New posts today.
New posts today.
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Q is mossad
Gullible Q boomers.
Shills are quick.
8KUN communication only, over and out. Fucking idiots.
sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage sage FUCKING SAGE THIS CRAP
So what Is Q gonna say now that all of his "predictions/information" has been wrong? How Is he gonna spin It to give boomers false hope?
well? quick rundown?
Can't unsee.
"Disinfo is necessary" is the default response by the "Q" cult
The only reasons this bothers me are
>the Malik tweets
>that one breadcrumb saying "you're not gonna believe it when you find out who I am"
Or something like that.
Whats the purpose of suspending Habeas Corpus?
Interesting how Q is all about bootlicking and being a compliant little goy while daddy gov takes care of things.
He constantly promotes the msm on a platform known for rejecting the mainstream.
Infiltration secure
Pigs in dissent out
Follow my snail trail
Bellend tingled
We're in control
NSA good
Agenda pushed
Spread the message
>requiring a person under arrest to be brought before a judge or into court
American civil war is the only valid solution
It allows the government to jail people without formal charges.
If they broke the law why cant you bring formal charges
an interesting debate to have after the humans are dead.
It's for jailing traitors, dissidents, and spies...
Any prisoner, or another person acting on their behalf, may petition the court, or a judge, for a writ of habeas corpus. One reason for the writ to be sought by a person other than the prisoner is that the detainee might be held incommunicado. Most civil law jurisdictions provide a similar remedy for those unlawfully detained, but this is not always called habeas corpus.
Amerika needs a 4th branch of govt. To watch the watchers
But who will watch those who watch the watchers?
This is not at all what it means. You're fucking retarded.
The whole point of habeas corpus is about being tried in absentia; actually having the right to be present at your trial. Lincoln suspended it during mass trials of the Confederate army for crimes against the republic.
I can't imagine what kind of fucking room temperature IQ is required to get on here and say "It allows the government to jail people without formal charges." That's your 4th amendment right to due process you're babbling on about. Just fuck right off, you dumb nigger faggot.
wouldnt be a problem if qmap didnt interpret and label the posts to be contradictory desu
>what if this moronic, irrelevant shill talking point hypothetical were to happen
>you'd feel stupid then wouldn't you LOLOL
lol kys
See y'all in /bant/
>not knowing that infintiy chan went down and came back as 8kun only a couple months ago
shill newfag niggers need to die
Those titles are the same you retard. 8 chn turned into 8 kn after it was cyber attacked and hence put behind a DOD server.
Brenton Tarrant was an op to take down 8ch an, which is why it now resurrected as 8kun
The justification for the de-listing / deplatforming of 8ch was the Brenton Tarrant attack
Hopefully we get a trilogy with big explosion to summarize the whole event in the future.
"...infiltration, instead of invasion..." - It's from the famous JFK speech: youtube.com
Obama being Q would be the biggest plot twist ever, not gonna lie.
Based ISA poster
9/11 tribunal (GITMO) canceled from 3-17-20 to 4-10-20, military Judge submits resignation
Calendar here.
resignation docs
"Colonel Cohen’s decision to leave the case also comes as he has been hearing testimony — and has scheduled more witnesses — in an ongoing set of hearings on the defense lawyers’ requests to exclude from the trial the F.B.I. interrogations of the men in 2007. The defense lawyers say those interrogations are tainted by the torture the defendants endured during their three and four years in secret C.I.A. prisons."
"Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is a terrorist and murderer held by the United States at the Guantanamo Bay detention camp under terrorism-related charges. He was named as "the principal architect of the 9/11 attacks" in the 9/11 Commission Report."
It's happening
On March 23, 2020, the following document was filed and is now posted:
AE632II (GOV): Government Notice Of Status of Review of Requested Information
AE686C: Military Judge Ruling on Mr. bin 'Atash's Motion to Compel the Government to Produce All al Qaeda Training Program Documents
AE787B (GOV): Government Motion To Withdraw AE 787A (GOV), Government Response To Mr. Mohammad's Motion to Compel Discovery Regarding Psychological Impact of Torture on Torturers and on SERE Trainees
AE787C: Military Judge Ruling on Government Motion To Withdraw AE 787A (GOV), Government Response To Mr. Mohammad's Motion to Compel Discovery Regarding Psychological Impact of Torture on Torturers and on SERE Trainees
Copies of these files are now available on the Khalid Shaikh Mohammed et al (2) Military Commissions Case page of this website.
Obama's already in custody if he's tweeting like that.
Go back to your quarantine chan
Psyops confirmed
Please provide a list of these "legendary" predictions that "were wrong" that all you shills talk about, I would be delighted to see it.
I would also enjoy seeing a comparison with accurate information, and a true/false ratio.
Considering the media lies most of the time Q can't be that bad with a few fallacies over 4000 posts...
Funny enough was that Tarrant streamed the attack on Facebook... not 8ch.
Plus, the "manifesto" was shared on 8ch by users... not Tarrant.
This is the tenuous and unfathomably thin story they used to deplatform 8ch.
...I wonder why they would go to such lengths.... hmmmmmmmm Q is clearly fake mossad psyop for gayfags tho amiright?
The purest of pure cringe
>Nothing ever happens
nah bro, there's some good info in this one.
Enjoy your military internet provider
Good one, thanks.
Q is the letter designation of the NSA Security & counterintelligence directorate, even says on NSA Wikipedia main page.
That the reality of Q is still debated is hilarious.
Maybe the board just consists of like 25% shills...
wrong nigger
I thought it was Crusius?
Some say it was impossible it was him that posted it to 8 and could've been posted elsewhere or was write up real quick to link him to 8 while the news was breaking.
His memefesto was weak and genuinely looked like it was written in a moments notice. Correct me if i'm wrong.
Very interdasting.
It would be a crazy plot twist, but the guy's in custody if things are going well.
I wish you fucking hillbillies would just get caught by my filters. “Q” “Qanon” “Qfag” . You T_D bitchasses need to go back.
Literally every single thing you fucking brainlet, please tell me you aren't this retarded? FUCK
shut up retard
>Infiltration instead of Invasion
Sewing paranoia
>Proclaiming that he is right
>Defining traitors and patriots
Tenets and beliefs he wants followers to hold true
>US code for treason recital
Increases hype, sense of impending events which are not ostensibly guaranteed to happen
>"The Silent War Continues"
Charisma, Beliefs that are hard to root or not able to root to reality, A sense of importance.
All the hallmarks of a cult. This is a cult, gents.
Always a memeflag or an arrogant poster throwing insults and unwarranted bullshit around.
Always the insults, the cursing, the belittling, the feigned confidence, the "snappy" one-liners.
Like clockwork or a well oiled machine.
Can you instead provide me with say a dozen examples, if it is "literally everything", I mean out of 4000 posts, there must be plenty for you to make 12 good examples?
Kisses & hugs for my glonigger firends. Say hi to your team leader.