Ukrainian fascists run the streets there and are even incorporated into the National Guard. I don't think any western country has it that good. But Yas Forums schizos will still claim them to be "Soros Nazis" when if you were to watch Johnny Gat's videos on Putin and Russia, will know that's not the case. Ukraine is the closest thing to a NS dictatorship anywhere in the world other than maybe Jucheist North Korea.
What does Yas Forums think of Ukraine?
it's definitely based. Spent time there a few years ago. Any of you guys ever been?
>What does Yas Forums think of Ukraine?
Translation: What does Yas Forums think of Little Russia?
Answer: It's a fake country. It was deliberately invented and promoted by foreigners - even to this very day - to divide and destroy Russia. This has been going on there for centuries.
And if you think that these fascists are promoting traditional values, guess again. These are the fags the sperged out when Yanukovich was renigging on the EU deal. They want Little Russia to be incorporated into the western degenerate machine.
u crane
i crane
we all crane
It's not Yas Forums it's the Americans that are uninformed on the situation in Europe.
I honestly think that just because Democrats started that whole "muh Russia" bullshit, many US niggers instantly started viewing Russia as BASED inc.
It's still jewed, but differently:
>They can't stop crying about "muh oppressed Russian minorities"
(the ones USSR used as replacement migration for the occupied countries).
>Holocaust propoganda is STRONG there
>Muslims were and to am extend arr still imported ON MASS for low-wage work
>Gov/oligarchs don't give a fuck how the people live outside of Moscow and St. Petersburg
Russian gov won't save you. Nor will any other "based" Eastern European country.
It is your duty to save your people.
Russian is only involved for their own interests.Obviously. Why would they fucking "save" anyone? You act like you've never heard of Azov B. What do you think they do over there, go hiking and pick flowers?
Russian separatists thing their more based in general. its like a bad joke
Saying this guy is right is useless on Yas Forums, so
I'll say that this guy's version of events coaligns with that shared by the overwhelming majority of Russians.
These Nazi LARPers think they're cool but they are puppets of the Western coup.
Butthurt Russians in denial
Most Yas Forums hates Ukraine. Hohols, little Russians, non-existing country, kike slaves, etc. But there are still anons that hate Russia same as Ukrainians do and they are ok with us. Mostly it was Germans, Americans, Croats.
Well I live here.
>What does a Kremlin controlled board think of Ukraine?
Gee I wonder.
Ukraine is a doomed nation. If they were smart, they would sever themselves from the Russian areas amicably as possible. But they are going to initiate a bloodbath by being proud and stubborn.
I see the situation as if Canada decided to force everyone in Quebec to go to school in English. They obviously would never do this and the French would never accept it.
Ukraine needs to eventually accept that there are a fuck ton of Russians in Ukraine and thier fate is always going to be tied to Russia. They will likely accept this, but only after a hell of a lot of people get killed. They have allied themselves with ZUSA which is *never* a good idea.
Ukraine not weak, Ukraine strong.
The RPK member y made sense to me. It seems like a crappy excuse for a LMG.
Nobody ‘hates’ Ukrainians. It’s just sad to watch somebody smash thier own head against a wall.
never* made sense
Fucking phone...
Based and awesome people, glad they kill r*ssian pigdogs too
It's from your perspective.
From our perspective it's different. We have cause.
From ruskie perspective it's also different. They have cause too.
We will struggle and lets see what will happen with that wall. Nothing in history was made without bloodshed.
Yeah, it would be so wonderful to have young thugs with machine guns ruling the streets with an iron fist to prevent vandalism and shoplifting!
Shhhh... be quiet vassal and make sure my NEET bucks will arrive in time.
Well good luck. I hope it works out for everyone.
the question of the pipeline should be answered
ukraine has the right to decide on its own about gas pipelines that go through it
russia is not in charge, ukraine is.
Hohols can larp as nazis only because Israel allows them. Their basic role right now is serving as NATO's servant goon to ethnically cleanse eastern provinves from Russian population and make place for Jewish corporations in eastern Europe. Poland and Hungary refuses to let in middle eastern "refugees"? No problem, ukraine already becomes a transit place for brown people to move illegaly into central Europe.
