@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool:

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/26/20
>SoS Pompeo on HughHewittShow 3/26/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on CNBC 3/26/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on FoxNews 3/26/20
>WHTradeDir Navarro on (((FakeNews))) 3/26/20
>LabSec Scalia on FBN 3/26/20
>AsstHHSSec4Health Adm Giroir on F&F 3/26/20
>FEDChair Powell on TODAY 3/26/20
>KAC outside WH 3/26/20
>KAC on FoxNews 3/26/20
>SG Adams on GeraldoInCleveland 3/26/20
>WHSDir Muir on Corona-chan 3/26/20
>ActPFPADir Walsh on Corona-chan 3/26/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (ArmySec McCarthy/Army Ldrs) 3/26/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (ActNavySec Modly/CMC Gen Berger/SMMC Black) 3/26/20
>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 3/25/20
>HUDSec SleepyBen on FoxNews 3/25/20

OP pastebin:

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Other urls found in this thread:


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so this gang called "the marines" raided the bunny ranch?

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I am a member of JIDF and I admit to our organization running the Q campaign. We use blackcube agents. It is designed to make white Americans settle down so we can flood their nations several more years, it was obvious the levels of goyim knowing were dangerous leading up to our rabbis calling up trump who owed us some favors.


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So NY state is pulling at Puerto Rico with medical supplies.

look at this, they are mocking us, and think we are all stupid

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Never mind that, is it easter yet? I wanna post my egg stuff.

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Everyone here seems to entirely forget what happens when oil production was foreign, or they never learned in the first place and are fucking stupid, so here you go a little history lesson.

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Are the ventilators actually needed as much as implied or is it just a talking point?

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Show some respect..

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this tweet is definitely multi-layered

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Wouldn't surprise me.

>Tucker asking a "big if true" question
what a sellout

47.1 APPROVAL. This is why the demoralization and shill threads have been at an all-time high lately.

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Finally someone is calling out the shit head called DeBlasio

>"it's just the flu, brah. obviously a hoax"

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>people are still panic buying at Costco
I just wanna be able to buy my two gallons of milk and box of fucking luxury ramen god damnit!

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And today we see what happens when America is dependent on a foreign nation for medical supplies.

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You are stupid. I am Jewish and it's hard to believe the goyim are so mentally defective. I love watching your politicians who were blackmailed by the Epstein Israeli pedo rings grovel in front of AIPAC.

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but kouhai, if we just let foreign industries do everything for us, we'll have so many cheap products. what could possibly go wrong?

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>pulling a Puerto Rico with the medical supplies
>blocking use of malaria drugs
Seems like NY fucking it up on purpose

>Never mind that, is it easter yet? I wanna post my egg stuff.
Soon. My pickled eggs are nearly perfect. Another day or two and they'll be there.

America should be producing all of its own automobiles, weapons, military equipment, electronics, and energy but they don't. It's totally insane.

Why isn't there one attractive Trump supporter? Even Trump and his family is fugly as shit.
Is this why all his supporters are white trash.

My local grocery store is completely stocked

Attached: unnamed.jpg (512x384, 57.78K)

that's dated 1979 at the bottom. the date at the top is upside down

>eating your ramen in a bowl of milk

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A ventilator is only as useful as you have a team of nurses and doctors with it.

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>C-china is lying

massive cope

Back in January 23, when China had just reached 500 cases, they locked down over 50 million people. Measures include:

>suspension of all public transport
>residents not allowed to leave the city
>private vehicles banned from city streets
>shut down major highways
>shut down all non-essential companies, including manufacturing plants
>disinfected the whole province
>only one person from each household is permitted to go outside for provisions once every two days, except for medical reasons (checkpoints at residential building entrances to guarantee this was respected)
>door-to-door inspection to catch and transport the sick to quarantine centers

Meanwhile in the West:

>wait until cases rise up to dozens of thousands to take half the measures cited above
>discourage masks for months

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i concur

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>chinese new year parade got thousands of new yorkers infected


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Been awhile since I've seen pumps like that.

red pill me on pickled eggs. are they good?

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We didn't even have the ability to utilize our domestic reserves back then. Horrible comparison.


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come on 1979 gas line fight people that's in the PAST you can't fix that, you can only stop the bullshit happening RIGHT NOW
like pelosi's PAY-To-PLAY ratlines NOW

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-18_04-57-43.jpg (654x680, 99.23K)

> luxury ramen


Remind you of Katrina?

t. ccp

>motoring public


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So satisfying to see globalism/multiculturalism completely and utterly btfo in this way. Hopefully the end of an era.

