Trump plans to put troops on Canada-United States border

What the fuck did we do to deserve this?
We have less cases of corona then you guys do, if anything we should be the ones with troops on the border to stop the american hordes running to get our free public healthcare

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Canada - US has (or had) the longest de-militarized border in the world.
Are you Americans really going to throw all of this away

Fuck Canada

The chimpouts will start there soon. 20 million 3rd world feral apes chimping out Liberia style is going to be amazing. Open killing and rapes with liberals saying whites deserve it.

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>A source with knowledge of those discussions told CBC News the White House is looking at placing 1,000 troops about 25 kilometres from the 8,891 kilometre-long border and using remote sensors to look out for irregular border-crossers.

This has nothing to do with Canada, it’s just our authoritarian politicians using this hoax to grab as much power as they can

Trump hates this bitch. He’s probably doing this to fuck with her.... just for a laugh.

fuck u polan

canadian politicians aren't the ones building an electric wall. Thats Trump

Kys. You were just on the other thread saying the same thing. Take meds shill

Smoke an mirrors.

50k dead Americans in the next seven days.

the Day of the Rake finally comes

Why not? You dont bring anything to the table that cannot be brought to the table with a controlled border.

No ones wants your shitty free healthcare faggots. Socialized medicine is a meme.

Good. This isn't some "Wow we suddenly hate Canada let's apply military force" it's "There's a crisis going on and we can't afford to have a bunch of retards and illegals hopping down from there too".

were free trading partners, we rely on eachother. You really want military checkups when you try and sell something to a Canadian? WTF happened to you guys

we're gonna free the shit out of your maple syrup asses.

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Annex Canada now.

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awwww, trump is protecting Canadians from his people, so people don't chimp out, that's so sweet

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The border will be adjusted northward. Then we won't need to guard it again.

The day of the rake is coming soon.

I don't blame him, Canada is becoming China an Jewdeau is ecstatic

how could you possibly know that it was him?

im telling you right now, we can be friends but if you start pulling this shit we will deploy the killer beavers

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Fine by me.

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Who the fuck is escaping Canada to go to America? Why would anyone here do that?

Maybe you should have made less of those stupid leaf threads. Shitting up pol all the time


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>today: oh no racist orange man is putting big bad army men to northern border! He should be ashamed of himself!
>two weeks from now: Ugh, Trump should have done more to protect us from the crazy coronadians trying to hop over (except for the poor minorities who have every right to our health care)

I wasn't aware Canada gave free healthcare to Americans.

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annexation; welcome to America, America’s hat.

because you fucks flood in and buy our soups

should be the other way around. once the pandemic decimates america, the economy crashes and mass social unrest sweeps the land canada will have to secure its borders from american refugees.

Right? "Let's go to safe America and catch the plague while attending church on Easter Sunday". Fucking stupid Muricans. No Canadian wants to go to your shitstain country.

>50 fat mutts standing in Detroit and staring at Windsor, dreaming of cheap insulin
How will we ever recover

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we wouldn't do that, Canada is mostly virgin land never touched by humans in its existence

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Records are meant to be broken

This. A fairly reasonable post from a leaf. Tbh I like the demilitarized border deal. Gives me hope for a better world. Pretty unique desu. The fact that two nations, though very different, are similar enough in values that we can be civilized neighbors without threat. Although, I've heard that some canadians are really scared of america. Apparently. So maybe it's one sided.

You're right but still. We have plenty of apes here ourselves. Wait, on that note.. Maybe Trump is based and wants to prevent their substantially larger population of apes from affecting us?

Thanks Trump!

99% of Americans, hate fucking's only the Liberal Movie Stars/Comedians that threaten to leave for Canada whenever they don't get their don't make it seem like Americans would want anything to do with Canada or living there,

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You let entire plane loads of people from fucking Wuhan arrive and leave without screening them when the quarantine first happened. We should have done this months ago.

