Ancient Egyptians were white

>”the study concluded that preserved remains found in Abusir-el Meleq, Middle Egypt, were closest genetic relatives of Neolithic and Bronze Age populations from the Near East, Anatolia and Eastern Mediterranean Europeans.”

>”Modern Egyptians, by comparison, share much more DNA with sub-Saharan populations.”

>”They found that the sample set showed a strong connection with a cluster of ancient non-African populations based east of the Mediterranean Sea.”

We wuz kangz negroes absolutely btfo

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Other urls found in this thread:


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At last a normal Yas Forums thread. Is Communist raid 2020 at last subsiding?

agyptian christians are decendends of the ancient agyptians, so probably they looked a bit like that

They were blonde

poor niglet's grandpa was mining in the Zambesi

>Every Egyptian was royalty
u wot?
Where did this meme come from?

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They're not commies, they're JIDF shills who show up during literally every happening to try and push Yas Forums in whichever direction best suits ZOG's interests, in this case, trying to pit renters and leasers against one another. Commie raids are when they make 91 commie, nazbol, bolshevik, etc. generals and fuck off after just under a day of failure.

No shit. Ancient middle easterners all had Anatolian dna. Ancient Anatolians were very close to western and southern europeans genetically.

How could ancient Egyptians be white if the ancient European be black ? White people STOLE Egypt from black people.

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>ancient europeans were black
this is literally boiling down to we wuz errathang

They were Mediterranean no different than Greeks or Italians. Can this subject finally die.

Egyptians were their own ethnic group.

There were many distinct ethnic groups thousands of years ago before everyone started mutting together as a result of easier travel.

One thing's certain though Egyptians made it very clear that they weren't as dark as Nubians

Think about where humanity started.
That's right in Africa.

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I have never seen a black guy look anything like second from right

a sub-saharan African claiming Egyptian heritage is like a Korean claiming Indian heritage

as hominids

Older than the internet yet still relevant

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That's the future king of Norway

Are all of these egyptian?

Exactly. They posted an anti white thread an hour ago, got destroyed, ran like cowards and then started the exact same thread again with a different picture. They are trained for this misinformation campaign and yet still get bent over and raped by Aryan cock and facts and data.





I heard that the reason for the different skin tones in their illustrations was differences in social status and not necessarily because they were black or multicultural.

I'm just waiting until the wold decides to ignore history and let niggers have this one.

Hmm, those egyptean status have very non-nigger features. But kangs nigga, kangz.

it's called tan


Well, the simple fact is that Niggers have never accomplished anything.


Its because Niggers are genetically incapable of ...well....not behaving like a nigger.

But, somehow, the world is supposed to believe that niggers crossed 3000 miles of desert to build the mightiest structures on Earth.


>I'm just waiting until the wold decides to ignore history and let niggers have this one.

Actual Egyptians get real upset when they hear niggers try to take credit for their works.

Egypt got that ass turned to sand anyways

>different skin tones in their illustrations was differences in social status and not necessarily because they were black or multicultural.
Are you suggesting lighter skin = higher social status?

You think blacks care about history or will bother grabbing a book about egypt? They saw in some scooby doo movie they lived bathed in gold. They don't know about slavery or starvation or dehydration or anything the egyptians faced and what kind of populations they had.

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it's fake

Attached: Circumcision in Egypt.jpg (800x1539, 571.69K)

ironic post. you will ignore the rest of my post citing books

>Herodotus reverts several times to the negroid character of the Egyptians and each time uses it as a fact of observation to argue more or less complex theses. Thus to prove that the Greek oracle at Dodon a in Epirus was of Egyptian origin, one of his arguments is the following: '... and when they add that the dove was black they give us to understand that the woman was Egyptian'. The doves in question - actually there were two according to the text - symbolize two Egyptian women who are said to have been carried off from the Egyptian Thebes to found the oracles in Greece at Dodona and in Libya (Oasis of Jupiter Amon ) respectively. Herodotus did not share the opinion of Anaxagoras that the melting of the snows on the mountains of Ethiopia was the source of the Nile floods. He relied on the fact that it neither rains nor snows in Ethiopia 'and the heat there turns men black'.

>Aeschylus, —525(F) to —456, tragic poet and creator of Greek tragedy. In The Suppliants, Dañaos, fleeing with his daughters, the Danai'ds, and pursued by his brother Aegyptos with his sons, the Aegyptiads, who seek to wed their cousins by force, climbs a hillock, looks out to sea and describes the Aegyptiads at the oars afar off in these terms: 'I can see the crew with their black limbs and white tunics.'

