Which language is worth learning during the pandemic? I got time to kill

Which language is worth learning during the pandemic? I got time to kill.

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If you know the lyrics to knives and pens by the black veil brides you can make friends pretty much all over the planet. Everyone knows that song, and they also know andy for his corned fucking creamy shit. Give it a try sometime.

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With the way things are going, Mandarin.

pic related is a 10/10 in bongland

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french if you dont already know it.
german or spanish

For you? Mandarin because Trudeau is selling you out lol

Rust seems pretty cool desu.


I'm French Canadian, I already know French.

spanish is gay


Why would anyone voluntarily learn French?

I've always thought Icelandic was a beautiful language

Whichever one you'll practice the most


For me, it's the cadaver

Haskell you brainlet

Inuktitut :^)

>Which language is worth learning during the pandemic?


Chinese. Particularly the words, yes, thank you, and please don't kill me.

Gay but useful. Isn't it the second most widely (geographically speaking) spoken language after English?

>I got time
Try English.

for americans it might make sense given the number of hispanics living there but in Canada it doesn't. We have very few up here.

Maybe if you like a culture you'll want to dig in the material in its original language.

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yummy yummy poo

Spanish is probably the one you can use in the most different countries besides English. I don't care to learn it myself but if I wanted to learn the most useful one, either that or French.

Not gonna say Chinese because FUCK CHINA.

all culture is dumb


Spanish, German or Japanese.

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There is only one language that people are learning on 4channel. We welcome you to Please lurk and learn hiragana and katakana before posting. tofugu.com/japanese/learn-hiragana/

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If you've never encountered it you can possibly fathom any use for it.

>but muh thousand year old edda about some faggot prancing around with a hammer

the French have no culture besides gay sex and smelling bad.


Only when castillians speak it. Mexicans make it sound like babble. Best accent is Colombian or Costa Rican, which is virtually the same.

Why would you invite people to /jp/ you sick fuck. Delet this post "KUDASAI"

>I got time to kill.

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I try to learn nipspeak but I just don't seem to find the fucking time. I keep going back to hiragana/katakana to feel like I'm working on it even though I know both by now.

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Better your English. Lose that Leaf accent that sounds like you ate lead paint as a child.
Any other language is a waste of time.

I spend enough time on Yas Forums I've heard and read about most of those things I'm sure. I'd rather learn a language, that's going to enhance my quality of life more than researching conspiracy theories

Why would anyone voluntarily balloon up to 500 pounds from eating mcdonalds everyday?

>Please lurk and learn hiragana and katakana before posting.

>besides gay sex
See? There's something for you too.

For me, Russian

español mi hermano

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>balloon up to 500 pounds
If you run out of food fatty can live up to 6mo with just water. Can you?

The barrier to entry remains high, and there is a pleb filter. Need more racist friends.
You should go though Tae Kim's guide and make Anki flashcards of every new word in there. Have to move on to learning the kanji form of words.

Why not start with French leaf


Assembly if you're talking about programming languages.

I'm French Canadian, I already know French.

Why not learn number kanji next?

Oh please, they die of fucking sugar withdrawls and have a massive heart attack from the stress and clogged arteries. Meanwhile, the average French only needs a black coffee and cigarettes to survive for up to 2 years. Yeah, try to own me again Americunt see what happens

Based. How's life in French Canada?

Java or Python

also 习近平的阴茎很小。 每天晚上,在上床睡觉之前,他都会吞下几加仑的非裔美国人的阴茎汁。它充满了他的胃,使他忘记了自己难以置信的小阴茎。还有,他妈的中国,台湾第一。

with english and spanish you can communicate with more than 80% of the planet. spanish is easy as pie to learn. I learned it watching spanish films with english subs.


If you're white, learn french, german or russian.

>French only needs a black coffee and cigarettes to survive for up to 2 years
What happens during monarch revolution? Didn’t you run out of bread?

Egnlsih you stupid leaf.

Tamil and Sinhala. Then have rows of miniature soldiers fighting each other, one side speaking Tamil and the other Sinhala. Make miniature hills and buildings and all kinds of things for your little Sri Lanka. There's a nice hobby for you that will keep you busy for a long time.

Castilian Spanish is indeed very gay. For those who don't know, it requires you to speak with a lisp.

The general Mexican accent is good, but some of their regional dialects are grating to the ears. The general accent is the one you want to learn if you want the most value for your effort, plus it has a slower pace which allows you to comprehend what's being spoken to you. And its understood by all of South America thanks to the popularity of Mexican tv.

I'm told there was still plenty of brioche to eat, though

I'm a welfare neet. I don't go out much, but it's pretty nice, the girls are pretty. 23% obesity rate in Quebec. My life hasn't changed much from Corona virus as I'm pretty much always inside at my computer.

Kek I always did like the French.

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I thought it was cake

Russian is a bitch to learn, lol.

>Anki flashcard
I'm more of an experience-based learner. Just trying to learn enough grammar of sort to find a comfy manga with furigana and learn forth from there.
I tried to go through Tae Kim's guide but everytime I got stuck on the particles part. It's such a foreign concept to me.

Mandarin and Japanese
Do both at same time will save you plenty since you are so timefree

Mandarin, china's going to be the world's economic superpower after this

I can see a oil boom in Siberia in few years

>no butter
>no cheese
You absolute madman.

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There's really not much point in learning Japanese from an IRL standpoint. Nearly nobody speaks it except in Japan, and those who do also speak English. Actual Japanese aren't really all the keen on Gaijin speaking their language, and you'll usually be under instant suspicion from them of being a pedophile.

Good for you. I've only been to a tiny part of Canada but Quebec seems pretty nice. You're partly independent from the rest of Canada?

We only starved then because the tiers état couldn't afford to buy cigarettes nor coffee. We have easy access to it now and have finally realized our place as a civilization destined for the stars

Fuck off chan. Go back to China

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German. Pay proper homage to your hero. Seig Heil!!!


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Where is the caviar?

didn't you eat sopeur?

You can't throw a rock in Paris without hitting a japanese tourist. Not that I get out enough to find any to spill spaghetti over. It's mostly for reading purposes.

It wouldn't mix well together.

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You are gay

Hebrew. Always

The most useful ones, besides English, would be either Spanish or Chinese.

Knowing Japanese and being in auto industry is a yuge plus.

To be fair it's a fun language to lean. Complicated though.

>You're partly independent from the rest of Canada?
we're recognised within Canada as our own nation within a nation. Still most French Canadians would like to separate. The anglo influence is strong here, stronger than in Europe because of the nation right under us.


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