Get in here Pennsylvania bros. We're almost at 2,000 cases of coronavirus.
Pennsylvania General /PAG/
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bumping this shit
>some cunt coughed on $35k of goods in a Hanover township store.
I am Amish, does this work?
>560 new cases confirmed today
The Amish are pretty based
When will Wolf just lockdown the entire state? enough of this county to county bullshit
Cauphin County represent
(shits fucked)
I'm surprised that fucking retarded boomer doesn't enact martial law.
You’re state is going blue in 2020
Quick rundown?
We got some coofers doing damage (pic related)
PA server if anyone wants to chat
Already have an archived link here. See
Bucks user here. Beautiful day to be out in one of our many great parks
ER Full.
Entire units full of patients.
News still says 2 patients
ah, sorry, i didnt see that
The (((New York times))) says only 13 cases.
Westmoreland boys report in.
Life as usual here, shop n save busy, everyone out fucking around...
Westmoreland checking in
It's ok my nigga
I've got a job in Philly this summer (granted Wu Flu doesn't get it cancelled). What should I expect? My roommate is from Pittsburgh and he says Philly is the worst shithole he's been to. Advice?
Its the worst shithole i've ever been to
except for San Francisco
>What should I expect?
endless niggers
Hello fellow PA faggots, it is me, Luzerne County fag checking in as always. Everything is holding up good here, went on a nice walk in the sun, and shit is still rocking and rolling. Stay safe fellow based PA anons.
what part of Germany?
didn't the Amish merge with a more liberal Mennonite denomination decades ago in Germany?
I never been there I but hear it's filled with niggers and spics.
That store isn't too far from me. I hope the bitch pays for coofing on Mom's top tier produce.
Actual Philly user here.
What part of philly specifically, cause it matters.
City of neighborhoods and all that.
I'm still stuck in West Philly. If I can't join one of you, I'm going to die in my nigger neighborhood. They always destroytheir own neighborhoods first in a riot which I'm right in the middle of.
>Inb4 just don't live with nigs
I don't have a choice. Got stuck here after the schools shut down.
Get out of here you lying shill fuckin faggot. I'll cut your balls off with a tuna can lid. This virus is FUCKING BULLSHIT.
Go out in a blaze of glory, user.
Pittsburgh is a real shithole that nobody should willingly go to. Philadelphia is just kind of dirty and crowded with poors and nigs
Pittsburgh isn't that bad besides all the niggers and chinks everywhere.
> T. Medfag
I got my gun today, finally!
>and a few hundred rounds of .357 too!
I have a job at the Wharton school at Upenn, they're housing me there. I'm under the impression that it's a pretty area, but then again I don't know the city in any way
Great Allegheny Passage Reporting in... you jagoffs.
Innawoods with Camo Crossbow.
I think I heard someone, wait a minute...
nevermind, just a Robin.
Stay safe PAnons
I am from Montana, I am here visiting distant relatives.
We are liberal Amish in Montana, I got a truck and work in a business.
I'm not impressed by your EMT credentials, you shill cocksucker
No they aren't. They stink and rip people off as bad, or worse, than Jews.
>t. Ag building designer that had to deal with those dirty shits.
I guess that's always an option, but I:m a solid tactician. I coyld do much more managing a team or supplies
do you people even speak Pennsylvania German anymore?
like past the Appalachians it seems like most don't any longer
Don't you have some meth to smoke pr fentanyl to shoot up?
Weird, i heard pittsburg wasnt all that bad compared to philly, nice suburbs too.
Heard most of the problems stem from college mudsharks and their bucks.
Fuck you nigger. I'm not staying I have to eat. I'm not staying home.
Spend a few weeks in Paris to get experience with feral niggers. Also get some guns.
GC, can confirm
Penn campus right on the edge. Dont wander off campus except to the east.
You don't necessarily need two arms.
shitty roads, potholes everywhere, grey skies, so many fucking hills it takes a half hour to drive a few miles.
Basically just outside of center city(university city).
Not the worst place you could be here.
Probably lots of college faggots and ironic hipsters.
Pittsburgh is consistently rated as one of the best places to live in the country
I can't imagine the audacity of someone from literally any other county in pennsylvania saying this to someone in bucks lmao
What kind. I hear the governor wants to limit the amount of rounds you can buy to 50 or something like that.
S&W 686+ ... I waited too long to prep for this but it was the last thing I needed.
Yeah, the kike is trying to pass a law requiring a 30 day waiting period to buy ammo, as well as a 50 doller licence to buy ammo.
Man Levittown is about to be planet of the fucking apes.
I think (((josh Shapiro))) is behind that.
They want to regulate ammo like firearms.
lebanon county reporting in.
still fighting with only 4 cases reported.
no surrender
no retreat
It’s not that bad desu
Philly is the most beautiful city in america. It does have alot of ghettos to watch out for though, but you should be fine.
Just because it isn't in your county on the map yet doesn't mean it hasn't been circulating for a while already. Some counties are cockblocking
people from getting tests, claiming zero cases, yet hospitals are all way over capacity more than normal.
Prepare for the worst, the politicians already threw you under the bus for money.
I hope that Philly isn't anything like Paris, because I would feel legitimately bad for it. I thought that the blacks in Philly were at least American, or do you have a massive immigrant problem too? I'd never wish to spend a whole summer in Paris