/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #2577 - LOCKDOWN EDITIONS

► Detected: 520,393 (+49,425) ► Died: 23,593 (+2,317)

— 3.7 billion people put under lockdown —
— 199 countries and territories infected —
— 5,144 more confirmed deaths than swine flu in all of 2009-10 —

New symptoms: loss of smell and taste

16 year old female dies in France

Prince Charles has tested positive for coronavirus

Chinese company amassed Australian supplies and shipped them out

21 year old without previous conditions dies in Britain

r0 between 6.11 and 8.18, higher than expected

Teen death without previous conditions suspected in South Korea

Virus inhibits body's immune function

Neuroinvasive potential of nCoV

29 year old doctor dies after 4 weeks

Spain refused to test kid, was actually infected

China tells local authorities to stop reporting cases

China cremates observed and suspected patients immediately

China province covers up "viral pneumonia" explosion

Wartime conditions in China


18:57: 56 new cases in Utah, United States.
18:55: 562 new cases and 17 new deaths in Michigan, United States.
18:50: 3,922 new cases and 365 new deaths in France.
18:41: 150 new cases and 3 new deaths in the Czech Republic.
18:39: 480 new cases in New York state, United States.
18:38: 139 new cases and 2 new deaths in Texas, United States.
18:37: 85 new cases and 1 new death in California, United States.


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Other urls found in this thread:


i love you argie bro


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So this whole thing is pretty much over right? Was a fun couple of months tho.

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mongol edition

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Thank you for your autistic dedication based argie bro


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>days not even over yet
>already surpassed yesterday’s numbers
>will soon surpass Ebola Chan in deaths

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someone post the coronachan gif

we're all going to die

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it's nothinburger
stop making these stupid threads

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smell her butt anons

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I want a hug from sweaty sauna Corona-chan.

It's just the beginning, user.

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No. You're retarded.

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>520,394 infected
>23,593 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little virus won't cause an extinction level event

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Why not just kill everyone who is infected?

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She fucks the whole world

Yet I will fuck her

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>ebola deaths are like 11 thousand
>corona chan is already over twice as much

>guys only elderly people need to be isolated, young and middle aged have to get back to work and back to school and use overcrowded public transportation
>btw Church is absolutely essential, go to church and pray (90% of church-goers are elders)
>signs decree preventing governors from closing churches

at which point does saying bullshit on TV is enough to put you on trial for genocide?

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I don't understand if this is the record of deaths by a disease in one day or this amount of people die every single day from these diseases

Meanwhile, in Brazil...


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She's weak and only kills niggers sad.

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Does anybody have the image of a news outlet reporting one month that the virus was not a big deal, but then the month after they completely backtracked?
I'm having trouble finding it using search engines

>mfw normies already killing themselves due to lockdown


Attached: mfw.jpg (268x263, 55.17K)

>3,922 new cases and 365 new deaths in France
you okay there baguettebros?

Don't worry he gets paid $50 by the hour, he's in the CIA HQ in Argentina.
>Does anyone have the original for pic related please dear god I need it

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stop shilling this shit, nothing will happen

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Summit county in Utah (rich people California transplants aka billionaire bunker county) is on stay at home lockdown starting this Friday


Nah user, thankfully only boomers.

>1100 cases in Poland
How are you doing anons?

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this. imagine being afraid of getting flu like symptoms lmfao

pussies these days

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life has already changed forever. at this point it's already a 9/11 tier happening.


