This faggot kike caused 3 million layoffs in 1 week.
No one should ever listen to doctors again.

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Idgaf it was mostly white ppl. Good y'all need to feel it.

He's an Italian catholic fool.

neck yourself

>Shows photo of WOP DAGO


Italians and jews are genetically interchangeable.

>okay all we have to do is stop going to work for a few weeks and the virus will not be able to spread quickly
>wtf, we stopped going to work for a few weeks and the virus isn't even spreading that quickly, what a waste of time!!!
>everything is fine and I get fired for absolutely nothing?! God damn the doctors (don't blame my poor boss, he just couldn't make ends meet, you know?)

That's it?

Italian catholics checking in

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He also said COVID-19 was 10 times more lethal than the flu. This statement will come back to haunt him. I want to see these bureaucrats held responsible for their policy decisions.

New york checking in

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He's saving lives

>No one should ever listen to doctors again.
This opinion is too based even for Yas Forums

Fauci is based

Cry harder faggot

You fell for the "jews are biblical israelis" meme.

kill yourselves faggot trumpkikes. don't make me do it for you

No, some of us stopped going to work for 6 fucking days and the virus is spreading faster than we've seen anywhere else
trump is getting people killed for money
die for the down, goy

Fauci is BFFs with Gates, and Gates wants ID2020 and mandatory vaccines. Fauci and Gates don't want being medicated with HCQ treatment. They want this to spread so everyone is infected, has to get a vaccine, and has to get chipped. Fauci is not to be trusted, he's going to get rich off of this virus spreading and relying on a vaccine to be resolved.

I don't see the difference. Italians look like Jews and follow a Jewish religion known for diddling little kids. I fail to see the distinction.

It is no coincidence that Dr John Ioannidis, who has been rightly calling the coronavirus a hoax from the start (statnews.com/2020/03/17/a-fiasco-in-the-making-as-the-coronavirus-pandemic-takes-hold-we-are-making-decisions-without-reliable-data), was the author of "Why Most Published Research Findings Are False." Most people are going along with this for the same reason as they did with "Assad is gassing his own people" or "Saddam Hussein has weapons or mass destruction" or "the earth will be underwater soon," or "we can money-print our way to economic prosperity," because they cannot fathom the idea that, when the whole mainstream establishment tells them a thing, it can possibly be wrong.

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>Maybe 10 geriatrics will die next year from heart failure or cancer instead of this year from pneumonia

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KYS 90IQ garbage

Are you locked down yet?

Trump was a genius for putting this papist front and center for everyone to see and hear.

wait until next week when it hits 6 GORILLION

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Or "trust the plan"

Trump didn't put him there

>No, some of us stopped going to work for 6 fucking days and the virus is spreading faster than we've seen anywhere else
Can you fathom the rate of spread if people were carrying on as though nothing were wrong?

There is a huge difference. Jews are semites. Catholicism isn't anything 'Jewsih'.
The whole point of christianity was to go against Judaism and paganism you dumb fuck.

That's a really dangerous and dumb thing to say right now.

College educated people are cancer
They MIGHT be good in their chosen fields but they suck dick at everything else

Youre a nigger loving faggot

Who is your favorite White European character in the Bible? And which is your favorite passage that takes place in Britannia or Germania?


>Timothy, guard what has been entrusted to your care. Turn away from godless chatter and the opposing ideas of what is falsely called knowledge,

>Timothy 6:20

no clue what country you are from but the mainstream meteor here was downplaying that shit nonstop. "just a flu bruh" was the standard here until a week ago

your ID says MUD you fucking shitskin kike

lol even a catholic mexican can actually be a kike. you're full of shit, fredo

yeah we're locked

How the fuck can a catholic Mexican be a kike? If you're Jewish by religion then you're not a catholic. If you're Jewish by ethnicity then your not a Mexican.

The media had to pretend not to take the coronavirus seriously for a while, in order to provide a pretext for its spread. Now the authoritarianism can be justified by the narrative that the virus has already got into our countries, and it is too late to keep it out, so we must accept tyranny in our daily lives instead.

this man understands

sure thing, negro. sure thing.

What's dangerous was letting this piece of shit doctor have ANY sort of impact on public policy. You don't have any idea how bad that many layoffs is. It's not just an issue for those specific newly unemployed folks. They were all customers you idiot. Customers of other companies that will start laying off their own employees to deal with lost revenue. And now you have more unemployed who were customers of even more companies. Do you understand now? You took overcrowding at hospitals and turned it into the Great Depression. China had the right idea by just letting uneducated 'village doctors' fill in the hospital staffing gaps since clearly the education wasn't anywhere near worth the time and money the doctors in the West invested for it.

Never Forget, China Lied and People Died

retard thought:
this is a happening, but not THE happening. It's not a depopulation virus, but prepping us for it, which will follow soon. maybe next "flu" season. but this one will be virulent, and have a hell of a kill count, to bring us in line with their goals for population control.
this is to make us even further distrustful of all authority figures, and make us disbelieve anyone who tries to say the next one is the big one. by the time anyone reacts

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>Conspiracy vs scientific evidence.

Think I'll pick scientific evidence. He wants to get rich although he is already wealthy with a job he loves? Did i mention he's nearly 80 years of age? Not everything is a fucking conspiracy you dumb cunt.

Can you really not comprehend the disaster we averted????

Letting the Italians in was a mistake

oh no baby. i know some people in the journo business personally. people here in general took it lightly and they will pay in the long run

nobody pretending here. the general populace took it lightly and will now pay the price in the long run

>kike caused 3 million layoffs in 1 week.

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My 18 year old son works at a big chain restaurant. Was told, "You're not fired or laid off, but don't come in for the time being. We'll call you when we're ready again. In the mean time, apply for temporary unemployment."

When things return to normal, these 3,000,000 will fall OFF the unemployment roles. Unless it lasts to long and they become helpless NEETS.

They dont care about life
They want to kill you.
Death is easy

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Donald J Trump caused 3 millions layoffs.

You see Fauci is not the President

Hey Dummy who is the great genius President who took his advice? This doctor can't do anything on his own

>Never Trump's fault!

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lol true

The Black Sun rises

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>Muh black unemployment!