There's a difference between Torah Judaism vs Talmudic Judaism

The Torah ain't so bad, it's just a religous book

The Talmud is a book that teaches superiority and the rules of the tribe. Anyone can convert to the Talmud tribe though most of it's memebers are ashkenazis. Internationa ashkanazis with little genetic relation and more bounded by their cult subscription. If you're a goyim it's more likely they'll use you as a shabbos goy instead of actually letting you be a member in their club.

Im not sure if the talmud tribe are even jews at all. Are they actually related to any of the 12 tribes? Which people aroumd today are actualy part of the 12 tribes? And are all 12 tribes good or some of them bad?

Also, the jews never used the hexagram to symbolize themselves until around the 19th century. So why did they just suddently decided to adopt it?

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I just thought they had 2 books cuz they they're better


Are you Torah Jewish yourself?

No way. Closest thing i am to the torah is reading the bible

12 tribes are probably different european ethnic groups.
Remember israelite is not the same as modern jewish.

>this nigga talkin to me about the talmud and torah like i don't already know
Lurk more and you'll understand why it's necessary to say that all Jews are bad.

year 1356, Flag of Prague´s jews

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there's no such thing. torah is the book the religion is based on, talmud is just a bunch of rabbis arguing about laws,morality and the torah.

>the jews never used the hexagram to symbolize themselves until around the 19th century. So why did they just suddently decided to adopt it?
the symbol of judaism is and always has been the menorah

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>qu'ran is main book, hadith is just addtions?

So fucking what dumbarse,. what a stupid argument.

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there's no such thing as 'non torah jew', all judaism is based on the torah, there's no additions

Of the books aren't responsible
But your an adult reading Harry Potter and wear a cape ill get the fuck away from you

Fuck dat shit I just wanna slurp your asshole dawg

A jew is a jew is a jew
They all need to be really holocausted

>No goy, don't read Sanhedrin 59a!
>Also you betta not read that pesky Sanhedrin 55b either!
>Bad goy, go back to watching goyflix in your cuckshed!

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Lemme pump my seed inside ur mouth babe its kosher no worries

thats gay dude
read all you want why should i care

Das racist stfu

you're a child dipping your toe into a settled matter on Yas Forums

There is no such thing as "torah judaism". The torah was the scripture of the children of Israel, the talmud is babylonian mysticism that the macabees and the edomites used as their scripture when they usurped the place of the children of israel and the "jews" came into existence.

Is it though? Why? I get the Talmudic but the the Torah is just old testament isn't it?

>torah is the book the religion is based on, talmud is just a bunch of rabbis arguing about laws,morality and the torah.

Of course this is a lie, but if you noticed the israel flag you would have realized anything this guy said was a lie. To jews the talmud is their primary scripture. The torah for jews exists as nothing but a prop to carry around in the satanic masses they hold.
The reason why they crucified Jesus is specifically because Jesus advocated for the torah and said the talmud and the rabbis pushing it were works of the devil.

Than why the fuck aren't there millions of Jews trying to eradicate these Talmudic Satan worshippers?

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>all judaism is based on the torah, there's no additions
another lie by the kike. The talmud is an inversion of the torah. Just like satanists have inverted the bible, prayers, and rituals to perform satanic masses the Jews have inverted the torah for their satanic religion. As an example- lineage is determined by the father in the torah, by the mother in the talmud. Usury is forbidden in the torah, allowed in the talmud. Pedophilia is forbidden in the torah, permitted in the talmud. The worship of moloch if forbidden by the torah and permitted by the talmud.

The talmud is why the jews are the evil subhuman scum hat they are

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You tell me user

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So what are those that follow Talmudic laws? Are they Jews? Where can Ashkenazi? I figured the Pharisees were Talmudic ones since they brought Babylonian cult stuff into the Jews religion and Jesus said they were Satans children. Spill it. What are they?

the old testament is comprised of the tanach and the torah

*What is an Ashkenazi
>>not where can

>Are they actually related to any of the 12 tribes? Which people aroumd today are actualy part of the 12 tribes?
The 12 Tribes of Israel were descendants of Egyptian slaves. Whenever you see a pasty faced, curly-brown-haired hawk-nosed yehudy, ask yourself, is this person the descendant of a slave from Egypt?

Tell me like im 3yrs old. I don't study any of that, no idea

Jewish genetic separation has its origins in the proactive implementation of Jewish Old Testament racial ideology during the very early stages of the Diaspora, not as a subsequent defensive reaction to Gentile society. As described in the books of Numbers, Deuteronomy, and Joshua, Jews always have preferred to commit genocide rather than to permit intermarriage and genetic mixture with the host population. And the Jewish god is a specifically tribal god — rather than the universal deity of the Christians — designed first and foremost to maintain and promote Jewish racial integrity. The Hebrew history of the Old Testament dictates, in fact, that all of Israel’s misfortunes arose from rejecting Yahweh (Jehovah) through racial mixing.

And lots of Jews are atheist
Who fucking cares
They’re all subhuman

>So what are those that follow Talmudic laws?
They are polytheistic desert cult that worships the fallen angels. It's the combined religions of egypt, babylon, and surrounding regions.

>Are they Jews?
Yes. But jews have never been the children of israel. They are a different ethnicity entirely. Ashkenazi are "european jews", meaning that no matter how far back you trace their ancestry you'll never find a drop of blood in them originating from Israel. They come from southern russia and their religion comes from babylon. They have no relation to israel whatsoever.

