>be landlord
>tenants refuse to pay April rent
>"dont come any closer or we'll coof on you and your property!"
What do?
>be landlord
>tenants refuse to pay April rent
>"dont come any closer or we'll coof on you and your property!"
What do?
Leave them be.
/leftypol/ is a disaster.
They think they can force the landlord meme the same way the kulak meme was forced.
Just live in a tent lmao
>Be landlord
Sell my property, buy a bigger property in the countryside away from the coofers, live a simple, honest life.
If they aren't paying they are invading your property. Shoot the poor
OK Joomer
>tenants don't pay
>landlords default on mortgage
>bank seizes property and sells at auction
>tenant evicted by new owner
>Be landlord
Hazmat police evict hippe trannies. Hire wagies to disinfectant property. Lease property again.
Get the police to evict them OR pay random spic gangs or nigs to solve the problem.
No money = no service.
>No idea how law works
Ah yes ameritards, why are you guys always the most stupid posters IET?
Stop being a deadbeat, maybe if your parents weren't complete failures they would have left you something.
Wait until night time and burn down the place with the tenants inside and claim the insurance money.
Why do millennials have to turn everything into some faggy wanna-be socialist revolution?
They would be laughed at and then sent to a labor camp if they tried to live in a 20th century communist countries.
>b-b-but I'd be one of the 5% of people comprising party leaders, bureaucrats and ideologues!
>this happens to so many people bank loses paperwork
>file for adverse possession
>keep the house i rent for free
Abandon the land and start a new profession
*set an *accidental* dumpster fire next to the apartment for good measure.
Don't you have somalis to suck off, Hans?
>live a simple, honest life.
So not a landlord anymore.
Kill this guy in the upcoming civil war. Live simple honest life away from landlords
Light a match. Sleep outside, deadbeats
t. Mr 49% face spic
Why are you @ing me, Fritz?
Come to think of it, why are you pretending you understand American law?
Not paying rent is anti-semitic hate speech.
Let their homes become dilapidated and stop paying utilities
Messing with jewish landlords is great.
>No goy you have to pay 5,000 dollars for a roof !
Wrong, cut off their utilities and force those communist faggots out. If they try to unionize with the rest of the antics fags you know they are garbage humans.
So why don't you use a trailer park instead of giving kikes your business and becoming reliant on their goodwill?
have a automated arson/flooding device for this very reason and have your apartment insured.
Flood the fuckers out, get paid, broblem solved.
burn the building down and let my insurance deal with them
You fuckers are living in a house you rented pay your shit fucking freeloaders. Dont like it? Get the fuck out and go hug some trees
burn my appartment down with tenants inside of them, claim insurance money
Since you're squatting ill just invite people with a cough in, you don't mind sharing right?
I've been in my rent house 8 years. In my state 2 more would be the limit at which if they can't prove ownership i get the deed if i start paying the taxes. Happened to plenty of people after 2008. I know how not being able to be usuarous scum offends you kikes but we live in a country with laws for now.
Try this cuck
It will take at least 6 months to get them out :^-)
Seriously if I had the money I would short fucking everything and just move to some rural shit hole wait for this kung flu to blow over and them come back and buy everything at a discount again
Hired goons, lots of out-of-work guys who would throw them out or make their life miserable for a hundred bucks.
is there an upper limit to how much boot right wingers can lick lol
In 6 months there's gonna be shit all over those walls
A commie made a poster, so it must be true.
Somehow they fail to understand this, properties at bank auctions generally go to bidders who can pay hard money at the time of sale so houses will go to more successful landlord and multi-unit properties go to faceless REITs.
>be commie
>rant about landlords who usually work other jobs
>get pissed off when they can't pay for their $3000 aparment rent because they got a sociology degree in college
>says they're working class but works at fucking Starbucks
>be me a semi-landlord
>remodeled my some parts of old farmhouse and basement into aparment rooms
>charge $500/month
>work two other jobs
>go to college to get a stem degree
>working class
>don't want non-paleoconservative Negroes in my neighborhood
>sell shit from my farm
>tenant commie says he's not paying
>I ask him for his keys
>he's shocked
>I tell him, "I also work two jobs nigger now gtfo or I'll shoot your negro loving ass."
