What is your honest opinion on DJT handling the COVID crisis?
What is your honest opinion on DJT handling the COVID crisis?
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Same question, same answer.
Should have nuked China
He’s done as well as anyone in his shoes could do. It’s mostly beyond his control.
He should have been more aggressive at holding China more accountable for the last 3 years. He hasn't done enough to prevent China from causing these problems or us having to rely on a country that may have released a bioweapon for medical supplies to protect against that very bioweapon.
Obama is a total piece of shit for letting China go wild. Trump needs to step it up against China and the president after him needs to make Trump like a total pussy with dealing with China.
if i get trumpbux good
if i dont get trumpbux bad
He did an impressively lackluster job in stopping the spread and containment of the virus. Now we're in an economic depression. Thanks gawd emprah fatty
It is just totally and utterly behooving to the mind as to how Trump can be a scientifically and emotionally illiterate retard who rejects evidence based medicine like vaccines. He's truly not much different from his base.
Sigh, there is no magical low cost cure for this plague. We're just gonna have to hold out for another 18 months for a vaccine and have it mandated.
Trump can go back to tweeting nonsense from his fatassed sized golden toilet.
US already has more cases and a higher rate of contagion than everyone else.
USA Nr1! Thx Mr. Trump!
>posted from my Huawei P30 Pro
It's pretty funny to watch from up here, he's such a dumb fucking jackass. I feel bad for you guys though.
There has been widespread panic and misinformation because noone knows who or what to believe. At times like these we should be able to turn to our leadership but the fact hes constantly spewing bullshit, it's making the situation worse.
Tool we choose to crash this clown world with no survivors.
FPBP.. My sentiment exactly.
A++. Couldn't be happier. I was a little worried at first but he pulled through
I honestly don’t care what he does or doesn’t do. I never go outside, I’ve got enough tendies bought in bulk with bitcoin to last a lifetime, and I’m just enjoying the show.
If they only would have listened to him, we could be the envy of the world. But no, we have to freak the fuck out, destroy the economy, and keep the boomers around. He tried to warn us. Him, 8/10: Liberal governors, 2/10. Get fucked you doomers.
>pic related
100 RMB has been deposited in your bank of Canada account. Trudeau will be by to give your small penis a blowie later.
really bad
Better than I expected. Not great, but he’s doing better than the Dems.
Well he didn’t get it and die so I think he’s pretty terrible at it myself.
Initial reaction was weak but most of us approve now. I've never voted Republican but I'll probably vote Trump since the alternative is this guy: twitter.com
I definitely don't want Biden in charge during the next pandemic.
I give him 100 out of 100.
It was either war, or roll over and be controlled by China.
I say we fight.
Checked and kek’d
White men are stealing your asian women and your country is gonna be in flames soon, Chang.
He is bad in a crisis.
His inaction would be remembered by the history books as the worst warcrime of all time.
He actually started out pretty good, it was when the stonks began to fall that he started to panic. Not many people can lead effectively in a crisis
He’s been great.
Uhm. Doesn't matter since we have him till 2024 anyway cause dems gave up on trying to win
Fuck you fag after we get our neetbucks stock market will be above 30,000 before the election.
he IS the crisis.
enjoy your megadeth happening, burgers.
Might that have anything to do with the fact the dems are not in power?
Your PM is the faggot son of a communist dictator.
Sure, Sholomo.
listening to this face-colored buffon is cringey as hell. He leaves words behind and has the comprehension level of an old cocaine addict with autism.
I can’t believe they passed 2 trillion dollars in stimulus and HALF went to the rich... im disgusted and I think it’s time to start talking secession
Dems didn't "give up".
They don't want to win.
Trump is a cash cow for them. "Resist!"
And by "resist" they mean "donate to our campaigns". House and Senate campaigns make bank from gullible armchair rebel-wannabes.
They lead with their most incompetent people because they want the gravy train to run for another 4 years.
why did he do that weird u-turn and stopped calling it the chinese virus? one week ago i thought he was taking this whole thing seriously, now i'm not so sure.
January-February: 0/10 retarded, actively calling it a hoax/nothingburger.
March: 2-3/10 but still pretty terrible.
Makes sense. They are handing Trump victory on a silver platter. Just sucks how they kept giving us false hope when they're losing on purpose
I’m one of the tens of millions of people who are ride or die with Donald Trump. It doesn’t matter if he fucks up on occasion, which she does, he still has my undying support because I fucking hate the Democrats more than anything in the world. So to answer your question in the most honest way I think he’s handled it As good as he could be expected to, or anyone for that matter. Our governmental system limits him in many ways because states have most of the power in this situation. The only thing Trump has ever done that has truly irritated me with his being on bump stocks, still I’ll support until the day I die.
Republicans: perfect
Democrats: awful
Me: busy cooming, don't care
He's doing the best he can with a shit hand and half the country actively working against him.
>he typed, wheezing alone in his apartment as he got denied for the 10th time to get tested let alone put on the ventilator that his lungs will desperately need in 24 hours
9/10. Would be 10/10 if we hold China accountable either financially or militarily
Genuinely curious, what do you think of his “We Win” comments and his support of ending the quarantine/shut-down? Do you genuinely change your concern about the virus as DJT does?
A week ago I thought Trump had shifted gears to become a based wartime president but he's still waffling and dithering like a senior old faggot.
MAR 26 5:50PM
He handles it as well as you expect from any meme-lord reality TV low IQ geriatric would, I guess.
Trump fucked it all up. He's still fucking it all up. He'll continue fucking it all up.
>Waffling Senior Old Faggot
That's Biden Leaf. Get your maple syrup together.
Nigger. You dumb.
>Pic related
he is surrounded by deranged happeningfag jews, he's not a doctor so he is mostly reliant on these ""experts"" who love a good crisis for "expert" advice on this, I know he doesn't have the power to restructure the whole government, D.C., civil society, all of it, to simply ignore these people, tell them to fuck off, or better yet, FIRE them all and defund them all
get Fuckwit Fauci to tell the people how many people were already dying from existing coronaviruses, flu, and pneumonia
get these fucking assholes to admit the truth
4 in 5 American BOOMERS has hypertension and 3 in 4 ncov victims had hypertension IT'S NOT THAT FUCKING COMPLICATED
a family of 4 will receive a payment of $3400?
they already lost $100?
Best response in the thread. Trump is a blithering idiot with no understanding of this issue, I hope all of you MAGAtards lose your grandparents because of his retarded lackluster response.
Absolute Chad.
There's nothing wrong with trannies, so long as they're BASED!
>implying that everyone that dies was already sick.
cope more.
Ask me on 4D/10J/20T
No better and no worse than anyone else. God-tier if he moves the production of essential goods (masks, medication, etc.) out of China and back to the US.
Fukkin kike shill!