Do not believe that Hitler was a jew

I just watched know more news who claimed that Hitler was a zionist.
top kek

Hitler hated zionism monarchy and christianity- the root of all evil the rot of incest and imbreeding.

Nobody in europe other than some retarded right wing voters like this bullshit.

the nsdap came to power in 1920 because they stood up against hte theft committed by monarchs against the working class people.

Thatswhy people voted Hitler not because he was a fucking jew.

Nobody in europe liked jews- every farmer and every worker hated christianity monarchy and jewism, because they are thieves.

How fucking patethic are you fucking jews to say on 1 hand Hitler killed 6 million of these scumbags yet he was a jew?

The british had controll over the palestinian region and the gave controll to the rothschilds and these jews sold out palestinia for a jewish state.

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Other urls found in this thread:,7340,L-5072424,00.html’s-“jewish-grandfather”


I don't know what the fuck you're on but you should be hung my good man

nobody does. delete your thread.

Come on, now.

Hitler opposed all this establishment bullshit thatswhy Hitler is banned to this day i europe beacuse thanks to the fucking allys england france usa and russia sold out to the jew.

Thatswhy hitler got whacked by them cause he was a threat to their fucking bullshit imbreed states.

Thats also the reason there is war in Iran palestina lebanon iraq and all over the middle east because those states hate monarchy jewism and christianity

based and truthpilled

ODIN IS THE ALLFATHER and God of ALL religions! Read this earlier!

his father's last name was shikelgruber

KnowMoreNews will be banned soon, suprised they havent yet. """Adam Green""" is still a subversive

I've certainly considered it as a possibility,
(((They))) tend to control their opposition - look at politics, he failed to actually get rid, getting 2 sets of white goys to destroy each other and lower their numbers certainly seems like something they would do. Then again he is the most demonized man in history. so who knows? I could go either way.

>Hitler hated christianity

look who is supporting Hitler to this fucking day

> Hamas
and all of northern africa

ghadafi was a fan of hitler- he got whacked

everyone that is gainst jewism christianity and monarchy gets whacked

so how tha fuck is hitler a jew

if all those countries that oppose jewism are on the red list of the allies?

Stop believing those right wing zionist nut jobs

the political right wing are zionist and also the left is pro zionism and ro israel

Hitelr was against all of this shit hence he was a dictator- voted by the people

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lurk moar,7340,L-5072424,00.html

Hitler was a man of honour- he gave everyone a place to live in the 3rd reich.

He couldnt just whack all jews in europe so he tried to work with them but the fucking monarchs in england declared war on him on behalf of the rothschilds which already controlled the british empire.

The rothschilds wanted a state for jews thatswhy the whole fucking 2nd world war started

It was because the monarchs and the fucking cathoic church was robbing people blind in the name of jesus the king of jews

No nazi liked the chrisitan church- yes nazi were also chrisitans but not because of choice but because every fucking european was forced into christianity.

iran- persians /aryans- why you think iran is tconsidered the axes of evilby the western jewish christian world?

Use some fucking common sense

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rudolph hess wanted to give palastine to the jews, or at least move them all there the british did it in the end anyway but waited till 6 million had died first.

Hitler was a jewish agent.
1. Ruined Europe
2. Created the jewish victimhood culture
3. Created the justification for a jewish state
4. Vilified white europeans
5. Made nationalism look barbaric

When you win a war one day kid you’ll see how easy to deceive the masses

its so fucking sickening that people have no clue about history- and its only 100 years ago when all this started

god are we fucked

Hitler demoralized and destroyed the white man spirit. Everything that happened after the war is because Hitler was successful, not because he failed.

Jews are European and Hitler was European, so in a way YES.

It was the rothschilds that killed 6 million of their own fucking jews so they can play the vicitm and than create the state of israel in 1948 with the belfour declaration- even fucking jacob rothschild brags to this day on youtube about just google it.

>othschilds that killed 6 million of their own fucking jews
how did he kill them? i thought it was just a gematria shit and the actual number of victim is one million?

