ᛋᛋ Hello, and welcome to /nsg/+/sig/: National Socialism General + Self-Improvement General. ᛋᛋ
This is your one-stop-shop for every redpill known to Yas Forums.
This thread covers the discussion of topics such as:
·Fascist/NatSoc ideology
·Race Realism
·The Aryan Ideal
·Nationalism & Patriotism
·Racial Identity Movements
·Physical and Mental improvements
What are you waiting for? Improve yourself, comrades, community, and folk altogether!
>卐 - SMASH (((MARXISM)))
>But what really is National Socialism?
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/NSG/ + /SIG/
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Always good to see another /NSG/ thread. Hail, brothers.
Long/Short Term Solution for the Creation of a National Socialistm Movement in North America
National Socialist Food Banks
The Rust belt is dotted with herione filled shit holes where millions of our people live in little better then well maintained slums, the decaying concrete carcasses of factories crumbling around them.
These people have nothing and no one helping them, left friendless with the rise of the cosmopolitan left and the death of evangelical Christianity.
It is here we have the greatest opportunity to increase our numbers.
>When we deliver food to white families?
Swastika Arm bands on the the arms of the men carying the boxes
>When they come to the holl to pick up food?
Swastika on the wall.
>When they sit down for a meal?
A speech about exactly (((who))) is responsible for where they are.
In this we can turn the midwest and a great deal of the american south rural north east national socialist.
And from this we begin a legitimate Nat Soc movement in this country, shapping both elections and demographics in the process.
>The Aryan Ideal
OP is actually a neckbeard who lives with his parents doing bedroom propaganda.
Unfunniest joke I've seen lately
I'm sure you're just the fucking peak of socialite masculinity red.dit memeflag.
Is admixture ever acceptable? Obviously complete purity is ideal, but would you marry someone 99% white, such as an American with a single Native American ancestor? What if they were only 75% white? What if you were unlikely to have many children with anyone whiter? Are mostly-white children better than no children?
>>When we deliver food to white families?
>Swastika Arm bands on the the arms of the men carying the boxes
>>When they come to the holl to pick up food?
>Swastika on the wall.
>>When they sit down for a meal?
>A speech about exactly (((who))) is responsible for where they are.
How can we possibly expect to get away with this? Openly displaying the swastika like that, will cause chaos. How could we manage to have our movement survive while displaying the Swastika as openly as that? Because I know for certain that (((they))) will use everything in their power to stop that immediately, and they have a power that we shouldn't underestimate, let's be real.
Reminder that this thread is one of the most, if not THE most shilled, or attempted to be shilled threads on the entire board.
(((They))) hate when goyim try to self-improve and take the /SIG/-pill, and they certainly hate it when the goyim start getting interested in National Socialist philosophy and the true nature of the )ew. So a thread that combines these two things must, in their eyes, but shut down posthaste.
If you see any shill posts in this thread, flood their shitty posts with a wave of redpills so they get lost in it. This is the greatest thread series on Yas Forums, therefore we must cherish every individual /nsg/ thread.
Do your part. Amen and Hail, brothers.
Lets be honest the worldviews and ideologies that are popular amoung the masses only lead to political movements which the cordyceps thrive on.
This includes religious and atheistic ideologies. This is why nationalist lose in the political arena. All ideologies lead to the benefit of international jewry and it’s whore Israel. So what is the solution for this?
I say the solution is simple we must understand our enemy’s tactics and follow the true unadulterated Aryan ideology as our metaphysics to ensure a healthy political movement.
The Objective is to pass on as much of your genetic material as possible user.
If you are 90 percent white you should mary a girl who is also 90 percent white
75 percent should marry 75
If you're a mutt with a bunch of different genetics combined you should look for a made with roughly the same admixture.
This will allow you to be evolutionarily succesful as a biological organism which is the objective purpose of all biological life.
You are meant to survive and reproduce your genes and help those with the same genes also survive and reproduce as this furthers the survival of yourself on the most fundimental level
Your genetic make up.
