HAPPENING! Gun Shops Across The USA Reporting Ammunition Shortages
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Better reload your own, Paco.
I love a good crisis. Nothing boosts our 2a participation like a good, old-fashioned public emergency.
Welcome to two weeks ago, slowpoke.
I can’t wait to buy all the fresh ammo hot off the assembly line now that the back stock has been all snagged up for this nothingburger.
Anybody who's been on /k/ in the last few weeks is already well aware of this, though.
There was a run on shitpaper and you didn't realize it would happen to Guns and Ammo? Good think I bought 1000s of rounds just like I do at the beginning of ever spring during the sales..
A quick browse to ammoseek or PSA proves the headline to be a lie. 33% increase in the price of .223 since the panic and PMAGs are selling at MSRP instead of at a discount.
If you faggots aren't trying to find a way to exploit this situation to expand gun rights, you're a nigger.
I'm thinking a National Emergency Rights Initiative would do the trick.
>make sure that people can get guns immediately no matter what, even in times of peace
>conceal carry with no license
>law requiring manufacturers of guns and ammo to always have a sufficient stockpile
>law requiring government officials to respect gun rights or face prosecution
China men are buying ammo like they bought mask before outbreak
If you see China man buy bulllets at store kick him out
Not to mention some faggot governors are closing gun shops as non-essential.
Unironically this. The cunts are deliberately infecting us and deliberately trying to cause shortages. Literal sabotage of our country.
Nothing new there. Every place online and irl has been out of 12ga. shotgun shells for at least a month now.
Learned my lesson after the aurora shooting. By the time Sandy Hoax rolled around I had a press and was learning. By 2014 I had a stockpile of powder and primers and started casting. Ammo shortages don't even phase me anymore. In fact, I can sell boolits to redneck retards that think they're gonna "fight off the gubbermint".
I thought only California was forcing to close shops.
Nope WA just got fucked.
Luckily I bought an at-15 and 1k rounds of xm855 as a Christmas gift to myself.
I also have >500 for each of my guns. I can’t go to the range though, I don’t want to waste what I have.
is hand loading a meme?
Should that scare us or law enforcement
You can't shoot a virus.
You can shoot looters, but it's highly unlikely you'll ever be in that situation.
Cry babies can stop crying about the trump slump
Why? Corona infected aren't fast zombies.
>I love a good crisis. Nothing boosts our 2a participation like a good, old-fashioned public emergency.
Hopefully we can finally break the 50% barrier!
Reloading supplies are just like ammo. Either you have what you need before the panic or you are shit out of luck. Primers and powder are unobtanium right now.
If you shoot obscure calibers you should handload.
If you want the best performance you should handload.
If you want to experiment you should handload.
If you want to save money on common calibers you should not handload.
I really should have been much more careful over the years while boating. What am I ever to do.
Just got 500 rounds of 5.56 and 200 rounds of 7.62 for under $450. Just gotta know where to look
Fags laughed when I stuck with 5.45x39 as my main caliber and '74s as my main rifle, whose laughing now cunts?
Because the government is buying. If you don't think war is coming you're a damn fool.
>cast bullets
in an AR??
bruh you got ripped off bigly
Me. It's fucking stupid not to use the most widely available gun/ammo for your region. If you ever run out of your meme ammo and need to source locally through barter you're fucked.
So you don't plan on making it then?
Now that's based
>he doesn't have a 30-30 or a 45-70
Not gonna make it bro...
I'm going to say this now and forever, you're retarded if you think that you're going to go through enough ammunition in SHTF to burn through thousands of rounds that are stock piled. Also
>implying I don't have an AR and a few thousand rounds of 5.56 tucked away just in case
Can still find 5.45 since it's not as popular as it was, good luck finding 5.56/.223 without horrendous markup you dumb cunt.
Holy crap, I easily use 3k rounds on just one day at the range, you're fucked. You should have at least 15,000 rounds
Didn't they ban the import of 5.45x39 because fuck wit chambered a pistol in it and created an armor piercing pistol?
Law enforcement will just seize what ammo you have, so they don't care.
>good luck finding 5.56/.223 without horrendous markup you dumb cunt.
lol anyone who didn't stock up last year when shit was dirt cheap deserves everything they get.
