Why are commies such crybabies?
Why are commies such crybabies?
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It's pretty cool that in Communist countries a garbageman and doctor are equally paid and qualified.
>Society should give value to those in society that that do not provide value
>what's a "negative feedback loop"?
They lack critical thinking skills and are just NPCs. Literally they're conditioned to have an emotional response to arguments, this keeps them from thinking for themselves. When people get mad their reasoning skills shut off.
It makes sense, commies are just stupid and greedy. Who cares if somebody doesn’t have insurance? They should have thought of that before they lost their job
>It makes sense, commies are just stupid and greedy. Who cares if somebody doesn’t have insurance? They should have thought of that before they lost their job
>Negative feedback loop
It's actually both a positive and a negative feedback loop, depending on which level you look at.
On the individual level, it's a positive feedback loop, since incentivize those that are net consumers creates more net consumers, who in turn advocate for net consumption to be incentivized, etc, etc.
On the societal level, it's a negative feedback loop, since societies that fall for the meme perform poorly, resulting in other societies seeing this, rejecting the meme and performing well, which in turn disincentivizes societies from falling for the meme, etc, etc.
And if they infect some people in the process, who cares? Not my problem. If the outbreak spreads faster and wider because of it, not a big deal. What economy?
>Why are commies such crybabies?
because they have the brain of a child and don't understand that most people are telling bullshit/greatly exaggerated shit on the internet.
>Go to clinic close by me
>jam packed no way in hell getting in today due to line outside
>told to come back later too busy
Because they're neoliberals who will turn into corporate bootlickers if you say anything that isn't glowing praise about jews or blacks or hispanics or muslims and will support policies that make their vision untenable
Americans are pussies
I got shot and used a stapler to close the wounds instead of a doctor
That is why Cobra exists
Will right wingers learn what fucking communist means? This is guy is a far-right liberal.
Exactly. And it only costs a measly $2000/month. That’s nothing. Everyone can afford that, especially if they’re out of work and have no money coming in
I applied for disability and was approved. Now I get free monthly NEETbux and free health insurance for life.
Whenever I go to the doctor or pharmacist and hear the receptionist tell the normies they have a $75 copay, I thank Odin for my sweet, sweet gibs.
Completely agree and I'm a Libertardian
>They're neoliberals
They aren't really, since they hate capitalism too.
They're just retarded.
There is no actual thought behind their positions, they just uncritically absorb whatever is presented to them with the best wordplay. They are immersed in mainstream culture, and hence what they are exposed to is an inconsistent mix of global capitalism and global socialism.
They adopt bits and pieces of each on the basis of which has the best presentation, and the result is a worldview that is internally inconsistent and falls apart once challenged.
These people then follow one of two paths.
Either they see the internal inconsistency as weakness, and respond by denying others the right to challenge it, or they see the internal inconsistency as a weakness, and spend time developing a new, more consistent worldview.
Normalfags overwhelmingly fall into the former camp, and this is why those seeking to implement restrictions on information, speech, etc want multiculturalism, deconstruction of norms, etc.
These things result in normies passively adopting inconsistent positions, and normies passively adopting inconsistent positions results in them campaigning to abolish the right of others to challenge them, giving the elite the support they need.
Did you know that for the vast majority of human existence that most people never received any kind of medical services beyond the most basic of procedures, and even then they were crude and unhygienic?
Medical Services are a Service.
Not a right.
You have no right to someone else's specialized labor or to someone else's medical supplies.
You must exchange value to receive them.
Or you could use force/coercion to steal resources and enslave people to extract their labor at a price below what they would voluntarily accept.
Why do you support theft and slavery in certain circumstances?
You're better off just going in without insurance vs cobra. What are they going to do, take his nothing?
Bingo. It’s retarded to want to be able to see a doctor during a global pandemic after 3.3 million people just lost their jobs at once
>Did you know that for the vast majority of human existence that most people never received any kind of medical services beyond the most basic of procedures, and even then they were crude and unhygienic?
