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32M followers are getting redpilled about this nothing burger
very based
Jew face detected, geez.
Someone’s gotta teach them. Everyone is a lemming now.
Holy shit how retarded is all of this? Fuck anyone spouting this horseshit now.
>Elon Musk
Literally scum of humanity tier
it was a stock power grab the entire time
I trust nothing from Musk. He is in bed with China, of course he is gonna spread their propoganda.
He is building the brain chips they want for totalitarian control.
based. Anybody with a brain knows that this virus is not nearly deadly enough to cause any lasting impacts. No, millions will not die. No, the economy will not collapse. No, the real world doesn't work like a movie. Happening cancelled. It's over.
>Shill thinks when he says he trusts nothing from Musk that means he actually is changing other Anons minds
You don't learn.
I love this image. The fact that (((they))) are already offended without him mentioning them just proves his point
It’s interesting how the catalog is still full of shills meming the virus. End this fucking shutdown now
>End this fucking shutdown now
THIS. Im sick of shills pushing the lockdown agenda. This needs to fucking end.
based if real
If I never have to hear beds and ventilators again for as long as I fucking live I will die happy. I would rather an hero than go to some vector zone hospital and become septic from a dirty breathing machine. Fuck that.
here's hoping they noticed the nose
>500k uk deaths
when he made that prediction we were purposely going for 86% infection herd immunity and so that was accurate
Why is it mostly Americans posting????
If you support a 2 month+ lockdown you worship moloch.
I get this weird nagging thought that tofumen of assorted kinds just like to say they're "on lockdown".
Man after my own heart here. It's to die with zero dignity.
I support my legs because they support me.
Based Elon earned my respect.
deep state moloch adrenochrome withdrawal house arrest
elon is based tho
So when we recover and less die than did under obamas h1n1 nonchalant crisis, will Trump get full credit for averting an apocalyptic catastrophe?
no, the kikes will begin some new false flag or psy op to change the news cycle.
No. Everyone who said it's an apocalyptic catastrophe bet the last of their credibility on it.
Most academics are frauds and the "peer review" system is even flawed up to mathematics and medical faculties.
says the guy who is actually going to have herd immunity in his country in 2 months from now
No, every deaths after quarantine ends will be blamed on trump. Every single one.
Everyone already has it on the east and west costs. The self quarantine did nothing.
This is correct. I've got a masters in Geology, it was just as full of bullshit as the worst social science.
and it won't matter because the credibility of the media is shattered. Why the fuck do you think MSM stopped airing his press conferences live?
Don't you know? Its all Cuomo doing! All of it!
He is a hero, a presidential material!
Elon is based. This corona hoax is meant to destroy the economy and make China take over as the number one GDP country and military.
I have a master degree in mathematics specializing in statistics and I couldn't believe it when I saw the bullshit being pushed. Especially in medical statistics and survey statistics.
I always thought mathematics was extremely objective and pretty much immune to bullshit but there's plenty of people making up their own wild theories and sidelined math who get away with it because they have a huge circlejerk in their research focus group.
It really made me rethink most of the stuff that is being pushed by so called experts in any field. Places like NHS and CDC are pretty much pushing pseudoscience.
In good times things work. In bad times you realize the emperor has no clothes.
jews truly are the lowest form of scum on this earth
Bongs are too cowardly to say anything because they don't want the bobbies knocking at the door.
Nothing would shock me anymore so I predict a second impeachment will be kicked up in the House
elon was a nothingburger month ago
Hes just coping because
>muh stocks
>I always thought mathematics was extremely objective and pretty much immune to bullshit
lol and you were going into statistics? It's the mathematics of gamblers and bullshitters, of which I am both, so I recognize my own kind.
elon should be investigated for being a chinese agent. what else explains his continued subversion in favor of the cpc?
1/4 - I think it would be helpful if I cleared up some confusion that has emerged in recent days. Some have interpreted my evidence to a UK parliamentary committee as indicating we have substantially revised our assessments of the potential mortality impact of COVID-19.
2/4 -This is not the case. Indeed, if anything, our latest estimates suggest that the virus is slightly more transmissible than we previously thought. Our lethality estimates remain unchanged.
3/4 - My evidence to Parliament referred to the deaths we assess might occur in the UK in the presence of the very intensive social distancing and other public health interventions now in place.
4/4 - Without those controls, our assessment remains that the UK would see the scale of deaths reported in our study (namely, up to approximately 500 thousand).
is elon scared because he will lose his substitutes from gov and gets exposed for being useless retard?