I think you need to clarify they hated Christianity because it was false Christianity. Catholicism, Protestantism etc. All "sects" of Christianity are false.

Actually believing that... you people are monkeys

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yes there was a lot of jews in europe and they fled europe to the US because of the 2nd worldwar but not because Hitler was fighting them but because the rothschilds wanted the regular jew dead.

Hitler tried to work with the jew despite all of anti semitism in the europe.

Ant semitism didnt even start because of Hitler anti semitism was all over europe and all over the world even 2000 years before Hitler was born.

Anti semitim isnt an invention by nazis- there were jews in the SS

>Ruined Europe
Hitler didn't start ww2
>Created the jewish victimhood culture
Well you are saying Hitler is jewish because he did all these bad things you are listing, therefore putting you into that category of being apart of blaming jews
>Created the justification for a jewish state
Holocaust didn't happen
>Vilified white europeans
Allies did that
>Made nationalism look barbaric
Allied propaganda did that, Germany was beautiful, not barbaric, pic related

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Hitler was an Islamic Jesuit. He and his people modeled the entire Third Reich on the Jesuit Order, and the Jesuit Order was modeled on Islam and the Islamic "Hashassin" -- from which the word "assassin" is derived.

noone really knows the number

i have seen a news paper article in the new york times of 1918 or so where they already claimed the death of 6 million jews- or predicited it.

>know more news who claimed that Hitler was a zionist.
Is that where that schizo shit comes from? That guy has some good takes on certain things, but he is a jew after-all.

I don't think he hated Christianity, though in Mein Kampf he does criticize the church, he also writes:

"The Jew himself is the best example of the kind of product which this religious training evolves. His life is of this world only and his mentality is as foreign to the true spirit of Christianity as his character was foreign to the great Founder of this new creed two thousand years ago. And the Founder of Christianity made no secret indeed of His estimation of the Jewish people. When He found it necessary He drove those enemies of the human race out of the Temple of God; because then, as always, they used religion as a means of advancing their commercial interests. But at that time Christ was nailed to the Cross for his attitude towards the Jews; whereas our modern Christians enter into party politics and when elections are being held they debase themselves to beg for Jewish votes. They even enter into political intrigues with the atheistic Jewish parties against the interests of their own Christian nation."

I think Rosenberg's "Myth of the 20th century" is a good synthesis of Indo-European Paganism and Christianity. Basically, Jesus was an Aryan, and all of the globohomo parts of the bible were not the word of God, but jewish subversion.

It's the Christkike GOYper shills from 8cuck that spam Hitler was Jewish/zionist.

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He was a Rothschild BOLSHEVIK PLANT

doesn't matter if you think I'm wrong, the fact is that the age of white people is over and it all started with nazism and demoralizing it has being for the white people. Nazism killed the the spirit of the white people. It was over long before we were born. We are living inside the rotting body of a dead civilization.

>Jews are European
That is not suggested by the substantial evidence from modern studies revealing the major genetic differences which exist today between Jewish and Gentile populations. These show that Jews have not only remained genetically distinct from the groups which they have lived among for centuries, but that Jewish populations in widely separated areas have significantly more genetic commonality than they have with their respective Gentile host populations.

Eastern European Jews, for example, are far more genetically similar to North African and Middle Eastern Jews than to non-Jewish eastern Europeans, while Jews in Russia are six times more genetically distinct from Russians than Russians are from Germans. Although there are some slight differences between Ashkenazic and Sephardic Jews, all the Jewish populations of the world essentially constitute a single genetic population.

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>Nazism killed the the spirit of the white people
No, it's what people THINK of NatSoc, not the worldview itself

Burn in Hell, jewish prick!

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You’re a glownigger spreading the narrative of hitler being a Zionist, Jew or Jew-puppet by facetiously making bad arguments with horrible grammar against said narrative.

It is really obvious but most people itt are obviously too dumb to get it.
Over the years I’ve started to understand the jew‘s contempt for the goyim. Most of you are dumb as shit.

im not sure about jesuits to be honest im researching this myself or im starting to research this

However point is the church had people strve to death while they were kissing the ass of the british empire and monarchy who basically enslaved everyone in the name of jesus.

