Why is racemixing wrong?
Why is racemixing wrong?
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built for BWC
I'd like to beat you to death
Get fucking hanged
I want you dead
Die out
stop larping faggot.
no way you'd know this is from MLP if you didn't watch it yourself.
Because God says so, and Edomites are the literal children of the devil.
hi barneyfag lol
I want you fucking dead you piece of shit
your dad didn't love you enough did he lol
I used to watch MLP for a bit and I didn't know who that was. You got issues, man.
Yours clearly didn't since you obviously made this thread just to attack someone
there is no way you had good parents considering how you are
you need to get therapy lol
Because I don't want my children to live in a literal dangerous and uncivilized world where they can only go to the scattered and limited safe neighborhoods which would be raided constantly by mystery meat, niggers, and mixed mutts who hate whites.
Fuck off memeflaggot
mlp is cute
Says the freak promoting a show for stunted manchildren outside the containment board
attack who?
How many years have you been doing this Lee? To skirt spamming and flooding rules you must have paid a small fortune for Yas Forums passes. I've watched you switch IPs three times in one thread.
Lets just put the brony rage aside for a moment. Why are you doing this? Your obsession is something I've never seen anywhere else. Not even Eurasian Tiger is as dedicated as you.
Lee, go to bed.
are you a bot or not I m confused
also fuck jannies, one mlp thread a day keeps the gay away
You first, freak
it's you!!
please notice me, barneyfag!
Bring back /mlpololi/
seriously fuck ziggers though
i aint clicking that shit nigga
>the one where the pink pony spades out
Which one retard? She does that a lot.
Swallow lead
>this thread
is that the dump.video thing
If it so savagely ravages your butt, I guess I'll just stay inside my hut...
This, we voted after /mlpol/ and decided to keep things the way they were. Considering all the annoying shit that gets spammed here, I don't understand the continuing ban on ponies. Blacked threads and trannies can stay up for hours, but ponies get banned promptly. Really makes you think.
Why do you never respond when someone posts your picture or name? Are you afraid of being called out? Kiwi farms doxxed you five years ago, it clearly hasn't stopped you.
yes in case you missed the whole user the user thing
its to share webms without getting b&'d
Go fuck yourself ausfreak
Slit your throat
why do you do this
why do i see you everytime horse is posted
did you write your own software to scan the chan for stuff on derpibooru and alert you?
a zigger escaped
>Blacked threads and trannies can stay up for hours, but ponies get banned promptly. Really makes you think.
indeed, really makes you think
I sure hope no ex Yas Forumsack becomes dictator somewhere and starts hunting down jannies and their families that would just suck
Ok groomer
no thanks
>did you write your own software to scan the chan for stuff on derpibooru and alert you?
I dont know why jannies dont ban him he is literally an automated spambot, its one of the report options, they could easily ban it but they dont
You seem to be posting this as if any good progress can come as a result of this garbage. You're highly deluded. You should've been aborted.
i like him. he is part of our culture.
Because it ruins the races. Destroys what makes us unique as people.
Your anger makes me feel alone.
why are you acting like this?
Does Barneyfag support nuking China?
idk I wish we could shitpost in peace instead of having to aknowledge a literal bot
Slit your throat
he isnt LITERALLY a bot tho is he?
or are you saying all his replies are scripted?
how does a bot get past captcha...
cringe and bluepilled
I bet youre a furry too
you're clearly the problem here
>or are you saying all his replies are scripted?
I think so, I mean he s been doing this 24 7 for 10 years if he isnt a bot thats just scary
>how does a bot get past captcha...
no idea, he keeps changing ips so he doesnt have a pass
also why are all the good jews into mlp
remember rabbi shlomo? base kike, also a brony
Little baby bitch Lee is too afraid to even respond to people who call him out. He spends all day in mommies basement in Montreal making sure no bad pony pictures end up posted here.
This song is so semetic that I just gave a high interest loan out to my own grandmother.
I can't wait for Yas Forums users to start working their way into positions of power. I'm doing my best, but give it time. Imagine having a state broadcaster service like BBC that just exposes media lies and shitposts all day.
why doesn't barneyfag just leave?
he has scripts and bots that tell him when posts are made, and I suspect post for him, but why not just ignore the thread?
Says the Australian freak of nature who has been stalking someone for a year and a half, and his arguments for attacking him boil down to "This dude is bad because he doesn't like a show....that a surprisingly large amount of people don't like either!"
horsefuckers deserve the rope
barneybro does gods work
He's mentally ill. He doesn't know when to stop.
He's an actual person. I made this thread specifically to bait him and he replies with unique posts every time as Yas Forums doesn't allow duplicate posts.
I'd hate to imagine how you thought doing so would be for the greater good, ausfreak
>making sure no bad pony pictures end up posted here
>durr why does the containment board exist?
>I can't wait for Yas Forums users to start working their way into positions of power. I'm doing my best, but give it time.
oh its gonna happen and it ll be great, imagine the new axis with the dictators shitposting old memes on social media from time to time
its the future and it is glorious
>He's an actual person. I made this thread specifically to bait him and he replies with unique posts every time as Yas Forums doesn't allow duplicate posts.
s-surely he just has many pre scripted post
it cant be a dude manually doing this for 10 years
>not liking a show made for little girls = mentally ill
Because it makes creatures like me I
posting humanized horses is the perfect way to ensure a thread never dies, because this retard just swan dives right in and gets shitposted into the ground until post limit
Burn alive
Die in pain
Because hybrid vigor is a lie in humans.
Glim Glam is literally the best.
you watch other cartoons that are made for children though
Why do people get so mad about this show?
You are mentally ill. Stop posting.
holy shit you re right he does this manually
the fuck seriously
this is beyond mental illness
Ponies are the only thing to ever defeat the Final Boss of the Internet.
The pain is real.
bitching about a show for little girls and shitposting about it for 10 buttfucking years is probably what qualified you for the psyche ward mate.
Don't know but for me all this shit looks very strange.
In previous year i was on a trip in US and saw a lot of black man/white woman pairs with their mulatto children in LA. By a lot i mean like literaly at least 10-20 pairs every day of my staying there. Even white man/white woman couples were rare.
I live in Moscow and have seen there a black man maybe 2 or 3 times in my whole life. So when i saw what is going on in US - i was fucking shocked by the numbers of racemixing.
You first, you fucking freak
>I'm a good person because I stalk someone who doesn't like a show! I'm a model of what humans should be!
Nah, Dresshorse was the best. Glim's alright when she's with her gf though.
>literally the slut of the group
some people have just 0 taste...
She's a jealous pony. Rightfully so..
Slice your throat open faggot
Hey remind me when the containment board gets deleted from the site and this garbage show is officially allowed to be posted and discussed again, and maybe then I'll start questioning my life choices.
Anthro is disgusting.
Kill yourself.
Another condescending left thread trying to probe. Get mad.
whats your job, barneyfag?
I unironically want you dead
alright now I m angry
fucking delete this before I put a bullet in you
you ponyfags are all pedos and horsefuckers
he is the hero us normal people deserve... i wouldnt have ever even known the op was one of you faggots if not for his GODLY works
Kill a glimmy for Sun-mommy
all equally based
today barneyfag was a true trooper and dared to stand up to furry anthro abominations
hello ausfreak :D
you misspelled butter horse
Go in a hole a die of ass cancer, faggot
>you ponyfags are all pedos and horsefuckers
lmao what? not even 1 % and they re not recieved well by the rest