush did literally nothing on 9/11, he sat in the school and just waited for someone to do something

Who? Really who are these random unknown people and nearly 180k retweets?

underrated post


Fourth year in office, and yes, he did. And he was criticized for it. You're almost there, MIGA nigger. You're almost back to humanity and able to comprehend normal human speech.

Open borders communism with extra gibs for POC will save us!

While I disagree with Bush on most issues, and I don’t think he particularly articulate, I DO think that he had Americans best interests in mind. He was a good decent man trying to help his country. I cannot say the same for trump

Literally who seething Trump didn't react to a disease that has a kill rate 1/10th of daily kill rates to cancer, car accidents, the flu, smoking and niggers killing each other vs literal WE ARE UNDER ATTACK BY ISLAMIC TERRORISTS RIGHT NOW. Cherry picking's fun, huh?

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Leftist glowniggers have become social media celebrities during the soft demolition of the global economy.

If you don’t know that Bush knew, you are absolutely worthless.

He's still going to win in November, faggots. Cri moar. Sage in all fields.

Personal life
Olin was born to a Jewish family

what an unpatriotic thing to say
america is always under attack!

Just say the words Dick Cheney around leftist trash over the age of 35 and watch them sperg out.


A transfer of Corona-sama intestinal gas right into my mouth and done my throte


I try to pull my head away to gasp for air but she won't let me, she reaches behind her and forces the back of my head between her ass cheeks more


This definitely was more than just air being passed, I felt wet chunks blown in the back of my throat as she forcefully made me swallow them with my mouth still glued to her sticky asshole


"Oh yea baby you like that, don't you little fuck boi, huh? Whos your sugar mommy? That's right, it's slidding baby! Now it's time for baby throat boi to get his protein in. Open wide"

Corona-sama said to me aggressively, as she forced another one out


What tasted like a mustard pudding was ejected out of her colon. I threw up in my mouth from the taste, but she kept my head and mouth firmly lodged between her ass cheeks so nothing left my mouth. There was so escaping this one


I said with my mouth full of shit

She turned around, gave me a smug grin. And simply shook her head "NO!"

Fearing for my life, I swallowed her bowel movement, and she finally released me from her anus


"So hows that for your first viral pneumonia?"

She said in a smug and condescending way

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wtf are you retards talking about? Trump closed travel with China in JANUARY, when Europe was having "hug a Chinese day" to not seem racist. Fuck all of you little pricks.

God. How the world wishes it could go back to Republicanism circa 2000. Trump is not a Republican. The Republican Party is completely and absolutely fucking the party of Reagan. Bush was the last Republican. Trump is just an authoritarian. He has no political philosophy or ideology, only whatever the fuck he thinks will get him elected and his party elected. This isn't some ideological battle anymore, it is a battle power and nothing more.

one that's killing people fuck tard, and its gonma kill more people then in 911 aswell you mong

>Trump's actions are unforgivable

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>7 minutes
honestly I didn't even realize it was that much, I thought it was like 2 minutes of reading about some goat or something.
US deaths are already over a thousand, 1/3 of 9/11 and it's still increasing rapidly. This is going to be like 9/11 times 20.
but to be fair, many other countries did the same thing and even Obama waited on Swine Flu (which killed 12,000 Americans). And Trump did ban travel from China when others were saying it would be racist. He's fucked up a lot of other things with COVID but it's getting overblown.


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underrated post

Its true.

Imagine blaming China.

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When will posting random twitter screen caps be a bannable offense? Kill yourself OP.

This. Trump has smashed spending records despite campaigning on spending less.

Measles kills more people every year, stupid faggot. China already has it under control, and we will too, and everyone will forget about this shit by summertime. Shut the fuck up.

Every time I see a bluecheck Trumpposting, I am initially irritated, until I remember that these people are literally living in a daily hell of negativity and impotent outrage because of Tweets that Trump spends less than ten seconds on.

Like, just imagine what a wretched existence that is. Imagine their clenched jaws and hunched-over body posture as they fire off missive after missive, eagerly checking it for retweets and likes, each one a little sugary kiss of dopamine that masks, however briefly, the yawning chasm of insecurity that lurks below.

Blame everything on Trump. Tiresome.

I mean, bush knew it was going to happen, and what the next scene in the movie was.

There is no threat.

Flu deaths this year, covid-19 included, are lower than overage.

Should ask him about Cuomo and de Blasio considering they're in charge of the place with half the cases. Oh wait.

20% of hospitalizations for regular severe flu/cold years are from one of the seven other corona virus species.
If we take some liberty with easy numbers, let's say that 20% of yearly flu-related deaths are from a corona virus. One of any of the seven other major known species.

