Ellen Degenerate's ankle monitor

Seriously what the hell is this on her leg if not ankle monitor?
Mods don't ban me, this definitely has political implications.


Attached: ellen.jpg (675x1200, 127.2K)

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Damn lol it's real

Lol Jesus Christ what did she do

this is why jews and chinks are here in force
never be disheartened

>came out of the closet
>can’t come out of her house

>people will see this and still believe in LARP virus

probably trafficking of minors across national borders without permission hence why open borders was so important to these pedos.

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I just died because my sides exploded but the hospital is "overloaded" with wu flu cases and I had to bleed out on the street.

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looks like a pack of cigarettes

The turkey picture on the bottom is not a real human. It is part of an art installation by Artist Anonymous.

seriously is could see the first video showing that square bulge might have just been something in her sock but a second time it shows up? does she just keep shit in her socks while she's at home?

>Ellen browses Yas Forums and puts an ankle monitor on to fuck with the entire board and get them to buy into a bullshit conspiracy
>gets paid handsomely for it too

Attached: belinda16.jpg (413x454, 35.54K)

thanks for the free (Yous) faggit you do it for free too which is whats so weird

just a pack of smokes bro


>Yas Forums is so important that celebrities spend time shitposting and trolling on it

the withdrawal in her eyes really sells it
tom hanks taught her well

she doesn't even smoke cigs memeflag

why are you fags watching shitty vlogs of ellen degenerate?

She's an old woman, it's probably a splint. Do you Qtard actually believe she and hanks got arrested on ped charges? Why would she be fooling around at her mansion. You fucktards are embarrassing, you'd do anything for your god emperor. Why don't you go lick some handbar in the tube to prove that Corona is fake?

whatever dude, go fuck yourself.
It doesn't help the cause to spread misinformation and muddy the waters.

>ankle splint
nice mental gymnastics buddy

Shes probably a diabetic, and that's insulin. Why is this a issue?

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she threatened the president on social media, remember?

If you're rich, famous, have fucked kids, but were just mandated to stay at home for an extended period of time because of martial law then you'd be bored enough to come here too.

no. can i get a quick rundown?

take yer meds schizo

maybe what ellen needs is a tasty california cheeseburger

Attached: california cheesburger.jpg (500x375, 42.51K)

>has political implications.
Celebrity gossip isn't politics you fucking NPC simpleton.

can anyone source the video that the still in the middle of this pic?

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>ankle splint
One which slides up and down sometimes. I'm a sceptic but things are getting pretty odd and interesting.

well if they are arresting the andrenochrome/pedo ring like the q-boomers say might be happening, yes it does.

debunks a claim that was never made you know you work for evil satanists right?

it's on her twitter

the propaganda agents of media the msm and multikulti absolutely are


It's where she keeps her smokes you pussy.

could be a batter pack for heated socks

Have you considered that the celebrities/politicians/CEOs under fire in relation to pizzagate represent the top 0.1% of an enormous secret society which has members infiltrated throughout the world, in every town and city?

Ill tell you this -- they think they are doing good, by way of a religious outlook which declares that THERE IS NO GOOD AND EVIL and that to think there is good and evil IS EVIL, it is like persecuting the carnivore for just being a carnivore. In their mindset the idea is that one must love all things by not regarding anything as evil. So they perform acts of wickedry as a means to prove to themselves and their superiors that they are in tune with the great truth that there is no good and evil, and feel that the more wicked they can be without caring about it, the more enlightened they are.

Where they have fallen short is in having interpreted the situation of there being no good and evil (and how to act in light of that truth) using purely theoretical intelligence, and with no heart intelligence involved. Purely theoretical intelligence leads to situations where the Queen's brave protector is executed by the Queen for having drawn his sword in the presence of the Queen, despite the fact that he did so in order to protect the Queen. It is mechanical intelligence with no wide awareness about it. It is the dumbest thing ever and only practiced by morons with enough artificial strength to push their stupid conclusions into action despite better ideas being present.

Purely theoretical intelligence is absent of that quality which makes us an advanced species, it is utter regression.

