Fuck you, single mother trash. Now you want people to come together and help out.
Other urls found in this thread:
lel. Check out this one. Single moms are getting fucking panicky
I hope they starve
Anyone got any good prayer recipes? Trying to feed 2 kids on prayers.
Consume them
All of you should be ashamed of yourselves. If you were real men you'd step up and take care of those moms and kids.
cut them in half, give one half to each mother
Her job is/was to literally put food on the table
Finally the chickens come home to roost.
Fuck I hope this goes nuclear and single motherdom becomes ‘abolished’ much like it was in days gone by.
White men are creating single mothers
They chose to be alone, let them rot.
dumb roastie bitch shoulda kept her lips closed twice
>Be a cuckold
No thanks Tyrone's kids will starve cuz he didnt step up to the plate
Women need a man like a fish need a bicycle.
What is it with these fucking retards nowadays with this prayer shit. "Praying for you", "sending prayers" etc. People like this deserve to have shit happen to them.
No, user.
>shit happens
>it just didn’t work out
>I was unhappy
Every single mom, ever.
Ahh, I enjoyed this.
What the fuck are prayers going to do? Is praying going to magically make food appear on the kitchen table?
"All of her idols will be smashed, all of her earnings will be burned with fire and all of her images I will make desolate, for she collected them from a harlot's earnings. And to the earnings of a harlot they will return." - Micah 1:7
This really is super pathetic. Most single mothers absolutely disgust me. They use it to skirt job responsibilities all the time. Funny how when they have a deadline, you get a text that morning saying, “Sorry MY KID IS SICK and I can’t come to work today.” They do this ALL the fucking time. And those are just the ones with jobs. The ones without jobs spend all day at home playing on the Internet, eating, and taking selfies from flattering angles. Maybe if they wouldn’t hog down all the government food for themselves there’d be something left for their neglected children you can hear squalling in the background in any given MMORPG.
>white solidarity
I'd give each of her boys a can of deenz if her assholes tight enough
Lel roasties Btfo.
>how are y'all surviving?
We didn't chase our husbands out of the home.
next time don't be a whore.
do you have more like this? this is life fuel.
Somebody post Cliff
So... she doesn’t want to date black guys? She sounds like a racist.
pay the toll, bitch
Fucking stupid bitch. Can't even feed her Damn children. Wtf
>thousand year old phrases
I may be more esoteric in my beliefs but god that's fucking BASED
> triggered atheist
you're a disgusting person you know that?
Married women are. I've never met a white man who initiated a divorce if they had young kids.
She could always turn tricks to feed the kids, worked for her the first time around.
Found the coal or coal burner
these whores are hilarious
You are correct, most divorces are initiated by women
The child wasnt cut in half in the story. It was threatened to see who the real mother was.
You know what I am talking about, user. Stop lying. Tell the entire context of the story.
These fucker are getting more then enough off their government.
stopped reading there
you do realize that most of the single mothers are because of men who divorced them right? according to stats most divorces are initiated by men, and men are also more likely to cheat. incels.
she already turns tricks for free apparently
Lurk moar you absolute cum gargling faggot.
Where is Chad thunder cock?
Isn't that irresponsible meth head they decided to make kids with supposed to bring the bacon?
>Cousin was a "just a flu bro" woketard
>Now won't shut the fuck up about muh baby and muh Jesus will save us
Why would Jesus inflict Coronachan on us in the first place just to save us
you'd be surprised user
That really makes me want to become a future beta provider.
Jews did this.
>husband dies
>single mother
You're a fag and it's not you mom's fault.
Jesus isn't Chinese.
This is the most based scripture I have read
Because people turn to religion in hard times, and that is how it has always been. There's no rationality to it.
Got stats to back up your bullshit that men start divorce more so than women?
>obama was president
this is fucking GOLD
If you're struggling to get food for your family, I recommend elderberry syrup.
Checked and irony pilled
Based as fuck.
Especially for a leaf. When the day of the rake comes, we'll spare you.
>he doesn't believe in the power of manifestation
Found the NPC, the fuck do you think meme magic is?
Most single moms are not widows
80% of divorces are initiated by women, not men.
she looks cute enough to expect she gets at least customer per week offer to provide for her and her mutts so she doesnt have to work anymore. I hope she is miserable.
becuase men cheated stfu
Well my sister was an uber bitch who selected beta males exclusively. Got knocked up and wanted dude to become an alpha. It wasnt in his genes. Last straw that broke him and made him file was the comment "you were just a sperm donor". Now I gotta niece who will have daddy issues cause he bailed on her. All women are the cause of divorce granted but not always the one who initiates some men are just betas.
Lol toll paid, hoes be mad
You missed the old
>he was a jobless alcoholic loser but I fucked him without a condom anyway
For every widow there's probably 99 dumb whores making bad life decisions because she's selfish and retarded
wipe the scat off of your source
Unless they daddy got shot
>you do realize that most of the single mothers are because of men who divorced them right?