They're a white Country that has had years of hardship and war, therefore at decent amount of their male population will be based.
>ethnically cleanse eastern provinves from Russian
like it's a bad thing
Russia is in charge of it's gas and by what pipelines to send it to the consumer countries.
wow that sounds like absolute paradise i'm emigrating as soon as possible
Based. Wished we armed them and sent special forces to give them tactical training instead of training the Ukrainian conscript Army. Maybe make irregular commando units out of them. Nationalist volunteers always make good soldiers.
>banderite tatar gives me a (you)
Here in America, there were lots of people that immigrated from Lviv, Uzhgorod, Pochaev, Rivne, etc. They referred to themselves as "Russian." Then after the Holodomor, the people coming from those places started to call themselves "Ukrainian"
ukraine is russian
Problem is they will target you next.
No one likes switzerland. Esp russians. You guys stand for nothing but vapid individualism and you're famous for jew-tier international usury
zelensky is jewish and is boss (from TV when is was actor) is jewish too
everyhting is said
oh pls. You can find random tatars in any country.
of course you are shithole nobody wanna come
ok shlomo
How much power the Azov haves in Ukraine?
Because russians and Ukrainians are the same damn people lmao
also I was about to upload a video I recorded there but I cant get it to convert to the right format
great. stay in away. we are full
you could be led be jewish actors, as you are
then nobody would come anyway, it's doesn't make point
>same people
Nice try Shlomo.
Good country, fucked beyond belive, hope they enter in the EU soon so they can recive German money and build up their infraestructure like Poland did in the 2000s
says a canadian
France is the shithole, desu..look at all the mudslims you let in.
Better move to France full of niggers and arabs, right.
Of course you are full, like a corpse full of maggots, which start to pour onto pure lands of Polonia
Yas Forums isn't a monolith....
At a guess I would think that based on most users being anglo of some variety we likely don't think about Ukraine. We have our own problems. That's just a guess.....
Personally I thought about you a lot a couple years ago during the awesome happenings with Russia and airliners getting blown away.... Since then the only time you crossed my mind was because of this thread.
your lider literally worked for Rotschild and is more proEU than Merkel even.........
too bad we don't have sauce for these pretty stars
france is 450€ doing nothing every month with mom
+150 for help you to locate
+free health care
No don't be full let me come fight and scream SLAVA UKRAINI
I think Ukraine is based and pol is a bunch of basement dwelling faggots.
i'm not saying France is more white than Ukraine
i'm saying the "fighting jewish" narrative from Ukrainian Azov is RIDICULOUS
LEL ok
>it's definitely based. Spent time there a few years ago. Any of you guys ever been?
I've been ther Ukrainians are the literal definition of "based retards." They are legitimately based, but they come across as the dumbest white people I have ever seen.
Are you kidding. france is worse off at this point. They bring in muslims by the truck load
correct and correctpilled.
yes it is but nobody want to live in Ukraine except nerds who want to fuck pretty girl easily
Youd like to believe that wouldn't you
I don't mean Yas Forums must think about us out of some happening. I just say on average people would prefer Russia to us.
Also free niggers and arabs, right. I'm ok with my 700$ per month. Actually live like a prince with this amount here. Not sure how you would live with that sum in Paris.
i'm just saying your are (your dumb country)poor, and god you are
and that you are doing an "anti jewish" war with a jewish president, that is so funniy
pretty more funny it is against russia, your only true friend and almot anti-jewish axis
>700$ per month
This is a shit ton in Ukraine, even in Kiev
Indeed, its just a sensless brother war
Azov no longer says that because that makes USA angry and they need their weapons, also Azov used to have at least 3.000 russians in their ranks, the Misantropyc divion part of the regiment is not that open now, also they perform police duties now, so public and nationalist doesnt like them tha much in their daily lives. There are still many based factions inside of Ukraine and Azov, the special forcs are full of Azov people from the early days.
But yeah their narrative is a bit stupid
russians are disgusting thieving pieces of shit. Everyone knows this.
