Is he the new Rothchild?

>Bill Gates calling for nationwide shutdown for 6-10 weeks on CNN townhall.

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Other urls found in this thread:

no he's based. His program for vaccines for Africa is tanking their birth rate.

Actually, he is a nigger.

He has 12 days left maximum


he's the old musk that's never been humbled, while being all the silver spoon gifted shit people try to put down trump for. pretty sure his wife is the real driving force in his life otherwise he'd be out being the true assclown he is.

>Those digits
Terry was right

>no he's based

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He can lick the soldiers boots at gitmo

Back to work, and faggots. Spread it far and spread it wide.

I thought that he was going to be a pessimist/alarmist however he seems to be very logical and level-headed. It almost sounds as though he thinks this pandemic is a big nothingburger and our lives will return to normal shortly.

He was always a subhuman sephardic, jewing the software industry and pushing his garbage products into normies.

>the guy that constantly talks about reducing the world population wants us to keep safe from this latest outbreak
What is his endgame? He wants a "vaccine" to be developed and used before people have become naturally immune?

he has always been a known satanist

Look up ID2020

Hillary Clinton is calling for a 2 month shut down of the entire country as well...

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If that is the case, during his town hall on CNN right now he talked about how this pandemic is nothing in comparison with the one that may occur in the future where millions will perish.


>reducing the world population
He could turn his billions on reducing Africa's population, but he'd rather cure them so they can breed more

This guy is into human depopulation so they can bring about an order in which pedophilia & eating children is normalized.

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He acts like a kike and looks like one, too, but his bio says he's white. I wish it weren't true. Do you have evidence he's a legit kike?



Does he have a femdom fetish? He seems like he does. Many of these multibillionaires do (Zuckerberg, Bezos, etc.)

Here we go again. Another schizo thread rev up those pictures of ebil chet hanks and ellen conspiracies please

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Reducing SPECIFIC population, user.

Noticing a recent string of celebrities "dying of coronavirus"?

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Gates is nothing compared with Musk.

He's a marginally above-average guy who just happened to get into the right business at the right time to make an enormous amount of money. He just sits on his huge fortune, occasionally flailing around uselessly with random feel-good humanitarian projects in the third world, but he's never tried to really do anything worthwhile because he has no vision.

With less than half as much money, Musk has revolutionized the car industry and built a small fleet of privately owned space ships that are more advanced than anything the government has been able to create. Think what Gates could have done if he wasn't such a boring Boomer fag?

>literally trying to bring the Mark of the Beast system to reality

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Why does anyone care about what some computer nerd thinks?

>believes jewish fairy tales
user... you aren't going to make it...

His parents worked in typical kike shit and pushed him into big contacts with corporations, he looks like a kike, has a generic kike last name, ...
It's very hard for this crap to not be a kike.

Probably he has hook nosed anglo relatives, which are kikes LARPing as europeans.

in Vince McMahon voice

>"fairy tale" about end of the world written thousands of years ago
>matches exactly what's happening now
>"fairy tale"

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>Shut it down until my goyim tracking serum that makes you sicker is complete!

I hope someone offs this guy, in Minecraft, of course.

woah didn't know i clicked on r/atheism


bill gates needs to run into a burning building

>Does he have a femdom fetish?

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what year are you living in?

He’s trying to hype up the virus and make it a big panic so he can roll out his ID2020 as mandatory vaccination, which will be linked to your “digital identity” and your “digital wallet”, which is why the elite are trying to roll out a nation cryptocurrency to link with out digital wallets in order to force society to get chipped with ID2020 in order to buy & sell things. Weirdly enough it all matches with Revelations’ “Mark of the Beast”.

No, it doesn't, jews change the "anti-christ and mark of the beast of the week" all the time to scare rednecks.

Consider the following: Get rid of Bill Gates, Corona Chan will disappear.

In 2 weeks from 2 weeks from now after another 2 weeks following 2 more weeks, you'll all see.