>In one of his minor works, Aristotle attempts, with unexpected naïveté, to establish a correlation between the physical and moral natures of living beings and leaves us evidence on the Egyptian-Ethiopian race which confirms what Herodotus says. According to him, 'Those who are too black are cowards, like for instance, the Egyptians and Ethiopians.'

Attached: Some Egyptian busts and statues.jpg (3856x3335, 3.62M)

>Strabo visited Egypt and almost all the countries of the Roman empire. He concurs in the theory that the Egyptians and the Colchoi are of the same race but holds that the migrations to Ethiopia and Colchoi had been from Egypt only. 'Egyptians settled in Ethiopia and in Colchoi.' 34 There is no doubt whatever as to Strabo's notion of the Egyptians' race for he seeks elsewhere to explain why the Egyptians are darker than the Hindus, a circumstance which would permit the refutation, if needed, of any attempt at confusing 'the Hindu and Egyptian races'

>Herodotus, 'the father of history', — 48o(?) to —425. With regard to the origins of the Colchians he writes:
>It is in fact manifest that the Colchidians are Egyptian by race .. . several Egyptians told me that in their opinion the Colchidians were descended from soldiers of Sesostris. I had conjectured as much myself from two pointers, firstly because they have black skins and kinky hair (to tell the truth this proves nothing for other peoples have them too) and secondly and more reliably for the reason that alone among mankind the Egyptians and the Ethiopians have practised circumcision since time immemorial. The Phoenicians and Syrians of Palestine themselves admit that they learnt the practice from the Egyptians while the Syrians in the river Thermodon and Pathenios region and their neighbours the Macrons say they learnt it recently from the Colchidians. These are the only races which practise circumcision and it is observable that they do it in the same way as the Egyptians. As between the Egyptians themselves and the Ethiopians I could not say which taught the other the practice, for among them it is quite clearly a custom of great antiquity. As to the custom having been learnt through their Egyptian connections, a further strong proof to m y mind is that all those Phoenicians trading to Greece cease to treat the pudenda after the Egyptian manner and do not subject their offspring to circumcision

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>(Library of History, 3, Greek historian Diodorus Siculus)
>But there are also a great many other tribes of the Ethiopians, some of them dwelling in the land lying on both banks of the Nile and on the islands in the river, others inhabiting the neighbouring country of Arabia, and still others residing in the interior of Libya. 2 The majority of them, and especially those who dwell along the river, are black in colour and have flat noses and woolly hair. As for their spirit they are entirely savage and display the nature of a wild beast, not so much, however, in their temper as in their ways of living; for they are squalid all over their bodies, they keep their nails very long like the wild beasts, and are as far removed as possible from human kindness to one another; 3 and speaking as they do with a shrill voice and cultivating none of the practices of civilized life as these are found among the rest of mankind, they present a striking contrast when considered in the light of our own customs."

>Apollodorus, first century before our era, Greek philosopher. 'Aegyptos conquered the country of the black-footed ones and called it Egypt after himself.'

>Lycinus (describing a young Egyptian): 'This boy is not merely black; he has thick lips and his legs are too thin ... his hair worn in a plait behind shows that he is not a freeman.'

>A similar description of the Egyptian type of man recurs a few lines later in verse 745. (/) Achilles Tatius of Alexandria. He compares the herdsmen of the Delta to the Ethiopians and explains that they are blackish, like half-castes.

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Redheads existed in Ancient Egypt as well as the Middle East. It's a recessive trait that's practically extinct in those areas now. This will be happening to Europe soon thanks to all the immigration.

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I don't really get this mind set. Doesn't every race have one form of royalty or another?

That means everyone is just as royal as every other person.


Weird how these great societies were once white, but are now a bunch of stupid and poor brown people.

I guess they'll say the same about
>The US
In the future.

It's not extinct and the Egyptians used to ritually sacrifice people with red hair.
>This will be happening to Europe soon thanks to all the immigration.

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Carbon copy

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Dosn't that mean every white person was royal too?

no. you and OP haven't even read the study, those people weren't even white. they were also lower egyptian.

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You mad nigger boy? We Egyptians are the only real egyptians

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there were always different kinds of people in Egypt. some light most dark.

