Can someone give me context on this? Someone linked it in a discord so I seen it was

can someone give me context on this? Someone linked it in a discord so I seen it was
what the actual fuck?

Attached: 1585001505950.webm (1280x720, 2.79M)

Other urls found in this thread:

the chinese are disgusting tourists

here's your context:

Attached: 1559775817234.webm (482x434, 2.76M)

reversed video

CCP agents purposefully spreading the disease to make China look like they stopped the spread and can put out propaganda that the US and other counties have it much worse it's actually part of their playbook you can find it floating around in the ether probably in some of the coronavirus threads.

no it was a live stream

>cars and people not moving backwards

>he doesnt bless park benches he sits on with good luck snot

What are you, literally hitler or something?

Attached: 1557565576274.png (618x716, 208.34K)

Video thread of Chinese intentionally spreading the SARS-CoV2 Virus.

hitch on twitch
7 months ago.

They're Asian, that's what a lot of em do. The spitting is the worst.

>Someone linked it in a discord

Attached: 1582765751887.png (886x898, 719.1K)

Disgusting fucking shinks.

Attached: WinnieThEFlu.jpg (798x452, 106.3K)

>2nd video

What was that she threw onto the board?

5GW, Fifth Generation Warfare:
Non-State actors, controlled by the State via indirect and decentralized dead drops, with generalized non specific tasking and the target is unaware due to the attack being just below threshold of detection

Attached: 1585257044141 (1).jpg (1242x1553, 909.06K)


so this clip is 7 months old then?
thanks for the name


Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-26-12-12-30-1.png (800x803, 279.93K)

Attached: Typhoid Chong.png (2246x1336, 3.27M)

What the FUCK?

OP park bench webm is like a year old. Nice misinfromation campaign though dude.

just chinks being chinks

Attached: 1568204747086.webm (360x640, 726.66K)

There is even a report that a Chinese reporter with sniffles and fever tried to get into a white house press briefing

fucking bio warfare

The fact that the video is older than December doesn't contradict the fact that the filthy chinks have been waging a bio war against us, you fucking mongoloid

Attached: ETL9Z8iWAAM5n-h.jpg (724x1024, 212.58K)

Yes, it is what you think it is.

Basically a streamer was doing his typical stream or whatever and accidentally caught some chinks who are most likely positive with the virus spreading it to infect and kill others.

When a compilation video of all the CCP ordered chinks spreading covid on doorhandles, groceries, park benches, residential and office doors, and traveling to every place on earth to buy up (read : material denial) all essential supplies in western and ONLY western countries then when people overlay the map of Chinese good standing trad partners with covid outbreaks... the normies will demand no less than fucking Global Thermonuclear war... only the worlds load will all be pointed at one place, instead of eachother.

Why is it not exponentially increasing in Korea or Japan? Would it be that they are making up for the lost trade and are not getting the ccp operatives to lick every fucking toilet seat and spit on every bag of chips in the supermarket?

The backlash against even innocent Chinese will be biblical... you a

Attached: 1585242936591.jpg (588x960, 71.88K)

With out access to adult sized penises as young women they became mentally ill

>as young women
I wanna fuck a young chink in pantyhose

Attached: pantyhose-life-ruka-1-1.jpg (697x1072, 489.64K)

Around chinks, never blink.

Attached: 1566143843782.webm (202x360, 1.7M)

thas rite!

Attached: 1572917122454.webm (480x848, 1.96M)

me in the top right

Dafuq. No wonder. Even in flipland an animal carcass in the river is alarming.

even worse her umbrella is the same as the logo of a shanghai bio lab

Someone send these vids to China Uncensored

What the heck?!

Attached: 1582079430274.jpg (1026x1130, 456.63K)

Can we nuke these slanty eyed yellow bastards yet? They're obviously sub-human trash, worse than niggers.

