Imagine believing the numbers coming out of China. Chinese shills on suicide watch.
21,000,000 DEAD in China
Other urls found in this thread:
Chinese don't have logs on their side
I'll make you slaves again.
America numba 1 in:
Having most stupid president
Marrying cousin
Producing BLACKED porn
Interracial marriage
Most illegal immigrants
And much much more!
A little over 1% of China's population? Believable.
where are the wang flags?
based hong kong fuck china
Post link to live traffic cams in shanghai and beijing
Better if they are dead because the alternative is they left the country.
20 million dead and they can cover it up like nothing happened.
How many Jews were killed by Hitler again?
What if all those phone service accounts that were deleted were actually fake, and used to push their fear mongering propoganda?
Kinda strange how a COMMUNIST regime with strict censorship let all those videos and images escape, huh? Incompetence? Or intentional?
Sup Chang, eat any rats lately?
Styx has the most reasonable take on this.
The number of lost users probably correlates with a higher death rate, but a lot of the phones were probably terminated due to state censorship because people were critical of the government, or were talking openly about the virus.
Both are probably true to some extent, but without evidence, it is safer to assume the latter makes up the greater portion.
Yeah I’m sure the super secret death toll that China is trying to hide just some how got past their propaganda police
>Not realizing that laid off chinks can't afford their cell phone bills and cut service
More plausible explanation is that companies in China laid off tens of millions of employees and deactivated their corporate cell plans, but go on.
Where are the bodies then
This is the dumbest fucking forced meme ever.
I sincerely believe that in the not too distant future the thing that finally convinces you to fellate a pistol will be your shame over having posted Andy Sixx memes
>closed cellphone accounts
do you have information on how many of these accounts were held by businesses and not by people?
Grow up.
Dead people don’t cancel their cell phone bills so quickly. China has over a billion people in it. With so many businesses closed including their Disneyland, it wouldn’t make sense to keep those lines active
When I heard that 23 Million Chinese had lost their smart phone subscriptions, I assumed the govt had suspended them for political reasons. I didn't think that it might be 23 million deaths. Hmmmm..
Even if they died in dec or Jan the accounts wouldnt close for a few months. This is meaningless
Ya but but how do they hide that many from the world an why would china underreport
imagine there were 1.5 billion jews. seeing as 6 million of them disappeared, there wasn't much to worry bout since it was a drop in the bucket
a lot had dual SIM and cancelled the business line, also a lot cancelled due to lack of income
Why does this make (((the chink))) go REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE?
ah, i remember when this was still 500,000 before it got shilled all the way up to 21 million
I think it is simpler than that. People are maybe misunderstanding the west's concessions with the Chinese. They are more likely to just cancel those under quarantine because 1) control narrative 2) if you don't work you can't pay your phone bill, Chinese companies to me wouldn't give a shit really and just turn off your phone contract after one month.
Apparently the CCP are tracking people using their phone (wechat) and they get quarantined if they have been within a certain distance of a quarantine zone.
Mao killed 70 million
Bolsheviks killed 70 million
(((Nobody))) talks about this. Except here. I wonder why?
>And much much more!
Having the most effeminate hat
I'm sure it has nothing to do with not being able to pay. The most logical thing is a cover up of 21 million deaths when they couldn't cover up riots a few months ago.
That's over 14M, Chong, just from the screenshots posted last week.
~around 1.5% if 1.368 billion pop. nice.
>Producing BLACKED porn
nice try Chang Shecklesberg.
>source: the same buttblasted cia falun gong bitch
>While the drop in users is unusual, the total is small relative to total wireless subscriptions which have risen to a combined 1.6 billion for the three carriers.
This post just adds validity to the OP you fucking dumb cunt. Nobody's talking about the US here.
Exactly, my it took a year to close all my grandmas accounts when she passed.