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Ramses II was naturally red haired.
Caste system of India (or its rough equivalent) occurred in what we call ancient Egypt.
Anybody who has actually studied Egyptology knows what was going on. Look up chariot ride of Ramses II he’s literally hunting and crushing sub-saharans under his chariot with a bow and arrow as well.
We had a similar thread on /his/ and some actually well read people destroyed the PC notion of ancient Egyptian demographics. Notice the proto-halo structures above the lighter skin individuals in pic related? How does that differ from the sub Saharans I wonder. Also check out the ‘dick washer’ meme, it is actually true believe it or not.

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I am talking about the picture, and also that every black person on earth today either call themselves a Kang or a Queen. Being the king of the empire of dust dosn't really mean shit. But by their logic every other race who had kings are also kings.

italians and greeks are the same as they were
that's just a retarded Yas Forums meme romans,egyptians and greeks were meds not white

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Copts aren't homogenous so it's still more confusing than that.

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And Egyptians were middle eastern and not sub-sahara blacks.

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The origin of Afer may either come from: -the Phoenician `afar, dust; -the Afri, a tribe—possibly Berber—who dwelt in North Africa in the Carthage area; -the Greek word aphrike, meaning without cold; -or the Latin word aprica, meaning sunny.

Carthage was on the Mediterranean coast of North Africa, and had a Hellenic culture rivaling Rome until the Romans brought them under their rule with the Punic Wars.
So a Greek using the term African would mean the North African coast such as Egypt and Carthage. Not black African.

Anyway just let these dopey nignogs have it. The more time they spend at home believing they are kangs, the less time they are causing problems for everyone elae. No one takes them serious anywho.

Wrong. You’re an anthro-brainlet. Introgression into Africa occurred 85kya.
Also... give H. naledi a quick google search if you will. You’ve stepped into the wrong arena if you’re not trolling

no it didn't! evolution doesn't exist. but race does however!


Dark brown from the sun, no such thing as egyptian nigger, king tuts cane, the niggers face touches his toes, the original egyptians are BROWN north africans

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Funny how the oldest bones to this day are found in Siberia, not Africa.

Girl in the pic is much more related to a monkey than an Egyptian. Maybe an Egyptian monkey?

Nope. Dyed their hair red and worshipped red heads because of typhonic desert deity Seti or Seth or Set (all are valid forms of the name).



They were Hamitic coming from Africa not the east.

>Cranial analysis of the Jebel Sahaba fossils found that they shared osteological affinities with a hominid series from Wadi Halfa in Sudan.[8] Additionally, comparison of the limb proportions of the Jebel Sahaba skeletal remains with those of various ancient and recent series indicated that they were most similar in body shape to the examined modern populations from Sub-Saharan Africa (viz. 19th century fossils belonging to the San population, 19th century West Africa fossils, 19th and 20th century Pygmy fossils, and mid-20th century fossils culled from Kenya and Uganda in East Africa). However, the Jebel Sahaba specimens were post-cranially distinct from the Iberomaurusians and other coeval series from North Africa, and they were also morphologically remote from later Nubian skeletal series and from fossils belonging to the Mesolithic Natufian culture of the Levant.[9]
>[The Egyptian] samples [of 996 mummies] exhibit morphologically simple, mass-reduced dentitions that are similar to those in populations from greater North Africa (Irish, 1993, 1998a–c, 2000) and, to a lesser extent, western Asia and Europe (Turner, 1985a; Turner and Markowitz, 1990; Roler, 1992; Lipschultz, 1996; Irish, 1998a).
>A 2006 bioarchaeological study on the dental morphology of ancient Egyptians in Upper Egypt by Joel Irish found that their dental traits were most similar to those of other Nile Valley populations, with more remote ties with Bronze Age to Christian period Nubians (e.g. A-Group, C-Group, Kerma) and other Afro-Asiatic speaking populations in Northeast Africa (Tigrean)

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HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. This is one funny negroid!

>that pic
creeping keks, batman!

The Africans were still black though according to the Romans. All Roman/Greek accounts describe them as a mulatto population just like the Moors and Egyptians during that period.

The called them negro(black).

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Based and possibly Pharaohpilled

Of course egyptians were whites, like every north african people during the antic era.
They have some black slave but that's it.

The only blacks who made some pyramids were the black pharaohs in actual Sudan.

there are natural red heads and ramesses II also had dyed hair.