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Some of you guys are alright
Don't get infected and don't go into makeshift hospitals

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Post your covid-19 confessions

>I report all of the nude Corona-chan drawings

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China 81,285 (3,287) Italy 80,589 (8,215) United States 79,082 (1,143) Spain 56,197 (4,145) Germany 43,646 (239) Iran 29,406 (2,234) France 29,155 (1,696) Switzerland 11,712 (191) United Kingdom 11,658 (578) South Korea 9,241 (131) Netherlands 7,431 (434) Austria 6,847 (49) Belgium 6,235 (220) Canada 3,897 (37) Portugal 3,544 (60) Norway 3,316 (14) Sweden 2,840 (71) Australia 2,806 (13) Israel 2,666 (8) Brazil 2,611 (63) Turkey 2,433 (59) Malaysia 2,031 (23) Czech Republic 1,925 (9) Denmark 1,877 (41) Ireland 1,564 (9) Luxembourg 1,453 (9) Japan 1,399 (47) Ecuador 1,382 (34) Chile 1,306 (4) Pakistan 1,179 (9) Poland 1,163 (14) Thailand 1,045 (4) Romania 1,029 (22) Saudi Arabia 1,012 (3) Finland 958 (5) Indonesia 893 (78) Greece 892 (26) Russia 840 (3) Iceland 802 (2) India 722 (16) Diamond Princess 712 (10) Philippines 707 (45) Singapore 683 (2) Peru 580 (9) Slovenia 562 (6) Panama 558 (8) Estonia 538 (1) Argentina 502 (8)…

China +67 (+6) Italy +6,203 (+712) United States +10,871 (+116) Spain +6,682 (+498) Germany +6,323 (+33) Iran +2,389 (+157) France +3,922 (+365) Switzerland +815 (+38) United Kingdom +2,129 (+115) South Korea +104 (+5) Netherlands +1,019 (+78) Austria +1,259 (+18) Belgium +1,298 (+42) Canada +488 (+1) Portugal +549 (+17) Sweden +314 (+9) Australia +130 (+2) Israel +297 (+3) Brazil +57 (+4) Malaysia +235 (+3) Czech Republic +271 (+3) Denmark +153 (+7) Luxembourg +120 (+1) Japan +92 (+2) Ecuador +171 (+5) Chile +164 (+1) Pakistan +116 (+1) Romania +123 (+5) Saudi Arabia +112 (+1) Finland +78 (+2) Indonesia +103 (+20) Greece +71 (+4) India +65 (+4) Philippines +71 (+7) Slovenia +34 (+1) Croatia +53 (+1) Mexico +70 (+1) Serbia +73 (+3) Iraq +36 (+7) Algeria +65 (+4) Armenia +25 (+1) Morocco +50 (+4) Andorra +36 (+2) Tunisia +27 (+1) Albania +28 (+1) Azerbaijan +29 (+1) Kazakhstan +30 (+1) Honduras (+1)…


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Me on the bottom

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Because some people in the power also got infected.

Czech Republic

Database of worldwide community hacks to fight Covid19 pandemics


>Just 6 million jews,bro
Nothing Oven

Lmao dollcels are hilarious

Why only one in three patients get blanket and pillow?

how have your junkies and criminals respond to basically forced to quit cold turkey? homeless shooting vids soon

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>At Elmhurst Hospital Center in Queens, there’s an “apocalyptic” surge.

Some have died inside the emergency room while waiting for a bed.
,, Dr. Ashley Bray performed chest compressions Tuesday on a 38-year-old who eventually died.

>All of the more than 1,800 intensive care units in New York City are expected to be full by Friday


NYC morgues near capacity, DHS briefing warns . the city’s hospital morgues hit capacity in the past seven days.

New York has asked for emergency mortuary assistance. Hawaii and North Carolina have asked for mortuary help as well
>A refrigerated truck has been stationed outside to hold the bodies of the dead. , Make shift morgues


It's time to kickass and chew bubblegum. And I'm all outta gum.

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Daily reminder That Austria-Hungary was better than Germany

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stfu happooner piece of shit

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>>I report all of the nude Corona-chan drawings
Neck yourself burger

there's a spider crawling on my desk and microphone, it's pretty small, but i don't kill living things so i'm just kind of sitting here hyperventilating waiting for it to go away. how do you catch and release something so small?

last year around this time i'm starting to remember that i'd see them everywhere around the house so i'm not looking forward to that. i believe last year i just gave up trying to police them and decided to coexist. it was a cute, happy ending and i think i'll be doing that this time too. i need to get over my fears.