Whatever hand fate deals you you should work towards this ideal to the best of your ability and embrace it.
Understanding and embracing this inherent function of life is the bedrock of National Socialism.
A Nationless-State no longer manages the affairs of the host nation, but is a government that lives off the nation’s labor and industrial accomplishments at the nation’s expense. It enslaves the nation, blames the nation and ultimately destroys the nation.
The Nationless-State is to be understood as control of the state by a foreign nation or multiple foreign nations. What it is not, is a state working on its own accord. This is due to the fact that a state is just a tool used by a nation and the direction of the state is determined by who is wielding it. The source of power for the Nationless-State is its ability to sow division in the nation.
From the laziness and inability of a nation to do their own work came slavery.
When a nation doesn’t have the ability to conquer and enslave with their own standing armies, they will use a foreign nation’s army. When a nation wishes to dominate the strongest nation, they will need to conquer that nation by division.
To subjugate a people, their state must be weaponized and made the agent that enacts the division. Once the state has been weaponized the foundation of a nation must be fractured and be prevented from returning to one piece. When the nation has had their foundation completely divided, the enslavement of that people reaches its acme. The only cure for the Nationless-State is the abolition of state sponsored division!
>How can we possibly expect to get away with this?
By forcing the kikes to either let us keep going or shut down literal food shipments to starving white families.
In the age of the internet that in and of itself would be a propaganda win.
The Jew has no good strategic options if we do this.
>Openly displaying the swastika like that, will cause chaos. How could we manage to have our movement survive while displaying the Swastika as openly as that?
Because we will rebranding it.
And with good reason.
Any movement which seriously looks at the ills of the world and towards the betterment of our people is inevitably going to be labeled "National Socialist" as for
True objective good will inevitably be labeled national socialism; because it is
Our attempts to better our peoples position will inevitably lead us to conflict with the (((powers that be))) that label anything that opposes them "Nazism"
We should accept from the get go we will be called "Nazis" no matter what we do
All we can do is make that NOT a bad thing.
Compete for some space in the hearts and minds of our people when they se swastika
Force them to think of something OTHER then holocaust when they se it
Such as for instance, National Socialist foot soldiers giving their children food.
If we appeal to the truly the poor?
The truly destitute?
The truly desperate?
They will be thankful for it, and they will follow us.
This has been true for all revolutionary movements since the dawn of time.
State sponsored division is the means by which the Nationless-State has enslaved and continues to dominate the host nation. The foreign nations that benefit from the labor of the nation can only be stopped once the Nationless-State is vanquished. For this to happen the abolition of state sponsored division must take place!
With the abolition of state sponsored division the nation will be able to take back control of the state and stop the foreign nations from reaping the rewards of their labor. The nation will be able once again to manifest its own destiny. In other words the people, will be free from foreign domination.
Where must the abolition of state sponsored division begin? With identity!
Why? The foundation of a Nation is culture and ideology. Without ideology there is no nation. Without identity you cannot communicate whose culture. Before the foundation can be laid you must first pick the ground you wish to lay the foundation upon. The ground dictates what type of foundation can be used. People are different and they dictate culture. As with choosing an area for the foundation you must also identify the people from which the nation is grown.
My people must forge a new nation. My people are nationless. They have become so divided that they are agents of the Nationless-State. The division has been so ingrained into their minds that the majority act as if we are the cause of all the problems. The enslavement of my people is at its acme. There is nothing left to divide but their identity. The old nations were destroyed and exposed to be ineffectual and false.
This is why reforming an old nation is not good enough and forming a new nation is needed. A new nation formed out of truth and the labor of its own people is the way forward.
The Nationless-State implements state sponsored division on the people because it fears the host nation. It is only by our hands that justice can have might. Therefore we demand the basic right that all nations have, to forge our own path and establish the following to achieve this goal:
Establish a school of thought with a form of philosophy based on ancestral roots with the scientific methods of study found today. Once this step is complete a culture is fully identified.