I don't know whether it is a big deal or not. I'm still working I'm just taking lots of extra vitamin c and eating extra food Incase of famine
He gives them shit ideas that don't work. Why doesn't China have rockets that take off and land?
Fuck niggers,Jews, tranny's, spics and faggots. There. I said it.
Just the flu brah just the flu brah
get to work wagie, itll heal you get to work wagie
But bots and incompetend media will simply elect the next shit president in your rigged election system backed by ancap
Also people will simply forget that everyone lied to them until they couldnt - and even then they effectivly censored each other
kek saved
Elon Musk will just get e-lynched by the mob. Shocking it hasn't already happened with his occasional steps across their insane zigzagging lines.
How many years have you been ruled by a fat, barren, Germany hating sow again?
oh you mean the based cunt that respects our constitution (which makes racewar inciting ancap funded bots mad) and was the first politician to speak about the severity of this shit worldwide, tests extensivly and even developed the first test for this crisis while also having access to enough manufacturing to sustain the costs of this event?
You tell me
Oh and I forgot to mention that we still have one of the best healthcare systems in the world accessible for everyone.
Just stay mad and listen to the spambots for your next agenda. Ill guess itll probably be refugee rape crime boogalos
its fine, if anything this shutdown works better for trump and our agenda
everyone was talking about an economic crash on the horizon
but this shutdown decompressed everything, so now he can cruise into the election on the tails of more growth without worrying about a crash
He's probably got refugees welcomed tattooed right above his asshole. German scared of the flu but not scared of Muslims raping and pillaging his country.
Explain. Do purposely deceive or is just a on-the-inside kind of thing?
There is empirical proof that this is not true.
Literally just look at Italy, Spain, France, New York.
They all had """""""""lockdowns""""""""""" too. But there's no teeth in them so people don't listen, you won't see the same results like you see somewhere like China where they can just fucking black bag you.
Do you even know what the word empirical means?
Please kill yourself.
Why haven't you killed yourself yet.
>muh flag shill tactic
Flag related is you
He's totally right. Academia is nothing more than a Jew psyop. Nothing more than a bunch of criminal jews coming together to form a consensus that benefits them to the detriment of everyone else. And if you question it you're ridiculed for not having the same fake credentials that they awarded to themselves.
The incredibly long lock down estimates (18+ months) are all prdicated on two things: 1, a vaccine not being found and 2, the death rate climbing above a certain percent (last I heard was 6.9, don't know why that number is significant).
In the event that a vaccine is found before then or the death rate remains below that amount things in the UK /should/ be back to normal in 7 to 11 weeks or so.
>look every single example we have of similar situations does not follow this pattern this person says it will follow here
What is it that drives you morons?
We have absolutely no evidence corona virus is making anyone sick. We havent even proven it has infected anyone. The tests are all false positives. The hospitals are empty. The disease is asymptomatic because testing positive doesnt make you any more likely to be sick. The "symptoms" show up weeks after testing positive, because anyone will get a runny nose, headache, shortness of breath if you wait long enough. It's absolutely fucking ridiculous that anyone is taking this seriously. The death rates are obviously fake. It just shows how hypnotized the masses are. A hoax is staring us right in the face. Wake the fuck up. Nobody has COVID-19. This plague is absolutely nonexistent!
Where are my malaria pills
That’s the imperial college guy you made two threads OPing by quoting his revised view - you clown shoe
Forget all that stuff I said about 18 months guys, I meant two to three weeks. Fucking assholes
They will say Trump is dumb for shutting down the country for the Flu, despite all smart liberals telling him not to do it
>the economy will not collapse
With the shutdowns and forced stay at home orders, the economy will collapse, regardless.
Also a fair percentage of people totally believe the hype and will never be calmed down until they see everyone wearing a vaccination tattoo and barcode.
Normies have no clue what this is leading to.
Elon Musk is a CIA planted idiot
If I ever hit the lotto, I'm buying a Tesla.
It’s becoming more of a cult every day
There seems to be alot of back pedalling today. Even Cuomo is doing it. People are seriously going to be pissed off when its revealed that our govt acted like a bunch of hysterical pussies and the media fear mongered them for 2 weeks.
>German flag
>pro corona propaganda
It’s not gonna fuck you
dumb nigger I personally know people who have it. I hope I'm being baited
Exactly my dude. I work at factory with 800 plus people. Not one case or any family member of an employee has tested positive. My uncle works at an ever larger facility and the same thing. We both live in Chicago where there is supposedly thousands of cases yet not one person I know has it. Not one family member or friend of anyone I know has it. Shit is bioterrorism without the bio