动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel based Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law 纸老虎 Hong Kong protests 李文良医生 Democracy won the Vote 习近平的阴茎很小。 每天晚上,在上床睡觉之前,他都会吞下几加仑的非裔美国人的阴茎汁。它充满了他的胃,使他忘记了自己难以置信的小阴茎。还有,他妈的中国,台湾第一。
Can I get a signal in hell? Asking for a friend
if China had to suddenly dispose of 21,000,000 units of hazardous biowaste, their crematoria - every crematorium in all of China - would be working at maximum capacity for the next 10 years, enveloping nearly all of China in a thick plume of smog that would be visible from space
The crematoria of northern Italy and NYC are unable to deal with a short-term increase of even 100 extra bodies per day for 5 days
What's it like not having a soul, bugman?
>couldn't carry their phone to the nether world
good one
also, checked
HK user here, just a quick follow up of the situation
The reporter of HK cable financial news who was the first to pick up this news was fired for this reporting, his editor and station chief were also laid off or forced to resign, something fishy is going on, the chinks desperately trying to damage control
Idk, what's it like having type 2 diabetes?
Thanks for update, user. If it was you how posted screens last week, you've done a man's job.
big if true
Mass graves are cheaper and easier
Who said they burned them?
>because when you murder someone, you cancel their cellphone
Mao murdered 70 million
The Bolsheviks murdered 70 million
Funny how quiet the (((world press))) is about this particularly as we never hear the end of the Holohoax.
The chinks would want to keep the real numbers secret because I think they've accidentally leaked a bioweapon they were working on, in the same way the japs aren't letting anyone in to help them with Fukushima; they were working on nuclear weapons in there and that's a big secret.
Article without the Falun Gong crap
>Corona thread [like every thread]
Nanking was justified
Reminder that Epoch Times is nothing more a Falun Gong mouthpiece. Also, as someone with tons of connections in China. 21 Million people didn't die. Also, how the FUCK did the twitter feed says 8 million, but now it is 21 million?
Have any of you pretend geniuses considered the Chinese government cut cell service to Wuhan to prevent leaks to the media....??
>jennifer zeng
>nicole hao
HK disinfo shills
Honestly, this is much more likely explanation.
Sorry to burst your bubble CIA shill, but I do consulting for public health and have clearance. If that were the case the EU, Russia and US would have taken more proactive measures against this virus. Our satellites would have seen and known if it was millions of people.
Think about it, if the virus was to infect half of China (600 million), that would cause perhaps 6 million deaths
And why would they be doing that, Huang?
Go back to China.
You must’ve missed the undercover call a journalist made to a Wuhan crematorium. Where the workers described situations that were exactly the same as what you mentioned here in your post.
They literally lost their incomes cause of corona panic. How the hell would they pay their phone service?
Too bad it’s not 2,100,000,000 dead. Fuck chinks.
Or the CCP is just being its typical hyper-censorious communist bureaucracy and it took communications down because a lot of people were sharing anti-CCP propaganda.
The article details subscriptions, not subscriber activity levels.
Russia sealed off their border to China within days. Back in and land transportation.
>Where the workers described situations that were exactly the same as what you mentioned here in your post.
So they've been cremating bodies of people who died in January for 10 years? Damn.
The chart in the left of the tweet was charting growth, not users.
After 2 months of non payment I think your account is treated as dead, that happened to me, left in January. Among my circles there’s been no talk of a ridiculous die off, still cases probably topped 300,000
Because CCP are paranoid about anything and everything? CCP can't take a single fucking hint of criticism.
Top Left: "China mobile account GROWTH" Are you a fucking retard?
Why ddi you bring US into this? You need to attac someone since you cant defend china so you can feel better?
Because there was a lot of dissent going around, lots of young men expressing their desire for revolution against the CCP and a lot of people sharing videos of the government showing up to the homes of perfectly healthy people claiming to be "worried for their health" and then taking them away kicking and screaming.
If the CCP is known for anything is for using natural disasters to cover up mass dissappearances.
Didn't realize you replied to yourself. My bad m8.