Its the fucking pope that makes a king - a king is choosen by the pope basically

Doesn't matter, the fact of the matter is that nazism is the new demonic and Hitler is the new Satan. Therefore everything related is pure evil. White people are done thanks to Hitler.


If hitler was a rothschild( i dont even know how cou can make this up) why did he take everything from them.

He basically kicked out most of the austrian rotschild branch in ww2- it dont make no sense

>Hitler hated zionism monarchy and christianity
I agree that he wasn't a Jew and he hated Zionism, but he had no problem with monarchy and he was himself a Christian.

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Hitler was the worst that happened to Europe. Zeig Hiel!111!

>british did it in the end anyway
only after we bombed the living shit out of them

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Thank you for not being a retard on this subject. It’s amazing how well they remained “pure” in other lands.

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>White people are done thanks to Hitler
He tried to accelerate the greatness of his people and the le happy merchants didn't like that, you are just basically saying "hitler is bad because his enemies ended up winning, it's not the kikes fault for directly fucking up the west it's hitlers fault because he lost to them"

You are appealing to consequences retroactively. At the time he was the only one who stood up against world Jewry. That’s not how it works. You don’t get to look back and blame the righteous one who tried. You blame the evil one who revised history. I get the feeling you aren’t white by the way you refer to white people as something other than yourself.

He’s just trying to demoralize and agitate. You can tell by his syntax that he isn’t white. He subconsciously give it away in the way he refers to white people. Just ignore the little monkey.

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You have to be at least 18 to post here.

No, I'm saying that Hitler was a jewish agent on a mission to ruin Europe and elevate the jews. And yes, losing was part of the plan.
The jews were much more powerful after the war than before the war. Either Hitler was a jewish agent or he was an epic failure.

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of course he was chrisitan, because every austrian is forced into christianity by birth- its not like you have a choice when you 3 month old and you get babtized

And at this tie in austria where th habsburgs and ottoo was supposed to be the emperor and hitelr sentenced him to death

Hitler hated those imbreeds

But yes of course Hitler tried to work with them but that faggot otto from habsburg didnt want to deal with him because he knew he would have to work for Hitler and he wanted to be the emperor of austria hungary which hitler didnt want

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Also the Havaara agreement doesn't make the Third Reich enablers of Zionism lmao. Cant believe people keep copy pasting it as somehow it's proof Hitler was secretly on the Jew's side. Jews were emigrating to Palestine in large numbers prior to that and Israel had no power if it wasn't for British and American's backing them. Or I should say Jews in America and Britain controlling their governments.

Short. Non-arian. Nose job. Tries to rule the world. Father born a Sheckelgruber.


most of the "Hitler being a Zionist" arguments rely on you being a literal retarded grug anti-semite that just grugly reacts to "Jew bad". Hitler was moderate and nuanced, and attempted to negotiate and co-operate to get the Jews the fuck out, they stabbed him in the back obviously.

Well he literally exposed the jews for being behind everything, exposing them in the process, if he was a jewish agent he wouldn't legitimately redpill people on the jews as that would just hurt the jews wouldn't it?

Hitler was pro islam but back in 1930s nobody knew about islam in europe

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Jews started the conflicts with the German revolution of 1918, when Jewish Communists, backed by foreign Jewish banks, attempted a coup in Germany.

It was right after WWI, and the Germans were still severely weakened from it. The Jewish Communists had state of the art weaponry, provided by international Jewish banks, and an army of 2 million strong.

The Germans barely fought them off. Needless to say, this left a very bad taste in the mouths of Germans for the Jews.

A sentiment made worse when Hitler came to power, and he created a new kind of economy. One that did not operate on reliance to the foreign Jewish banks, as other economies did. Before Hitler instituted his new economic plans, he was on good terms with the group that was then known as the International Jewry.

Hitler and the International Jewry had an actual contract, called the *Haavara agreement,* to help them populate what would soon become known as Israel. And since there was already bad blood between the German Communist Jews and the German people, the contract of deportation worked well for both parties involved.