They would steal from their own mother
it's like white civil war but "let's say it's against jewish and hold an antisemitic narrative"
but you're fighting the guys who gave you these lands wtf
If Ukraine is a jewish controlled country, why 35K jewish funded Antifa members fight against us in Donbass?
Why we are one of few countries in Europe that doesn't have Holocaust denial laws unlike Russia?
Why Russia's relationships with Israel IMPROVED after occupation of Crimea?
let's repeat france is cuck to the end of time
but he won't make putin jewish, USA is.
Why most Russian nationalists are in jail? The rest escaped to Ukraine.
A пo фaктy пидopaшкинcкиe пpocтитyтки нa 2-м мecтe в Eвpoпe, a yкpaинcкиe тoлькo нa 7-м. Чeмпиoнaт вce пoкaзaл, Baня. Иди пoдбepи нaтaшкy пocлe yзбeкa c нaeбышeм, ycтpoй личнyю жизнь, pycaчoк.
Yes, also, after the overthrow of the Yanukovich government, there have been record numbers of fag parades throughout the country.
White and Based
Great grandfather is from Uzhhorod, ruthenian diaspora.
I’m torn while I love me an independent ruthenian nation nestled in the carpathian mountains it just not going to happen.
Also fuck everyone Ukraine seems to always get fucked because location between eastern and western worlds.
Right now we have anti-russian war, not actually anti-jewish. Anti-jewish will come later, our normies not ready for that. Maybe corona will create a possibility.
Finally, a Russian flag on here who isn't a complete cuck. That's something you don't see everyday.
Why Russia has the biggest muslim population in Europe? They will be 1/3 muslim in 15 years. They imported more muslims in the last 10 years than all EU countries combined.
>Antifa members fight against us in Donbass?
Im more pro-Ukraine than pro-Russia but even I know this is bullshit, the most similar thing to antifa in that war was some retarded Nazbol units.
Both of you Russia and Ukraine are into jew game. Cut the bullshit and take the EU gibs so you can rebuild the country
the captain of Azov, paied by jewish, ruled by jewish (president zelensky)
he said he's doing anti jewish war, and it is against russia
from france it sound pathetic, you should have remained friends, russia wasn't changing your people to arabs, russia was your friend
ukraine has been jewed
>Right now we have anti-russian war,
That's why is 99.9% probably that is a hony pot and all ukraine nationalist will be eventually executed.
I remember reading an article about "ukraine far right members" going to Spain to hunt "russian agents".
Spain is literally a shithole controlled by communists, and you have this allegedly nazis that instead of going against the commies they go to hunt russians that are actually promoting far right nationalism.
Is retarded.
not a fan of all this eu bullshit but i really dont fucking care otherwise
Why did they abandonned Crimea so fast? Always puzzled me.
1/3 is false
and russia is muslim because they kept their colony
france is even more muslim with losing colony
in france jews hate putin, in USA too, jews stand against russia
Lots of vatniks on Yas Forums, but I think they are based
>not afraid of nothing
Azov actually ruled by Avakov. He's churka but not jewish.
russia isnt a good option either, Putin is just a constitutional nationalist not ethno, they should have joined forces and create a crusade both in Ukraine and Russia at the same time,
president zelensky is commander in chief, isn't him?
russians...the asian nigger thief that steals
FUCK THE KREMLIN. Let them suck stalins cock
not ethno retard in 20 years france is 60% black you speak ethno to me god just vote PUTIN
They're literally backed by the Jews. Israel backed the Maidan "revolution".
>jews hate putin
Russia's relationships with Israel IMPROVED after occupation of Crimea.
You are literal Yas Forums useful idiot.
Azov sold out western fascist volunteers by giving their doxx to western governments in exchange for stronger diplomatic/economic/military relations - fuck Belinsky.
"russia is 10% muslim so i want jewish president and fight them for more whites to be killed"
ok are you all jewish ?
t. Taras Pidorenko
You have to go back
no ukraine is usefull idiot
your russian-israeli relationship myth is stupid, they are against every conflict