/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2588

► Detected: 532,753 ► Died: 23,999
► 9 deaths were reported since the last thread was made.
Live: youtu.be/qgylp3Td1Bw

— 3.7 billion people put under lockdown —
— 199 countries and territories infected —

Chinese company amassed Australian supplies and shipped them out

16 year old female dies in France

Chef that criticized people avoiding China Town has died of COVID

Japan has "unexpected" rise in cases, outbreak in Tokyo

Treatment with HIV drugs ends in failure in controlled study

21 year old without previous conditions dies in Britain

Type-A blood more likely to catch virus than type-O

Neuroinvasive potential of nCoV

Aerosolized, airborne transmission

Patient tests negative four times, was infected

People are not being tested in Japan despite symptoms

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

Over half of China shuts down: 80% of GDP, 90% of exports

Thailand hiding cases as "viral pneumonia"

Wartime conditions in China

23:34: 129 new cases and 1 new death in Florida, United States.
23:19: 67 new cases in Alberta, Canada.
23:16: 66 new cases in British Columbia, Canada.
23:07: 75 new cases and 1 new death in Pakistan.
23:02: 409 new cases and 6 new deaths in Washington state, United States.
23:01: 68 new cases in Texas, United States.


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Other urls found in this thread:




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Louisiana has died.

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A 17-year-old from New Orleans has died from coronavirus.

Authorities have warned that hospitals could collapse by April 4 and that the state will run out of ventilators by the first week of next month.

Experts say the crisis in New Orleans was likely accelerated by Mardi Gras, the iconic celebration that saw millions of tourists flock to the Big Easy over a period of several weeks, culminating with Fat Tuesday on February 25.

>C-china is lying

massive cope

Back in January 23, when China had just reached 500 cases, they locked down over 50 million people. Measures include:

>suspension of all public transport
>residents not allowed to leave the city
>private vehicles banned from city streets
>shut down major highways
>shut down all non-essential companies, including manufacturing plants
>disinfected the whole province
>only one person from each household is permitted to go outside for provisions once every two days, except for medical reasons (checkpoints at residential building entrances to guarantee this was respected)
>door-to-door inspection to catch and transport the sick to quarantine centers

Meanwhile in the West:

>wait until cases rise up to dozens of thousands to take half the measures cited above
>discourage masks for months

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Seems like new york is turning into raccoon city.


Rate my PrEP boysssss

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This savotta backpack is poggers dude

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Chinese are helping countries now but when this is over they'll force those countries to pay up

I'm going to coom to corona-chan

These threads are shit now lol

Press S to spit on the American Virus

Lookner almost went full tilt, kinda disappointed.
Fuck you Gary, xoxoxo

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Was it worth it?

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shit arms òwó

I think corona is caused by 5G

when is the next metokur corona stream? i love those ones

These breads have become so fucking cringe.
>articles from 2nd rate news agencies
> new symptoms discovered like: patients lose their appetite!
> patients have red around eyes!!!

If this thread had a smell; it’d smell like loneliness and dick cheese.

You forgot to mention some examplary measures by China like barring the suspected cases inside their homes and letting them rot.

>Fake news source
>Dude literally wearing shoes in the hospital bed.
>First thing she does is act like we didn't do enough.

Anti-Trump propaganda. Wouldn't expect a Hans to understand propaganda though.

Where do you get your detected cases info from? You always seem a bit over from the places I get my info


Sorry that OP doesn't use CCP as a news source

Is TOTALLY the other way around, corona CAUSES the 5G.

>likely accelerated by Mardi Gras
I am absolutely shocked that the experts would though so. That's racist.

fucking amerimutt that does not put in the amount of new dead/infected in the header.
We need argiebro back

>clapping meme getting more popular in argentina

yeah thats a YIKES

What the fuck am I looking at

i ass switzerland?

Any habbening in the US?

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Believing in shitposts CAUSES the schizo

Am I gonna make it boyssss

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Who /comfy/ here?

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An advanced case of COVID-19

wtf is that

5G causes gluten confirmed.

i fuck man ass

So who else here doesn't mind Corona collapsing society since every time you take steps towards adulthood, you feel like suicide would be a preferable option to living in this world?

My chest hurts lads I think I'm gonna die soon.

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Most confirmed cases in the world about about number 5 for deaths now




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When do I get my Trumpbux lads?

