So he actually has severe dementia

Holy shit I thought it was just a funny meme

"I'm going to, Barack significantly increase the number of Pell grants that're out there. A Pell grant is a family, basically, less than 50,000 dollars, you're able to get a, at the time, it was less than 6, but he raised it to 6000 dollars."

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Other urls found in this thread:

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Say that to our FACE you pony faced CUNT

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wtf im riden with biden now


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Every time Biden does an interview there's a new clip of him acting demented. It's truly a gift.

>she did not ride with the Bide

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Every time

He's Abe Simpson.

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Even better is that Biden only has the nomination because he "gets the black vote". From now on democratic contests are entirely decided by how much a candidate appeals to knuckle-dragging brainlet shitskins and nothing else.

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He's either speaking in code or being forced to act like a retard to avoid dying in actual ignominy.

Not dementia, he's using subliminal messaging to get black votes.

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You retards can't understand? He just recorded five new messages for his snapchat, taken out of order. He's super efficient on time, so he just streamlined them. Yeah, didn't think you retards were keeping up.

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there’s absolutely no chance he will win at this point

If he gets the nomination he will just pass it to the VP, I can't imagine any different situation except if zion don winning


I dunno if it is dementia... maybe his heart is simply failing and it cannot pump enough oxygen rich blood into his brain. This campaign is putting immense strain on this elderly man.

Regardless he's senile and will get wrecked on the debate stage

Oh, she took the ride, user, held down and bucking, but she went for the full ride. Then he slapped her and asked her to step outside and settle it like men.

Who's the VP tho?

Nope. I think the whole reason the Dems let out the virus was to ensure that there would be no real time debate between their chosen on and Trump.

But seriously we can't let this madman get the Pell Codes.

Hillary Clinton



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Listen here PDF, how do I Jack?

I don't know

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Bravo leaf ! That was gold.

I think you're right because he recently said something along the lines of "we have had enough debates" to bernie

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Listen up, Fat. Stop talking shit or me and mine will fucking wreck you, Jack. And that's the only news fit to print. Bides, OUT!

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Fuck you Rebbinstein, Biden is a true Aryan leader

The coronavirus situation is too dynamic for him to handle, it's a disaster for his campaign. He's really only capable of reciting pre-written talking points from his advisors. This pandemic is unprecedented and is gonna expose his limited mental capacity. It's sad really.

Is this shooped? now way thats real wtf

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kek the two guys

Biden should have just took pic related and he wouldn't have the IQ of mashed potatoes right now

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I think so too but how amazing would this timeline be if he was playing the long con and is completely lucid.
Trump would still destroy him on rhetoric alone but it would be a great moment.

This is peak delusion.

Listen here, Jack. Back in my day the colored folks couldn't get grants so they'd have to go downtown for unemployment, okay? They'd wait for Obamacare because we didn't have healthcare back then and the coloreds weren't allowed to visit a hospital unless they had a postcard. So my friend Obama is going to get that fixed up so that we can make all people give... equal rights and... you know... the thing!

he needs the nigger vote so his VP will be Aunt Jemima

I kind of get what he’s saying. To be fair, this could just be any other person tripping over his words.

>Iam going to increase the number of Pell grants. A Pell grant is basically, less than 50000$.

Why is it when people on Twitter and Reddit talk about politics, they try to sound elitist instead of just getting right down to what they want to say?

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At this point, I'd enjoy the entertainment

>How will bernie's plan actually work?
>Nah! that's not the problem. you're just an idiot.

You hit on the dnc plan. Now, who are the likely veeps? Hillary, Kamala, ...?

This is dumb, there are far better examples of Biden being clearly lost. He left out some words, but seemed to be trying to say it applies to families with income under $50K and that the grant was raised to $6K.

Don't waste efforts on this one - it's too "gotcha" and there is much better material available.

LOL imagine this retarded pedo slipping up on the live debates. He might even start rambling about how he's raped child sex slaves. We must make it happen, it will be hilarious and Trump will easily crush him.

Yeah I understood it too but I can also understand his other "Bidenisms" which kind of feels scary to me.

She thinks that Twitter and plebbit are representative of real life. They're not even close

Likely someone dark

so glad bernie is losing the nom again.

I truly admire the ustater's patriotism that prefer a senile funny old man over a communist jew

Maybe he's faking dementia to get out of going to prison for sexual assault.

Dementia is a symptom, you just described cardiovascular related dementia. Doesn’t matter why tho. End result is always tardation.

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What’s the con? Make everyone thing you’re a Tard and then lose an election?

It literally is every time now. He set up his unnecessary green screen studio yesterday and went on a media blitz and every single one was a disaster.

also this jej

I like when he's trying to talk straight and presidential then when he goofs he breaks character and starts his cringe street talk like oh man listen jack

Yeah that’s so much worse than Trump
> “Look, having nuclear — my uncle was a great professor and scientist and engineer, Dr. John Trump at MIT; good genes, very good genes, OK, very smart, the Wharton School of Finance, very good, very smart — you know, if you’re a conservative Republican, if I were a liberal, if, like, OK, if I ran as a liberal Democrat, they would say I’m one of the smartest people anywhere in the world — it’s true! — but when you’re a conservative Republican they try — oh, do they do a number — that’s why I always start off: Went to Wharton, was a good student, went there, went there, did this, built a fortune — you know I have to give my like credentials all the time, because we’re a little disadvantaged — but you look at the nuclear deal, the thing that really bothers me — it would have been so easy, and it’s not as important as these lives are — nuclear is so powerful; my uncle explained that to me many, many years ago, the power and that was 35 years ago; he would explain the power of what’s going to happen and he was right, who would have thought? — but when you look at what’s going on with the four prisoners — now it used to be three, now it’s four — but when it was three and even now, I would have said it’s all in the messenger; fellas, and it is fellas because, you know, they don’t, they haven’t figured that the women are smarter right now than the men, so, you know, it’s gonna take them about another 150 years — but the Persians are great negotiators, the Iranians are great negotiators, so, and they, they just killed, they just killed us, this is horrible.”

Obviously edited video is obvious

She's just a Bernie supporter, that's all. Guess the Jude has to go down to a mud fight with doctored videos because no one wants a commie who hates everything the US has done in the last 50 years as president.


They never learn. They never fucking learn.

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it's like electing reagan knowing he's already gone

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That's just a conspiracy theory goyim.

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I think the DNC is going to kick Biden out and replace him with Hillary or some other clown CNN is pushing into the limelight.

Stacy (((Abrahms)))

>entirely baseless

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Biden has recently had a stroke. He sound like he has mush mouth now and a lisp. This is exactly how my grandpa sounded after a stroke.

Okay, this is fake. Watch his mouth at the first 1-2 second mark. Yes hes going crazy with old we dont need fake media to create a double narrative on the subject.



the nomination is crooked. bernie would have been much more fun as trump opponent.

He's not acting, he has dementia.

He doesn't want to run, he's being forced to.. I'll never vote democrat but damn do I feel bad for the guy for going through the torment