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Prices will probably pick back up as fast as they fell, we went into lockdowns with very strong fundamentals and there is pent-up demand being created. The only danger is if they let them drag on too long.

>Back in January 23, when China had just reached 500 cases, they locked down over 50 million people. Measures include:
Then the infection should of never should of left china then, they were lying about the virus and how many were actually infected even back then and before.

>and then we both clapped

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>red pill me on pickled eggs. are they good?
They're amazing. Tangy and beety. Add a little salt and pepper for a good time.

pickling is a method to make food last longer and only poor people do it and most poor people are niggers

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Tucc is putting NY's leadership over a barrel... he's alright sometimes

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Nice, fuck cable packages

>One guy
Kek but he Looks like all Trump supporters.

Hopefully Trump is watching.

The demand is way way low, it needs immediate action re: loans, forbearance, and tariffs or not only is production going to continue to tumble but lots of high paying jobs will be gone overnight.

Adam Schiff's puppet CIA boy Eric Ciamarella

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-19_10-07-50.png (859x634, 591.86K)

How do I stop masturbating so I can MAGA? As someone who does it multiple times a day everyday I've fucked up my brain to only be able to get it up with death grip and fetishes.

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This is one of the funniest threads I've read so far this year. They're destroying each other over this.

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and yet I've never seen a nigger eating a pickle.

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As I peer through the dimming
I see songbirds
Eating new buds
On the still branch

me in the el camino

ngl, that is a comfy photo

It keeps blowing up in their faces yet the insist on doubling down instead of changing the strategy.

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Where'd you learn that from, reddit or twitter?
I can follow you all day you dumb bitch

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My pozzed, super anti-Trump company(100b+ value) just said they are not worried about virus anymore. In other words, "its manageable". Kinda shocked they said it in our conference call.

Hey, that's nice. I hope they keep that available. I will ditch my pirate feed if they do.

amazon huh,

ask trump why my pee is neon yellow

>directions say microwave on high for 5 minutes
>only microwave it for 44 seconds
>get sick

Attached: 1585263332782m.jpg (1024x782, 74.79K)

Maybe if you aren't in front of your computer all day you won't jack it 3 times.

Attached: USA girl.jpg (417x500, 53.39K)

It seems like it's starting to calm down where I'm at.
t. grocery store worker in Phoenix

That microwave’s name? Albert Einstein.

Hello, fellow antitucc chad friend. I hope youa re having a wonderful MAGA evening.

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i wonder who could be behind these posts

Attached: pickle puffer cat 2.png (610x395, 483.03K)

NEW ish.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-26 Donald J Trump on Twitter The world is at war with a hidden enemy WE WILL WIN https t co QLceNWcL6Z T[...].png (598x629, 381.38K)

Eric CiaMaRella

anyone rubber stamping this name
David Gadren

Attached: pientka PIENTKA.jpg (1200x671, 127.95K)

How much coke does this guy do before he comes on camera every time?

Attached: trace.png (164x220, 83.14K)

So you don't use hot sauce?

They're good, try one.

Attached: 20200326_171653.jpg (2560x1440, 1.1M)

>Everyone here seems to entirely forget what happens when oil production was foreign, or they never learned in the first place and are fucking stupid, so here you go a little history lesson.
I remember the tail of it in the early 80s. Totally agreed. There's a one-to-one equation with this and the China/medical/manufacturing crisis we're in right now, too. People need to connect the dots.

If things end up being more expensive, it's worth it for 1) security and 2) jobs/skills retained in the USA. The fact is, considering even SOME externalities (eg, the trillions spent in defense/war in the ME) it's NOT more expensive to keep it all here, and pay a nominally higher per gallon price.

Attached: gas price historic.png (868x851, 245.25K)

Picked eggs n beets are God tier. Picked mustard eggs are killer too. Fuck now I gotta go make some

>RSFSR coming back
>RSFSR will get rid of the Kikes, Jews AND gays
>US will finally have a perfect trading partner then just China
>World peace will come and into space

Dont mind that, focus on coofers

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Eh, I like Trump but you know he's been on the phone with Xi and Xi asked that WHO puppet to give Trump some praise.

