Coronavirus spread by pets

Should I trust my bitch to keep her nose clean and not bring the virus into my house or should I just get rid of her?

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Unironically fuck you user.

She's been refusing to comply with social distancing requirements. And I caught her eating goose shit at the park. What's the most humane poison I can make with household ingredients?

she is safe user


dogs are safe from chinese virus. not chinese people though

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I want to believe you but without sauce I must assume you are just making an emotional argument.

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>getr rid of your bitxh,
but keep the dog

I've heard that they can get it, and other sources saying they can't


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they can technically carry the virus after exposure (just as any animal/object can) but are not believed to be susceptible to infection. confusion comes from the fact that there are other corona viruses that can infect dogs. this isn't one of them.

how about restraining him so cannot escape your house?

Exactly. I'm staying indoors, sanitizing everything coming in to the house, entertaining no one, but the dog goes out several times a day, jumps fence, visits neighborhood dog friends. It seems she could sink this whole ship. I'm starting to think safe is better than sorry.

are you a nigger, whites dont kill their own animals.
At least give her away to a shelter or something. Go kys, unironically

Because when I look into her eyes I can hear her tiny little thoughts. A still small growly voice that says "give me liberty or give me death" and as an American I have to respect that. I'm not about to crate my bitch like some frog.

The animal shelters are overloaded. She will just be taking up a shelter bed for some other dog that needs it. Only a retarded Sunni Kraut would even consider that right now in this crisis.

She looks like a good heckin puperinooooooo

Also, KYS if you harm her OP


The Chinese were killing their pet in the hundreds because they thought they were carrying the virus. That should be enough warning for you.

then give her to a relative you nigger. Aren't you attatched to your dog at all?

It's disgusting. These virus fearmongers have got your dogs worried sick. The Boston can hardly sleep!

My doggo will keep the niggers from our door.

Worst case, I can always eat her.

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Here's an article

Get rid of her.

Get rid of her, but leave your dog alone.

Paracetamol. Or try to get xylitol. Feed her anything with xylitol.

you need your gf to cook your rice and beans, nigger

> doggo

Kill yourself manchild s0ib0i.

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Sounds expensive.

do your bitch a favor and get rid of yourself

The only dog laughing at this whole situation is Immunity Dog.

Get a bunch of helium balloons from the drug store and let them go in her nose cupping your around it.

Dogs can’t carry COVID19, it can’t even survive in their fur.

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That's it. Post some proof or she's gonna get it in 10 minutes.

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Dogs are unironically god's gift to man. If you don't love (or are unable to like anything about dogs) then you're not human. ISN'T THAT RIGHT, CHANG?

i so fucking hope a group of rabbid ass niggers kick down your door and ass rape you for the next 15 days

literally subhuman.

Turn it around and put the gun in your mouth anonbro, and just press and release

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Why didn't you buy her a mask, user? Is your dog's unconditional love and companionship worth nothing to you?

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its good to know some of the old guard is still here in these times of limitless faggotry

Fuck. It it looks like she knows time's up. Poor puperino.

If you ain't fuckin it or you ain't eatin it then wtf is it there for

And disposable doggy booties. You don't want her trailing stuff in to your home.

I'm going to accept that as good enough for now. But I'll keep an eye out for more studies. Thanks for posting.

point taken dude, relax

You won’t catch the virus if you kill yourself, you know.

You're not gonna do shit. Nice trigger discipline, faggot.


Give us a picture how happy she is now.

>Nice trigger discipline, faggot.
What do you expect from someone posting shit like this?

Kill yourself you nigger, even if your skin is white, you’re still now and forever will be a nigger

You should take a bottle of tylenol PM with a fifth of 100proof vodka. You will feel SOOOO much better user. Do it as soon as possible.

What if my dog is chinese (Chow)? The huskies and german shepherds aren't even sniffing her ass anymore because of all the corona racism going on :(

Just murder suicide dude its the only fix to your situation.

1. Shoot yourself in the head.

2. Shoot yourself again.

3. Shoot your dog.

Good luck we believe in you

>imagine thinking something calling his dog in a affectionate way has something to do with being a manchild or a s0b0i
you sound like those retards who try too hard to appear badass lol

David Berkowitz, is that you ?


I love how it started out with the CDC saying you're a schizo if you think your pet is involved in any way

Now they say to isolate from your pet, and wear gloves and masks and shit, and sterilize the pet.

I got SARS-CoV-2 in mid-January, passed it within a week of symptoms. Then the purebred beagle got it in February, but not respiratory symptoms. 2 week malaise, not much appetite but never missed a meal. Then suddenly fine. If humans, camels, and bats can get it I don't see why there can't be symptoms in 100% of dogs with 100% surety.

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but they do that shit anyways.

>Now they say to isolate from your pet, and wear gloves and masks and shit, and sterilize the pet.

Same reason you have to keep surfaces and stuff clean, because they can carry it from contact, not that theyre infected Cletus.