Modern white Jews conquered Israel, called themselves Jews, but they are not descended from Jacob.

These evil childraping mongoloids have been inbreeding muttblood for thousands of years.

>he Hebrew history of the Old Testament dictates, in fact, that all of Israel’s misfortunes arose from rejecting Yahweh (Jehovah) through racial mixing.

I love it when ignorant idiots like yourself make grand proclamations about shit they know nothing about

there is no difference.
a jew is a jew is a jew.

Jews don’t follow the Torah

Because if they did it would mean they’d have to accept Jesus as their messiah

They follow “””interpretations””” of Torah
Compiled by Rabbis

>white jew
get a load of this newfag

Who are the real children of Israel then? I thought they kept up with their tribal bloodlines. You mean to say that these Talmudic Babylonian cultists are impostors?

>Jews conquered, enslaved, evicted from Syria Palestine for ~1,800 years
>80% of "Jews" in Israel today are atheist
Whatever opportunists have seized that land, be wary of them.

People like Netanyahu are white and not Jews.

They've taken over the Talmudic religion, they've infiltrated Judaism, everything about Judaism worships these mongoloids.

But they're not Jews biologically.

They're pretenders, they're the nephilim.

Judaism for the most part is just a basterdization of various tribes history mish-mashed and projected onto the Jews, they even stole different idols/demons various groups used to pray for and took them for themselves. The rest is made up. The Torah in the Old Testament and the Torah Jews read are two totally different Torahs by the way, Jews have a different translation and give the goyim some bizarre one.

>Who are the real children of Israel then?
about 2% of modern jewry, if that. By the time the second temple was destroyed and the jews were scattered the children of israel were a persecuted minority in their own country and the macabees (the jews) held power. The king herod that ordered all male children to be killed because one was the messiah was one of these jews.

>You mean to say that these Talmudic Babylonian cultists are impostors?
obviously. you can't believe a word a jew says. everything is a lie.

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talmud didnt exist in jesus's time
> inversion of the torah
educate yourself

>Americans calling anyone else non-white

That wasn't even OP topic, why the fuck are Yas Forumstards so obsessed with whiteness? The thread is about Judaism mutt.

The true jews are clearly the AMERICAN BLACK HEBREW ISRAELITES.

The problem with Jews is their sense of genetic and social superiority to "goys"like us. It causes them to debase and subvert every facet of western civilization with religious conviction and conspiratorial efficiency. If all they wanted to do was practice their funny hat-wearing and do their prayers, no one would have a problem with them, but they don't. Money, degeneracy, dishonesty, control, and usury are their primal instincts. Whether Talmud or Torah they still unironically believe in Jewish supremacy over all other races, while simultaneously tricking the goy masses into believing they are the perpetual victims of ethnic and religious discrimination. That's why we have fooled into fighting their wars and monetarily paying for their ways of life.

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Rabbi - " The Talmud, the Torah , Zohar, Kabbalah, Gematria etc - It's just one big Torah"

It's a Templar symbol

"Esau edom is in modern jewry"

Edomites are the most dangerous of Israel enemies and it's prophesied that they would attempt to destroy Jacob-Israel at the end of time.

>talmud didnt exist in jesus's time

Crazy how you despicable subhuman kikes lie so freely about everything. You greasy scumbag kikes tell 3each other that the talmud was the oral law moses brought down from the mountain, but you tell the gentiles something completely different. The funny thing is, both are lies. You can't even stop lying to each other

They got diaspora-ed all over the place and we don’t entirely know who they were genetically so your guess is as good as any. I’ve seen some theories that tribes like the Celts, Scythians, even the Scots are linked to one or more of the twelve tribes.

The Christian Identity movement proposes that white Europeans are actually the twelve tribes, this theory is often posted as a rebuttal to pagan arguments that Christianity is a Semitic religion. There’s no evidence that this is true, it completely ignores thousands of years of European history, and “we wuz jews” is Wakanda-tier revisionism. At this point I’m willing to side with the Black Hebrew Israelites just because it would be funny.

As for what the actual current Jews are, Ashkenazim are European. Some say their origin is Khazar or Turkish, some say they’re meds, I personally think they’re most likely a mix of all the above. They have a definitively non Aryan phenotype. Then there are Sephardim which are middle eastern jews, a separate ethnic group.

Nephilim were historically cannibals.


These guys think they know more about Judaism than the actual Jews

The Torah was the set of books that included Moses’ law. The Talmud came about much later, from a mix of the Pharisees’ Judaism, some Babylonian mysticism, and a lot of legalistic argumentation and circumvention of the rules of the Torah. Imagine if a pedantic lawyer autist got his hands on the Old Testament and had hundreds of years to figure out every loophole, that’s the Talmud.

there's no talmudic laws, theres mitzvot in the tabah which jews are required to follow and those are the laws of judaism.
what the talmud is is basically a legal document with discussion of said laws and how they should be applied .for example tanah says not to eat a goat in it's mother's milk, talmudic interpretations of this law speak of how its about not being unnecessarily cruel to animals and about not mixing meat and milk, and how long after you eat one can you eat the other and stuff like that.

most of it is super boring but there's some interesting parts, some of it is written like a socratic dialogue, a lot of it is arguments between a faction called hilel house who are more lenient and shamai house who are more strict.
there's all sorts of cool shit in there, i remember one story where one of the hazal (basically elders\philosophers\whatever ) had long hair and was bathing in some stream and another saw him from afar and thought he was a woman or something like that.

I wasn't talking about Nephilim

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