But see, the society of it is like a church, and both the powerful personalities under pizzagate fire and your local instances of this society are just born into it and follow suit in the same way people born into other religions do.

A warning: If this thing spills and you give over to lynching and witch-hunt type mentality, you are 100% as fucked as they are.

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Who is ruth asawa?

Pedometer or Health bullshit monitor because she’s gay like that


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She is being a bit obvious with it dont anons think?

that doesn't mean it isn't a real person

ellen doesnt smoke though

Oh fucking ankle weights even

>sweatpants bunched up at the ankle

take ur meds schizo. also mods please do ur job and delete these threads. they contribute NOTHING to this board

maybe it's on purpose to warn her co-conspirators

The jeffrey epsten video is on ellens twitter? Tell you what it looks ominous. The chick in the chair is about to be dechromed

isn’t that same indoor pool from aderson Cooper mom and of podesta painting?

It could be one of these.

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good for u, champ

Lol. Seriously.

Although not gonna lie, if everybody was talking all this shit about me, I'd definitely keep making these gay ass vids and put a pack of smokes in my sock and roll around in my jammies so all the schizos schizod more.


I doubt it is though. When you research the group they have used the same prop in several different cities and galleries.
I do think that the group is into spirit cooking. When you look through their art it is chock full of spirit cooking/ mk ultra type symbols. They very well could be into this stuff behind closed doors but that turkey alone is not proof.

Meant for

>lol dude don't you see what i see in this wrinkled fabric lol u shills seeing lmao
Pizza gate is what happens when flat earthers get a new hobby.

sloppy shills. Kill yourselves

I think the fact that people make artwork like that and others enjoy it is disturbing enough, making people think it's real detracts from that. So good work.

>wearing an inconvienent bag while at home

>implying a chapstick lesbian would be wearing Chanel heels around her house.

Pants too long, ruffled up. Take your meds schizo

It’s not an ankle monitor. For security reasons I can’t reveal the true nature of the Device, but of you knew its true capability, it would blow your minds.

There is another pic of her from a few days ago with her leg up on the couch and it’s a visible square something under her pants around her ankle. Dunno about a monitor but this is the 2nd pic of it.

Its not the same pool but similar.
>an empty pool would be very easy to rinse after use

Doesn't look like a kid to me.

a battery to a remote clit vibrator?

Is she wearing the heels in the pic? If not then its not them ffs lads

Thank you. I spent a lot of time going through pages about Artists Anonymous and there are a lot of red flags. But they idea that they put a real cooked human out for display in art galleries is retarded.

still believing this shit lmoa you people are retards. also dont respond to me because idk

enjoy your corona

For anyone new to this, read this shit and ask yourself why these threads are besieged with it.
There is something here, that's for sure

So.....why would these people NOT react to the Twatter comments they see, if they weren't trolling everyone ? Anyone, with a bit of self respect, would post a video addressing, and de-bunking this issue.......yet nothing from them, themselves. So far a lousy tweet, from Oprah (which could be anybody), and Tom Hanks' faggot son, with a sarcastic video. What gives ? Are they trolling us, or what ?

>The turkey picture on the bottom is not a real human. It is part of an art installation by Artist Anonymous.
>Artist Anonymous
>Occult Technology of Power: Anonymous

...starting to see a pattern here...

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Don’t ask me how I remember, but years ago I remember she made a big deal about her trying to quit smoking cigarettes. Maybe she smoking again and hiding the pack from everyone

Yeah just like the baby eater chink is an *art exhibit*. If research this image they tell you its art.

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>>Ellen browses Yas Forums and puts an ankle monitor on to fuck with the entire board and get them to buy into a bullshit conspiracy
>>gets paid handsomely for it too

>The tail wags the dog

Get a load of this stupid nigger.

Ankle monitors go on the outside of the leg, dipshit

Hol yup..
So why'd ellen have this monitor?
Where's the arrest record?
Court proceedings?
She's under house arrest for what?
Sure meme fag.
Answer the questions.