effective today, banks are no longer required to keep a single cent of your money on hand


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Explain like im 5

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>fractional reserve lending
banks do not keep 100% of everyones money on hand at all times. typically they hold no more than 10% at a time, being that banks runs are quite rare, and the more money banks can use for usury, the more money they make
because of this banks are heavily leveraged by debt, which many people will not be able to pay back because they don't have jobs
Banks are now or will soon be completely broke. when you go to withdraw your money, it won't be there, because it never was

here you go bucko

thanks user, I forgot all about this video, been looking for it

funny, did it this morning on a hunch

Joke's on them, my money is almost all gone anyway!

kill yourself chang

Soon, when you go to withdraw your money from your bank account, you will not be able to. Because they will not HAVE your money.

Because "fractional reserve banking" means legally they only have to have 10% of the money the customers gave them available. The other 90% of essentially gambled on the stock market to make the banks more money. Yes, they gamble your bank account money.

So if too many people go at once to withdraw their money (as is currently happening) it is called a "bank run" and the bank will not be able to give them their money.

Because in normal situations people will leave the majority of their money in the bank at any given time, so the bank only having 10% of it available is usually no problem.

Read the actual document. It isn't the amount of reserve they are required to have that has been reduced. It's the percent of certain transaction subject to some other kind of reserve requirement. And it is temporary for a "reserve maintenance period".

But now, they do not even have to keep 10% on hand, they can keep 0%. Which means ZERO MONEY on hand to give customers who want to withdraw. Meaning nobody will be able to withdraw. Because all the money you deposit into your bank account, the bank is now going to gamble on the stock market secretly behind your back.

Wait, so if I try to pay my bills electronically, does the bank just tell me 'nope' or does this only apply to paper money?

>and the money printers go BRRRRRRRR

Anyone think the banks will randomly close people's Credit Lines because of this?

>Banks holding 0% of the money
Wanna know how I know you're retarded?

how is he wrong
mandatory reading

Jews have been running this scam since ancient Babylon when the first banks were made. Those banks stored people's gold in a giant vault, which they said was much safer than storing it in your home.

But, the Jews were secretly spending 90% of the gold their clients gave them because the Jews knew that only 10% of people would ever be trying to withdraw ALL their gold at any given time.

So when a crisis came, and everyone wanted all their fucking gold back, the Jews didn't have it anymore. This usually ended up with The Jews being massacred.

This is one of the bigger reasons Jews were massacred and exiled throughout history.

Based and Jewpilled

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>fiat currency
>bank run
pick one

If i go to the bank and they dont give me my money, it will be a day of reckoning anons

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Lol who cares I have like 300$ in bank

Only FDIC insured up to ~250k

>Explain like im 5

In a nutshell : The Great Depression.
Rules were brought in after that which required banks to hold in reserve a percentage of cash on hand to pay to people who deposited their money.

Now there is no money there.

That is a problem if your bank looks "risky" to other banks. IE they hold tons of Italian bonds, and Chinese stocks lets say.

The financial market freezes up

So you go to get your savings and retirement out .

There is no money and the bank can't borrow from another bank to pay you.

The bank closes it's doors and takes all your money with it.

We will never run out of money, money printer go brrrrrrrrr.

I'm now realizing I should not have paid off $4,000 of credit card debt recently, because:
>That could be the $4,000 that crashes the banks if they don't have it
>If banks collapse my debt could vanish
>They could randomly cancel my credit line
>This could be the apocalypse and I need my money

>The bank closes it's doors and takes all your money with it.
Lets hope this causes the Jews to get massacred again like they have in ancient history when this happened.

In the USA the Federal Govt insures up to a certain amount. Most poor fags are fine.

Most people already have nothing but debt at the bank.

act up in a bank see how many cops come out of the walls


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asking the real questions here

FDIC will insure your money up to $250k per account. I highly doubt many people on here have more than that in a single account.

>decided to check how's in Poland now
>0.5% since 17.03.2020
Uh oh.
wat do?

250k for now. When US dollar collapses... probably not. In Cypress ~2008 they just took all money over 100k. Collapsed US dollar.. not sure you get anything.