People also died when they were 40 from infections developed from rotten teeth. I’m confused, is your argument because things were bad in the past that they should stay that way and not improve?
If you're so much of a subhuman retard who lost their job thanks to this, you don't deserve healthcare.
>Lose the ability to see a doctor
Public hospitals are required to provide charity care, IIRC. I'm a neet and I literally just fill out a form to get all my bills waived.
>Other prominent Marxist philosophers and intellectuals developed specific interpretations of the concept of false consciousness, such as Theodor Adorno and Herbert Marcuse of the Frankfurt School, Guy Debord and Raoul Vaneigem of the French situationist movement, the anti-colonialist writer Frantz Fanon, and contemporary philosopher Slavoj Žižek. Outside of the Marxist political ideology, the political theorist Noam Chomsky developed the propaganda model wherein information is selectively broadcast to serve the ends of a deeply centralized ownership of private media industries.
He's a follower of the Frankfurt School's Critical Theory, which is a form of Marxism.
Critical Theorists wouldn't be developing and interpreting Marxist concepts if they weren't Marxists themselves, they would just reject the premises.
This is no different from how atheists don't try to understand and interpret the Holy Trinity, as rejection of the premise makes this illogical.
Pretty cool that Rob Rousseau looks like a melted candle and focuses his sexual frustration on praising socialist "health care" that keeps you waiting months for consult.
He is one of your subhuman partners. Oh but that isnt real communism I bet you're gonna say now
Theft and slavery is an improvement?
They want something that is physically impossible, irrespective of "the system".
There are a finite number of doctors.
An infinite number of people cannot see a finite number of doctors in a finite timespan.
Ask that faggot how many people in New York have been denied treatment due to insurance reasons. I bet that cleft-assed motherfucker has no real answer.
I haven't had a job in 10 years and I see the doctor all the time. It's like $40.
>is your argument because things were bad in the past that they should stay that way and not improve?
Is your counterargument just that because a number (time) gets bigger, things should magically improve?
If we ended all life on earth today, would you expect a flourishing civilization in ten years time just because the magic number got bigger?
Would exterminating all life on earth be an improvement over the civilization that came before, just because this happened at a higher value of the magic number?
I've seen a lot of tweets and normiebook posts like this lately. Very pithy, totally pointless. Ultimately the desire to be "given" healthcare, rather than "take" healthcare, remains unchanged. Big businesses like providing healthcare to their employees because they can afford it and it gives them strong leverage; maybe that small startup can match our wages, but can they buy you into the byzantine healthcare system and keep you on the pharmaceutical cocktail you've been prescribed? Hm? Better stay with us then. And government is complicit in this, erecting forceful barriers of certification and regulation into the whole process, while cushioning the bottom with disaster socialism, reducing the chances that insurance execs are ever dragged out into the street and shot in a fit of public rage. Handing it over to the government just means there'll be a different person holding the lever. He'll have a blue tie, and you better vote for him, or else.
We beg because we do not have the leverage to demand.
So basically you are telling me that you are a capitalist shitbag? Commies no food but with capitalism no food. Same shit. great.
Taking shit from marxism doesn't make you a marxist. Marxism is a specific thing, you can't just pick and choose what parts of it to agree with and what parts not to.
>leftists are spirit-lets/atheists
>but yet also believe in an inevitable progression of history towards a more moral, more ideal, more virtuous universe.
I used to think that leftists were inconsistent.
Then I used to think that leftists only consistency was inconsistency.
But I realize now that they do have consistency. "Whatever hurts whitey"
I can't think of a single thing that leftists support that is good for the white race.
Imagine actually believing this.
This is like saying Catholicism/Protestantism/Orthodoxy/etc aren't all forms of Christianity.
If Marxism is absolute, with no flexibility, then literally nobody can be a Marxist except for Marx himself, as it is impossible for anyone but Marx to know exactly what he thought.
Entropy is always going to result in someone reading the works of Marx interpreting it slightly differently from everyone else.