They are high grade bullets. Averaged 64 cents a bullet. Is it great? No. I have seen much higher prices in the local shops though.
>being this fucking retarded
They banned the import of a particular load of 5.45, 7n6 (and basically all surplus 5.45) but there's shit tons of commercial 5.45 coming out of Vympel, Barnaul, etc in various brands.
yeah there's still some coming in from other sources but the huge supplies of dirt cheap ammo are long gone but cope fags can't admit the AR is the superior platform and the only reason anyone bought a 74 was the cheap ammo.
>uh oh, if you run out you're gonna have to barter and you won't be able to find your meme caliber
>if you're not stocked up you're an idiot
You just really want to shit on 5.45 for no reason. I have enough 5.45 to not have to worry about it for a year or two.
>64 cents a bullet
This user gets it. Stick with readily available calibers for your primary weapons. And as you broaden your collection it’s nice to have pieces covering all the major rounds.
>.22 LR
>12 Gauge
>.357 Mag/.38 SP
>AR is the superior platform
>mfw my 74's are smoother shooters than any carbine length AR I've ever shot
Just as the jail is letting prisoners out.
You are smart
>my 10/22 is so nice to shoot
>intermediate caliber rifles BTFO
I picked up probably the last 500 rounds of 7.62 in my state today. I’ll bet the shortages will last for months at this rate
We'll be lucky to see things normalize in time for the election panic of 2024.
Yeah this sucks.
I haven't even bought my shotgun yet
This would be glorious
>he didn't buy enough ammo to last his entire life during the Obama years
>he didn't get into reloading and buy supplies for that too
>he didn't even think of getting a gun before the crisis
you don't get a shotgun you fucking peasant
it's too late
> 5.45>5.56 in terminal ballistics
> 5.45>5.56 out of shorter barrels
> 5.45>5.56 with smoother more reliable extraction
> 5.45>5.56 sexier
The only advantages 5.56 has over 5.45 is load options and availability.
>AR is superior
Sure go innawoods with that and do a few months, see how you come out with it compared to an AK
>WA just got fucked
California too, indirectly.
I stopped by my LGS just before the shutdown and the parking lot was full of California plates buying ammo and US spec ARs.
Smoothness is nice but doesn't make for a better gun
The AR simply has a flexibility and aftermarket that the AK can't compete with, nevermind accuracy and even reliability in some cases.
There are 10s of billions of rounds in the US of all kinds of calibres in civilian hands. Decades worth of conflict. If we burn through all of that and need to worry about NATO calibers only for resupply either
1) I have most likely already been killed in action
2) If not 1 and I am alive I will have been able to procure any common weapon off some other poor SOB.
Hunting birds and shooting skeet is the only reason to own a shotgun in current year.
I use 10k easy, up yer numbers pussy.
Killing niggers without overpenetration is another reason.
Optics mounting and general ergos suck balls on the AK platform. They are designed to be used by 80IQ expendable meat shields.
I'm not a poorfag I don't really care. Rather have more ammo than have less fuck the price
Overpenetration is someone else's problem.
I literally has a guy I’ve known for 3 years now ask for advice and buy a shotgun for home defense last week. He’s been heavy anti-gun as long as I’ve known him and this panic has him spooked.
Ofcourse. People are getting prepped for the boogaloo
Can't argue with that. Unless you're on fire or drowning it's impossible to have too much ammo.
I have a GE M-134a I spend $32000 in ammo every minute and another 5k in cars to shoot up as targets. Does make my hoverround a pretty good technical for liberating cases of natty light from the clutches of state tyranny
Waters wet.... We are out of ammunition/ Get armed out of a crisis.
know the moment. The Fear and the lost. Prep
>Smoothness is nice but doesn't make for a better gun
It's one of many factors
>The AR simply has a flexibility and aftermarket that the AK can't compete with,
Plenty of aftermarket shit for AK's if you're not a retarded boomer
>nevermind accuracy
Practical accuracy of 5.45 vs 5.56 is basically the same
>and even reliability in some cases.
Ebin meme. The AR is great, until shit gets inside it's sealed system, then it's a pain to clean out. Meanwhile, the AK system is open enough that in the rare circumstance you fill it with enough crap to get it to stop working (literally dumping shovels full of mud on and into it), it's easy and fast to clean out and get back into action.
