Pennsylvania General /PAG/

Previous thread hit bump limit.

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How are my fellow philly anons holding up in all this?


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If the nhl season comes back the penguins will win the cup,

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Lycoming county checking in.

Pretty good. Things have been pretty relaxed. Streets are quieter but not empty.
One of the employees at my Wawa caught the Kung Flu, so I'm preparing for the apocalypse.

I'm in Murrysville myself, I've seen Penn Township, Latrobe, Mt. Pleasant, and Ligonier bros all represent in these threads all week
Objective fact

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Pop and Gobs... nuf said.

Walked downtown, grabbed a cappuccino and cigs, headed to the Foodery and bought a bunch of bottles. All in all not a bad day my friend, all things considered.

Penn checking in

Every swinging dick is out and about in Cumberland

Yas Forums meetup at Jigger's when the gayness ends

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You are a state of flyover Subhumans. I can't wait till you're annexed into New York finally and we nuke your subhuman states. You literally don't deserve human rights degenerates

Thoughts on downtown Lancaster? I'm thinking of buying there if the real estate bubble pops.

If anyone of you still lives in hazelton I’m sorry.

How PA are you?
>Knoebles or Hershey Park?
>Sheetz or Wawa
>Middlesworth or Utz
>Yuengling or Lionshead

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I can't wait till Pennsylvania annexs the southern counties of (((New York))).

>implying New York would ever want to join with subhumans

when this is all over Im going to move out to the country and raise goats. i cant live around people so eager to give up their freedoms anymore.

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heard cops are pulling people over in the shittsburgh area, any anons confirm this?

Wow, a picture of the worst pie


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Adams County, situation normal

Butler county reporting in

you probably dont like scapple either, pussy

Lehigh reporting in. I’m most certainly a super spreader with my “essential” workday taking me to 85 accounts across 8 counties. I imagine that I come into contact with over 100 people a day and I am silently assassinating each and every one of them.

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My nibba


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lmao at you degenerate faggots. You are literally a 3rd world shithole of a flyover.
The moment we nuke you will be a blessing, you irrelevant little faggots. The only thing you subhumans were good for is Independence Hall, and even that should have been in New York City or Boston. But nooo, you subhumans cried and cried to congress in order to get your way

For the love of God Anons,
Stay in your homes.

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t. degenerate flyover

This is a 10/10 in PA

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New York couldn't annex a shell from crab.

Plenty of traffic out my window on a road that usually backs up with traffic around rush hour. Only a few cars line up at red lights but there is a steady flow all day, like its 2pm on a weekday. From this info alone I know people aren't isolating. People are going to work and visiting friends/family. If the numbers don't jump in allegheny county in 2 weeks I'm going to treat this like a nothingburger too.


What part of lehigh? Used to live in center valley / coopersburg area

It’s pretty good - stay to the center/north maybe a bit east though - the west/southwest sides are still ghetto as shit.

There’s always money in the county so you’ll do fine to buy property there

Why do they always make those strange faces?

Hershey Park
>Drinking alcohol

So close to being right but booze is fantastic and one of the things PA does best

Middlesworth bbq

Coopersburg. My nigga. Why’d you leave? I love this area.

You are all subhumans who don't deserve human rights

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do penn anons consider themselves midwest or not?
t. midwest user

Only drove thru penn once.


Also Luzerne/Lackawanna gang


You sound like a subhuman

We're uniquely our own thing

Say that to my face pussy

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NCC DE here. Use your own stores, PA fags!

Move back to Jersey, fag.


go be black someplace else


How is anything I said Jersey related you fucking nigger?

>How PA are you?
Milton Hershey

Penn mutts don't deserve human rights

desu we should be raiding Kent

>Hershey park

Pike county is best in NEPA.
[spoiler]Fuck Stroudsburg though[/spoiler]

Western pa is faggot territory, along with all of philly and Scranton

Fayette checking in

You have a face-pussy?

When Penn was deciding what to name his new colony he offered the name “New Wales” originally. Then he changed his mind and asked the King to name the colony “Sylvania”. King Charles who very much admired Penn decided to name the colony after him naming it Pennsylvania (Penn’s woods). Imagine if PA was named New Wales anons

kent has surprisingly based coronachan numbers. sussex is fucked because all the ny/nj assholes came to their summer homes early.
