Commie cringe

Why do 100% of self-avowed communists/Marxists/leftists always look beta, pathetic, and unfuckable?

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Other urls found in this thread:

It's a very strange phenomenon, where the weakest, most effeminate males, people who will definitely never breed or be successful, all gravitate towards the left.

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they all have that weird look to them.

Because the only people who are unironic communists in the 21st century are people who’ve failed so miserably that their only hope for any kind of success is to take money from other people

>Hi, look at me! I'm so hip, trendy, and cool! I wear various devices and clothing created through capitalism, while shilling for a political system that would work me to death or kill me on sight!

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I've noticed this, too. It's down to a very genetic level. Usually it's that mouth-breathing loser kid you knew in school who ends up looking like this.

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So what you're saying is, it's collectivized jealousy?

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They are faggots and furries.

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This is mostly true. I've noticed a very large component, easily half, of all modern communists are homosexuals or otherwise sexual deviants in some manner.

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Note that this general frumpiness, this slovenly nature, carries over to the smattering of females who fall prey to this diseased mindset.

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Basically yes. A way for them to cope with their own failure is to blame an exterior force, because that way they don’t have to take responsibility for being pathetic faggots

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Wow, I'd forgotten about that "man". If he could be called such.

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It's a fact that Men who identify as leftist tend to be physically inferior to right wing men. Scientific fact backed by research.

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Because communism promises to make things fair for them.

That might certainly explain their general pathetic nature. But what about the race treason component of their delusion? Why do they attempt to co-opt the masculinity of other races to use for their own purposes? Why can't they fight their own battles? Are they just that weak and beta that they need foreigners to do their fighting for them?

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I'm certainly inclined to believe this. Picture related doesn't exist on the right, but is endemic to the left.

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I wonder if he would give up that shirt if someone wanted to wear it. "It's not just yours bro. There is no private property it's mine too and i wanna wear it now!"

That T-shit looks flameble!

Do you guys think he would scream real loud, when on fire.

The small joys in life are the best

Based and redpilled thread OP. Couldnt agree more.

Things are already fair, however. Do they just not see it or are they simply expecting success and virility to be dropped into their lap with no effort?

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STFU Government issued women and money now!


He would almost certainly squeal effeminately and paw at you ineffectually if you took his shirt from him.

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>fail on all levels under the hyper-competitive conditions of capitalism
>try to change the rules of the game to bring everyone down to your level

I could rock your world, with a very small fire, while you sleep

Fucking checked and kek'd.

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>abolish private property
Wears glasses, t-shirt and scarf made by capitalist. Commie-scum in one picture

Study probably doesn't exist but i wouldn't doubt this for second.

Although to be fair it took some balls for the socalist to go up against the Romanov's but then again russians are a diferent species

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You can't start a fite, bitch. And if you got close to my house, my dogs would maul you savagely.

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user you just described Yas Forums

most people do

Wang Wang, is what I do after a good fire.

This is the correct answer. They also smell really, really bad.

>that phys
oh come on now

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In essence, yes.
I've yet to see a communist wearing clothing woven from communal threads, or holding a cellphone they built themselves with a commune's microchip plant. Does this mean they're entirely base hypocrites?

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>says the Yas Forumscel

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I like Hot Dogs, made them many times, does your dog have short or long hair?

Interesting photograph. Would this man be of Semitic origin?

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This is gold, I'm in tears
I know it's cherry picking the fucking weirdos but damn is this planet fucked.

Read industrial society and its future Ted has a great take on the psychology of leftism. Basically they see us as strong and successful thus forever reminding them they are are weak failures.

Fuck off!

Capitalism took a dirt nap this week.

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No, no, it does. Several studies have found that physically superior men tend to be right wing.

Politics and the morphological effects of physical fitness on it have been studied for a while.


Betas hope that when they try to abolish every comparison and competition between men the disadvantages with alphas would vanish. No alpha thinks that a beta is comparable to him.

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You can't start a fire. Why are you lying to yourself? You've never started a fire in your life.

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Weird how i still own private property

That is just a random photograph you found on the internet, however. Meanwhile, the wimpy, beta, incel nature of the average leftist man is quite well-documented.

I'm wanting to get to the root of the issue: Is the communist mindset simply an outcropping over the average leftist's lack of usefulness and sexual value?

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Hence the term “meathead”

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>user you just described Yas Forums

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Based thread all these socialists and communists are 110 lb beta male incels

Yeah commies are all losers why do we worry so much about them again?

When I think of true communists, I think of Russian factory workers, farmers, coal miners, etc. While I believe their system of government was utter shite, I still thought of them as people. I don’t see these neo commies as human.

>t. onions-lefy-chad fucked my gf

>>says the Yas Forumscel

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'Ohh I am the god of anarchists, I got the real mecentdice.'

If gasoline and matches could beat trump I would try.

but i feel really inferior to him so i have to choose my fires carefully.

