Barely over 1k deaths after two months

>Barely over 1k deaths after two months.

Is this meme virus even going to kill 5k by the summer?

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in 2 weeks the real carnage starts

Trump was saying its no big deal, there's only 6 cases in the entire US just three weeks ago

Remember user? Remember?

Trump has weighed the risks and decreed the death toll is worth paying. We go back easter and a lot of people are going to die

nope, they crashed the market for a nothingburger

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But the BODY COUNT ZOMG!!!!!1!1!!!
And the media claims they don't incite the panic.....

95% of them are going to be useless boomers. Literally who gives a fuck?

Just two weeks more bro

Who the fuck makes threads like these?

All deaths were people that would have died anyway or crisis actors. Make me think

old news, after the last round of americas testing its hitting the young and healthy too

Flu season's over , kiddo

No. They used phony models from 3rd world countries with lower standards of healthcare and crowded geography. We will get 200-300k cases with 1.5% death rate and life moves on until the cure before next winter.

It's amazing to me just how naive some people are. They really do believe absolutely anything they read from a "trusted source". Simply fascinating


glugg glugg glugg
>then at last....all those who doubted me...will fell the pain of.....corooooona
glugg glugg buuurrrp
>two more weeks....I shall revenge

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>Globally, the World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that the flu kills 290,000 to 650,000 people per year.
>20k < 290k

Those are statistical outliers and the majority of them already had underlying medical issues.

>nooo you cant just acknowledge facts that I dont like!

Were paying a 3 trillion dollar price tab for this. So enjoy it.
We might get some NYC dindu chimp out's

Please cite theaw said facts


Why do you think america suddenly has way more cases than anyone else? President just pushed a huge phase of testing

it will be 3k in two weeks

>5,000 dead
>unforgettable tragedy

>wuhan flu
>1,000 dead
>10,000 more anticipated
>unamused Pepe

NYC fag. Doesn't look like there will be any chimpouts unless Cuomo/Deblasio refuse to open the city after the fed gives the clear. Blacks are bugging out over it because they don't understand biology. But if they hear that their cousins in HOU are out and about, they'll firebomb their nearest foot locker

you said two weeks two weeks ago. ITS OVER

Bro, you can hardly call a 31-year-old woman who weighs 350lbs. “healthy”

I'm not seeing the young and healthy deaths you were alluding to

>2 weeks later
>j-j-ust you wait!!1! 2 weeks more into h-happening!

>unforgettable tragedy
yeah, because of the governments over reaction like the Patriot Act and the War on Terror. Sound familiar Dick Cheney?

Reminds me of the Mueller report. Probably the same shills

>t. Gary

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holy mother of cope

lol NYC just got 100 deaths in 24 hrs. Is this the Mutt Remover?

Most Amerifats are not healthy. But they still hold down jobs and do shit.

As I've been telling myself "whatever I knew was going to happen, happened I guess"

I don't even go back to work until May fml

The economic consequences will be far more severe. I don't care about some dead boomers. If anything, lots of old people dying would be beneficial. But instead we will be enslaved by this insane amount of debt for decades and decades to come.
The truth

9/11 mattered more because it was Americans I don’t care about the wops & chinks

I hope so

>Why do you think america suddenly has way more cases than anyone else?
China is lying and probably has MILLIONS of other cases

I have a huge family, they all have jewbook and jewitter, and none of the people they know, know of ANYONE who has this fake virus.
Mfw they say
>durr so many deaths durrrrr
Yet nothing but heresay, they say it, therefore i should believe it
>durrrrka duh hospitals are overworked and overwhelmed
Literally nobody at any of my local hospitals
>durrrrrrrrrrrka, look at these coffin boxes in Italy, dont you believe us now goys, look at all these boxes that could be empty
>DURRRRRRRKA, duh COVID-19 VIRUS can survive for 17 days on a surface
Nigga.... really mother fucker...... 17 days... niggahh.....

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My employees want to be laid off because they're scared so they can sit at home and collect benefits and Jack up my insurance rates while I would have to scramble to replace them.

What do?

No that city has almost 55% of all cases in the country.

>posts pepe
You're prob cool irl

in 2 weeks I'm gonna lose my v-card
>for reals guys


A media organization saying a city has this amount, or that amount of covid cases is meaningless, so is a graph.

yeah they are trump now. only they are just idiots and not someone trying to lead to maintain order and minimize the damage.

it's only just the beginning for most of the country

italy scaled up for population is probably the easiest estimate. more cases because of the testing here but similar deaths.

your talking points are getting stale shareblue. The NPCs are in need of an update.

Back to fagbook, gramps

Ok happening fag

kys you fucking murderer when the DOTR comes employers that made their lads work in this will be the first to hang

They crashed the market when they saw the opportunity arise, user. This is a calculated reset on a world economy that was getting close to crashing and burning. Now they can reset, or blame it in this virus if it fails

>death toll is worth paying.
it's not going to be eradicated. that was never the game here. this is keeping it manageable for the health care system. if you weren't a shill that needs to be a new ditch liner you'd understand the trillions and the gdp are the price for those lives saved by being able to care for those who wouldn't get much help. it's worth it. fuck you and kys.


Lmao at his face!!

>young and healthy americans

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Are there healthy americans?

I'm not making them work I'm asking what to do. Saying shut down my whole business? I mean I'm not ruling that out, just wondering if that's appropriate. we are considered an essential business under guidelines

Its actually 2 more weeks 2 more weeks from now

You must be 18 to post here.

Great argument. Tell me more

big think

There was 6 weeks ago. What about it?

1-2 youngfags die who probably had genetic conditions or got infected and smoked PCP until their lungs burst. Literally everyone else is an boomer or long-term smoker with a heart condition. Fuck, I hate the happeners almost as much as the chinks at this point.

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