Everyone's infected!

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A new challenger has appeared! Are Indian quarantines strong enough? Will the virus make it to the Ganges?


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seattle hospital ventilator protocol

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I love that pic kek

Backrub only for now.

She is mine all mine

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>makeshift hospital
implying this hall is anything more then a waiting room for people to die that the doctors deems not worth saving.

Golly gee look at this! Seems totally legit

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from the thumbnail it looked like he was inhaling the viruses

How long until european peak, user?

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I wonder if one loses their sense of smell if they're infected.

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I like girls with small breasts.

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Post your cities during lockdown

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You're probably thinking of Fox News

>WTF is going on in these states , half the people they test are positive

Delaware . Maryland , Arizona , Michigan . Missouri

Live tracker a volunteer-run accounting of every coronavirus test conducted in America

151 tests given
115 positive


1 month.

Attached: bronn.jpg (700x700, 65.3K)

United States (+3.98%) Germany (+1.61%) France (+1.99%) United Kingdom (+1.99%) Italy (+1.03%) Switzerland (+1.93%) Spain (+2.07%) Austria (+4.10%) Poland (+3.49%) Netherlands (+0.65%) Hungary (+0.00%) Russia (+2.95%) Greece (+4.30%) Brazil (+2.13%) Japan (-1.25%) Hong Kong (+1.79%) China (+1.40%) Australia (+2.05%) Singapore (+1.97%) India (+6.32%) South Korea (-1.40%) Taiwan (+0.07%) South Africa (+4.80%)

Sydney (0%) Tokyo (-7%) Beijing (-4%) Wuhan (-1%) New Delhi (-20%) Dubai (-37%) Moscow (-14%) Rome (-64%) Milan (-44%) Berlin (-25%) Munich (-41%) Brussels (-58%) Paris (-66%) Madrid (-15%) Barcelona (-38%) London (-45%) Johannesburg (-34%) Sao Paulo (-44%) Buenos Aires (-27%) New York (-32%) Washington (-15%) Miami (-25%) Toronto (-30%) Chicago (-19%) Houston (-16%) Mexico City (-38%) Los Angeles (-28%) Seattle (-52%)

India (1.3b) China (760m) Pakistan (205m) United States (196m) Mexico (129m) Egypt (97m) Germany (82m) Philippines (70m) Brazil (66m) France (66m) United Kingdom (66m) Italy (60m) South Africa (56m) Colombia (49m) Spain (46m) Argentina (44m) Ukraine (42m) Poland (37m) Morocco (35m) Peru (32m) Venezuela (32m) Malaysia (31m) Nepal (29m) Australia (24m) Romania (19m) Netherlands (17m) Ecuador (16m) Belgium (11m) Tunisia (11m) Czech Republic (10m) Greece (10m) Portugal (10m)…


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>swedish government is still not doing anything while all nearby countries are shutting down in order to stop the spread of the virus

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I moved some furniture last month and found 30 dead massive huntsman spiders and one big fat black widow under my stove.

Goiás governor is a legit doctor, Bolsonaro's opinion is based on Yas Forums-tier conspiracy theories spread by Olavo

jesus christ it's finally ramping up to Italy levels it sounds like.

USPS still works homie.

Kek rewards the based ones, so many years of neet life had a purpose it seems.


>520K cases
>20K over 500k
>we reached 500K this fucking morning


They do in fact

>yeah just qurantine 1.3billion streetshitters
what do you think?
its probably far worse since india has horrendous healthcare

Some in Jap government want to call WHO as chinese health organization.


Also official quarantine mascot of Japan. Want drawfags to do something with this.

