**pretends to be shocked**

**pretends to be shocked**

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Yeah all the Mossad assets got changed from being ISIS to being White Nationalists.

The SPLC is a Jewish-leftist activist organization (just like the ADL), not a source for news.

>white nationalists

Aka Americans

>wtf why are white people suddenly so racially self aware

Trump had nothing to do with it. Maybe white People are tired of being replaced in our their land by them?

>Southern Poverty Law Center

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If kikes were capable of any self-reflection they would realize that THEY are the reason that white-identity groups have grown, not Trump.


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They grew in parallel with the rise of anti white propaganda. In other words, the jews overplayed their hand.

I genuinely dont understand whats wrong with taking pride in your race. But it is silly to watch movies lately:
Mulan - Every actor is asian.
Aladdin - Every actor is middle-eastern.
Robin Hood, Witcher, Asgard etc. - Full of black people for some reason.

Great job guys. Keep up the good work.

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Good. A strong white nation state is the only way we'll be able to terraform Mars and beyond.

Morris Dees is a greedy con-artist who uses fictional propaganda to fleece rich leftists out of their shekels.

White nationalist is just newspeak for conservatives now


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>wanting a separate homeland for your own people like everyone else on Earth

Oy vey

This is so true
>guys we were just trying to do social justice what’s wrong

Take your meds.

Self hating whites

>Lets play a game where when the other side shows up and plays by our rules we demonize them.

>white nationalist hate group
group of white people who don't hate themselves
They class Gayvin's proudboys as a hate group ffs

White nationalism is an oxymoron "white" is not a nation. What they really mean is racial globalism.

And 99.8% of them are ran or infiltrated by kikes and glow niggers


>only 55%

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We don't want another Obama.
We're sick of lazy niggers thinking they are our equals and invading our lives.
We cannot coexist within the same communities. Where is our right to the freedom of association? The constitution states that we have that right but in practice it has been made illegal.

Imagine that! Hate on people as a group day after day and some of them start to bond together in opposition.

Its just a bigger pile of dogshit. We just step over it or go around, eventually nature will take care of it one way or the other.

Look at what happened to the nazis...they not only nearly caused the total destruction of their own nation but almost wiped out their entire population. It an ideal that attracts the ignorant, gullible and lowest common denominator of thought among a population.

Racist are inherently low IQ and without insight so its like being afraid of toddlers.

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Sounds about 100% to low to me...bwahahahahaaaaaa

>SLPC finds yet another reason for you to donate all your income. Please do not forget we exist.

I wonder what they consider a white nationalist hate group.
If they're actually WN all I can say is THANK YOU TRUMP

Just shut up

>anti-white hate group is frightened by whites that know the truth

'fear of demographic change'. no shit. what you think its unreasonable to be ....unwelcoming of this? my gawd.

White imperialism but lets not sperg too hard over that term, they'll always call us white nationalists, we just have to remember that white isn't a nation and we are nationalists not globalists or imperialists.

>If you’re not a minority that hates America then you’re a white racist nationalist

This is why no one cares about the MSM anymore

If colonialism was bad than retaliatory neo-colonialism is even worse.

>SPLC warns of ___
i was happy at first but then it's just cuckcenter bitching and moaning as usual.

It was Charlottesville that caused them to grow

I mean..with how much they throw these word around so loosely, I could be considered a [buzzword] by these people by merely disagreeing with their retarded views, so saying "huwite racist nazi alt far right nationalpremist " don't mean much anymore, these words don't have any weight to them. Like rape or sexist

I mean they keep giving people reasons to switch to the far right.

>expand definition of "hate groups"
>wow, there's been a massive increase


Why not pretend this is true anyway and make it the cool thing to do after corona challenge.

Maybe because immigration increased so much.

groups like the black Israelites are considered white nationalists, so there is that.

The USA is more jewish than israel.

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Those are rookies numbers

>white nationalist hate groups
Groups that hate white nationalists?

Jews jewing jews

Yet nothing will change.

Is that white nationalist groups or groups that hate white nationalists?

>the criteria by which we define white nationalist group has expanded by 55% in trump era
dude they probably classify anyone and everyone as a white nationalist

The Jewish Poverty Law Center is anti-white hate group.

>Racist are inherently low IQ and without insight

You mean the rednecks who kept telling you you'll become a minority in your own country, that hispanics would become a majority in california and texas, that nonwhites would take over, that you'd be demonised and persecuted, that jews own the media and got you involved into all those middle-eastern conflict, that homosexuality would be taught in school, that trannies would become normalised etc.

You mean all of those things that actually happened.

>start labelling every group you disagree with a “hate group”
>”hey guys hate groups are growing”

>Despite our best efforts to demonize whites and push policies that lead to their dispossession and disenfranchisement white nationalists continue to grow!
Daily reminder that SPLC lost most of their senior staff last year due to sexual harassment claims.

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Yeah because Patriot Front singlehandedly does 66% of all white nationalist propaganda, and they’ve been massively growing in size. This February they were the first openly fascist nationalist group to ever storm the Capitol lawn at the National Mall, and they did it without 1 single arrest.

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That's a lot of groups hating white nationalists.

kill yourself reddit nigger

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This. I honestly never gave a shot about race until it was "wah, White people suck, deconstruct Whiteness, Oy vey give your daughters to niggers" just bombarded constantly. Everyone else is doing identity politics & that's obviously the winning strategy, so why wouldn't I?

>and they did it without 1 single arrest.
This is because they refused to engage or speak to anybody going after them and also spent the whole time on the move so nobody could mass against them

splc is nothing more than jews hiding behind blacks, hence "southern poverty", to push their jewish supremacist ideals.

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Sadly, yes.

This right here.

This. What the hell did they think would happen? You can't be openly hostile towards a race and expect them to take it forever.

The eternal anglo is the real joo

>group whose funding depends on the existence of X says there is more X
imagine my shock

>says Israeli extranational hate group

How do they even calculate this horseshit?