Nice moving the goalpost nigger.
Weak bait, fuck those whores
so are coalburners with someone else's bastards
>someone to take care of me
man, from now on whenever i meet a women decently hot and not needy i'll game the fuck out of her, gotta start practising as soon as the chinkflu is over
And most single mom's are pretty chill people. What's your point? I thought we were making grand generalizations based on obviously flawed bases?
Gay little leaf.
Lol dumbfuck
I’ll pray for her and her family. Hope we all get through this even if it’sa “hoax”, people are still struggling
Thanks, Jesus.
muh prayers
Ayyyye lmfao.
is there any reason to be homophobic? where did it came from?
You know me and my God don't mind, slaying some wicked mother fuckers at the end of times.
found the seething arby's
Toll partially paid
I admire you supreme gentleman, if only we could all be as kind.
It is customary to lurk here for 2 years before posting. This improver thread quality and keeps you from looking like a massive boomer faggot nigger. Lurk moAR faggot.
>men are also more likely to cheat
When you've taken an oath to have sex with only one woman for the rest of your life and then the bitch decides to stop having sex, what else are you supposed to do?
Hey simp, the Applebee’s is two blocks down
26 year old male, sweetie. Don't project your insecurities surrounding your mommy at me.
The deadbeat fathers of the children are just as responsible for this, not supporting their children in the pandemic, these losers aren’t men at all, they should be willing to die for their children
Well you mentioned the husband dying as if that was the main reason there were single moms.
>most single mom's are pretty chill people
Wrong, they wouldn't be a single mother if they were. tits or gtfo
If only there were more of these posts lmao
Oh go fuck yourself. Men get caught more because we are careless women cheat waaaay fucking more. They just cover it up better because they have more to lose. A woman known as a cheat is pretty much done for realtionship wise. A chad can always rebound.
Fucking idiot posting as if women dont use the law, threats, and and unfair female advantage in society to push men out.
Jewish scum
wrong trigger word there habib
And you demonize single moms as if all are these evil succubus. What's the problem?
Cry more.
and if woman fucks BBC because husband is in the work all the time you cry
You know damn well that's not what's happening bub.
You talk like a faggot
>why won't white guys support my nigger baby??????
the amusing subtext to her story is that she's not trying to date niggers anymore because she learned her lesson
Not a single argument just autistic sperging, you're a shit tier troll
>another leaf mad his mommy didn't love him
Is it a Canadian thing to raise spoiled shits? What is this?
>Her job is/was to literally put food on the table
Servers/waitresses get hundreds of dollars in tips then spend it on cloths, makeup, and mostly booze on the weekend.
t. single mum
i love how "Angel" tells her to reach out to the community, but offers no food. As if her post is not reaching out to the community. Fucking cunt. lmao
>husband dies
Opium overdose doesn't count as death it's suicide, all this fucking tinder whores were chasing the biggest cock they could catch regardless of the nasty irresponsible fuck who owned it, they never put in to account the moral responsibility or beliefs of such individual and sure as fuck their NPCs brains never accounted the fact that the economy is prone to fall apart every 10 years from now on.
Fuck this whores, they never gave us subpar man the time of the day why should we even have them as after thought now
Sure there's an argument: The vast majority of single moms try hard and your personal shortcomings in the motherhood department are yours alone
How come all these struggling single mothers all are posting stuff with their $1000 iPhones?
>im an emotionally stunted manbaby
>I demand sex
>wtf why no sex?
>According to 2015 research from the American Sociological Association (ASA), women initiate almost 70 percent of divorces
"try hard" kek, thanks for the laugh
>And most single mom's are pretty chill people
This is true. That still doesn't mean I'm going to wife them up and help them raise their little half niglets/spiclets.
Stay mad you worthless hole
or od'd
>Roasties during good times
"My body my choice"
"I'm strong and independent"
"A woman needs a man like a fish needs a bike"
"I can pay my bills on my own"
>Roasties during hard times
"It takes two to tango"
"Dead beat dads"
"Who's going to pay my bills now
Not all are bad, but I would say many of them are. Many statistics show not having a father is bad for children.
I wasn't being homophobic. I wouldn't be homophobic even if I were to call you a massive fucking faggot that uses logical fallacies. That's because I'm not afraid of homosexuals.
>and if woman fucks BBC because husband is in the work all the time you cry
Not logically equivalent you fucking nigger faggot. The man is working to support his family. The woman is being fucking useless and still fucks the nigger. Also Jew confirmed.
Almighty God, it is difficult to see children suffer, especially from hunger. We ask You to give them daily bread today and end their persistent hunger. Provide the food they need to grow and thrive. Pour out Your grace on hungry families, especially parents straining to feed their children despite dwindling resources.