Attached: MUH 2 WEEKS.jpg (490x267, 40.7K)

Reminder that elite high-tech-military-spy Mossad now have access to all of the Pentagon's data, because of Microsoft's recent contract for the Pentagon's cloud security

>Adallom is a cloud security company based in Menlo Park, California. It secures enterprise software-as-a-service (SaaS) application usage, audits user activity, and protects employees and digital assets from threats in real time.[1] Adallom was reportedly acquired by Microsoft for $320 million in July 2015.[2][3] The Adallom product was rebranded as Microsoft Cloud App Security (MCAS) and announced in general availability as of April 2016.[4]

>Adallom was founded in 2012 by Assaf Rappaport, Ami Luttwak and Roy Reznik, who are former members of the Israeli Intelligence Corps’ Unit 8200 [pic related] and alumni of the Talpiot program

Also see:

>Bill Gates: Israeli tech ‘changing the world’
>rumors have swirled for years that major parts of the operating system were developed in Israel, something the company has confirmed although it has never specified just which components of Windows are “Israeli.” Gates, who does know, wasn’t telling either, but he was “very happy” to wish the Microsoft Israel R&D center a happy 25th anniversary.

>10 great reasons why Microsoft loves Israeli ingenuity

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He know he wanted to enslave you right? Dumbass.

And all data on Google, Facebook, Whatsapp, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, NSA mass spying, fusion centers and every other crap full of jews and golems.

No, he's good. Yas Forums doesn't understand biology, epidemiology, nor demography (despite screeching demographics are destiny) and Bill does. 6-10 weeks shut down is a good idea.

So he's doing a deliberate reenactment of prophecy, because it's a fairy tale? OK fedora.

They should constantly give him neural software updates. Just fuck with him till he blue screens.

He made windows 98...aka Windows BSOD edition. Therefore, hes completely incompetent and incapable of critical planning.

He is also on the record multiple times saying we need vaccines and a lower population.


Gates told Reddit that US citizens will eventually get a documentable "pass" that confirms if they are infected or not, or have received his vaccine.

The "pass" Gates mentions is already designed, it will be an invisible "tattoo" on the skin scanned by an electronic device or smartphone app. After the tattoo comes the chip under the skin. This is not a joke. Gates is a eugenicist, as his father was, on par with Hitler with different aesthetics and ideology.

And you see, Jews will receive a waiver from the tattoo and chip due to the claim of Holocaust trauma enforced by a phalanx of Jewish attorneys and lobbies. But if plebs don't get the tattoo? Your travel privileges and UBI and social standing will be demoted or taxed. This is called Agenda 21.

remember this is the guy who greenlit abominations like Microsoft Bob, IE, Windows Server, 98, Vista, etc

he's not rothschild material

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It's martial law faggot wake up

Nice post. Reminder that 2020 vision is seen through the all-seeing eye, like the one on the Israel Supreme Court pyramid built by Dorothy Rothschild.

5G being installed en masse during the quarantines, cashless society around the corner, and ID2020. All at the same time, wonder why?

What is the fourth industrial revolution?

By using internet and web inteconnectivity, they are not only datamining your info and predicting your activities by exploiting cognitive bias, They are also implanting ideas in our minds (through social media) based on what they already know, thus creating a feedback loop of what we defined as "artificial synchronicity" with a "background AI". Have you ever thought of a certain topic, or song, and some days later it gets recommended as a youtube video, or appears as a newsfeed on your social media home page?
5G and similar technologies will be the start of the beta testing.

>inb4 it doesn't read your mind, it just gathers massive data from your microphones, cameras, GPS location, significant others and browsing history and predicts your actions based on virtual models
No's still spooky. The Mic is always on, the camera is always on, who's reading it all? background AI's...

>Worst case scenario, their endgame:
Imagine having sensors in your body able to send your biometric information to these AI's, GPS always on, your body will just become another interconnected device. Even yourt thoughts can be digitalized and isolated to be identified (check sources), such as if they could read your mind. 1984 would look like a joke when compared to this level of absolite totalitarian control.


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Has lots of money

Sources, read them before starting with the schizo bullshit. Just read them.
Nanowire probes could drive high-resolution brain-machine interfaces
Injectable device delivers nano-view of the brain
Brain/machine interfase
"God is in the network" according to syntheists
Actual evidence of spooky experiment to control behaviour through electromagnetic waves
They can isolate and identify what parts of your brain work when you think certain things
The camera is always on
why 5G is mostly a network for "background procesess"...most of the "RAM" is taken by background AI's
A method for single-neuron chronic recording from the retina in awake mice

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