UK cringe

Mass clapping for NHS workers nationwide at 8pm.

Is any country as autistic?

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It's over.

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>MFW British people clap for doctors just doing their jobs.

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It's how British people deal with a crisis. We did shit like this in ww2 as well. Don't like it fuck off.

We have half a million volunteers aswell m8. I'm honestly surprised at how well this country is pulling together. We were a bunch of apathetic selfish tards only a few weeks ago. Just goes to show a crisis really does bring out the best of humanity.

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I remember a time when bongs made fun of us for clapping. Oh how the tides have turned

It was actually pretty cool, the whole city was cheering and clapping at the same time around me, nothing wrong with showing a little appreciation to those risking their lives tbqh

How are my fellow Britfags doing?

It's 671k now, we're going to end up with too many volunteers

wasnt clapping banned in some schools ?

I'm going to get so many clap jokes out of this prepare yourself.


We do this in france for a week now

Imagine complaining because everyone else isn’t as much of a moody fucker as you

We did this too

>Is any country as autistic?
We are doing the same cringy shit since 1 or 2 weeks ago.
8 pm.
You can expect police to start doing childish shit with the sirens.
It's a fucking shitshow, every country goes thru the same.
Denial, rumors, hoarding, confination, prison riots, army goes out, harder mesures -> country lockdown, hospitals collapse, improvised morgues.
All the while, media telling everyone to not trust rumors, and to believe only official sources, which constantly change narratives and contradict previously said stuff.
I wish I had guns.

it's one thing we're good at, that and queuing.

They do this in France, Italy and here too. It's quite nice.

For once the mass is cheering useful people who are working in tough conditions, and not some overpaid faggots running behind a ball.

This is the last fucking straw, you faggots are gonna get nuked for this

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Your a fucking degenerate, go hide in your room and listen to tool so you won’t have to acknowledge it

> burgers seething that we've stolen their position as worlds #1 clappers

Don't worry yank, you'll be dead or unemployed soon, and we'll applaud that too.

Half the people I've seen walking around outside are old boomers LOL.

Only in the world view of a loser would this be cringe


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Canada is doing it too...

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At the end of the day they are the ones who are going to be trying to save your life or the life of someone you love if they fall sick. You better pray the NHS stays on its feet and doesn't collapse, because if it does, you're on your own.

*Through. It's acceptable for Meximutts to speak like Americans but I hold you to a higher standard. I pronounce gracias with a 'th' and in return you must spell like an ANGLO.

Nah mate he has his own ventilator made of Mountain Dew and anime porn

Doctors are overpaid faggots.

>Someone in my street was smashing pots and pans together
Why do pepole put public sector parasites in such high regard

bet you won't be saying that when you start coughing you fucking homo

No I won't. As soon as they cure me I'll be back to saying it though.

Are those the ones that bring in refugees on boats?

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But did you know the NHS are instructing Doctors not to resuscitate Coronavirus patients if they die. They get one shock from the defibrillator and thats it. They're dead and moved to a tent outside. Or a local Ice Rink converted into a mass morgue.

>Grathias, Ibitha
Don't...don't do that user, it sounds gay as fuck

Is it the B Team on tonight?

>americans love to clap meme

It's easy to sign up. See how many turn up.

fuck i laughed out loud

brits are no longer allowed to call us Americlaps and i will link this bullshit anytime they try it

yes spain does this every night at 8pm

They have good reason for that. Better to move onto a fresh patient who is not in an FUBAR state of illness than leave them waiting to get sicker while you try resuscitating a corpse.

My wife's a doctor an is petrified. I've been made redundant and am working from home for the last two weeks of my redundancy and looking after our two kids. Every night my wife comes home and we have a routine where I help her get undressed in the entrance lobby and get to the shower to reduce the risk of contamination. I then have to wash all her clothes and disinfect the hallway. She tells me horror stories of what is coming and I'm freaking the fuck out.

According to worldometer the UK has 163 people in serious or critical condition because of covid. So why are faggot doctor's all over the UK crying about being swamped in tsunami of c19 patients???. Please explain.

its over

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Not everything worthy can be called based, but dude, pretty admirable anyways.

low iq mong, like the clappers.
nation of sheep

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Yesterday apparently 115 people died from or with covid19. Why are faggot doctor's all over the UK crying about people dying, about being swamped by a tsunami of death, when on a normal average day 1600 people die in UK?. Please help this brainlet understand.

it's cringe af. Like being in a class of infants, when you're already as smart as the junior kids

id checks out

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So far it's mostly about what's going to happen in two weeks, always two weeks.

Doctors in this country are severely underpaid. Its not america where you're on $100k first day on the job.

You're a faggot lol


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It's how you say it though isn't it? That's how I was taught in school. Not that I remember anything but random words.

Fucking lmao who told you that. Defibs don't restart your heart you know.

Based Brits.

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Terrible larp.

Hey Chicken Little have you heard the sky is falling. Better follow the wolf to the cave dumb ass.

>americlap meme is now britclap
oh how the turn tables

At least let us have something

Good question actually. I thought it was higher. My friends who are nurses or hospital workers are saying they are working flat out and that it is chaos. I'm assuming they are testing thousands and trying to sort out people with other serious illnesses who need treatment before this thing potentially affects them too. Pretty much all of them have said that they are preparing for what is expected. Which is a shitload more critical cases and deaths.

They're all on about £70,000 lad. Nothing to sniff at. And that doesn't take into account all the foreigners they do on the side.

>Local ice rinks filled with corspes
Thats threads level shit

because the global financial system is collapsing and it is very important that everyone stays off the streets and obeys their governments while the new world order is installed. making them afraid of the invisible coronavirus boogeyman is an excellent way of achieving this. they'll even police their neighbours

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>apathetic, worthless, cosmopolitan, self-centred plebs suddenly do a 180 in times of crisis and immediately begin larping in the streets as if they suddenly care about national unity or whatever
Plebs have no real morals or values and this disingenuous clapping bollocks makes me sick.

That's the way the Spanish say it but no other spanish speaking countries to my knowledge do.

I'll side with them and drop the awful lisp

No, they aren't. Starting is 26k. Even 70k is pretty shit for the responsibility, hours, stress and years of education required.

I know a guy who does coding for skybet from home for 80k a year. He's high/drunk half the time.

As for the 'working on foreigners on the side' i just plainly don't know what that even means.