There’s no guarantee of anything humans don’t control, but you pointed out that for most of human history people received very little healthcare. I pointed out that’s no reason it has to stay that way. The fact that thought most of human history people’s lifespans have been been short and painful should be incentive to improve things, not continue doing the things that we know lead to human suffering. I was saying we should improve healthcare because it’s right, not because of what year it is.
The government owns all the money, so taxation can’t be theft. And the only slavery I see is people chained to jobs or marriages they despise, that might be out and out abusive in many cases, just because they need the health insurance and can’t leave
Cobra is a transitional insurance. I dont think it was designed to cover someone for years. Just to keep them covered until medicare or the next job's insurance kicks in.
They are all spoiled, entitled rich "kids" who need to validate themselves somehow. Since everything in their life is unearned, they assume it's the same for everyone, thus adopt ridiculous commies beliefs to absolve them of their guilt.
It's the same with celebrities.
>Why are commies such crybabies?
Because your system is backwards and retarded.
They don't take care of themselves, at all. They want somebody to save them and give them free stuff of course with out them working for it or contributing back.
Shit. What are those 3 million unemployed people supposed to do if we stay quarantined or if the market doesn’t recover? Or literally anything else because who has an extra $2000/month just lying around?
Nobody loses the ability to see a doctor if they're unemployed.
Why do brainlet commiefags have to lie in order to try and get people to pay attention to their nonsense? If communism and socialism were so great, they'd stand on their own merits. But they don't.
Why are you guys totally unable to create your own content? All you ever do is take an existing meme and add WORDSWORDSWORDS to it
Idgaf, I'm going on EI even if it's a bullshit nothing "pandemic", time for the essential niggers to work while I smoke weed at home.
>Why do brainlet commiefags have to lie
To scare you.
would you rather visit the doctor every week and get your trash picked up once a year
The US has a lower % infected and less deaths per infected than Denmark, Italy, and the UK.
And when NYC(leftist shithole) is taken out of the equation, the stats are doubled in favor for the US even still.
Pretty cool that Rob on Twatter is a fucking clown.
>give me service even if I can't pay for it nor want to
So you're literally admitting Marxism is a post-feudal religion then. Well I always knew commies were basically at about the same mental tier as biblethumping sister fuckers and goat fucking suicide bombers, it's nice to have confirmation though.
Healthcare is only for goyim who contribute to the Line.
No contribution? No care!
With this incubation period and mild symptom, it doesn’t matter. Nobody is going to hospital for check up for mild symptom even with insurance. By the time symptom worsen then they are too sick to go out and spread the virus further
It's a game and nothing less. Its a game to attack Trump as much as possible no matter what. if Trump does bad, he is wrong. If Trump does good, he is still wrong. It has gotten so bad that Trump's enemies have basically resorted to outright projection. If the left messes up by using political correctness to protect diseased chinese flu carriers.. then it was Trump who did it.
It's all a game
Quite honestly, I'm a third positionist and support some degree of free healthcare for all citizens.
Irremediable, fruitful and beneficent inequality of men
What amazes me more is that idiots like you defend that garbage healthcare system of yours. You break a finger and go a million dollars in debt. You can tell Jewish brainwashing has worked well when the same people that get buttfucked like that defend it because muh communism
The cheapest plan on the health insurance market is 200 dollars. If you can't afford/budget 2400 dollars into savings to pay your health insurance you do deserve to starve and die like the nigger you are.
I dont think there are many non socialized systems in place that are designed for that. Meanwhile, you will get to see that guatamalan goblina with 9 kids get checked for covid-19 free of charge while you cough yourself to death in your car outside of wallgreens.
>The government owns all the money
Well in this situation people are going to get free health care anyways. It's a wet dream of doctors and scientists that something this big comes along. Politicians are going to give free healthcare as well because it is good for reelection.
-free third trimester abortions would decrease minority birthrates by an estimated 15-25%
-free shit in general reduces the amount of denbts white people get into/reduces costs of having kids
-overall increasing white birthrates
However leftists support open borders which negates this. Social democracy would work in a white country.