He will light up the night sky, and little laughable me, must settle for a small apartment complex


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Omg I can believe you used the N-word...

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Self-improvement is the antithesis of communism.

Not if the attorney general claims you are hoarding stuff.

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This is a prime example of what I'm talking about:
Had this person not been brainwashed, had this person had self-respect, had this person any testosterone in his body, he might have been a worthwhile individual who was successful and sexually valid. He wouldn't make a complete spectacle of himself in this manner. He would feel shame in knowing the people viewing him see him the same way they see car crashes, or an intense movie. He's an oddity, a random attraction. Not a person that will ever been listened to or taken seriously. He could just as easily be a ride at a carnival, something people get amusement from and then forget about moments later. His entire life is a joke and a waste of time and he subconsciously knows it.

Is this low self-esteem why he gravitates to leftist thought? To give something useless a "place to belong"?

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Okey got busted!

You can tell that to yourself when your head hits the pillows.

I don't sleep well, up all night, nothing else to do!

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Tactical Knee pads for added comfort while sucking cock.

the weaklings always want to destabilize society and use spineless and toxic techniques to do so because they feel left out without any chances of being competitive. It was like this always but these days the society is based on protecting the weak so they have an actual platform to express their opinions.

>why do we worry about them
if by worry you mean "ridicule them mercilessly for being weak wormy faggots"
then, yes. we "worry" about them an awful lot around here.

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LMAO so much projection in one thread. You guys are such brainlets

Cope harder lefty loser

Ted hated capitalism, conservatism, and even nationalism too. He was third positionist

yeah on the left you have a bunch of totally effeminate and meek limp wrist guys, who for whatever reason like to fantasize about some glorious revolution. And then you have the degenerate hedonist drug addicts who gravitate to the left just because all the other people who do drugs and go to fun parties seem to parrot the leftist talking points.

Then on the right you definetely have a bunch of these fat and ugly weird beta males who for whatever reason think they are alpha. They parrot the talking points from the right, complain about sjws and feminists and socialism. Still they are no self made men, they get money from their parents and probably work a low level job that someone in their family got for them or they are unemployed. Then they just obnoxiously force the cookiecutter right viewpoints into every conversation, and they do it in the kind of unnecessarily provoking way.

These people don't get that Yas Forums is a joke

They can't protect their pwn women.

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check the nose

This is quite possibly the main answer.

Look at this individual. Had he lost weight, shaved, maybe had a decent haircut, he would probably look like an above-average male. One that might certainly attract female attention and garner some level of respect among his peers.

Instead, he is a slovenly waste of cum. A walking potato chip bag of grease and failure. Rather than reflecting on his own worthlessness and realizing the need to improve, he wallows in it. His lack of worth becomes his ego. And since he gravitates to leftist thinking as a consequence, the only thing that can be determined is that he wishes to take everyone else down with him.

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There are plenty of succesful left leaning people. But all right wingers are literal retards and the few who are rich are euther corrupt or born into it.

Nitrogen compounds is not my thing, to fast.

Fires goes upwards in seconds, sideways in minutes, and down i hours.

I feel in controle, and a bit bad :-)

The small joys in life are the best

Is that actually his woman, though?

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there is nothing strange about weaklings banding together out of fear of the strong

because if you're a complete loser, eventually you blame the system that you're held down, not yourself. every one of these morons thinks they're some untapped genius held down by capitalism.

Leftists are nothing more than scums and pieces of shit with no common sense. Fucking God , I hate these pricks!

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If you guys is going to gas all the supremacists, please live stream it.

Need to get beer,popcorn,lube and tissues

Allow me a demonstration of one such subject from your nation. This person is not a threat. He is not going to change anything. He is effectively a lump of flesh, shilling for policies that are detrimental to himself and others. And why? Because he has no value and he knows it. And rather than attempt to gain value, and thus self-esteem, he chooses to wallow in his despair. The very masculine foreigners he is pandering to in this moment ignore him as if he were horse feces in a cobblestone street. They don't thank him for his support. They don't shake his hand. They look past his existence entirely. He might as well not be corporeal.

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that is why fire is my passion

>Ted hated capitalism
>He was third positionist
lol, no faggot

that's moldylocks

Literally built for kick in the stomach treatment

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That is a challenging wank

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Is that TeamJesusPreachers?

I was just watching one of their videos

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>fight capitalism

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Ted was an anarcho primitivist he really didnt hate conservatives he just viewed them as dumb for opposing social liberalism without opposing technological progress.


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He’s not even that bad compared to the ones posted in the thread, Lol

You are so last decade, haven't you watched the dow jones

I miss hearing the disabled goblin scream at us in his faggy girly voice while we marched right past him and took over his town.

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You could just take it by force
Leftism is failure

You like fire because you dont have enough intelligence or guts to build a bombs.

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