Ramesses III is also confirmed e1b1a which is the BANTU haplogroup

Attached: Ramesses reconstruction.webm (814x600, 2.85M)

so what exactly is the line between "black" and whatever the fuck else is in a giant ass continent like africa

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>DNA ain't proof nigga
>look at these pictures for proof

You deserve a Nobel prize...just as much as Obama.

Egyptian bro.

Do you have white skin?

Ramses II was theorized to have dyed hair. It was found not to be the case

So what they are saying here is that europeans created an advanced society then africans moved in and out bred them and turned it into shit.


>Eric Crubezy's team showed that Predynastic cemetery in Adaima in Upper Egypt showed "Khoisan" dental markers (formally referred to as "Bushmen canine")
>In 2008 Keita found that the early predynastic groups in Southern Egypt were similar craniometrically to Nile valley groups of Ethiopid extraction, and as a whole the dynastic Egyptians (includes both Upper and Lower Egyptians) show much closer affinities with these particular Northeast African populations.
>In 2013, Terrazas conducted a comparative craniometric analysis of Dynastic Egyptian skulls with ancient and recent crania from other parts of Africa, and found that the ancient Egyptians were morphologically closest to modern Afroasiatic-speaking populations from the Horn of Africa. Both of these fossil series possessed Middle Eastern affinities and were distinct from the analyzed prehistoric crania of North Africa and the Horn region, including the Pleistocene Rabat skull, Herto Homo sapiens idaltu fossil and Early Holocene Kef Oum Touiza skeleton.
>According to Robins and Shute the average limb elongation ratios among ancient Egyptians is higher than that of modern West Africans who reside much closer to the equator. Robins and Shute therefore term the ancient Egyptians to be "super-negroid"
>Zakrzewski (2003) studied skeletal samples from the Badarian period to the Middle Kingdom. She confirmed the results of Robins and Shute that Ancient Egyptians in general had "tropical body plans" but that their proportions were actually "super-negroid".
>found Egyptians to plot closest to tropical Africans and not Mediterranean Europeans residing in a roughly similar climatic area.[52] A more recent study compared ancient Egyptian osteology to that of African-Americans and White Americans, and found that the stature of the Ancient Egyptians was more similar to the stature of African-Americans, although it was not identical

and the Cushites weren't very different from the Egyptian ones, genetically.

Attached: Pharaoh Amenhotep III.png (898x632, 502.35K)

old kingdom Egyptians were definitely black.

but as Egypt became a trading hub, lots of Caucasians flooded in, and also many Caucasian slaves were bought, and there was a lot of mixing going on, lots of Caucasian sex slaves, and mixed race people being born.

They were lot of races in Egypt's read a history book instead of making stuff up or reading a made up website.

I thought that read
>Some Egyptian busts in
>"das rite, the cash register is going to be buried in my tomb"

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DNA doesn't prove anything, the study acknowledges that.

It's based on 93 mtdna samples(worthless) from a single site in lower Egypt that was known for thousands of years of immigration. It's not telling us anything at all. Look at the Fayum portraits to see who those people looks like. They were mutts. Lower Egyptians even today are mutts.

It was actually. They (((looked))) at the roots to find actual red hair though, supposedly. But what 90 year old man has red hair? It's shady, though possible.

Attached: Fayum portraits.jpg (2295x2336, 2.7M)

The Egyptians weren't niggers

Thanks user

Traditional Egyptian husband and wife, Brown husband from working outside and a pale wife from staying indoors, Rahotep and Nofret lived during Khufus rule, the builder of the first pyramid

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6000 years from now, scientist are going to find amerimutt memes and will create this accurate representation how 21st century American looked like.

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Ancient Egypt was an expansive and long civilization, lasting for 3,500+ years. There were dozens of invaders, dynasties, ruling familes, divisions, expansions, etc. There are periods lasting hundreds of years where there is no recorded history.
It is also at the crossroads of the Middle East, Africa, and Europe. It is very likely there were periods when blacks Africans ruled Egypt, also Europeans and Middle Easterners, even theories there were Chinese rulers.
Ancient Egypt expanded south to Nubia, (South Sudan) and to Kush(Ethiopia/Eritrea). To say there were no Africans in ancient Egypt is false.

However, a big cosmopolitan empire would probably resemble something similar to today's diverse major cities. The intelligent and hard working rise to the top and the lazy and dumb are a burden on everyone else...