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nothingburger. Stop shilling this fucking shit, nothing will happen

i hope this dude is still alive

typical canadian

I think I may have a mild case of it. Acute bronchitis symptoms when I'm 19. 1st time in my life having these symptoms. I'm gonna be okay right frens

Where's Gary?????

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Chloroquines a strong drug and I've got a good feeling about it. It's FDA approved and easily sourced. So I'm opening the country back up even though we were never really on lockdown.

upside down symbol inverts its meaning. upside down heart symbol means hatred.

>he finally organized that disgusting pile
I'm proud of you fren

>ID: shzAo

Bob, the Boneless Boar.

I would have to agree. They have become like a constant sticky where no one replies to anyone and just posts for themselves. Unless you post borderline porn or flood the thread with massive capitals and green text you arent getting any engagement. Meaningful discussion has almost stopped completely.

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i've been sick for 30 years, this is a shitty way to die though but WHATEVA

probably just a heart attack

wew this is going to be a fucking massacre:

1h ago 22:53

Fact check:

The Guardian’s Nina Lakhani reports.

Dr. Birx also implied that contrary to reports, there are enough ventilators to go around. “We don’t have evidence” that Americans who need a hospital bed or ventilator won’t have access to one, Birx said.

However, an article in the New England Journal of Medicine published on Wednesday 25 March categorically concluded that the US does not have enough ventilators to treat patients with Covid-19 in the coming months.

The authors, American public health experts, wrote: ‘There is a broad range of estimates of the number of ventilators we will need to care for U.S. patients with Covid-19, from several hundred thousand to as many as a million. The estimates vary depending on the number, speed, and severity of infections, of course, but even the availability of testing affects the number of ventilators needed.... current estimates of the number of ventilators in the United States range from 60,000 to 160,000, depending on whether those that have only partial functionality are included. The national strategic reserve of ventilators is small and far from sufficient for the projected gap. No matter which estimate we use, there are not enough ventilators for patients with Covid-19 in the upcoming months.”

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How long you guys think the quarantine will last?

When you keep going, you'll eventually end up feeling nothing anymore.

rate the framework?

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Kek, my bad, I mean pic related

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I fuck man ass?

Who is the SEMEN DEMON?

Reminder to put your dry food into air tight boxes.

Don't let moths get to it or you'll end up with Lime diseases.

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You forgot that by january 23 they had hid the virus for a bit less than two months. Cope favelinho.

NZ cases increased by 85 to 368 in the last 24hrs.


Corona is a dry coof, so if you're spitting blood then you're fine.

You're gonna die.

In our hearts

Don't be fooled, you don't know if you have a bad case until it's run its full course.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 based Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 Ai Wei Wei 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门 Umbrella protests Extradition Law 纸老虎 Hong Kong protests 李文良医生 Democracy won the Vote 习近平的阴茎很小。 每天晚上,在上床睡觉之前,他都会吞下几加仑的非裔美国人的阴茎汁。它充满了他的胃,使他忘记了自己难以置信的小阴茎。还有,他妈的中国,台湾第一。

Just got an alert now for FL that my parents can’t go out(over 65)
It’s over

Get tested you nigger.

Wait why are Amerifats deploying national guard near the Canadian border?

Shoot wagecuck deserters?

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My flag doesn't have any stars on it

From the wiki page re Germany

>On 21 March, after more and more residents of asylum centres tested positive for the virus, asylum seekers were unsettled. In Suhl, some threw stones at the police, threatened to set the residence on fire, and used children as human shields. Refugee organisations demanded smaller residencies, including accommodation in hotels and hostels
Germany yaaas; we'll soon follow, I bet.
>On 24 March, a delivery of 6 million protective masks of type FFP-2 ordered by the German central provisioning to protect health workers was reported missing at an airport in Kenya. They had been produced by a German company and it was unclear why they had been in Kenya

So someone stole SIX MILLION masks. Oy vey, must be some of those pro-migration (((activists))) who cannot fathom a single African die.



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Do you like my new supply guy

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This is not your blog



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W-Where's argiebro?

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2 months at most before people start rioting

I don't own a gun how fucked am I

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I'm not going to lie, my job was getting kind of shitty and i appreciate all the time i've gotten off it

It's like my 10 year old wet dream, being able to stay at home while still collecting my payment at the end of the month while i watch one of the biggest happenings

Chinese helps no one. The Insect Kingdom should be vaporized for sheltering demons.

