You guys can blame DA JOOS as much as you want but the reality is that you (white men) are the only ones torturing yourselves.Because white men are naturally left leaning cucks.
>tfw Mutt's law is actually real
Other urls found in this thread:
White American men are more obsessed with Black cock then White American women. Literally everyone on Yas Forums except for burgers already knows this
Isnt that the okay boomer girl? Tbf she is made for bbc
Now I want to see her shirt
>two comments on Instagram are representative of the over 1 billion white people that exist
This is true. Lack of melanin gives you an increase in estrogen. White men are a mix between male and female. Men love muscles and women love manliness. Being a mix of the 2 is a perfect combination to be obsessed with black men. Its the fate of white men
No. These are just the white men brave enough to admit their fetish out in the open on social media. But 90% of white men are thinking exactly what that top comment with 1542 likes is thinking.
Whites are complete untermensch
mutts are unable to find women attractive unless they know they have been with a nigger. the absolute state of mutts
There is actulky very little diffrence between the testerone levels a white and a black person produces
However black women ( and darker skin women ) produce more estrogen than white women. It’s the reason black women have more feminine bodies than white women and black men have early devolpment during puberty
But nice try
Mutts law is a result of 24/7 negro media being pushed on the youth for decades.
cope harder shitoid
In some ways I do agree that White men are a lot like women in aspects other races of men aren’t. I’ve always felt that white men feel something more similar to maternalism when it comes to their children rather than paternalism. I’ve always thought that the way white men feel love is the same way women feel love.
Sage and fuck jannies
>Because white men are naturally left leaning cucks.
Only people that vote right wing are white men
>negro media
user, i don't thing you understand ...
Niggers are puppets on a string. Nonwhites are NOTHING without the kike system running PR for them 24/7 and artificially propping them up.
>It’s the reason black women have more feminine bodies than white women
Non Whites vote left for gibs which is based. When it comes to people who vote left wing because they truly believe in progressivism as an ideology White men are over represented massively amongst men. Hence White men are massive cucks.
The ASIAN male is the epitome of female sensuality and femininity.
Let’s start by looking at his body. His body is petite. His tiny shape makes his presence more helpless, like a perfect Damsel in Distress. He is neotenous, as a result of his high levels of estrogen. This gives him the appearance of health and fertility. He is then covered by his light skin. This light skin reminds us of his softness, a feature that developed due to being exposed to the colds of North East Asia, made to withstand such an extreme condition. It also has a psychological effect on the observer. The light skin reminds us of every male's desire to companionship, warmth and love that emerge from our primal subconscious past.
The ASIAN male’s demeanor is one of submissiveness. He is submissive, yet assertive, and can be explosively emotive. His demeanor strikes envy into the more vapid, prudish races of women(wh*te bitches)
The summit of expression of his femininity on his body is his bussy. The ASIAN bussy is tightest of all the races. As the bussy is the penultimate symbol of womanhood, this alone would suffice to make the ASIAN male the most feminine of men. This tight bussy is able fulfill the desire of the neediest of men, being able to stimulate the phallus. Its strength insures that when he orgasms, the potent ASIAN contractions will immediately draw in the seed of his man the ASIAN male copulates with.
In total, the ASIAN male expresses this femininity in a most exemplary manner in bed. When he fucks, he receives the entirety of the lusts and desires of his man without any restraint.
All this is the reason why the ASIAN male is the epitome of femininity
You got proof of any of that? Or is the source your ass?
By feminine he means wide hips, not childlike like many Caucasian women.
I think you are confusing feminine and fat. I know both words begin with an f but come on...
>someone get her on blacked
literally built for bbc its a crime she hasn't been BLACKED yet
>conclusion niggers have higher levels of estrogen
I’m not sure it’s considered universally feminine to have evolved to easily crap out loads of babies because most of them get eaten by lions
where are the nudes?
> Wide hips
> More voloptpus
It is the reason why high testerone men tend to prefer " thick women". And why the skinny ,blonde hair blue eyes pale girls have low testerone pedos interested in them
Her face looks familiar but I can't recall her name.
An entire generation of mutts who grew up on BLACKED
You mean fat.
neekolul. She is the Bernie ok boomer girl
Except thats wrong, white women on average have the widest hips, black women just have larger fat deposits on their thighs but structurally their hips are narrower. It's why black and asian women have higher rates of birth complications with European fathers due to their childrens heads being too big.
I swear the first photo looks like someone else I've seen.
Lol holy shit this pic pretty much confirms that white men are more obsessed THAN WHITE WOMEN. The fact that white women have to correct you cucks that they arent into black men is peak clown world.
are you fucking retarded?
>da joos!
No shit, they subverted it successfully
lurk way more new fag
answer the JQ then lurk some more
>Op is always a faggot, always.
Do blacks realize that they are just a fetish for some people? The people that don't fetishize them hate their guts, and the people that do fetishize them just think of them as penises. Either way, nobody thinks of blacks as people. They are either garbage or a walking penis and nothing in between.
Thats what the stupid nigs don't get. They act all cocky when whites fetishize them but they don't realize its ridiculously dehumanizing. Its like they are objects.
Ropes are made for big black necks
Hi kike, did you consider that maybe American flagged jews are the BBC blacked posters?
>Because white men are naturally left leaning cucks.
lmao who votes more right than whites? oh that's right, nobody you mutt
read culture of critique faggot
Cucks need to die
I mean in minecraft
For those coping
> New data suggest that black women have higher levels of estradiol and lower androstenedione-to-estradiol ratios throughout the menstrual cycle compared with white women, a trend that may contribute to differences in the incidence and prevalence of health issues between these two populations.
All popular music in modern america is nigger made
this shit is forced on all americans for their whole lives, leading to a population who literally can't stop thinking about niggers
White men =/= Mutts
>Whites are complete untermensch
Say nigger to a nigger's face and tell me again about inferiority complexes.
Probably a chink larping desu
What about the people who make false flag accounts on social media so they can create threads like these on Yas Forums?
It truly is over for Americans though. 50 years ago you'd jack off to naked milfs in a magazine, now your zoomers are watching blacked every single day.
You're literally raising a generation of porn addicted cuckolds while niggers rape and murder your people.
It's fucking OVER
it's because men watch 90% of porn and porn is full on bbc brainwashing. Hell even coalburners don't even care about bbc they just think burning coal makes them cool.
>*all white men*
There was a girl I remember watching a few years ago. She had tan skin, similar eyes, short hair.
BLACKED really did a number on the Sissy White Zoomers.
No, just you. Call it American exceptionalism.
all modern popular music comes from the mind of the black man. every single genre you listen to can be traced back to us
On a similar note I was watching a livestream with some asian chick once, a bunch of cucks (or possibly niggers) in chat kept spamming asking if she was into black guys... the girl shuts them up by saying she's into white boys and a bunch of viewers left soon after
Good grief Americans, what the fuck is wrong with you?
Answer my question, you waste of a cumshot.
cope, whiteboi. no use in denying your natural place in the sexual hierarchy.
Calm down, negro, you used a white mans instruments to produce half decent music 50 years ago, well done
Modern black "music" is akin to African tribal beats with a drug addict negro lazily talking over it, don't be proud of it.
cope nonwhite
Its not an american thing because hispanics and asians dont have this fetish. Its a white thing
das riiite fellow nigga! we wuz musiciians and sheeit
Fact: it wasn't slavery, it was forced bulldom.
>it's brave to crave black dick
your brain is fried, coomer.
Yeah right, and mass shootings is another """white""" thing that only happen in the US.
Jews, lolberals, benzo addicts, weed smokers, etc.