Attached: quaran.png (750x422, 176.59K)

New Orleans Hospitals are overwhelmed, and critical safety gear is running low

>New Orleans - with the world's highest growth rate in coronavirus cases
, with the number of cases rising by 30% in the 24 hours before noon on Wednesday

Hospitals in New Orleans would struggle to manage past next week, Governor John Bel Edwards

Louisiana 1,795 positive 11,451 tests given



>"Mardi Gras and Spring Break , the perfect storm, they provideded the perfect conditions for the spread of this virus,"

Florida man won't issue a stay-at-home order ? . isn't Florida full of old people?
Florida will be doomed in the coming weeks.

You're going to have to learn to live with these threads, shillstein
They're a permanent part of Yas Forums now
and there's not a damn thing you can do about it

>100,000 infected, 4,000 dead
This image aged well.

>a death administrator will be assigned to your case and evaluate your eligibility for treatment
Wew lad

Good one

>ywn suck on corona-chan's big milky tits
why live

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Here's everything I've made so far. Would have put it into a gif but I don't know how to

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The Jew-owned media is shilling that hydroxychloroquine doesn't work based off one small Chinese study using a dosage proven over a decade ago not to work for SARS or AIDS by multiple studies, while higher dosages were found to be effective. China also used hydroxychloroquine to successfully treat patients and made it part of their treatment guidelines.

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holy fuck youre tall

>Spain sends substandard testing kits back to China

Problems with test kits from China have also been raised in Germany.


China cashes in off coronavirus, selling Spain $467 million in supplies


It was always a big nothingburger. I am getting so sick of sitting at home. We should just open everything up again and keep working like normal and not freak out over a fucking flu.

I missed you.

you are just caught now in this Corona Reality tunnel. It would easily be forgeotten if another, bigger event would happen, like WW3, Asteroid impact or an hostile alien invasion.

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Death to coomers

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fuck fuck fuck im fat smoker and diabetic fuck you Seattle!!!

Probably a lot like us here in NC, they’re now only testing people sick enough to be admitted to the hospital

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nevermind I found alcohol i bought 64 oz

Republican DEATH panels are a fact .. TODAY!

Enjoy the Orange Pedo Prez Mutts!


Laughed harder than I should have

>ambulances en mass had their tyres popped and people mugged for their NHS passes.

The NHS staff are being mugged trying to get to and from work at

Thugs Mugging Nurses for IDs "thugs" = "diversity"


>this faggots would probably count me as overweight because im Yas Forums at 25.4 bmi
bmi is bullshit

So still not a single picture or video of any hospital in the US being overwhelmed by corona patients? Not even one?

>I fap to every Corona-chan picture.

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It's only a matter of time until they turn on each other and the NEET inherits the world.

This is just asian cultural enrichment, enjoy.

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Sweden hates itself and is openly suicidal

Attached: Greasenigger.jpg (500x400, 83.96K)

Stacked 3 high and only 1.5 meters away from each other? That place will turn into a hospice once anyone with influenza C or norovirus shows up.

If you use Photoshop you can put each image as a new layer and set the amount of repeated frames. Also I think you can do it online but I never tried.

Anyone else wearing latex to protect yourself from the virsus?

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That's the way. Nothing will happened, just use chloroquine and if it doesn't work, those who would have die will die anyway. Now or in 1 month, the only difference is your country economy. Will you still have a job in 1 month ?

>A 34-year-old Italian nurse with coronavirus kills herself over fear of infecting others

>Worker at NYC hospital where nurses wear trash bags as protection dies from coronavirus

nursing manager Kious Kelly, 48 was admitted to Mount Sinai’s flagship hospital on the Upper East Side on March 17 and died Tuesday night


Sims looks weird these days

mutts need to get this on the networks or you will be wuhan (no lockdown) tier.
Saw some nurse post on instagram, everybody's dying and she's got one mask she has to take home in a fucking paper bag. I can't even laugh now.

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I only pretend to panic, I know it's just a meme

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Great. Waiting for proper numbers, like 5 or 10k in Poland.
It's just going soo slow.