I like my neighbors and my family some people don't have as much of a winning personality as you.
Same here. Sux.
Absolutely perfect
5.56 fragments at short range and penetrates less than 9mm or buckshot.
Went to a couple gun shops today for some Hoppe's. They were sold out of everything, it was bizzare.
Welcome to a week ago. The ammo panic is starting to slow down. Pallets and tractor trailers ordered from wholesalers and manufacturers when the panic kicked off ~10 days ago arrived earlier this week. People are panicking less. I sold around 300,000 rounds. Still trying to unload the last 100,000 rounds while the getting is good.
Yep. 5.56 is the best home defense round.
I like buck shot because it penetrates multiple dindu muffin
Been out for 2 fucking weeks dude....if you didn’t get any back in January when this thing kicked off then your a literal fucking retard.
Fuckdammit, shit is getting real.
Enjoy your happenings assholes.
>low capacity
>heavy recoil
>limited effective range
AR wins again.
There's lines here everyday in socal for every gun shop
Drop a whole stack of niggers with a 40 round mag of 5.56.
>one of many factors
eh, not really, the importance of a gun is its functionality, and the AK is objectively less functional than the AR
Which isn't to say the AK is bad, I still quite want one, but in some hypothetical boogaloo it'd be silly to take one over an AR.
It's a normie panic. They're paying the same for Tulammo and Wolf 9mm as they are for quality, brass cased European stuff.
Bull shit on low capacity my shotgun is an ar format it it kicks ass 10 rounds of buck shot is all you will ever need and I have 4 more mags one if them 20 rnds just in case
>Optics mounting
Easy, side rails are basically standard on any AK made in the past 20-30 years.
>and general ergos suck balls
But they don't. You can do just about anything with an AK you can with an AR. Give me one example of something to prove your point.
>They are designed to be used by 80IQ expendable meat shields.
>b-but Africans and Arabs use them
Yeah, because the Soviets, China, and dozens of other countries produced them by the tens of millions and flooded the world with them.
Hey if these faggots can hold our trumpbux hostage with free abortions and HRT for trannies why can't we leverage an expansion of CONSTITUTIONAL rights?
they're about to be $6 a bullet
replied to my post I'm a brainlet but shot guns are highly effective in close quarters and I don't have an ammo issue
I'll just buy it for cheap from hoarders when they need to pay bills because they got laid off..
There are a LOT of types of buckshot and shotgun shell sizes that is a blanket statement. I use proper made self defense shells that won't penetrate a normal interior wall but will still plow enough energy into Jerome to make his guts into mush. My kids don't sleep in flak jackets. Having your ammo fragment into multiple slightly less lethal pieces isn't a great benefit for self defense. 25% of a bullet at nearly full energy is just as much of a bad day if it hits you. The shells are expensive but they just sit there. I use others at the range and fire one off occasionally just to make sure they are good. I'm not pulling out my AR or AK for home defense unless that defense was outside
>eh, not really, the importance of a gun is its functionality,
And AK's are plenty functional. Smooth shooting means faster follow up shots, you're going to enjoy shooting more so you'll shoot more and thus have more range time
>and the AK is objectively less functional than the AR
>if I just put the word "objectively" in front of something it makes it true
Yeah the shit is funny as fuck, i snagged one of the few remaining barrels of fun from brownells of once cry one
>in an AR??
You can. Are you one of those redneck stumpfuck hill scoggins who buys up all the 335 and 55 grain fmjs every time a politician speaks?
How are the gun laws in Panama? Would I be able to import my guns if I ever lived down there?
Mine is a saiga type but same deal. AR for inside home defense is a meme
>It's a normie panic.
which is gonna make it WAY worse. The panic after sandy vag was gun people panicking about possible legislation. No one was in fear of their immediate personal safety. There are people panic buying now who have never owned a gun before and many of them are underserved and unsatisfied. There is every indication they could become new regular customers which is going to drag out any supply issues because manufacturer's will not be too quick to fund increases in infrastructure until they are sure the excess capacity will be profitable in the "new normal".
I almost feel prepared.
I own multiple ARs and AKs. I love them both, great rifles that fulfill their intended purposes beautifully.
If I had to pick only ONE to bet my life on? Yeah, it's an AK.
USA is so going to blow up.
You should go to the /k/ meetups, I hear they have brownies.