That Thai girl should just keep the mask on indefinitely
>Having most stupid president
Nice fucking ESL, ricecell
The world press is quiet on it because it portrays communism in a negative light. Japan doesn't let anyone help because nuclear weapons never existed. It's just theatre to "explain" the end of WWII and why the US/USSR (best friends) never attacked each other
Dude, the chart is growth, of course there was no growth, people were in quarantine, ergo, they weren't in the malls and plazas getting a new phone.
I told you in the other thread chang, the canacuck flag isnt fooling anyone.
People are also forgetting not long ago china wanted everyone with phones to know where they are and to know who is infected,if they had no phones things like bus would not take them in,so suddenlyl osing this amount of people is unreal also there was videos of mass destruction of cellphones in february
No, you are being too civilized mexi-mutt friend. They obvious reach to a empty random field, pile the body and burn them. There was screenshot on windy with high amount of SO2 in some random ass field some days ago.
No, because ten years hasn’t passed, BUT, every crematorium in the city has been running 24/7. The one that was interviewed requested 150 extra workers on top of the 150 people they already had employed. Stating that every single oven had a body in it every thirty minutes, and they most of their employees were exhausted since the work was never ending. All of the information I’m speaking of was obtained as a result of that phone call, and the woman being interviewed even stated that the government didn’t want her disclosing the real numbers.
Nice assumption though user.
How many do they lose in a normal month? Anybody know that?
Switched to Verizon
GROWTH means the number of NEW users, not users lost.
Of course growth stopped suddenly, it's kind of what happens during quarantine, people stop doing vanity shit like going to the mall to buy a new phone.
Svenanon posted anew thing from him taht not long ago there was things getting burned in a rural aware, a really big volume and there is videos that seems like they moved hospitals(those in thestyle of the ones they built in 10days) to a place further from the city
>How many do they lose in a normal month?
in a normal month they gain subs
based and correctpilled
Not uncommon for farmers to burn shit. Also, remember swine flu is still a thing. Could be burning pigs.
America has the number 1 gayest hat
Why was the SO4 levels over wuhan the highest in the world for at least 2-3 weeks.
Or maybe no matter how strict you are you cannot completely control over a billion people.
I thought they were farming accounts and they were turned off cause they weren’t needed
Do you know how to read a graph? Fucking. Hell. Yas Forums is super autistic these days.
If it were millions of dead they would have completely shutdown all travel from everywhere until they suspected it was over or had a vaccine.
Swine and avian flu is in epidemic there, but it was not in a place that there is farmers and the epidemy was not there so its unlikely, but not impossible thoiugh
welcome to the new holohaux
Jennifer Zeng is COMEPLETELY ignorant of the Chinese click farms
or maybe 21 MILLION people really did die
You would have to be literally brain dead to beileve anything close to those numbers
>Inplying Bugmen give out corporate phones
hello mr chang
nice of you to post from canada
no one is saying 21 million are dead
the real number is probably 1 million
Jennifer Zeng twitter has spread misinformation and out of context videos since the start of this thing. The twitter account is not reliable and I don't know why cvg acts like it is. Just because it's one our only sources out of China doesn't mean it's a reliable one.
America is numba 1 in being based. Haters get fucked
Here, not exactly a rural area but more the outskirts of the city?
>not realizing that phone numbers are inextricably linked to chinks in china
Plausible. To increase control they started terminating accounts of people with multiple accounts to track them easier.
No you retard, negative growth MEANS loss of users
if this was true she would be dead already
I don't doubt it, incinerating human bodies is a long and hard process, and even during times of low mortality crematoriums are always active because hundreds of thousands die every single day of hundreds of different causes.
This is the reason the 16 gorillion claim is risible, and this 21 million claim is even more risible, the idea that crematoriums can process that amount of people in months is delulu.
Moreover, if you actually do some research you'll soon realize that that graph is not for user loss, it's for growth, of freaking course growth was going to fall to an all-time low during a quarantine, nobody is buying cellphones.