In 2020 there is NO place for Whiteness.
As a nation America must shed whiteness so we can all live. If you don't agree, shove it.
"White identity" makes zero sense. It's time for a unified humanity with NO tribes. Borders are fake bullshit.
In 2020 there is NO place for Whiteness.
As a nation America must shed whiteness so we can all live. If you don't agree, shove it.
"White identity" makes zero sense. It's time for a unified humanity with NO tribes. Borders are fake bullshit.
OP is a memeflaggot shill, remember to sage newfags.
back to r*ddit you massive faggot. our chalky bros have the right to be.
t. spic
whiteness is trash
you sound like a mexican loser who thinks "MUH MEXICAN IDENTITY" is important.
All races/tribes/identities MUST be abbolished!
Stfu faggot not funny
ok boomer
sure thing nigger
how about abolishing your nigger culture of crime and fatherless children
Only a loser uses the N word.
You people need to shut up fr.
>redd*t spacing
>cant say nigger
>cant refute fact that crime is child abandonment is part of nig culture
Yeah (((white))) when you need it
I'm a tiny part Jewish but mostly I'm gentile white idiot. Good things I'm not white trash like u.
Slovakia is gay as fuck.
Easy. Get rid of all non whites. There are no different races afterwards. So no need to categorize anymore -> no whites left.
Says a kike faggot
Go and kill yourself Op.
>Get rid of all non whites.
why? u don't wanna bang Turkish sluts
ur gay like all white trashholes
ok homo
why? I'm happy now. KYS white trash
stop thinking like a tribal monkey
I never said this would be the solution of my choice. I'm just giving you an answer to your question.
ok but you don't own "MUH GERMANY" just cuz of your blood or race
What is that???
Whiteness is a system, it has nothing to do with biology. As such, it has to be overthrown and dissolved.
I don't think it is necessary anymore to convince germans of that. This fight, to end your so called "tribes" has to be fought in the rest of the world against all the other tribes out there. Start with them turkish sluts if you want to. Go tell them there is no tribe and that a borderless world it is. If you are successful, come back again. Maybe we can start talking like adults than.
>How can we end Whiteness?
By ending Non-Whites.
This seems to be a jew
>Whiteness is a system, it has nothing to do with biology
no moron it's BOTH
brainless homo
kys nazi
Imagine being a tiny part disgusting, lmao.
you idiots still have "MUH GERMAN IDENTITY"
I hate Swiss fuckin people man u have no right to that prime mountain land.
you people didn't earn shit just got LUCKY
I'm alpha and I'm cool. So no. I'm not disgusting I look pretty good.
Its literally got nothing to do with biology. There's no inherent "whiteness" in anyone.
>There's no inherent "whiteness" in anyone.
NO IDIOT we are talking about euro blooded trash
grow up
Suck my dick dirty slave nigger
2small can't see it nazi
Low quality bait
Idea of no-borders/global state may sound good, but too hard to achieve with current contingent of humanity. Do you really want to live in one state with shitskins, believing in pedo-boomer, and murdering people for not wearing caps/not believing in “Holy” camelfucker. And this is only one tile of subhumans. Tell me, OP, are you REALLY ready to sacrifice your civilization for barbarians?
>How can we end Whiteness?
university education with crushing debt
>"White identity" makes zero sense. It's time for a unified humanity with NO tribes. Borders are fake bullshit.
Jews first.
all identity will end soon, nazi
>whites eradicated
>violence still as bad as before
>slavery still as bad as before
>selfishness still as bad as before
>greed still as bad as before
Tell me again why we wanted to genocide?
Lol op is funny its joke hahaha kek
whiteness is the most deadly identitarianism in history. GROW UP AND EVOLVE white trash.
“Identity” can’t end, only change. But it will be better if new global identity will be based on European (or weeb) culture.
What is your argument exactly? I don't know what to answer.
Do you know what "ad hominem" is? And when it is mostly used? If you would truly fight for the things you are stating, you wouldn't use such language. By using this sort of stupid support for your case, you are actually helping the other side.
Question is, are you aware of that?
>But it will be better if new global identity will be based on Europea
you're a fuckin supremacist shitbag
Never heated of whites, making mass-divide attacks against technologicaly advanced state, just because of shitty book written by old pedo.
primary character identity and personality based on skin color is absolutely retarded, that includes everyone, chinks,blacks, indians, jews, you name it.
Cultures are a different story, just look at jews all these mf's are doctors or some other phd shit , just because educated parents ride their kids with education.
Muslims as well were the big dick bandits once upon a time before that sheepherding camel piss drinking Mohammed had his revelations, math and science ->arabic numerals. Now? small sons playing capture the flag on the dune hut.
Anyway since youre clearly a nigger, il just say theres a place for everyone, il just say at least mainstream i think shekelberg culture is strongest followed by white people, i know pol gonna lose their minds about this but its true. Ive not met a single retarded jew so far.
Because Europe is the home of science, scientific method and a place that got free from religious identity. Also Asians are good candidates, but I don’t know enough about their society. And from my personal experience, Asians from rich countries are konservative Europeans.
>What is an unstable fixed point?
As a Jew this is completely unacceptable.
How to stir up the world to despise you even more. Im kind of looking forward to arabs levelling you for all erernity
gr8 b8 m8
Meh, don’t actually believe in Kikes culture. As I know, Jews were traditionally traders, and our society is based on kapitalistical ideals, so it just looks like influence of Jews.
back to redd*t
I'm no Jew
I'm white I just want to abolish toxic white bullshit especially on pol
pol used to be good before white idenity demons invaded
reddiit is mostly awesome jackass KYS
that or a paid shill
>Because Europe is the home of science, scientific method and a place that got free
This is just white centric nonsense
Too fat.
I'm slim nazi.
You literally said in
>I'm a tiny part Jewish
if you are white then, why don't you make us all a favor and abolish your whiteness by getting a rope around your neck and dropping off a tree? You probably a paid shill, or a white knight/simp anws.
Don't go around infesting your inferior 'white' genes