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>he didn't stack

Not anymore.

truth. we will demand all the money the cashiers have, then we will sell the cashier to the international jews for pederasty or some other hebrew tradition

This isn’t what’s happening, dipshit. The banks are being given money by the fed every day to maintain liquidity. While fiat currency and FRB are the devil, one of the benefits is that you can do this and not cause an economic collapse like the Great Depression. Your scenario actually only occurs when you’re using NON-FIAT currency.

wouldn't this make cash worthless eventually? everybody's going to have a stack of benjamins but it won't be worth a bagel

Fuck I’m withdrawing all my money today

Paper money.

wait for the germans to arrive

reminder: if you withdraw your money you are directly contributing to the downfall of your fellow based Jew bankers who keep this country alive. Don't do that Yas Forums.

Those things dont look human and im a NDP leftist saying this.

They'll just print a new currency and make it exchangeable for the old (say 10,000 to 1).

He said he has 300.00 not 300k

oh please, when this blows up, you'll receive $2.50 in real terms.


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The situation is actually a lot worse this time. It's a long story, but since 1971 it's been a pure Ponzi scheme. The banks are liable for fraud. The banks are also bolsheviks. Bolsheviks have names and addresses. The prescribed course of action is very simple. KICK OUT THE JEW ALREADY YOU STUPID YANK.

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kinda reminds me of this

oy vey...

You have to have money in order to lose it. Poorfags win again!!

So wtf do I do with 100k+ in cash??? Im getting scared bros and I got no fucking clue what to do...

Funny. They look American to me. Brown, hungry, full figured goblinos.

Dude, you should donate that to Bernie. HE CAN STILL WIN THIS.

We have had minus here mate, nothing happened.

True -- insured is fine except the domino effect of institution after institution failing.

And the falling value of the dollar.

Might as well get paid in toilet paper it might holding more value after August.

before today: money
after today: no money

money=food, ipad, nintendo switch

>what will we do
Walking south would be a good start since the US can't take proper care of their needs.

>not trading your useless jew money for physical possession of bullion while you still can

negative reserve rate? i doubt that. i think you're talking about base rate.

Do what has always been done outside of this fiat experiment: Gold and Silver.

>>If banks collapse my debt could vanish

No your debt will be sold. When your bank folds a buyer of the debt will collect the principal and interest instead.

kek. Now I'm withdrawing all the money I left in after the initial crash. I want TPmania to translate into bank runs next

Where do you just buy this the fucking gold store? Fuck Canadians are gay.

they changed that law a while back. switched the money in the bank under your name from being 'yours' to being the banks money outright. If the insured money needs to be paid out, it gets paid to the bank. Then if the bank feels like it they can give you some. bail-in's are going to be a bitch for a lot of people. but for most they are not going to lose much really since so few have anything more than jack shit.

From where is the best place to purchase? thats a shitload... then I have to securely store it and im gonna move soon... fuck

Ding ding ding

It's FDIC insured.

Should I convert my dosh to silver and platinum because

No pesos there white devil.Easier to demand gibs from whitey.


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what dat brrrrr go tho?

>Explain like im 5
the jews have been given a license to print as much money as they want. This means that the united states government no longer has any control over our money supply

Get most out in cash and maybe 20% in Gold or Silver. Silver is a pain for storage, but $20k of Gold is nothing, basically around 10-12 ounce size coins. You need to get your money in your hands, and get a safe. Look up the Bail-In Policy, on the gov website, they're coming to steal your bank accounts soon.

>He actually kept his money in the bank.

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oh misread the OP, thought he was talking about interest rate.

You're a piece of shit you know that right?

Have you ever seen the movie "It's a Wonderful Life?" If not, watch it.

While I generally agree that the liquidity requirement for bank assets is too low, it's not like banks assets are all tied up in stocks. Home loans, auto loans, and business loans make up a far larger portion of a bank's portfolio than does stock market investments. And if you want a home loan, auto loan, or business loan, that money needs to come from somewhere.

I would pull my money solely for the fact that banks are kike scum and deserve to be BTFO into the pages of history.