Days since patient zero in Australia (25th January): 63 days
Deaths by COVID-19: 13 (8 male, 5 female)
Average age at death of infected: 76 years for men, 84 years for women
Deaths per day: 0.2
Average number of deaths per day in Australia (by normal causes): 480
Normal deaths since patient zero: 30,240
COVID-19 as % of all Australian deaths since patient zero: 0.04%
Stimulus package announced by Liberals: $189,000,000,000,000
Bail-in per dead boomer: $14.54B/b
Status: Nothing burger / scapegoat
Other urls found in this thread:
Rebuilding the world as Trump see it
fuck chinks
>Status: Nothing burger
>majority are still out of employment, desperate for the promised welfare
>half the nation still remains in total shutdown
>business who can't sustain purely from takeaway are just closing
>housing market will collapse if the rent dilemma cannot be sorted
>will be another alleged 6 months of this
>stock markets throughout the world are now recovering stupendously
so we can all agree how meaningless stock markets are and they aren't based on real world market conditions or fluctuations and the ruling elite simply inject value into the market at their will just so they remain at the top? this contradicts all forms of economic theory from john lcoke to adam smith to karl marx to john keynes. the current economic system is a fraudulent exploitative machine that deliberately insulates itself from the physical world when it suits it. we cannot defend this or live with this. this current financial system must be eliminated.
It's not a nothingburger for everyone.
The government, complicit in this hoax, should be fired (preferably into the sun).
It's completely a nothingburger.
The common cold infects hundreds of millions of people all the time, and it's not even a nothingburger, we just don't even talk about it.
>the more people there are the more infections there are
woah.... really made me think....
>Reneg on any debts owed to china.
>Confiscate all property owned by chinese citizens in Australia
>Deport all chinese citizens
>Invade china
they'd slaughter the australian forces by sheer overwhelming force alone. chinese have always had this advantage.
Any of you ever been to Sydney? Are all people from there cunts, or just the ones I met
Solid plan
The situation for hospital staff in ICU is getting worse day by the day. It’s fucked.
You need to shake off your fucking ignorance.
>11th March: It's plateauing!
>17th March: It's plateauing!
>21st March: It's plateauing!
>25th March: It's plateauing!
>destroy the nation to protect 80+ year olds, who have a high chance of dying within the next year anyway, from a virus that has a 10% chance of killing them
Sydney is our New York, interpret that as you will
aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa they're concerned we bought too much piss this week so the limitations to booze purchases will be tied to licences the same as prescription medication starting from monday aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa buy your booze now
No one is saying it's plateauing.
The more we test the more cases are going to explode.
And watch as the death rate curve keeps diverging from the cases curve, further confirming its status as a nothingburger.
Just brew your own
NSW has more compared to it's population
I am BIAB, just keen to see riots
Like America, we also have a greatest ally.
Are we shutting down soon or what lads
I’ve been meaning to finish building my pool deck
Fuck off jordies
Anyone else just letting the hair and beard go while in coronaneet mode?
Since they closed barber shops eventually we'll all have to
You could keep shaving but I'm just going to go jesus mode.
>apt up 160% since the bottom
>loan book made up of mostly casual shitkickers who will default en masse
>qan up 61% since the bottom
>zero international flights
what a meme market
based moz poster
The eternally blocked nose will get to spew his shit opinions on a platform known for spewing shit opinions. Hooray?
So how come they’ve never won a war?
I am. I'm going to be straight up caveman mode by the time this thing blows over.
Sydfag here. The majority are cunts, yes.
How are they going to enforce or monitor that?
This just confirms, once again, that Jordies has sold out. His videos are now low effort trash and filled with product placement.
A boomer told me not to buy apt at 8 dollars fuck boomers
They know what's coming
Buy the dip!
noo i will never go to disneyland
yeah watched jordies from the early days and talked him up for years but shit some of the stuff lately I can barely get a minute in :(
saudi arabia (america's greatest ally you've never heard about) is currently engaged in a relentless oil price war with russia to be undercut each other's discounts by intending to flood the european market with cheap oil since SA's main market (East Asia) is still well below peak demand. You might think "Europe is also shutdown, what's the point?!". No. This is economic warfare that deliberately aims to significantly reduce Russia's influence on the oil and gas industry. Yet, the US (Saudi Arabia's greatest ally) have implored them to not do this. The US dollar or the petrodollar (the world's reserve currency) derives its value from the oil market, oil that is expensive. SA's strategy is to saturate the market with cheap oil, rendering the US economy completely meaningless and without foreign influence. Russia have noticeably backed down from negotations beginning in March when discussions with OPEC broke down and essentially are now hiding underground and waiting to see how the US respond. The US response right now is to save face. By saving face, they'll continue to pump synthetic value into the stock market, to show the world that they are indeed the mighty and invincible warriors of the free world. If SA do follow through with their plan to flood the market with cheap oil, the US economy will not support their QE measures. thus, we will have a new world leader who dominates and directs the market in their favour.
No better way to legitimise the Chinese colonisation of NZ than arming them
brown and yellow people with the occasional out of place looking white
grim times, glad the joint is getting heemed, filled to the brim with subhumans
Time for someone else to learn what sovereign risk is
New Yorkers are quite nice in person, the media just portrays them as rude, so when you get there and have to deal with some arrogant jew you assume its because they're a New Yorker
I saw all these snout-nosed asians. I had never seen a person like that before. When I asked them where they were from, they just replied "australia" and would refuse to tell me. I had no idea what the fuck these people were and nobody would tell me, it was quite frustrating. In particular the little game they were playing with me, as if they are just pure thoroughbred australians
He's been harassing Joe Hildebrand on twitter lately for some reason.
In Houston, been driving by the emergency room everyday on way to work waiting to see the dead. Nada, nothing, see maybe a couple cars, maybe someone standing outside, its a ghost town and this hospital on NE side services like 1 million people. Big fat Nothing Burger. We got PONED again bra!!!
ScoMo owes me a living, but ask me why and I'll spit in your eye.
Where do they dig up these fucking clowns?
Fuck the LNP
I usually poop once a day, but today I pooped twice.
If my pooping continues to increase at it's current rate, I'll be pooping 256 times a day by April 1! Two more weeks and the planet will be awash in my poop.
>Should we have your average worker on? No, let's have an artist with literal clown makeup on.
based thread by the way op
I've heard they're blunt and direct and casually insensitive, but nice in their own way.
My friends wife works at the main hospital in my city. They have four cases and not the least bit busy.
do you guys still not understand what the r0 means?
>200 cases in Houston
user this shit has only just started spreading in the US at the start of the month.
Who here hanging out for scomobux?
go here to the bulgarian map thread and just post and the autistic paranoid retards will get triggered hard. apparently some aussie trolled them so hard that any aussie flag will trigger them so hard, go have a suss and have some fun
It's not about the direct death rate you fucking muppet, it's the issue of overwhelming hospitals with severe cases which will cause a fuck ton of deaths due to people with severe cases having no support or completely unrelated serious injuries and illnesses.
Makes sense
Makes sense
>token wahman business """leader""""
Abc so makes sense
Makes sense
>family and social services
Makes sense with scomobux
>literal who singer
>Assistant Treasurer
>CEO of a big 4 bank
>Shadow minister
Power gap
>Musician who's best charting song was 22
At least get a good musician on
I had some ask if i needed directions cos i was looking lost. maybe i didnt notice bluntness, but they were nice
They're all redditors who got banned after encouraging people to ignore lock-downs
Me, wondering what to buy.
The initial $750 is all going into bills so idc about that, waiting on the supplement.
When do we get the 750?