“Then Jesus declared, ‘I am the bread of life. Whoever comes to me will never go hungry, and whoever believes in me will never be thirsty.’” —John 6:35
unironically deep
Why do you morons hate single mothers?
The name says it all: they are single MOTHERS, meaning the FATHER of the child is the one who left them. Your vitriol towards women would be understandable if it was a single father raising a kid left behind by the mother.
Just think about it you are hating a woman for looking after her child despite being abandoned by her man. What the fuck is your problem?
Season it with thoughts.
People are actually still freaking out over this meme virus? Just don’t be a fat old degenerate and you’ll never even notice it if you catch it lmao
Cool? Nobody said you have to. And the vast majority of people also agree with you. Congrats on being so unique.
Correlates to a lot of other factors. Those don't help much. It's not a causes b.
I'm not religious but man do I love this shit.
lmao the feminist author that coined that term later 180'd on the feminist bullshit, married a man and admitted that women do in fact NEED MEN.
Based desu. Old testament prophets are the best. Book of Jeramiah is my favorate.
>meaning the FATHER of the child is the one who left them
Try again
who do you think picked the deadbeats and thugs? These garbage single mothers. At the end of the day, women are the gatekeepers in modern society.
Over half of marrages end in divorce
Of those 70% are initiated buy women
Cry more meme country
A lack of sex. Caused by a poor childhood. But it must be mom's fault for said sturggle.
>not a woman
if you aren't then you're a mega faggot
Only niggers leave their kids. Whites get married, and 80% of divorces are initiated by women in America.
coalburners think obama being the jew puppet in chief gives them cart blanche to throw their DNA down the african toilet forever. HA HA HA Ha Ha
They should have stayed with the fathers of their children, but instead chose marry the government.
>Fuck them.
Because people belive retared jewish fairy tales
Micah 1 is about the coming judgement of idolatrous Israel, but it's interesting how God compared them to some modern roastie.
Seems like her brother's a betafag too. Kill yourself.
You're a feisty little faggot, aren't you
You know the rule. Tits or GTFO.
Now is the time for Beta soys
Now is the time for Neets
THIS IS THE AGE of weak men. fuck off chads.
not at all. if you don't have the absolute authority in the upbringing of your spawn, it might as well not be yours. let the she demon sleep in the bed she made, it's what she deserves. and as for the kids, you can birth more with a deserving mate.
If these whores tried these tactics here, they'd get their asses handed to them by their own fathers.
>single mothers are good
>imagine being american
You better start. God is going to jump out the sky and kick people in their fucking face.
Women cheat just as much cry moar you subversive hole
LOL blacks are even less likely to want her if she has a kid.
>roastie cunts on lockdown
>no men around to take charge
>start suggesting Elderberry syrup to each other
women were a mistake
These are the cancer of any community. They spend their time and money on shit and when there's a crisis they are "struggling". The shit thing is that if you don't help them everyone thinks you are mean and evil. Especially women. Bitches haven't really struggled to understand how valuable preparation is.
>Lol no white boys!
>Why won't white guys take care of me and my child?
>Nobody said you have to
Single moms say so all the time.
>Congrats on being so unique
Thanks, fatty
I just believe women should stay true to their spouse rather than giving up once they get "bored" or whatever and going on Tinder to get random cock. Is that too much to ask? I've seen so many women rip apart families because they always had to put themselves first. Some men do it too, but in far fewer number, we understand the concept of trying to help others.
Leave you 70IQ nigger
He's a nigger.
>Demand sex
Oh sweety, the feminist propaganda has rotten your few brain cells, sex is fucking meaningless in the great scheme of things, sex is the easiest shit to acquire in an amoral and rotten society.
We demand respect, we demand a women in every sense of the word and we as man will provide for the mother of our children if our lives depended on it.
Sex is fucking trash specially done to an emotionally devoid diseas ridden human trash can
>my husband works too much to provide for me and our family
>guess I'll go fuck someone else
Roastie logic everyone.
Half of the time, yes. Another 50% are niggers and other nonwhites.
Most people will deny this but it's true that majority of white normies don't want to be fathers, they just want to knock up women and leave to play video games, watch anime, star wars or do reddit.
Most whites generally do not want children because their mind is preoccupied with many other hobbies. It's reality many right wingers don't want to admit.
Those tradcucks are rare in reality. Many couldn't even provide for family..
I just can't get over the fact she instinctively goes after white men now that the fun is over and life is serious that she has a child. Kek it's like pottery.
I had no idea there were so many single moms browsing Yas Forums.
Degenerate lifestyles cannot exist in stressful times.
KEK. Don't wanna date niggers anymore? How come?
>b-but Obama was biracial and became president
wtf I wanna take care of your mixed kid now
gotta keep dem nigger babies fed.
>I'm getting rejected because I'm a mother of a biracial son, It pisses me the fuck off. What difference does it make if my son is biracial?
Maybe because we, men, aren't supposed to raise some bastard kid we haven't made?