People not being tested because they were asymptomatic was exactly how the virus spread as much as it has in China, Italy, and now the US. We’re currently leading the world in confirmed cases
That would be very surprising, seeing as the only way you can get tested in the US is by already showing signs of the virus
Yeah, the problem is the debt afterwards.
Or National Socialism. However this would never fly because it violates the concept of "workers of the world unite"
hopefully coronachan purges untermenchen like you.
Based. Stalin said "social democracy is objectively the moderate wing of fascism". Like that's a bad thing...
>confirmed cases
Because the NY metro area and the LA metro area both have about 20 million people while AssPain only has 50 million people and the Chink Empire will never release real data.
Nigs already get free shit, at this point increasing the taxes to expand free shit to everyone who wants it plus adding a buy-in system for people who use it regularly will cover it (on top of, perhaps, some kind of commodity tax).
The most important thing that could occur is that it would shed light on how unhealthy and parasitic spics and nigs actually are and then the debate becomes "why are these shitters so parasitic".
National Socialism is in my view the greatest possible ideological system mankind has ever concieved; however it's primary problem lies in the historical moment of it's conception. Due to the circumstances of both Italy and especially Germany during the rise of fascism, NatSoc has been linked with naked military aggression and chauvinistic revanchism. These aspects I believe do not belong in National Socialism and were forced in because Hitler (and the Germans) were really, really, REALLY salty at losing WW1 and wanted revenge.
NatSoc shouldn't be about revenge. It should be about the love of your own nation and the desire to see it prosper, grow and succeed. A world where every nation was NatSoc, but a NatSoc shorn of the pointless militarism that marked the 1930s, would be a utopia.
The only logical consistency to their belief system is hatred of whites. Support of the worker and support of illegal scab labor, support of faggotry and support of Islam, all of these contradictory beliefs share the same quality: it undermines white interests and white societies
>We’re currently leading the world in confirmed cases
But we're nowhere near the top for "% of pop infected" and when you remove Jew York, we are twice as better in those stats.
China is lying out of their ass because they do not have the infrastructure to deal with pandemics. FFS they still have wet markets. They're a third world shithole.
it's pretty cool that a guy that just throws a ball with his buddies gets paid x1000 more than a doctor
Yes exactly. How much does it have to do with insurance or availability of healthcare. Western government doesn’t have the right the forcefully isolate anyone with even slight chance of the the virus. China government can isolate anyone they wish and don’t even need to provide the healthcare if it’s someone from the low caste.
We used to banter about bullshit and Pokémon and now all I see i see is bullshit and propaganda from foreign gov. I fucking hate you.
Commies hate it because it negates their retarded system. Marx believed that communism would occur specifically because feudalism had been replaced by capitalism when feudalist lords in France refused to stop bullying peasants in 1789. Marx believed capitalist leaders would act similarly to feudal lords. He failed to realize all jew CEOs care about are profits and making money, while French lords believed in the inherent superiority of their positions. Ultimately capitalism is just as atheistic as communism and therefore the only goal is material in nature- hence the spiritual superiority of one class to another doesn't exist. So the capitalist business class gave benefits like free health insurance to workers to placate them.
So social democracy basically proves communism is a meme that should have ended 60 years ago.
Posted wrong image
No it isn't because Marxism isn't a religion, its a scientific theory. And "Marxism" doesn't mean "anything marx agreed with". Just because its named after him doesn't mean it agrees with everything he said.
The reason health care and jobs are together in the first place was because of you commies. im not shocked you dont already know that because you fucks never learn ur history.
>had to do with fixed wages during ww2
Couldnt raise wages so they offered health care and other bs
Nigga anyone can see a doctor just go to the ER with all the wetbacks you lying fucking kike slave. My local hospital is even treating people for the 'rona with no charge or copay up front and then billing them later. And if you are poor they will probably not even charge you. My mom got surgery for diverticulitis and a hysterectomy and it was like $100k and they wrote it off and she didn't have to pay shit. You know who paid? Christian charity, you fucking antichrist communist goblin.