Sure is funny how these pro trump threads won't touch JIDF and blackcube comments from a mile away. It's almost like everyone in here goes off a script and aren't real Yas Forums users.

I guess that's what happens when you elect a Zionist who allows all of his supporters to be beaten across the nation and deleted from all social media platforms.

Serious question, do you people have no shame? You are literal parasites.

>"who subcommed to the virus"
is this jewish newspeak for "died" ?

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Now just WHO could this enemy be?

Attached: question kanna.jpg (720x672, 80.95K)

>3 weeks straight of the same news story

Attached: IUsedToBe.jpg (563x491, 68.35K)

The gas shortage probably wasn't helped by the fact that everybody was driving around in a 4 ton metal shit box

It is a mystery.

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>he doesn't browse Yas Forums 24/7
Not gonna MAGA bro....

That said I think masturbating multiple times per day is what has led to the rise of trannies who get off on the pleasure of orgasms and not the actual penetration. I don't want to become a tranny bros

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White trash what is your problem with being so fucking ugly?
It's definitely genetic, maybe spread out the gene pool a little.

they are expected to arrive march 27 - april 24

this biden rape accusation sounds exactly how he acts kek, this has legs

>>RSFSR coming back
Why would you want this?

Attached: 3694A319-A5B1-4FC8-B4A0-70634AA81766.jpg (584x1024, 139.59K)

.... and then she gave him a vigorous pegging as his reward

Compared with 3 and half years of "this is the end of Trumps Presidency"

Q is a state department LARP to make people stop paying attention to Assange
You don't know shit about fuck

A 17-year-old from New Orleans has died from coronavirus.

Authorities have warned that hospitals could collapse by April 4 and that the state will run out of ventilators by the first week of next month.

Experts say the crisis in New Orleans was likely accelerated by Mardi Gras, the iconic celebration that saw millions of tourists flock to the Big Easy over a period of several weeks, culminating with Fat Tuesday on February 25.

Info dumps since JIDF and BLACK CUBE slides every single thread but these.

Jews are just 1.4% of the US population and 0.0025% of the world population

>Bernie Sanders on jew loyalty: [Open]
>Chuck Schumer on jew loyalty: [Open]
>Joe Biden encouraging white genocide: [Open]

Senate (9% jewish, 650% US over-representation)

Michael Bennet (D-CO)
Richard Blumenthal (D-CT)
Benjamin Cardin (D-MD)
Dianne Feinstein (D-CA)
Jacky Rosen (D-NV)
Brian Schatz (D-HI)
Bernie Sanders (I-VT)
Chuck Schumer (D-NY)
Ron Wyden (D-OR)

House (8% jewish, 600% US over-representation)

David Cicilline (D-RI)
Stephen Cohen (D-TN)
Susan Davis (D-CA)
Ted Deutch (D-FL)
Eliot Engel (D-NY)
Lois Frankel (D-FL)
Josh Gottheimer (D-NJ)
David Kutsoff (R-TN)
Andy Levin (D-MI)
Mike Levin (D-CA)
Alan Lowenthal (D-CA)
Nita Lowey (D-NY)
Elaine Luria (D-VA)
Jerry Nadler (D-NY)
Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY)
Dean Phillips (D-MN)
Jamie Raskin (D-MD)
Max Rose (D-NY)
Jan Schakowsky (D-IL)
Adam Schiff (D-CA)
Kim Schrier (D-WA)
Debbie Wasserman Schultz (D-FL)
Brad Sherman (D-CA)
Brad Schneider (D-IL)
Elissa Slotkin (D-MI)
Susan Wild (D-PA)
John Yarmuth (D-KY)
Lee Zeldin (R-NY)

Supreme Court (33.3% jewish, 2,400% US over-representation):

Ruth Bader Ginsburg (D)
Stephen Breyer (D)
Elena Kagan (D)

just got back from chickfila and it was a breeze
stupid fucking doomers need to drop their foxnation subscriptions and get out more

Attached: 1585171031147.png (525x600, 317.32K)

Dude fuck yes based purple eggs. A delicacy in my family and great at thanksgiving. Rock on brother

Not me, go actually to Russia and see that it's 3rd world.

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Pelosi turned 80 today
An 80 year old is running the House
Let that sink in

For the most part it was the best people had, The specific intention was to hit the west and giving your fate to hostile savages to handle nicely is begging for a dagger in the neck.