Establish an ideology formed on the origin of the people and the school of thought. The religion must be evidence based. By forming an ethno-religion you set up citadel which defends the people from state sponsored division and it is the start of the new Nation.
Build a network of communities where local government can be controlled and resources can be utilized by the nation. At this stage the Nationless-State’s ability to sow division will be limited.
Develop industry and infrastructure to become independent from foreign Nations.
The abolition of state sponsored division. The nation will have won the ideological war and it will choose how to end the Nationless-State. This can be done several ways. They can develop a state in a new land. They can take the original state back and use it to purge all foreign nations. They can start a civil war and claim territory within the Nationless-State. How this will be accomplished is up to the Nation.
Why has nothing been done? Many movements have attempted to end the Nationless-State, but these movements never understood what they were fighting. A failure to fully understand the tactics of state sponsored division lead to these movements destroying themselves. The division is not an arbitrary day to day conflict. It is a prime premise that influences the majority of your beliefs on how the world works. Because people believe these prime premises and they are different from other prime premises you will not agree with your own people. This divides the people from within their own movement. As soon as the leader or the common ground keeping them together is gone that movement will turn on themselves due to having different prime premises.
Today, we are not allowed to say who we are in public without some sort of repercussion. Simply discussing our history makes many of us feel a false shame. The only time we can talk about our identity is as if our culture is not ours but an idea that belongs to everyone. Because of the continued conditioning forced upon us we have become a nationless people. We fight in wars we are against. Our labor is used to feed over 70% of the world against our will. Our industries are taken from us by the Nationless-State and divided up amongst foreign nations. Every social media platform we use is owned by a foreign nation. If you want to bring real change to these real problems then abandon your brittle alliances and cut ties with the problem.
The most important thing you can do for yourself and your race is keep your own life in order. You can and must become focused, disciplined, reliable, and, to the greatest possible extent, happy. Do people in your life tend to trust and respect you? What does your family think of you? Are you capable of raising self reliant children? If you can't achieve such things for yourself, then the chances are very high that you are not ready to make a difference in the world, either online or in real life. Because how can you make a real difference for the race, for the lives of many, if you can't even make anything of your own, individual life?
Always remember: we live in first world countries and have opportunities that most people born on this planet don't. Things aren't as good for us as they were for our parents. But billions of people in the third world would still kill to have the opportunities that you do right now. So take care of yourself! Work your ass off, every day, to build a good life for you, and for your family. Clear your mind of self destructive thoughts, be nice to yourself, and keep yourself focused on realistic goals. Work hard, but also do fun and wholesome things with real people, in real life. That's very important. Never let anything from a screen take away from your real life
Nationless- State divides by attacking three aspects
1. Primal needs – securing a mate and a future for your posterity
2. Ideology – The basic premises in which we infer conclusions from
3. Culture – a groups genetic predisposition to behave a certain way.
The first way they attack, is they set up the haves and haves not. They use Pavlov conditioning techniques to keep people inline with the looming threat of being cut off from wealth and resources and the prospect of gaining great wealth and resources.
The second is they control the discourse and only present false narratives on history, spirituality, and science. This leads to mass confusion on why things aren’t working. This allows the foreign nation to continue to steal from our people.
Third way is through multiculturalism. By having competing cultures you have a constant struggle over the state which allows the false priest to continue to maintain power.
It is a fact that genes determine how well a person will do in any given environment. But how does that work?
Our genes determines how we perceive everything. An example of this is the blue and dark blue dress argument. The reason why some saw it as White and gold is genetics. All of our senses and how our brains process the data collected from our senses is dictated by our genetics.
The way we can measure this is by genetic distance.
Genetic Distance is done by counting the alleles between two people. Every allele found is one point. The greater the genetic distance the greater the difference in perception.
Humans only can react to the data we get from our senses. if two people receive the same sense data but they have a high difference in genetic distance we will perceive it way differently so we will react way different. This leads to us having different feelings toward things. Causing a difference in culture. Which other racial groups don’t understand.