>he goes into his room and packs up
>comes out with katana because he's a fucking weeboo
>grab my remington and shoot him for not paying me $500/month to house him and attacking me
>in court
>he complains about corona virus
>I inform him of his contract
>tell him that he either pays or leaves
>get off and he goes to jail
>see this thread
Commies hate white working class farmers while also wanting to start a revolution. That makes no fucking sense because they literally want to get evicted and have my property go to (((Goldstein))) incorporated. That's why I'm a NewEuropaANP member of the Alt Hype.
Turn off their cable and internet assuming you control the lines into their apartment. Neither are considered an essential utility and without entertainment they'll get bored and pay their rent real fast.
Let the sheriff deal with it.
Why are there so many bootlickers on Yas Forums? And you all call other people cucks xD
Evict these free-loaders! Fuck that shit, especially if you're left paying the mortgage, taxes, insurance, and sewer bill while they live there free and destroy your property because you are somehow the bad guy.
Turning property into rental units is just allowing people who can barely afford to live a way to keep suffering. It's like giving aid to Africa.
>I want things for free
nigger tier desu
>turn off water, electricity, gas
Enjoy being poor Commie
Kill all landlords.
Why do americans even call them landlords?
I thought they get prissy about lords, and royalty and such.
>It will take at least 6 months to get them out
Not where I live. They'll be out in 30 days!
God, you’re so edgy and cool.
Supporting white people who rent out their homes needed to modify to stop Schlomo from taking away their property is not boot-licking, it's supporting the third estate for worker control of the means of production. Kicking out kike loving soiboi cucks because they're retards isn't boot-licking either.
Good luck on that, in Canada they already said they won't be able to execute lawful eviction procedures for quite some time
Come get some!
pissed, not prissy... ffs..
>Kill all landlords
Okay, so basically give your rented property to Schlomo Shekelstein?
>in Canada they already said they won't be able to execute lawful eviction procedures for quite some time
I don't live in Canada.
I'm letting my tenants skip payment for 2 months and claiming it on taxes. If they cant make rent, it's fine with me for now.
Cause he's probably not all there.
How you gonna aford a life with no money? You basically just said
>quit my job
>go into debt
>Bootlicking cuck needs a man stronger than him
How American of you
where do they think they are going to go when things return to relative normality?
At worse they homeless after a few months with a massive black mark on there record.
At best they win the landlord goes broke and sells up, too a bigger worse landlord. and still a massive black mark on there record
Call the sheriff and have them evicted. Pretty simple. After the allotted time, if the sheriff can't, you enter your legal home, change the locks, and take all their shit.
Who allowed you to @ me boomer scum lol
It's simple. Stop paying your takes on the property. Government will take it and have them out within days.
Sounds cool, but not much will come of it. You know this.
>What do?
Hire bikers.
There ya go!
No really, if somebody sets up a fucking slum commune on premises you own, you gotta root that shit up hard and fast or you're never getting rid of them.
These "rent strikers" would probably not have the self awareness to realise when they call landlords parasites even though they literally are squatting on somebody's property and expecting it for free, ya' know like a parasite leeching off the host.
Also why is it these far left faggots always try to hide their faces when they commit crimes?
Except Kate Brown already said they will put a stall on mortgages, they will not be enforcing evictions, and they will not be shutting off utilities to people during this crisis.
send the mall a letter saying
"due to the situation I will lower rent for the duration of lockdown by 200$/m. However I will be keeping note of any tenant who does not pay rent during the upcoming months, and they can expect and eviction notice as soon as the corona virus situation has cleared."
90% of tenants when they receive this threat will just pay
You should be more like >Kill YOUR landlord (in minecraft)
It's more direct and less spergy. Also sounds more attainable.
they feel weak and need to adopt a persona and wear a mask while in a group to feel a sense of "empowerment".
I can still pay at least 2 months rent. If this shit goes on for longer than that, I'm fucked. I'm not gonna voluntarily go and live on the streets, tho. If my landlord has the resources to get me evicted, I'll admit defeat, but the old poofter better bring the army.
it has always been nearly impossible to evict someone.