Good fren, have a (you)

Nothing. But these autistic fucks believe imaginary fake numbers on a website.

Kikes are laughing all the way to the bank

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Well, he is technically.
He is inhaling the virus itself.


This ain't a porn website. Death to coomers.

Kek, cities are shitholes

I want a mommy so bad

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Don't have Photoshop, been using the free GIMP for this stuff

Fucking amerimutts are going to steal italy's first place fuck

>Dr.Paulo! I'm CIA!

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When does the nightmare end?

Are you somalian?

>Protesters on the Mexican side of the border blocked the Mexico-bound lanes

Some of the signs asked U.S. residents to "stay at home." used vehicles for a blockade of the two southbound lanes

A California Actor Arrested by FBI for Touting Coronavirus Cure


Maybe this is just the most polite way of getting rid of the refugees. Ya’ll already barely touch or talk to each other.

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Jesus user, which part of Canada you live in to get that shit hole to happen under your stove?

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But toothpaste-bro, you can still go outside. No quarantine in Netherlands. The herd immunity will save you.

anyone else misreads morgues with mosques.

This is a meme disease,nobody important will die.

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I never realized how much normies hate being alone. Everyone is complaining about how bored they are and how much they want to hug each other. It's kinda kimochi warui.

Did writefag update his story yet?

It's fucking sad man.



UK downgrades the virus!!!!.Status of COVID-19

>"mild" symptoms also include people on respirators
As of 19 March 2020, COVID-19 is no longer considered to be a high consequence infectious diseases (HCID) in the UK.

all of those who went to self isolation, would you please stop this nonsense.
Masks off, gloves off, give yourlseves a pat on the back and go hug your loved ones. You survived the pandemic

Get in the tube packed like sardines. tosser. and back to work you lazy cunts!


here is a fun fact:
QUARANTINE comes from the Italian word QUARANTA which means forty= 40 days the ship had to stay in docks during epidemics .

How is the world going to look like in 1 month?


US is coming out of this on a Cold War footing with China. This party is just getting started

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why in the fuck would any country's leaders accept test kits from the retards who spread the fucking disease in the first place

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Mosques are morgues for the soul

we've opted for a 'middle-ground' solution now. like the proper dutchmen we are, we're gonna get neither benefits and all the disadvantages.

spring break student in her 20s test positive for wuhanic plague

RADFORD, Va. – A Radford woman is the first person in the New River Health District to test positive for the coronavirus.
She is Radford University student in her 20s and Since returning to the Radford area after spring break, she’s been self-isolating .
Mardi Gras was the Coronavirus incubator, college spring break the re-energizer.


>I wish there was degenerate porn of Corona-Chan TGing guys into anime girls.



Should I get a cat or dog /cvg/?


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How does these people get in power positions

>posting files in your ip range/group is blocked due to abuse

Can we all agree it's really happening this time?
Like, at least we are sure this is going to change the world at some degree, right?

A 40th birthday bash that a Connecticut woman held earlier this month is now a super-spreading event,”
after more than half of its 50 guests later tested positive for the sickness, a report says.

Genocide implies that humans are getting killed, we're not humans thou.

i got a fever 2 days ago. the fever has gone down, but sometimes i have a "spicy" feeling in my chest. also, my joints kinda hurt. slight pain in my shoulders and shoulderblades.

no sore throat, no coughing.

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>airlines getting fucked up
I just want my gpu to get to my country

>Died following a suicide *attempt*
I'd say it wasn't an attempt

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I can go "outside"
But i can't go to work. So wtf am I going to do outside? I go do groceries and then come home and sit here on the internet going insane with boredom.

Cheap fucks

basement suite and grandma never cleaned under there. Always would find fat suckers running around but the black widow kept them mostly from view...

Get one.

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>activate brazilian bats

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Based Chadnaro will solve the BR problem once and for all. Go to war man, fuck this retard.


Neither, imagine if they could carry the virus (Which i don't know if they can) you'd have to abandon it or put it down in the future