Goddamn, shits getting worse and worse

Goddamn, shits getting worse and worse

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how's that bad

at least none of those graphs are exponential

I'm not going to panic you retarded glowie

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it's only the beginning

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Yet the stonk market keeps surging with deaths increasing, and 70% of the workforce at home. Makes sense.

Its okay man, its just a flu

Yes they are..

So basically it's a nothing burger is what the chart is saying

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America first

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>It's just a flu believe me...
Obviously not for USA when half of USA population is diabetic.

post the name of one single victim and their official certificate of death.

Death rate for all infected is only 0.1%

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>>> T
>>>> H
>>>>> I
>>>>>> N
>>>>>>> G
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>>>>>>>>> U
>>>>>>>>>> R
>>>>>>>>>>> G
>>>>>>>>>>>> E
>>>>>>>>>>>>> R
>>>>>>>>>>>>>> !

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>70k cases
>1k deads
guess my prediction is coming true. americucks will have the lowest death rate in the world proportional to their citizens.

cant wait to see trumpf seething about his country being first because of the china lies

We have no proof anyone is even dying to the virus. South Korea found 86% of those who test positive show no symptoms. That means only 14% of people who test positive ever show symptoms. Think about it. How often do you show symptoms of covid-19? Runny nose, shortness of breath, headache, anything is a fucking symptom at this point. This virus appears to be doing absolutely nothing. This is so obviously a fucking hoax and I cant believe anyone is falling for it. The tests are totally inaccurate. It tests for two genes that aren't exclusive for COVID-19, and we have never proven someone to be infected with COVID-19. Individually, the genes result in a negative, because they arent exclusive to COVID-19. But if both genes are detected, it results in a positive test. So one false positive is a not infected, but two genes that were previously false positive means youre infected. If they were exclusive to COVID-19, we could just use one gene and call it positive. But we can't, because it could be a false positive. The question I'm asking is, how often does someone get two false positives? Every single person who tested positive could have received a false positive. There is no evidence anyone is infected with COVID-19. We have no way of knowing how often someone gets two false positives, because the tests have never even been proven to be valid. There is no reference to know how accurate the tests are. It's absolute bullshit. Nobody has been proven to have been killed directly by the virus. 99% of dead in italy had comorbidities. Dogs, cats, sheep, pigs all have tested positive for corina virus, which is 100% impossible. Viral infections are specific to the DNA of the species. The chances of a virus mutating across species is astronomically small, has never been proven to happen, and the chances of it mutating across species multiple times is ZERO. All signs point to the tests being false positive. It's a fucking hoax.

2010 Yas Forums would've never fallen for this.

you fail hard at math

>tick tock
>any day now
>trust the exponential growth plan
Take your malaria pills schizo

Brown potato people will never be Americans

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take your meds

Yas Forums wasn't even around in 2010, the board started in 2011

Let this burger think this. This will be a genocide of old people and fat people

>no healthcare
>60lbs cheeseburguer
>eating 70.000 kcal daily

I really wonder why americans arent going apeshit already

Well Americans are fat too not only spics. But niggers can be Americans?

So we should expect 2.5m infected by tomarrow? Sweet

All of them but switzerland are exponential.

That gif makes my penis so hard.

Hey bros I can't find an answer online, I have very low body temperature, it feels COLD as shit all the time but I don't have a fever or anything, is low body temperature a symptom?

out of 500000 total cases, do we even have 100000 active cases?
actually seems like only dogboilertown, batsoup city, Jew York and a few geriatric AIDS-ridden eurowillages are in bad shape right now.

Yes yes, well done user well done

>imagine being this dumb

Doubling time is 7 days weiner-o

Yawn....wake me when a million are dead. 2 more weeks right?

It’s a dead cat bounce, people are buying the dip, along with the Fed relief coming in

Is this the famous jewish iq at work?

0.1% of INFECTED
3% of TESTED
big difference

my weight is ~150 kilograms.
but, I bought an xxxxl sized biohazard coverall, milsurp NBC mask, filters, and ramen months ago. so I'll be fine.
Should've pulled my retirement account but I didn't.

Take your meds schizo.

What should be the ratio?

Shill spotted.

Not expecting less from American

No they're not. In exponentials the slope of the graph keeps going up and up, here the slopes have levelled off (though still high).
Infections don't follow exponential growth, they follow logistic growth, the first half of which looks like these graphs.

But what's wrong with my 0.1% overall death rate number? Look, ~80% of infected won't get sick enough to want to get tested.

wtf USA you were supposed to be good at faking data


How the fuck did you get so fat

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They haven't leveled off in any of those curves except for the swiss. Are you retarded?

Shut up you anti semite. 6 Jews have died already from corona virus!!!


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> The Infection Rate Fatality (IFR)...aims to estimate the fatality rate in all those with infection: the detected disease (cases) and those with an undetected disease (asymptomatic and not tested group).

> Our current best assumption, as of the 22nd March, is the IFR is approximate 0.20% (95% CI, 0.17 to 0.25).

desu I was pretty depressed when life redpilled me on women so I coped by eating a shitload of American cereal and dairy foods a few times a week. For years. Don't do this.

this is proof that the shut downs are working.

Mathlets btfo

Is it though? Because the kikes keep telling me to be scared but I'm not

>5 dead Finns
That sucks, they're rare enough as it is.

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>update 26th of march
>extrapolating iceland
>quickly assume its actually twice as many infected for no reason

Ok buddy

>Guidos, Spics and Sand niggers die more then the Chinese hosts


a lot of non corona'd people in Africa, what the fuck?

Q user here, I just decided not to be a tripfag today.
Trust the plan. It's so based!
Remember, anyone who thinks I'm a LARPing faggot is in fact a glowing faggot.

>Goddamn, shits getting worse and worse

Literally getting better. shill harder

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So you're saying it's a 0.4% fatality rate?

4 times nothin is... let me do the math here... still nothin.

4 nothingburgers equals one quadruple-stacked nothingburger which is still nothing.


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It's definitely there. Nobody can tell if they're coronaniggers, ebolaniggers, tuberculosisniggers, AIDSniggers, zikaniggers. Who knows.

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It's a nothingburger. Those numbers are fake.

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