To give an example of two Whites genetic distance comparing a Englishman and a Dutchman there is a 21 point difference. When comparing a Englishman and sub-Saharan African Bantu man there is a 2288 point difference.
This explains why Germans, English, French, Scandinavians, aka Europeans came to America and assimilated quite easily and within one generation. But is also explains why Blacks, Asians, and Hispanics have not assimilated. There is too much or a genetic distance which means too much of a difference in perception. Every person can adapt to survive but when they get into groups they start terra forming the environment around them to meet their cultural needs. This is why multiculturalism is a failed state.
multiculturalism = a nationless state
The different groups fight for power over the state to terra form it. It is obvious that the different cultures cannot be ruled under one state without destruction of the other nations.
That is why faggot bitch ass jannies keep deleted NSG + SIG threads.
Where do we start?
We start at ideology. Ideology includes identity. So we will start with who we are.
Are we Nazis?
Are we capitalist?
Are we Marxist?
Are we Christian?
The greatest problem my people have is that they identify with behavior and ideological conclusions instead of the cause of behavior and the cause of ideological conclusions.
When I was younger and in middle school there was a race war or fight between the Hispanics and the Blacks after school. Nothing horrible came of it, but there was about 100 people that showed up together to defend their people.
A few months later there was another mass fight or war between Mexicans and skaters.
Based and Overman Pilled.
Now I wasn’t a skater so I didn’t participate. I also thought it was weird that these two groups were fighting each other. I assumed anyone could skate regardless of race.
Do you know the demographics of the skaters?
They were White. So this was a race war and the Mexicans who were skaters chose to fight against the skaters. At the time I notice the clear distinction, but I still believed this wasn’t about race because they identify as skaters. Even Mexicans accused me of fighting on the side of the skaters. I assured them I wasn’t because I wasn’t a skater. When I responded with this they had this bewildered look on their face, as if they were dealing with cognitive dissonance. It wasn’t until years later that I understood why they acted and gave the look they did when I gave that response. I never denied my racial identity, but I didn’t understand that skater, in this situation, was implicit for White. The Hispanics got it, but us Whites didn’t. This experience, and others, taught me the problem we face as a people. We identify as skaters, Christians, gamers, hipsters, zoomers, boomers, etc. But we don’t identify with who we are. All of these identities are not objective they are social constructs. They are the behavioral outcomes that mask our racial identity. The cause of culture isn’t the outcomes, it is our collective genetics, it’s our race. This is what my people need to learn.
We aren’t Christian.
We aren’t gamers.
We aren’t skaters.
卐 PASTEBIN - pastebin.com
Holocaust Handbooks
National Socialism
The New Order: Collateral Reading
Northwest Front
>Dysgenics: Genetic Deterioration in Modern Populations
We are Aryans!
Hispanics and Blacks understand they are Hispanic and Black.
They know these are hobbies and beliefs and not identity.
We as a people must get rid of false identities and we must understand we are a product of our ancestors. We perceive the world a certain way because we received certain variants of genes that the other groups don’t share. Our identity is the cause of our behavior and logical conclusions about our beliefs, because our genes dictate how we perceive everything, even how we interrupt concepts.
If our objective identity or true identity is our race, then what are we called and why?
In the modern tongue today we are called Aryan. Why? Because we descend from a person who’s name is FRYA.
Aryan in the original tongue is pronounced Frea-jian or Fryan. We know this account because of written word and transmission from older times. In a manual script called the Oera Linda Book there is a Hymn in it that predates the all other writings of our people.
The Hymn tells us that FRYA is the Great Mother of our people and from Her all Whites descend from. This Hymn is back up by other manual scripts.
