Who here investing their Trumpbux? Is it a good time to get into the stock market?

Who here investing their Trumpbux? Is it a good time to get into the stock market?

t. graduate student

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do i get bux if im neet?
asking for a friend

do i get corona bux if im on ssi


jesus christ get a fucking job you parasite. how do you look in the mirror every morning and not realize how much of a waste of life you are? go mop a floor if you have no other talent, go clean a toilet if you have to. theres dignity in work

Gonna go to Thailand with my Trumpbux.

you know SSI means im disabled and cant work, right? i also have talent, i just am such a disabled mess i cant properly utilize it

Buying me some ETFs and mutual funds

I get no Trumpbux because my parents claim me as a dependent. If only I was born one year older...

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Lol what’s your talent?

whats your disability, youre a fat fuck?

I can do a bunch of things like 3D modelling, programming and stuff. Just computer things is all, I can't draw or animate but the rest is in my range of doability.
That said I still can't function as a normal human being.
Shoulder instability in my right shoulder, hurts like a bitch some days, just aches. Hypermobility every joint fucking pops and lightly aches some days.
Plethora of mental illness ranging from schizo affective, to depression aspergers and tourrettes dont forget the anxiety disorder too!
I tried to complete college lasted a semester, that was half a decade ago.

t. seething wagie


whatever fag, walk it off and man up

t. degenerate

are you stupid

Like what I'm trying to buy some stocks to play with


I enjoy living off the blood, sweat and tears of normies. Every day I get to sleep in late, play with my doggo, watch kino, play vidya, study a new interesting topic, meditate, clean my already spotless condo, day trade stocks, stay up late and just enjoy life.

Living the dream.

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>reeeeee feel bad for not working!!!

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You should try killing yourself you dumb nigger

Im 38, dead broke and ake about 18 k. I'm buying a PS5 and weed. Fuck investing. This Corona shit is getting me paid.

I have plenty of suicide scars on my arm if that makes you feel better.

get a job at McDonalds they hire nothing but retards anyway, maybe you can be the leader of the retard army there

This, 90 percent of “disabled” people on social security aren’t even disabled. They have some meme mental disorder that amounts to them being a pussy that doesn’t want to work. Guess what, none of us wanted to at first, we were all apprehensive. But as a man you put on your panties and do it. The other 10 percent that are actually disabled could just work from home as a software engineer or something. It’s all bullshit, and we should abolish it entirely. Can’t believe I pay taxes so that people that want to play video games convinced some shrink they were mentally disabled.

Everything is going to bottom out in June

Kill yourself. I have all kinds of joint pain and everything else. Go get a job and stop being a faggot.

Try making a scar on your forehead with a shotgun

You sound like my abusive boomer father
Yeah but you can work, I can't sorry.

how does your father feel about having an absolute faggot for a son?

I'm buying an Xbox one, ps4, and a switch. Might buy some steaks and vodka also.

And you?

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He was a pedophile and went to jail for molesting me and my sister when I was 2. My step father liked to hit me all the time.

These Trumpbux are a one time payment so you had better pick some good investments.

You literally just said you could work
>I can do a bunch of things like 3D modelling, programming and stuff
We should report you for scamming ssi

>Muh stock market meme
Enjoy your 1% profit a year from now

Skills aren't ability to work. I make like 1 model every like 3 months, I have plenty of mental illness and stuff that don't let me.

>Is it good time to buy stonks
Yes. The market crashed.

Oh, sweetie, you think that the market won't already be back where it was before you get your trumpbux don't you? You'll grow up one day.

exactly when am i supposed to get my trumpbux? i need that fucking money NOW

Do I get the bux if I'm still currently working?

not sure if I'm getting it or not. I've got a SS# but I don't work . I wonder if I can try and say I'm self employed or something I could really use some TrumpBux. the Washington Post calculator says I'm probably getting $1200, If so I'm going to buy some top shelf weed and a Switch

You’re welcome

>Be me
>Go with my Mother to chiropractor
>Give them my Medicare card
>Doctor adjusts my Mother
>When it's my turn the doctor asks me "You're too young to have Medicare. Why do you have it?"
>"I'm disabled."
>"Do you mind me asking what your disability is?"
>"Not at all, I'm Bipolar."
>"Huh, you seem perfectly normal to me."
>"Oh yeah? Then I guess the Lithium is working after all."

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Fair enough I suppose you should use those skills and be your own boss though you sound like you're in an unhealthy victim mentality.

>Fake disabilities
Man the fuck up you whinging lil bich life is hard. And hit the gym build some muscle for your weak ass joints they will hold up better.

A real man puts his panties on every day one leg at a time

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You are not getting trump bux if you don't work you idiot

>There's dignity in work
That's hilarious. No there fucking isn't. Average IQ wagies are the worker bees who keep the world going while the people at the top and bottom of society live the good life. We all laugh at you

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did you file in 2019 or 2018? does anyone claim you as a dependent?

I did a few commissions for like 25 each last year. It's not a victim mentality, some people just get shitty cards dealt to them and healthy individuals like yourself take your basic abilities for granted.

Also note, SSI is based on your ability to work for a LIVING, not any work. Most people on SSI have part time jobs.


Kek, I double my investment on a regular basis.


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This is the dead bat bounce.
After pooping down 30%, senator goy and senator schcooomer agreed to piss $2T onto the fire so the dow bumped 6%, problem is, stonks mkt is due for 40%+ assplosion.
If the djia goes under 14000 for a week then climbs back past 20000 over 10 weeks, put some money in diversified growth. If it drops that hard and pops back to 20k run far away.
If rates stay low buy land. If you don’t understand all this stay the fuck out for a couple years.
Shit is tricky.
Ive been investing for 30 yrs, called the top, didn’t sell as much as i should have and now am saying
So there ya go good luck

why complain if you enjoy it? and nice stock photo

I'm growing an acre of fresh vegetables which I will trade to single moms no longer getting child support so they can feed their kids in exchange for pussy.

>theres dignity in work
That's what they told the Jews in Nazi Germany...

I guarantee if they took away your neetbucks and you were forced to actually support yourself you would figure out a way to work. You can work, you just don’t want to.

I get Social Security Disability so I'm getting my Trumpbux, senpai.

Donating mine to the ASPCA. Our local shelter always needs help.

Yes I've filed my taxes, for the past 10 years, and no, nobody claims me as a dependent.

says who jong-duk?

>wage slave boomer detected


You should be turned into dog food.

After working my ass off for nearly 20 years, I'm starting to wonder if i should just say fuck it and go on welfare.

Nearly half my paycheck from breaking my back goes to pay for lazy niggers and kike politicians salaries

Unironically just going to milk it for everything i can and give zero fucks

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>Gonna go to Thailand
If a girl asks you to suck her vaginal cord don't do it. It's actually her dick

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Nope lol I was homeless under a tree waiting for death 6 years ago, after my parents abused me and kicked me out