It's a Twitch streamer whose stream gimmick is that he hitchhikes all over the world and broadcasts the whole experience. He's been traveling on foot for like 2 years. This video is almost a year old.

what live stream then... if you have information on the context and the follow up just fucking say it , this thread is there for this. wtf

Dinky doodle came to town
With a tiny asian noodle
He stuck an egg roll in his panst
And lied he had a penis

they were just testing the strain before

Wow man, why so racist, she's just having fun no harm

Canada was the worst hit western country during the SARS outbreak, this wasn’t the first time, just the first time caught on camera

yikes canacuck i don't care that much but it's a Twitch tv livestreamer by the name of Hitch, here's the link to the clip

Attached: 1575836063766.webm (544x960, 1.47M)

Niggas getting laid out by accident n sheeeit

I'm literally asking you faggot

so, is he a daddy, now?

Attached: 1557528189154.webm (384x560, 330.94K)

chinks do this in chicago chinatown as well. they like spreading germs on purpose. no joke.

That's just one instance of chinks chinking our shit.

he looks like he has downs or something though, the carer was clearly at faul for leaving him alone.

just a lil shit

Attached: JustAlilShit.jpg (2320x3088, 573.98K)

Attached: 1562539040241.webm (480x480, 2.52M)

Attached: 1577534891755.webm (276x480, 351.54K)

>he looks like he has downs
that's called an azun, user

Attached: 1569131015746.webm (480x640, 2.39M)

>looking like he has downs
The entire race is called mongoloid for a reason.

Is he okay?

Even better he is in his commie boy scout outfit

and it's a dirty chink: he never was OK

Attached: 1578302710698.webm (188x284, 560.68K)

Holy shit anons need to watch all of these this is fucking nuts. Absolutely subhuman. Is this archived with this site?

I'd think a human carcass should raise some sort of alarm-but it's China so-

Where's the long version--where no one even looks at the baby and some old woman nudges it with her toe?

don't know that one
have that other one as a consolation prize

Attached: 1557602937290.webm (206x368, 2.59M)

No, someone should archive it though. In fairness the chink bitch smearing her yellow snot on the park bench behind the twitch stream, is in-fact 7 months old. All the other videos in the link are from SARS-CoV2 timeline.

the explosiveness of that shit just exemplifies the severity of need

that shit is months old but glowniggers conveniently omit to mention that while they spread in on social media

How about all the other video evidence in this link, Chang?

chinks are good at explosions, I'll grant them that

Attached: 1555567034074.webm (642x360, 603.67K)

thanks for helping clarify this shit. I don't wanna jump down any fuckin rabbit holes.

Attached: 1553960473979.webm (1280x720, 1.16M)

Attached: 1570160340197.webm (400x224, 1.53M)

i wonder why she did it seriously. mental illness? ugly miserable old fucking bag and wanting to hurt others to feel good? i have cross path with such an old bitch in the city, she was comically nasty and resentful: the exact stuff that made people invent the concept of "witch".


Attached: chink eating foetus.jpg (602x299, 49.42K)

Holy shit, based chink.


have some pasta:
city siege in medieval chinkia
30,000 "people" city: 400 survivors
what happened to the missing 29,600 "people", ie 99% of the city?
cannibalism happened
ultimately, it amounts to the 400 survivors more or less directly eating 29,600 "people"
that amounts to 74 "people" eaten by each survivor
that's not exactly surviving anymore: let's do the math...
let's say the average medieval chink weighted 60kg, and about 30kg of meat could be had from each of them (and I'm being nice: you can be sure they ate everything, to the marrow)
that amounts to 30*74=2.22 tons of meat per survivor
the siege lasted 9 months
for each survivor, an amount of more than 8kg of "human" (chink) meat was consumed every day, in average
really, hunger, my ass: they were doing it for pleasure!
chinks have never been even remotely Human, still aren't, and never ever will be
they're dumber than niggers, filthier than pajeets, and even less trustworthy than jews

Attached: 1570573781690.webm (480x320, 2.75M)

Man, I fucking love this one. I think it's known on Yas Forums as "The Michael Bay - Chink WebM" lmao

It's a japanese girl ?

with chews you lose

they have irl benny hill too

Attached: 1570296437010.webm (640x366, 1.7M)

yeah, vileness is beaten early into them

Attached: 1554006152692.webm (856x480, 661.14K)
