the real reason black guys like white girls
The real reason black guys like white girls
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Lmao bump 4 u user
so they dont have to be around a black person all the time?
Damn that's deep man. Jannies clean this shit up.
Probably true. I too noticed that black guys watch just shonen
This but unironically.
My favorite anime is Kaiji
Shit like Bleach, Dragonball and Naruto are pretty Nigger when you think about it.
>me stronk
>me want moar powur!
>me train body hard me get magic power strength, ooo
>me unlock hidden potential!
>we wuz!
>work stupid fight mor am need train!
Black thot has a point, being a man child is indeed a lot like being a nigger.
Honestly the black girl there is based. Grow up. T least watch more adult anime (if it exists, I dunno)
Black/m/an reporting in. Only girl I've met who liked Anime was this hispanic chick I met in Costa Rica. She was really fucking hot, kind of surprising desu.
every single approachable girl ive met is into anime
American blacks love anime, you guys have trained them well
ok boomer
>My favorite anime is Kaiji
Only autistic people watch anime
reading manga is the only acceptable way to enjoy it
Naruto is over rated real niggas watch shit like k-on or oreimo.
simpsons went to shit and they cancelled the aqua teens
i haven't watched the cartoons in quite a while friends
This is actually true. Black women go out of their way to be bitches to and belittle us, I don't know why they're like that.
Based sassy black women
If you're over 15 and watch anime, you're a retard.
I love black girls now
That's also why I as a black man like white boys as well. There is nothing cuter than a weeb, their emotions are so raw. My boyfriend's blushing, the handholding, the kissing, the uwus, it's all so ahh~
u scared one of these chill ass retards who watch anime gonna fuck your sissy wife
>black weeb
cringe. Laquasha is right to shit on him. He probably only watches basic bitch shounen anyways
Black dudes really do be fucking weebs under it all. The reanreason they go for white girls is because literally NOBODY likes the black girls. They are repulsive, and only ugly mother fuckers try to fuck them.
Make the guy white then switch the speech bubbles between the thots and it’s also true
Any chance theres a stripe with a white guy too with the same style? It would make for funny stories.
Black Clover is based as fuck. Real niggas love Sword Art Online and Madoka Magica.
Because even the most legitimately stunted, mentally retarded nose-picking morons on earth can watch a shonen.
Faggot this shit's older than you or me, so shut your little tranny queer teenybopper mouth.
Shonen queers are no different that capeshit fucks, and plenty are even worse.
Where the fuck do you live?
Based nigress
They do, I've fucked a bunch of black girls, much more than white girls (and only two white girls if you don't count white Hispanic)
That black kween is made for medium sized white cock!
I'm a black guy. There relationship woth whiteness is strange; they will talk shit on it, but act like massa's bed wench when actually around whites.
Naruto is a gateway anime of the worst kind. It's a bad series, a clusterfuck of story and characterization that isn't very well done by any aspect, but which attempts to compensate for its weaknesses by adding in excessive shipping faggotry and DARKNESS. The normal user can see this as the shit it is, and may enjoy it, hate it or be indifferent to it, but all the while recognizing that the series itself, regardless of their opinion, is plain bad.
However, these very aspects that try to smear over the shit of its core make it a breeding ground for aspie, unsociable underageb& faggots who engage in every kind of faggotry both online and in the real world. The superpowered characters all trying their hardest to look cool, the jutsus, peculiar, colorful clothes, the whole ninja faggotry and everything about the Naruto world fuels their escapist fantasies, while the pity-party character backgrounds, emphasis on revenge, and overall preachiness of the series make it fit just right with the mary-sueish drives of your average preteen and his sense of unwarranted self-importance towards the world. Exactly the kind of shit that makes little kiddies and underageb& retards eat this shit right the fuck up.
Naruto is basically THE series to attract the most hated anime fanbase known to Yas Forums, which is why, regardless of individual opinions, it is the responsibility of every user to troll the fuck out of this show and everyone who likes it, and ensure that no Naruto threads ever encourage the newfriends to show their faces here.
jew york suburbs. desu it sucks for girls round here youngins are scarce
90% of all lovemaking in the U.S. is done by blacks to whites. What's your point?
Urotsukidoji, Doomed Megalopolis and Genocyber are better.
without consent
Blacks enjoying art created by Asians that depict White people.
What type of anime did she liked?
>tfw no qtgf who likes the greatest anime of all time
lmao wtf is this autism i watch it for the fights bro
Anyone else notice the women who want men to ‘Man Up’ are not desirable?
Anyone else notice how men try to push these women on to other men so they can have the more desirable women?
>*walkie talkie noises*
>Uh Janny
>Please tongue my hairy asshole
>Thank you
That's funny. I notice a lot of my more geeky/autistic hobbies like Anime and jersey collecting are appreciated by black guys whereas white guys don't really say much.
my gf and I watched this first day of isolation.
yeah so, doesnt matter if naruto looks like a hitler youth hes a fucking badass ninja who doesnt take shit from snake michael jackson
Ok nigger.
Dont let this slide thread distract you from the fact that biden is giving out black qt gf. Ridin with biden 2020!
>White girls having any culture
cuz white dudes are autistic and hate everything thats too weird looking to them, everythings gotta be plain and standard.
>when you're so immersed in a culture you can't even see it
With consent. Whites and blacks were made for each other. Jews have always been the real problem as they are not white nor are they black.
I've only seen where onions white dudes with obese black girls are together because of anime. Like there's no other pairings that result in liking anime but that.
It's actually pretty spot on.
Black girls have trash tier tastes, zero hobbies, and overall no personality other than I FINNA SOMEONE TAKE CARE MA KEEDZ YO.
There is a reason why Black girls are the least desired interracial pairing by men. They make the worst girlfriends by far. Boring, demanding, hypocritical, low IQ, judgemental, and worst of all prone to random sheboon temper tantrum chimpouts.
This is before we even get into the more obvious problem that most of them are also fat and ugly.
Literal bottom tier females.
Pic related is my reaction when a black girl displays indicators of interest towards me.
>pumpkin spice latte is the quintessential opus of white culture
Seething incel shill
And who are their offspring made for? If you say each other then you obviously haven’t been paying attention.
Pretty basic shonens like Bleach/Naruto, Studio Ghibli stuff and Attack on Titan.
Every black person I know jumps on every season’s popular shonen and nothing else. Right now it’s My Hero Academia.
They only are into what’s currently poplar and/ or has been super popular in the past.
Hold my beer
Nobody gives a fk. Racemixer deserve to hang.
>basic as fuck anime choices
Sounds about right for n*ggers and white w*men
I'm fucking black and I absolutely despise any black that says Naruto or DB is my favourite anime, how fucking typical.
>inb4 what's your favourite anime?
Angel Beats!
As always Patrice said it best.
Brown boys and girls are made for everyone.
then wtf do you get hyped over, you just seem like a jerk who cant make friends irl
nigger women love gurren lagann
Aqua teen hungry force was the shit
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