Where were you the day you realize Corona was a nothingburger and we destroyed the economy for nothing?
Where were you the day you realize Corona was a nothingburger and we destroyed the economy for nothing?
wow she is built for black cock yum
Stale meme rabbi work on a new one
let me correct you
>we were commanded to destroy the (((economy))) and we obeyed
Corona is the biggest scam of mankind since the ending of WW2 and it's the American elite fighting their own people.
niggers, plebbitors and leftypol are always stealing our memes when trying to make a point
>destroyed the economy for nothing
Nothing? Banks, airline companies, mega corporations got 1.5T. Free money. Try not to be so antisemitic next time. Remember the holocaust goy.
For nothing? We just passed a 2 trillion dollar spending bill that makes the '08 bailout look like a fucking square-dance. Globalism and unrestricted investment banking is going to be on the mind of every American for the next long while. Let's hope it sets some people's priorities straight.
you should have realized that the "virus" was to mask the economy bubble bursting and a way to manage it's decline without sheer economic panic.
Just like your whore mother am I right ahah?
thats racist. you shouldn't be racist.
>we destroyed the economy for nothing?
We possibly saved a few dozen Boomer lives. That's more important than our economy, and the thousands of lives we'll lose during the riots.
Give it a few days, your country will implode under Corona.
It was Monday, March 9 and I listened to Mister Metokur's stream that night in class instead of listening to my jew boomer programming professor
Jewish women are literally Made for big egyptian cock
"racist" is a fake word, a psyop against whites, it is never directed at nonwhites and they don't even care because they hate whitey.
Just say anti-white, coward.
>Where were you the day you realize Corona was a nothingburger and we destroyed the economy for nothing?
that was 4 weeks ago
Give me one good reason why I should care about the economy.
I'm rooting for companies like Silverstein Properties Co. to miss payments worth hundreds and thousands of dollars.
We're learning what is actually essential during these times. Shelter, food, space, medicine, electricity, water.
What does the economy do for me? We're getting Trump bux anyway and we should get more. I'm not going out of my house in the next few months so I can earn menial pay and get sick. Or maybe I get my parent's sick. Or my sister who is pregnant.
This virus is shedding light on a lot of things and the longer we move away from the jewish economy in full function, the easier it will be to get away from that paradigm for good and back to the basics. The virus sucks but some good could come of it.
low effort and pathetic
I was isolated in my home. playing vid games. not because of the virus but just because.
Built for small Jewish cock
They shorted the economy the only way they could
By creating a fake pandemic
When impeachment doesn’t work
When a war with Iran doesn’t work
You can always call for the pandemic play
>We're getting Trump bux anyway and we should get more.
And once you factor in what this will do to the purchasing power of the Dollar, it will likely be a net loss.
I cant be thE only one that love to lick asshole so much.
You are not alone medbro
the economy was already fucked up. Gas actually went down in prices. Just wait, toilet paper will be buy one get 3 free.
Rake yourself faggot
lol the jewish logic here. I'm getting thousands of dollars but I'm really losing money in the deal so I shouldn't support it. lol
Sorry Shekelbergs we don't need your non essential businesses. Jigs up.
>for nothing
we no longer live in a society
Good, we destroyed the economy at least. That's the main tool of the kikes.
Yes parker. Time for you and all the other tip whores to finish up your cosmotology degrees for a plan b.
>I don't understand that prices for everything I buy will rise to compensate for this stimulus
This is why the average person shouldn't have a say in how this country is run. I understand why they don't teach economics in public schools.
This shows how shilled this board is.
>get to work goy, it’s only killing 16% (with respirators) that’s nothing like the 100% you were promised so it’s those people being chickens who are tricking you into trying to live not us honest debt merchants
>little piggies do what billionaire piggies say and get greedy why don’t you. If you don’t think about it it doesn’t happen. Peek a boo piggie.
you have to pay your debts
I love you, user. You and those others like us. You are my true brothers on here. Fuck the rest of these goyim. Corona-chan will claim them hopefully.
pretty sure if you dont want to stick your tongue into an asshole like that you're a fag
>it’s only killing 16%
That's the rate for 80+ year olds. It has around a 0.2% mortality rate among the young.
>we don’t need your non essential businesses
I like that.
>We're learning what is actually essential during these times.
Boeing, banks, multinational mega corporations. Politicians and movie/TV/music stars.
Where were you when she made a smell?
No that’s the overall rate and I told you all why it is disproportionately killing the old first ages ago. Use your eyeballs on this pic and see if your brain can come to the correct conclusion on its own.
My life is a fucking mess, I broke ass fuck, no girlfriend, no cute trap to peg my brown ass hole.
I couldn't give less off a fuck if the earth cracks open and an apocalyptic being starts roaming the earth
I have a whole case of industrial level toilet paper and food for 6 months plus a hole in the wall place that I can hide for the foreseeable future.
I am good
Trying to argue away a virus that is on the same tier as the one that removes the dinosaurs is like trying to soak up spilt milk by listening really hard to the splash.
ie bonkers.
>the left cant meme
ppl been saying this for a month now
>sarscoronavirus isn’t very dangerous goys get back to work
>Sarscorona virus isn’t even dangerous at all it’s a cold, Goya. Get servicing debt.
>Sarscorona virus isn’t even real goys. Get servicing debt.
>don’t listen to warnings and sound advice based on establish-able facts goys, be the greedy little piggies you really are
Check the last one, it’s powerful
I really hope the US gets fucked into the absolute dirt by this because you niggers handled this like the complete retards you are.
based except imagine her giving a huge black dick a footjob wow that would be epic af
Where was I a month ago? I can’t remember
Post poc of nose
There is no lefty pol, only faggots
>destryoed the economy
>dow green for three days in a row
decent theory yet unproveable, and unlikely given the up up and away stock market high employment and great numbers, and the banks are not as they were