Debunked science copypasta general it is
卐 - Jews in High Places
>Blood Passover - Rabbi Ariel Toaff
>200 Years together by Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
>Germany Must Perish by Kaufman
>The Soul of a Jew and the Soul of a Non-Jew
>Rome and Jerusalem by Moses Hess
>The Jewish Century by Yuri Slezkine
>You Gentiles by Maurice Samuels
>Steinlight: 'The Jewish Stake in America's Changing Democracy'
Two manual scripts that date back to 1500 BCE. The Khorda Avesta and the Avesta Yasna. In the Oera Linda Book it has an historical account where a contingent of Aryans or Fryans left Europe around 1600 BCE. They made their way to a place called Ira (Iran) with Tyrian sailors and families. As you can see the Khorda Avesta and the Avesta Yasna (see pics) backs the migration of the Aryans who left Europe around 1600 BCE. These passages backs this because it mentions the Fryans and the Tyrians together. The Hymn and the historical account in the Oera Linda Book are found on pages 19 and 61. campbellmgold.com
In Iraq today the descendants of the small contingent who left Europe are called the Yazidi. Even though they mixed with the Tyrians they were able to preserve their Aryan genetics by practicing an ethno-Religion that only allowed to be born into the group forbidding converts.
This shows the genetic link and the oral as well as the written link. This tells without a doubt who we are and who is our first Ancestor.
>debunked science
stay salty cu.ckold.
My great-grandfathers killed all nazis and fucked all nazi whores out there.
Nazis got fucked up by literally random farmers and bydlo workers.
The most miserable ideology that can't sustain itself and survive more than 20 years.
Now that we know our true identity and why, we can now start a Nation from our people.
A White person is an Aryan that has disgraced their origin. It is time to follow our way. We must form a new Aryan Nation. To be apart of this New Nation you must be of the same race shown in the pic and you must accept the covenant of FRYA.
卐 - Jews and the Porn Industry
> Nathan Abrams on Jews in the Porn Industry
> The Jewish Masters of Porn
> Pornography, sex slaves, prostitution… Why are these businesses dominated by Jews?
> Jewish Porn Star James Deen–“The Jews know we’re better than everyone else. That’s all that matters. It’s true. We’re the Chosen People. It’s a fact.”
> Interracial Porn Isn't Profitable
>Jewish Professor of American History at Aberdeen University in UK, Prof. Nathan Abrams. He boasts that Jews were the driving force of the modern pornographic industry and that their motivation is in part to destroy Gentile morals.
Aryan Covenant
Prosperity awaits the free. At last they shall see me again. Through Him only can I recognize as free who is neither a slave to another nor to himself. This is my counsel:—
1. When in dire distress, and when mental and physical energy avail nothing, then have recourse to the spirit of Wr-alda; but do not appeal to him before you have tried all other means, for I tell you beforehand, and time will prove its truth, that those who give way to discouragement sink under their burdens.
2. To Wr-alda’s spirit only shall you bend the knee in gratitude—thricefold—for what you have received, for what you do receive, and for the hope of aid in time of need.
3. You have seen how speedily I have come to your assistance. Do likewise to your neighbour, but wait not for his entreaties. The suffering would curse you, my maidens would erase your name from the book, and I would regard you as a stranger.
4. Let not your neighbour express his thanks to you on bended knee, which is only due to Wr-alda’s spirit. Envy would assail you, Wisdom would ridicule you, and my maidens would accuse you of irreverence.
5. Four things are given for your enjoyment—air, water, land, and fire—but Wr-alda is the sole possessor of them. Therefore my counsel to you is, choose upright men-who will fairly divide the labor and the fruits, so that no man shall be exempt from work or from the duty of defense.
6. If ever it should happen that one of your people should sell his freedom, he is not of you, he is a bastard. I counsel you to expel him and his mother from the land. Repeat this to your children morning, noon, and night, till they think of it in their dreams.
Contributions always appreciated bro
7. If any man shall deprive another, even his debtor, of his liberty, let him be to you as a vile slave; and I advise you to burn his body and that of his mother in an open place, and bury them fifty feet below the ground, so that no grass shall grow upon them. It would poison your cattle.
8. Meddle not with the people of Lyda, nor of Finda, because Wr-alda would help them, and any injury that you inflicted on them would recoil upon your own heads.
9. If it should happen that they come to you for advice or assistance, then it behoves you to help them; but if they should rob you, then fall upon them with fire and sword.