SARS2 aka covid-19 is not special.

Maybe Bush should have waited more instead of wrecking the world with the retarded Iraq war.

Trump said 'close the fucking borders' for 3 years
enjoy your biological diversity

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You mean invade two countries and stole all minerals. Then invent a war against terrorist groups that you trained and armed. And because of what? A false flag attack to take advantage of "muh democracy,"

>Closing borders and issuing travel bans is racist!
>Walls don't work. Borders are just an imaginary line.
>Man fuck China for their terrible treatment of the Hong kong protestors

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Well they’re stuck with President manchild during an epidemic because a bunch of reactionary retards cast their votes for spite, a bunch of bible thumping boomers voted based on muh aborshun, and Russia bought some Facebook ads. I’d say they have a right to be upset. At least the nationalists are proving why nationalism is stupid.

Trump ignored the seasonal flu, until some fraud epidemoligist and his (((scientific))) modeling got hyped by the media and it only cost us 6 trillion dollars and 3.3 million lost jobs.

Back to watching the Democrats loose 2020

Look i feel trump waited to long and didnt do enough. Had he shut all flights down back in jan, anyone entering 21 day quarantine, we wouldbt be in this mess. BUT had he done ANY of that, every libshit thats wining he didnt do enough would have been melting down about muh rights and muh tumps literally reincarnated hitler.

>comparing kung flu to an immediate sand monkey attack that killed 2000.
aight. how are these even comparable

I wonder how many Americans have died at the hands of foreigners since the free-for-all lawless bullshit started and no politician on either side ever even recommended to shut down immigration to protect us. But flu!!! Oh no!!!!

>did nothing
>epicenters of ghenghis coof are liberal shitholes
The man is a hero.

>Man fuck China for their terrible treatment of the Hong kong protestors
yeah the hk people were funded by CIA!!!!!
kys shill rat

Exactly, how can people spend all day on their phones connected to every single one of 330 million Americans by 2 degrees of separation, SEE NO ONE DYING FROM THIS, and not see that this is politicized. If there were extra-ordinary deaths from this, it would be absolutely everywhere and people
Would be losing their fucking minds. There is no hope for this country. “Hey guys. I got the covid. Feel fine. 0 symptoms. Felt a little tired yesterday but that’s it. Stay inside til October. This is serious!” -some celebrity, tomorrow probably

Since when has he cared about human rights? He didn’t want to disrupt his donors farming their cattle ... I.e. the economy.

>Some random ass virus is equivalent to a Mossad false flag attack that killed more in two hours than the virus has in over 3 months
Yea go drink bleach you fucking queermo

when he tried to do something you called him racist. no one forgot how the media and WHO said it was no big deal and to carry on as usual.

you're gonna 4 more years of Trump and you're gonna like it faggot, shilling will not work

What does this have ANYTHING to do with what i said

dilate tranny

What mess are we in? We had to shut everything down for the crybabies, and now we need to be super sensitive about opening it back up, again, for the cry babies. The left is unhinged. The only mess we’re in is the “science” mess that you idiots call truth and use as a crutch to legislate. The mess is that these same fallacies guide your thoughts on global warming. The mess is you. It must be cleansed with fire.

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Simple. You said all the libshits would complain. I was pointing out that he doesn’t care. So that wasn’t why he refused to take common sense steps to protect the country.

He didn't though. He wanted to restrict travel from China and people called him racist and stopped it.

You say that like every other executive action wasn’t slapped with injunction.

Low IQ confirmed. Here is your lollipop one please enter this gas chamber.

>the Russians are at it again

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Year after year, the CDC and WHO lie about the severity of pandemics, cross their fingers and hope no one notices how bad it gets. Trump went along with the program, and it got too bad to hide. Ever look at how the 1918 flu was downplayed until it couldn't be anymore?

>Closing the borders while the europoors have state sponsored "hug the Chinese" days is nothing

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this post is cancer from start to finish. Fuck sake

And its funny how history can be retconned to fuck and people start twisting shit. Goes to show that nearly everything is some shit version of the truth

Since when does the tangerine fatass care about being called racist? It was always about muh stonkerinos.

>Italy tells people to hug asians
>NY tells people to go to chinese new year parties

>These travel bans are just Trump's racist war against immigrants we must resist and overturn them build bridges not walls
>Omg why isn't Drumf restricting more travel. He just wants brown people here to die. And stop saying China Virus you racist
>Open borders and universal healthcare would have stopped this. Climate change and stuff

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None of these fuckwits ever supply a solution. What purpose do they serve?