Is there any reasonable defense against this at all?

Is there any reasonable defense against this at all?

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Healthcare should be abolished. Only the strong should survive.

So, no then

Shut the fuck up, nigger.
You're fat.

Good thing Medicade covers all the people who lost their jobs LMAO and all their Healthcare is free. I swear you dumb niggers know nothing about how vast US welfare is

i like my employer and i like my employer subsidized healthcare
oh i also work in a field that isn't going anywhere

So, still no

Yes, stop allowing the government to shut down the economy at will

>Medicare for all!
>higher taxes and a trip through the wonderful world of government run health care for all!


Hey Dumbass, when you file for unemployment you also can get Medicare. Moron.

t. dysgenic weakling

I've had the cure for Kung Flu since 2016. Waiting for it to kill off all the retarded socialists before I release it. Tough shit, losers. Going outside for a cigarette now.

In order to qualify you have to be destitute. It’s estimated 30% of the country is going to be unemployed before this is over. That’s 105 million people who would have less than $2000 in assets because of this system. It’s not sounding great to me.
Cool, just remember to tell that to the looters when they come to your house

Bernie lost to sleepy Joe because even most Democrats are against your dumbfuck socialist healthcare. Give up and fuck off.

I unironically agree.

Not true. It’s literally why we had to pass the ACA, and it still leaves millions uninsured

Depends on how you want to live. In the end, systems like healthcare and education take away your ability to consoom to ensure the minimum quality of life.

In this situation it’s proof that millions of people don’t have that choice and they never did. Under the American system it’s been an illusion the entire time

sure let's give healthcare for all
but then we have to raise the taxes and if people aren't paying their share they have to choose between health care or their other gibs like food stamps or housing

It's because niggers and boomers are so worried about orange man that they went out to vote in droves. The youth simply didn't vote.

>Is there any reasonable defense against this at all?
The last version of the bill that I read did not have a SSN or citizenship requirement, so we can only assume that "for all means" includes all of Central America.

Until I get to decide which person exactly I get to pay for, no.

Half agreed. Health insurance should be like life insurance and not dependant upon job status. Remove the link between employment and insurance.

>Is there any defense against this at all?

They should drop the tax break for employer health insurance and only let individuals write off insurance spending. Then it isn't tied to the job but has same tax effect.

The funny part is all three million now cannot get a coronavirus test, let alone treatment. KEK at all the plague carriers running around.

Fuck off nigger, I STILL don't want to give illegals and niggers any more than already required

Based af

The whole reason insurance was invented was because ideas like this don’t work. By pooling together our collective resources the healthy pay for the people in need of healthcare. The idea being that under normal circumstances only about 15% of people need healthcare at any one time and that cost is dispersed. Your idea calls for each person taking care of themselves individually at any one time, which can be financially devastating.

yes. the real religion of america.

Now you have three million superspreaders coofing in your face

This but IRL

I'm self employed. Has never been tied to my work nigger.


No the aca was passed so insurance companies could milk the middle class even more and fine them if they refuse to pay for all the failures to pay via anchor baby births.

"Anything the government is powerful enough to give you, they're powerful enough to take way."
"Control healthcare, control the population."
-Saul Alinsky
Any more incredibly low IQ nigger twitter posts you need refuted, OP?
I'm sorry that nobody explained the basics of political control or history to you, so let me try to help fix some of your severe mental deficiencies.

No, and I find it funny it’s a nigger who says this. White man gotta pay me dem gibs. Healthcare for would be something I’d participate in if it were healthcare race based subsidies.


>Is there any reasonable defense against this at all?
Italy has a single-payer system. Look how good that's working out. If anything an individual mandate like the Swiss would be better.

Maybe i want people to die

Healthcare is cheap considering what you get for the money.

>Italy has a single-payer system. Look how good that's working out.
Kek we're going to be Italy in 2 days. New York and Louisiana already are.


The reason the virus spread in Italy wasn’t because of their healthcare system, it’s because they didn’t practice social distancing. They have a shit ton of cases over there because of their behavior, but at least they have the consolation of knowing they won’t go bankrupt. If they had a system like America’s they’d have both

>you cant trust your jew boss
>oh but you can trust the government!

Yes. allow me to demonstrate


>How will you keep the slaves in live without the passive threat of violence?

Checkmate socialist!

>It’s estimated 30% of the country is going to be unemployed before this is over.
Good thing those (((estimates))) are wrong


So you’re a weak faggy boy then.

>In order to qualify you have to be destitute


Why don’t you just come up with a healthcare plan that doesn’t eliminate my current insurance that I like and doesn’t raise my taxes?

Only 157 millionish people left to lose their employer based healthcare (presuming all the unemployed had it to begin with).

>Good thing those (((estimates))) are wrong
We’re literally seeing the highest numbers in US history

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If I should have to pay for your medical bill you should have to pay for my house. Now I wasnt a big house with several bedrooms and several bathrooms. An indoor pool and an outside pool. I will also need 500 acres of property to shoot my guns which by the way you will also need to buy for me. So when can I send you the bill?

Because that wouldn’t work, and M4A would cover 100% of your medical expenses

Free public housing isn’t a bad idea

Medicare doesn't cover 100% as is.

Get a fucking job or die in the street you fucking broke niggers!

Niggers sure enjoy it. I bet you'd really like living in the ghetto.

fuck bernie sanders

imagine how much worse this would be if it was happening in 2 years in the middle of bernie's fuck-all-healthcare "transition"??? what if that fucking jew had won in 2016??? we would be totally completely absolutely fucked right now

Finally some logic. Fuck doctors

Don't even bother arguing this on Yas Forums which is literally Stormfront's message board now. These are people who would unironically die of testicular cancer, losing all their wealth in the process, in the off chance that Tyrone -might- suffer too.

I don’t wanna pay for niggers healthcare

That’s why M4A would be a Medicare expansion. The plan is to take our existing Medicare and simply expand it

Riiiiiight. Super easy. Barely an inconvenience.

Public housing wouldn’t be so bad if it was better funded, we had a $15 minimum wage, and a FJG