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We don't test mild cases.

Papa Nurgle loves you

I remember years ago. I had an incredibly severe cough that lasted for weeks and weeks. I'd cough so hard I'd nearly vomit and couldn't breathe. No idea what it was went to the doctors twice had a chest x ray that showed nothing. Just eventually went away but Christ I had a fair few sleepless night with it.

pokurwiło cie z tymi mlekami
Co ty będziesz budyń budyń podczas kwarantanny robił

Just stop, retarded pollak

Until the meteor hits us in late april.

They are already sharing one ventilator to two patients in new York. American health service is about to be shown for the shit that it is.

>Stocks are up
Corona-chan BTFO! America will win this war against the virus!

Says WHO

God I hope Germany gets cucked hard by this virus.


Really? Why doesn’t OP paste this stuff. It’s not CCP

1) Nobody dies only of the coronavirus: 99% of those who die with it have comorbidities, and the average age of death is 80.


2) Dr John Ioannidis of Stanford University points out that the only true case-study which we have of the coronavirus shows a death-rate as low as 0.05%.


3) Pneumonia annually kills over a million people. After several months, the coronavirus has (allegedly) killed only 20,000.

4) According to Oxford University, half of Britain has already been infected with the virus for some time. Where are the results?


5) The tales about the overwhelming of medical infrastructure are specious. There are innumerable ways to explain them. Mass hysteria, induced by the lockdowns and the media, causes many people to flood into hospitals who ordinarily would have stayed at home. Panic causes many people to flee from cities into the countryside, overwhelming health resources in areas which are ill-equipped to handle a large volume of patients. Doctors and nurses often go into isolation for 14 days for fear of spreading the virus, causing shortages of staff. Italy, the cause celebre of the flatten the curve narrative, had an outbreak of tuberculosis before this all began. (lewrockwell.com/2020/03/no_author/italy-is-second-country-with-coronavirus-outbreak-preceded-by-a-tuberculosis-epidemic/)

6) As Dr Wolfgang Wodarg says, we are manufacturing a pandemic by testing everybody who is ill for coronaviruses. Those who die _with_ it, not _of_ it, then get added to a meaningless pile of statistics


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This is only the beginning. Explosion of death happens once new case stop happening daily

>Meanwhile in the West:
>>wait until cases rise up to dozens of thousands to take half the measures cited above
>>discourage masks for months

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>Infection rate is exploding in the us
>Mom went out to buy groceries 3 days ago despite me warning them that they should stock up fucking weeks ago before cases started popping up around us
Why are boomers like this?

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A few elderly people die and the whole world freaks out. This will be over in less than a month.

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Realistically it SHOULD last at least 5-6 months.

What will actually happen is it will last maybe another month before the panicking upper class tries to force everyone back to work and causes wave 2 to hit even harder and destroys the economy more than if those retards just left it alone.

We /17 days/ now

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Coofing blood out of his lungs while fixing his bot.


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You're scarin me user

Just a flu bro, who cares

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Dunno, I need my updates



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China had 2 months of uncontrolled spread in Hubei, user.

Hubei should have had 60% of that area infected by late January.

Is that all just for you? I think you can probably stop going outside at this point. Also I know it's strange coming from a burger but stop drinking soda, it's cancer.

Says Americans because we are so fucking retarded.

>I caught coronavirus
>wife caught it from me
>infant daughter caught it from us
>wife suggests we all drink her breast milk for the antibodies
>only symptoms have been mild chest pain and a stuffy nose, no fever and no coof, lungs xrays looked fine to doctor
>we got the clear to leave quarantine just a few days ago

We still have a few bags of corona breast milk in the freezer if anyone wants to buy them.

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Don't you guys only have tap water at certain times?

>1) Nobody dies only of the coronavirus
first point and already know you're chink shill. Fucking healthy kids died to it recently

my mom kept going swimming right up until the day they closed swimming pools gyms etc which was too late, warned her for weeks before

Explosions of death happen once hospitals reach their limits and doctors start getting sick.

So... soon. A week maybe. It's about to get really bad.

Be glad you're not American where they can find some way to bullshit and call themselves, "Essential". I'm literally needing to try and apply for FMLA to be able to self-quarantine (due to a pre-existing condition) and keep my job.

He counted down

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It's not real until their boomer friends are on ventilators

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If old people still cared about staying alive we would have cured aging by now