Attached: 7WRLkIW6_2019816061943.jpg (500x748, 211.98K)

>I don't want to become a tranny bros
You should probably stop the anime too then

WHO could the hidden enemy be? We may never know.

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i am not a nigger, no

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How could you possibly go to chickfila when working is illegal right now and no one can go outside?

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Fuck yes they are. Purple eggs are based af

weak b8 m8

Attached: trump star cleanup.jpg (1024x806, 217.41K)

Easter food for me. The longer they sit the better.

>only 2 weeks from thousandth case
he must be a liar

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J-just a flu
All flus have 10 times the mortality of the regular flu and kill 17 year olds. President Xi, I mean trump told me so.

>Authorities have warned that hospitals could collapse by April 4 and that the state will run out of ventilators by the first week of next month.
Well sheeeeeeet. Who could have seen this coming?

Attached: monkey business.png (589x539, 310.56K)

>why did the jews do this?

"careful anons or I will have Trump's FBI deal with you"

Attached: jared-kushner.jpg (1200x800, 96.03K)

Kinda like saying "Whites Only"

>Trump was the final boss in a metal gear game

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Oh I wonder who runs Washington?

Hmmmm... Lurkers take note, this entire thread is actual foreign people and paid shills.

Trump turned his back on his white base.

>no wall
>talks about black people and Hispanics constantly

All of flyover America should just vote for Patrick Little just for the hell of it.

They will say "democrat" but in reality why would whites want any of
This bullshit?

So tell me this, who is making all of these ventilators? Who is selling them and making a fortune from the government, that is, from tax payer money?

how does stock go up when unemploy go down

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>patrick little

Attached: king and zelda laughing.gif (384x239, 353.98K)

Can somebody explain what is likable about “The Five”? The only tolerable people are Juan and Jesse, and that’s saying something. The rest are insufferable.


Attached: Screenshot_2020-03-26 Jev2DaMaximum on Twitter If you're on salary earning less than $70,000 a year you get the relief If y[...].png (816x433, 41.18K)

I bet you have to water down your milk cause it's too spicy for you, ya bland nigger

Attached: Screenshot_20200318-035016_Chrome.jpg (651x641, 243.62K)

She's not a tRump supporter tard now who looks bad even if she was no better than a 4

>zero evidence

Attached: 1585256161539.gif (340x191, 2.07M)

because free money

Maliciously and deceptively calling a Constitutional Republic a fucking Democracy

Attached: defend our constitutional republic.png (340x349, 140.8K)

It scales, that person is lying.

both are sluts who cares

Gib pickled egg pls. and cold beer.

Attached: REEflameon.jpg (900x900, 419.89K)

for what it's worth, i only consume almond milk

Attached: 1579923764445.png (1080x1082, 1.61M)

>Self employed

>Over $75,000
Fuck off

This. Trumps base has left, every "alt right" aka who're person is pissed and now all the RHINO Zionists and Jews that he ran against "the swamp" love the guy.

That really says it all.

My Boomer dad who voted for Obama is now sharing racist chink jokes with me. Thank you, Corona-chan!

Attached: corona-chan bat feed.png (1882x1841, 2.23M)

After reading the other commentary on this program, I came to realize that most of the authors were most likely burdened and overly concerned with the resentment of having a former Republican Congressman on the left of center MSNBC when they were reviewing the show.

If you want the early morning headlines and some diverse political commentary without the fluff of other morning shows, then you just may well enjoy this one.

It is true that Joe Scarborough takes a little getting used to. He is opinionated, sometimes overbearing, and at times rude. He is also well versed in politics, insightful, fair, and able to reduce the complexities of political matters so that Everyman can relate to them without dumbing down the content.

Mika, daughter of foreign affairs expert Zbigniew Brzezinski, is a good foil for Joe, quick to provide an alternative viewpoint or food for thought. Joe steps on her toes sometimes (one reviewer laughingly declared him sexist, citing a time when he took a newspaper out of her hand) but she is easy going and plays her role well. After all, it is called Morning Joe and not Mornings with Joe and Mika.

Willie Geist plays third string, a background for most of the political conversation, but contributes nonetheless. He reprises his role on the defunct Tucker show by introducing News You Can't Use.

Despite the assertions of some, the guests they have are varied and frequently political giants. You won't have to worry about seeing the mother of a child who appeared on YouTube or the lawyer of a stripper being sued as guests on this show. While Buchanan or Shuster makes appearances, the likes of Bernie Goldberg, Brent Scrowcroft, Joe Biden and Phil Donahue (today's lineup) show up to push their books or talk current events.