Why would anyone want to go to a country with 3K confirmed cases to one with 80K cases right now?

because of population and behaviour differences

>lose job due to Coronachan
>lose insurance
>catch Coronachan
>bankruptcy (profit)

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USA has the army to destroy Canada 10 times over and still have enough force to invade Mexico and purge it.

one way reliance

Chinks being forced to stay in their host country.

USA is going to be the new China

Part and parcel they'll say. Some of the American posters on here are just really dumb desu.

We're not your frwend, buddies.

You absolutely depend on Canada to get a good price for certain essential products, the US isn't running a fucking charity and you know you'd get raped if you went elsewhere for what we sell you. It's also in your best interest to have Canada as an arctic buffer zone from Russia.

Fuck Canada and fuck you

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>Some of the American posters on here are just really dumb
All of the Canadian posters are really dumb

They are, of course, only stationed there in preparation for the coming invasion. So it will only be a temporary inconvenience.


Very bad sign. Trump is always right. We are about to plunge into disaster.

This is the army unit the US is deploying along the border. What does it mean?

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We have no military so we contracted the US military to protect the borders

Soon Africans and Somalis are going to be running trains on your women and openly killing you

These 3rd world savages may have 60 IQs but they know exactly how to survive in a lawless society. They know when the police can't do shit, they know who to rob/rape, they know how to hunt/raid in groups and they will stick with their own kind, whites are fucked

Bro ignore these AMERICAN KEKS

To all the American DOGS reading this:


How many times do I have to say this;

Fuck all of you for thinking Canada is "irrelevant"

Seriously, if I could, I would each and very single one of you the middle finger.

Fuck it.

I'd actually just punch the shit out of you, you fat fucks. You deserve it for being a nation built on EVIL.

You have estrogen in your water for fucks sake.



If I could run across a football field and punch all of you in the fucking face, really fucking hard, I would.

Yes you fat fucks, in the superior country of CANADA, we can run the length of a field due to having fitness standards.

Also all of your women are slutty as fuck.

In Canada, our women are raised with traditional values. They could also eat the fuck out of yours too, due to all your women being fat as fuck, or small and slutty, making them mobile/easy to carry as they go around fucking everything in sight, as typical with American women.

A nations values are based on how strong our family values are; and evidently with divorce being as high as it is in USA, you people are a ruinous country.

Have fun getting distracted by your liberal news, your cancerous and racist right wing, and our dumb pop culture while the Canadians continue to excel in strides.

Lol fuck America, and fuck all the Americans reading this comment.

You are all high octane cancer.

You fat fucks are more harmful for the planet than the last 20 war lingering civilizations combined.

When we start to colonize space, don't be surprised when the superior CANADIAN military gets the jump on you and destroys you in the void of space.

We'll inherit the galaxy while you stay on the earth, getting fatter and sluttier.

Haha, stupid fat ass Americans.

Get fucked.

You all suck Saudi Arabian dick.

Why would Canada care if we have troops on the border? We have giant fucking bases along the Mexican border and they don't whine.

This is an Amerimutt with a VPN

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Remember when Trump was going to build a border wall and Mexico was going to pay for it?
We're getting a free wall!

calm down Trudeau

>they know how to hunt/raid in groups and they will stick with their own kind, whites are fucked
It makes my dick hard imagining Canadian white women being raped by asians and africans.

Fuck Canada , you canucks are pitiful.

The Canadian government poses a security risk to the U.S because it could easily be converted to a proxxy for the CCP to invade the United States. Check em

And FUCK you too you American SCHWANG SUCKER

I literally can't even BEGIN to comprehend what compels you but all I see is WEAKNESS

Fuck you and FUCK your country; you are nothing but Russia's COCK dispenser and Germany's Designated ANAL pounders

Can you even CLAIM to be a country? Hahah you can't even feed your own people; that would never happen in Canada

Swiftly and THOROUGHLY kill yourself

We're not your buddies, guy.

Canadian women already don't consider fucking their landlord for cheaper rent prostitution, virtually every one does it

Plague bearing

it's to stop ameritards from running their before the draft and or hunger games. You should be thankful.

Top three countries that seethe about Canada:
Really activates the almonds