10. If any of them should seek a daughter of yours to wife, and she is willing, explain to her her folly; but if she will follow her lover, let her go in peace.
11. If your son wishes for a daughter of theirs, do the same as to your daughter; but let not either one or the other ever return among you, for they would introduce foreign morals and customs, and if these were accepted by you, I could no longer watch over you.
12. Upon my servant Vesta I have placed all my hopes. Therefore you must choose her for Folk Mother. Follow my advice, then she will hereafter remain my servant as well as all the sacred maidens who succeed her. Then shall the lamp which I have lighted for you never be extinguished. Its brightness shall always illuminate your intellect, and you shall always remain as free from foreign domination as your fresh river-water is distinct from the salt sea.
Those who accept their true identity and accept the Aryan covenant can join me and form a nation that will defeat the nationless-state.
Hail victory borthers
Are German baby-boomers communist rape-babies? That would really explain a lot.
>be a fag
>unironically go on Yas Forums for something other than memes and operations
>die alone in moms basement
>By forcing the kikes to either let us keep going or shut down literal food shipments to starving white families
I don't think they would care if that happened, although it would be an optical win for our side
>We should accept from the get go we will be called "Nazis" no matter what we do
>All we can do is make that NOT a bad thing.
>Compete for some space in the hearts and minds of our people when they se swastika
>Force them to think of something OTHER then holocaust when they se it
>Such as for instance, National Socialist foot soldiers giving their children food.
That sounds wonderful, and I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but I must say that that's certainly easier said than done. They will not accept our food and gifts in the beginning. There's only one question about this, and it's how to make them accept our offerings and listen to us for even 1 second in the beginning.
According to eye for an eye, we had to starve munich to the death of 70% population, wipe out whole berlin, enslave most of population and colonize 2/3 of germany while leaving only Holstein and Shlezwig and several other states to german puppet states, everything else - for slavs and russians.
But we for some reason pretended to be "civil" and didn't do anything really that impressive.
Sometimes I regret about it a bit.
Also, nazis are immoral cucks without families, money or future and 90iq average.
Nazis are literally niggers. Same stupidity and anti-social behaviour
I saw a video yesterdays thread that was broken down into 3 parts. It had nice inspirational music and was partly animated with clips of hitler. It was probably one of the greatest things I've ever seen. Anyone have the souce?
I do not know of the videos of which you speak, but you could check out Triumph of the Will for aesthetic rallies and moving speeches.
Some are but most are just liberalized cucks who've had "muh greatest genocide" shoved down their throats for the last 80 fucking years.
The Kikes kinda went hogwild on the propaganda dump after Germany ALMOST freed europe from jewish tyranny and has basically spent the last few decades peverting Germany into a Suicidal deathcult willing to sacrifice its children for the sake of "past sins"
If you want to really know just how sick and ironic it all is i suggest you watch Hellstorm.
>I don't think they would care if that happened, although it would be an optical win for our side
Depends how many cameras were on them user
Never forget the FIRST industry the jews made sure they had pinned down after Finance; the press.
Control of the Narative is a powerful thing
And in the Age of the Internet it a much less controlled force in general.
>That sounds wonderful, and I don't want to be a stick in the mud, but I must say that that's certainly easier said than done.
Of course it is.
Everything worth doing usually sounds good and is hard.
>They will not accept our food and gifts in the beginning. There's only one question about this, and it's how to make them accept our offerings and listen to us for even 1 second in the beginning.
Bro i dont want to make assumptions about you but if you think they're arent people in this country who wouldnt accept food from ANYONE you dont understand how bad it is in parts of the nation.
They're are places in Michigan, places in Ohio, places in Tennessee, Kentucky and alabama where people, white people, are so fucking hungry and so fucking poor that they literally have lost every ounce of prejudice to ANYTHING they ever had and will litterally take whatever they can fucking get.
it is in one of these places we need to set up in the begining.
They WILL be open to us IF we go to them.
idk these sort of fit your description though