While not for everyone, especially if your idea of political insight is Keith Olbermann lecturing the President night after night, Morning Joe is three hours of political opinion and insight most of us could use.

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>Oh I wonder who runs Washington?
The federal reserve, various lobbying industries (including Israel, but not limited to)

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They were stocking shelves like mad this morning at Walmart around 10am. Palets of shit going on the shelves. No paper towels or TP of course


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Nothing wrong with people getting more money, a brief stimulus into the economy will be needed and poor people spend money.

stop asking questions. the media will tell you what to think.

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Market priced in the massive unemployment.

That said people that are working should get money too.

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>A 17-year-old from New Orleans has died from coronavirus.
prove it


Attached: 1584984525798.png (1280x693, 1.31M)

When will Trump send this jewish bitch into a FEMA camp

Attached: (((rootless cosmpolitan))).jpg (580x474, 103.52K)

>Patrick Little
>"He hates Israel, don't mind that he wants to give reparations to blacks!"
Reminder that he went over here to Idaho after his defeat, ran in Garden City, and still lost.

Stop being dum and baiting teh ghey.

whats that mean

At least it's an American company. I guess it's not that suspicious.

What happens now to Biden?

Attached: biden.jpg (1195x851, 146K)

He seems like one of the only ones that you can actually have a conversation/debate with. Greg just screeches like a faggot.

>letting niggers be in charge inevitably leads to niggers fucking things up
hmm... who could've known this was going to happen?

Attached: 1507367324636m.jpg (1024x396, 50.88K)

And yet their stock is down today.


Attached: 1584800446847.png (500x504, 229.14K)

>'almond' milk, exclusively from California
That ain't almonds, son.


Attached: jahy awoo 1.png (900x900, 272.14K)

>don't call other countries shithole its raycis
>hehe US is such a shithole

Judaism in a nutshell.

I understand only Jewish puppets are allowed to win in America.

>after 20 years
If this happened, it would have came out in 08.

It ain't bad down here

She knows China just stopped testing people right?

Which is just water and nut dust, so i was correct. Eat more spice fren

no thanks hes an obama loyalist

To be fair, you have to have a very high IQ to understand Morning Joe. The political commentary is extremely subtle, and without a solid grasp of neo-conservatism most of the jokes will go over a typical viewer’s head. There’s also Joe’s radical centrist outlook, which is deftly woven into his characterisation- his personal philosophy draws heavily from John McCain’s, for instance. The fans understand this stuff; they have the intellectual capacity to truly appreciate the depths of these commentaries, to realise that they’re not just insightful- they say something deep about LIFE. As a consequence people who dislike Morning Joe truly ARE idiots- of course they wouldn’t appreciate, for instance, the humour in Joe’s existential catchphrase “The Party of Lincoln is Dead”, which itself is a cryptic reference to the murder of a certain intern in a congressional office. I’m smirking right now just imagining one of those addlepated trumplets scratching their heads in confusion as Mika Brzezinski’s genius wit unfolds itself on their television screens. What fools.. how I pity them.

And yes, by the way, i DO have a Morning Joe official coffee mug with an original signature. And no, you cannot drink from it. It’s for the ladies only- and even then they have to demonstrate that they’re within 5 IQ points of my own (preferably lower) beforehand. Nothin personnel kid

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Is Tucker just fascinated by the concept of a once busy city being deserted, or is he getting some sick pleasure seeing that city suffer?

>Gib pickled egg pls. and cold beer.
I made 3 dozen, have one. You can even have a spicy carrot or beet or pepperoncini or cauliflower if you fish it out of the jar.

The media will protect him

Who comes up with this shit?

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Update your English grammar skills, Wang

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You can bet Trump will start calling him Rapey Joe once things calm down and we get back to politics as usual.

>how does stock go up when unemploy go down
Have economic fundamentals changed? Is this a short term (stop-work order) issue, or is there something changing the underlying dynamic of the market and economy?

I'd argue that fundamentally the US emerges from this better than before, as there's going to be further investment in US manufacturing and business. The transportation, travel/leisure/tourism industry will take a bath. The unemployment change you're seeing is mostly service industry related. It'll pop back.

Markets back to 25k level by mid-April. 30k+ by election when Trump is going to be the clear winner in Fall.

Well said user

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