However, when Hitler instituted his new economy, with German controlled banks, that act threatened Jewish control of money flow around the world, because if it worked, it showed the other nations that they didn't need the Jewish banks, either.


Everyone was short back then to todays standards, retard this is common knowledge
100% German
>Nose job
Proof or didn't happen
It's Schicklgruber, you're literally changing it to make it sound more jewish than it actually is.

The jews were being exposed since the roman times all the way until today. It us nothing new. What Hitler did was use the narrative to gather influence and political capital and lead Germany into a trap. People already knew about the jews, what he did was say what the populace wanted to hear. Any good salesman knows this.

A fucking leaf

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Also he didn't plan to rule the world until the entire world declared war on him.

and schicklgruber wasnt even Hitlrs name- schicklgruber was the name of Hitlers mom

and schicklgruber isnt even a jewish name nor did any jews live in the region where his mom was born

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>What Hitler did was use the narrative to gather influence and political capital and lead Germany into a trap.
Germany was already in a trap you doofus. It was called the Versailles Treaty, among other things.
> People already knew about the jews
Many were mistrustful of Jews not that Jews were potent poison in Germany that needed to be rooted out. It wasn't until Gottfried Feder and the NSDAP that Jewish parasitism was actually threatened.

You've already been blown out kike. Why are you even trying?

>Hitler didn't start ww2

Poland started killing germans in their country after Germans were stuck there because of territory changes of ww1. They wouldn't stop so they got invaded. If Iran did that to the u.s citizens by the thousands they'd get fucking nuked

>Hitler and the International Jewry had an actual contract, called the *Haavara agreement,* to help them populate what would soon become known as Israel.
They wanted jews out of Europe, however, if you read the Madagascar plan, it's clear that they did not want Israel to be established. And judging by what's happened since, it is clear that they were absolutely correct in their predictions:

"This arrangement [deport all jews to Madagascar] would prevent the possible establishment in Palestine by the Jews of a Vatican State of their own, and the opportunity for them to exploit for their own purposes the symbolic importance which Jerusalem has for the Christian and Mohammedan parts of the world. Moreover, the Jews will remain in German hands as a pledge for the future good behavior of the members of their race in America.

Use can be made for propaganda purposes of the generosity shown by Germany in permitting cultural, economic, administrative and legal self-administration to the Jews; it can be emphasized at the same time that our German sense of responsibility towards the world forbids us to make the gift of a sovereign state to a race which has had no independent state for thousands of years: this would still require the test of history."

Absolutely bullshit quote. And citing jewish owned websites isn't going to do you any favors here.
It's already been shown in this thread that Hitler was a Christian.
Hitler was happy to work with Muslim nations to fight the Jewish banks, but that was the extent of it.

Britain used Poland to agitate and cuck Germany. Poland had been shooting at German planes leading up to the invasion and were attacking Germans in Western Poland since 1919. Germany's late proposals to Poland included Poland keeping all their territory and Germany only getting a route to Prussia through Danzig.

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>there were jews in the SS
That's correct, there were 10's of Thousands of Jews who fought for the Reich. Some of Hitler's best and most loyal assistants were Jewish.

This comment is basically
>You hate Islam right goy? Well Hitler was a Muslim oy vey
>Don't listen to Hitler goy he's bad

Poland would have almost certainly agreed to these fair and generous proposals if it wasn't for Britain promising military support if things instigated.

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>genetically distinct
They are distinct, just as Germans , and Italians, and Welsh are distinct.. But they are still a Sub Cluster of the European Genetic cluster.. I speak of Ashkenazi primarily.

The Jewish people are our Cousins, they even were aware of this from the time of the book of Macabees.

The White Race, or races in general can't be viewed as Binary, only can they be viewed in Clusters.

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Absolutely. Part of it was Jewish mitosis, and part of it was some Jews genuinely hating Zionism and Jewish oppression of non-Jews. So they helped the Reich in an attempt to free not only the other races, but themselves from their elites, as well.

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