Now that nobody is getting any money, how mad is everyone?
Now that nobody is getting any money, how mad is everyone?
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Trump is such a retard I don't even care what he does at this point
The only people here who still support him are Redditors
I don't care. Trump is muh president.
>Economy is doing better than ever
>2 Trillion for everybody!!!
Hi JIDF. How's the impeachment going?
Looks like the part about giving americans money was written out so now nobody is going to get anything except for the nogs who are already milking the system dry. Good work, trump.
>Hi! I'm Mr. Memeflag! Look at me!
I dont care anymore because my mom claimed me on her taxes this year even though i worked. So i wasn't getting any money anyway.
>I'm a Jew for not supporting the most Zionist president in us history
>living at home
You have to be 18 years old or older to view this website.
You're a retard if you'd cash that check anyway. Absolutely no government on earth would ever give money away for free. I would take that check and set it on fire.
But thank fucking god we got performing art centers and ooga booga migrants their money!
0% mad.
Money game is over.
It was a decent game while it lasted, but ultimately had its flaws, and I'm kind of tired of all the retarded children putting the pieces in their mouths and getting them sticky.
I give it a 2/10.
Now I'm just going to kick back and wait for the new game to begin.
I'm happy because that means no higher income taxes
I’m just here to check in with my mos agent.
Fuck you faggot. Tell my cia agent hi for me.
Bernie isn't going to win
What happened now?
Be thankful that didn't happen, if everyone is 1000$ richer then nobody is actually richer.
The U.S. can't sustain a socialist model, for better or worse they have to stick with their ways.
No such thing as giving money away to a jew, their minds cant even grasp the concept
I'm getting about 4,600. Not mad at all
Source? Every American with social security number getting ~1200 if
Its a tax rebate you dumb shit.
Next year's tax return will be reduced by 4,600. You are a dumb shit.
You can thank Mitch for this piece of shit.
8 more years bud
hillary lost get over it
cant believe you people actually get paid to shill here lmao
Its money you would get next year... they are just giving it to you right now and calling it Trump bucks.
Its like they are advancing you money which you'll have to pay back later.
Its not even a tax cut.
Republican DEATH panels are a fact .. TODAY!
Enjoy MUTTs!
retired lol. no person in my house makes a taxable income faggot Stay mad and thanks for the free BUX cocksuxker
I just filed for 2019 and my parents couldn't claim me so trumpbux hERE I COOOOOOOOOM
His approval is higher than Obama's was, during a pandemic, with the entire media trying to fake headlines about him. You are in an echo chamber and you don't even realise it which is sad.
I'm on the fence with Trump (he's too left wing for me) but only an idiot thinks he isn't popular or won't trounce Biden horribly. Even the dems know it which is why they hedged everything on their coup working.
You just outed yourself as a child. The US did this under Bush and your mommy and daddy got extra money because you existed.
>no person in my house makes a taxable income
A whole family full of fat fucking degenerates. Glad it's you and not me.
I can't find any articles on them cutting trumpbux from the stimulus package. Just a lot saying americans getting checks.
The democrats actually made sure oldfags get it. Oh well...
>Now that nobody is getting any money, how mad is everyone?
The bill passed soooo... yeah, why did you make this thread?
Yeah, and I'm still voting for Trump
This is so dumb... is it, isnt it, this # that #. I hate this "free money"
I just want summer good times
If true then Thank God. 80% of the people getting money don't need it. And no one is doing the math. 2T works out to be 13,333.00 worth of debt for every working human. Fuck that. Let's let this thing run its course and help those that need help but don't turn this into the biggest gibs project of all time.
In already urban ratholes of blue states. Literally does nothing to hurt Trump.
fuck the $1000 im profiting from the market crash so far i'm up $12k
>Now that nobody is getting any money
They are though, why did you make this thread?
No money and your laws no longer apply to me.
Wait, what happened?
No source. No evidence. Not a tax rebate.
Noone seems to be sure
Leftypol is pretending something that happened didn't happen
You know, typical dementia
Oh no! Less inflation!
Fuck it, the dollar is dead already
He's probably retarded. Pray for him and his family
>muh popularity
Who gives a fuck what NPCs think, he's a disappointment. As user said all the people still backing him are retards
The fuck's your bullshit
It already passed, money printer go brrrr.
When am I getting my bbc check?
>not getting money
learn2stonks fag
getting up for a 2nd helping of tendies isn't work.
>nobody is getting money
Maybe YOU'RE not getting any money you NEET, but some of us are doing pretty good right now.
He's also doubling the amount of votes Obama had during his reelection campaign while breaking voter turnout records and has the most loyal voter base of any president in history. Plus dems have given up on trying to win 2020. He's got 2020 in the bag
The law.
>I speak for everyone when I say...
Why are you replying to reddit fags?
You’re a Jew because you’re a grimy kike, it has nothing to do with who you support.
>I would take that check and set it on fire.
>calling other people retarded
Spamming this in every thread makes you look desperate
I'm getting my money. I still can't belive I was democrat only a week ago
I live independently and work but I'm a "student" so my parents claim me even tho I provide 100% of my own living expenses
Get any patreons yet? I can't belive we used to be friends and spam bernie threads together