This is the Norwegian air force

This is the Norwegian air force

Attached: 2020-03-26_192916.jpg (2078x1437, 667.42K)

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F-35 bwahahahahahah

What a waste of money lmao

ok and?

more like the entire Norwegian air force

front row, rest is clone.stamped.

True. There are 52 F-35s in that pic, and that's what Norway soon will have.

Still awesome

F35 is the best fighter bomber in the game it's not even close. I'm surprised you guys bought into the obvious propaganda. I'm not sure I like Yas Forums anymore full of people schizos Chink and Russian shills constantly.

Is that it? My hottub has more jets than that.

Im calling you fags weak

That's the elephant walk at Hill AFB, Utah in your picture. 52 A's of the 388th Fighter Wing and the reserve 419th Fighter Wing.

Also, I want a rapey hand job from Silje Torp.

Attached: Silje127.jpg (1200x1116, 230.2K)

LMAOKEK it's better than many countries
The force of Norway will be known throughout the galaxy

The F-16 will fly circles around it, and the F-16 was produced in 1976

Congrats, you bought the only plane no one can afford to fly. Looks cool sitting there waiting on parts and maintenance, tho

I love the F-16

Rocket gonna esplode:

I work for the third largest arms dealer in the world; you're either a schizo or just vomit a soundbite you heard from the news. The radar alone is game changer never mind off bore sight.

The N.G. AN/APG-81 AESA is being retrofitted into the Vipers and Eagles giving the Lightning only a smaller RCS advantage anymore.

How is the F-35 intended to deal with its low velocity, since is allegedly only goes at 1.6 mach.
It is just the stealth characteristics that are supposed to stop that ever coming up as an issue, or do they have something else?

I love this kind of stuff

By upgrading from the AN/ALE-47 flares that cost $35 each to the MJU-68/B flares that are over $3,000 each.

>since is allegedly only goes at 1.6 mach.
It's a bit of a myth. It goes faster than the F16 if only carrying missiles internally (while F16 has them externally).

I count 52, where are the other 948 dragons?

Maybe a tad bit slower than the F16 if the F16 is UNARMED, but once you mount missiles on the wings normal jets become WAY slower.

This is actually the USAF you snow nigger.

An F35 kills 20 dragons easily.

Yes, but it's the NUMBER we ordered spic

Yeah, flying circles around it would be so useful if it could detect the F-35 before being detected by it instead of vice-versa, and if it had a more powerful radar than the F-35 to enable it to do so instead of vice-versa, and if it didn't have a majority-aluminum body and lots of stealth features like the F-35 instead of vice-versa.
Fucking idiot.

And this is the ground forces, no one can stop Norway, man

Attached: Laefy.jpg (600x407, 26.26K)

>It's a bit of a myth. It goes faster than the F16 if only carrying missiles internally (while F16 has them externally).
Where do you get that? Every source I've consulted consistently cites the max velocity at 1.6 mach.

Nice, best very special forces in the world


>This is the Norwegian air force
Learn how to properly formulate a sentence with what you're trying to say then you damn ape.

there are very few actual combat scenarios outside of interceptor duty which is almost solely done by missiles now anyway which need even spurts of velocity Mach 1.6, let alone sustained speed at it.

this isn't a video game faggot, f-35 has very real flaws that do not outweigh its relative cost to better superiority fighters

NATO only still exists because Norway wants it to still exist

Very deadly spec ops!

It’s not a superiority fighter dipshit

>Learn how to properly formulate a sentence
Oh god...
Quite the meth trailer trash.


It's not a superiority fighter.
Superiority fighting isn't exactly going extinct but it's changing/evolving rather drastically towards favoring stealth/detection tactics far above anything else, and the F-35 is probably far better at that than any traditional or 4th gen fighter we've seen so far, while also being multirole capable like the F-15 and F-16 and F-18.

The Russians never knew they were intercepted though. Must be a flaw in the design.

Since this is a strike fighter designed to penetrate anti air defenses, I can very easily imagine a scenario in which this is relevant.
If you send your F-35 out to bomb a target, and it gets detected by enemy low frequency radar, that plane is going to be intercepted by enemy fighters going at 2-2.2 mach. Your window to give up and go home is very slim since you can't outrun them in an F-35.
So, are the guys who make the missions just supposed to be careful and not put it into a situation where that matters, or does the plane have some means of mitigating this problem.
When it comes to interception, stealth is obviously very valuable because it lets you ambush targets before they even know you're there, but then again when you're going .4-.6 mach slower than the target, you are going to have a much harder time actually catching up to them.
I understand that the US solves this problem by just having an actual fuckton of planes, but that's still not a real answer to the technical issue of having a slow plane.

I was under the belief that most modern Air to air missiles flew at speeds well above that in the 3-3.5 range and most SAMs operated at Mach 3.2-Mach 4ish

I assume Norway will keep their F-16 as well.

The F-35 is pretty much invinsible for now.

>Every source I've consulted consistently cites the max velocity at 1.6 mach.
Most 4 gen aircraft has a lower speed than that when having missiles on their wings (and extra fuel tanks) - (their MAX speed means nothing)

>Max speed 2.2 mach
>Max speed with missiles and fuel tanks = 1.4mach

Just hope that those Russkies don't attack when its raining, cause the F-35 can't handle rain.

Isn't the main limiting factor the range of the AIM-120 rather than the range of the radar? And why would the F-35 have better off-boresight capabilities when the F-16 can fire the AIM-9X too?

In fact the F35 is FASTER than the F16 when carrying 4 missiles.

Why is it on the ground in America not flying still costing money not defending the fjords?

Attached: 1584133746835.png (722x525, 624.02K)

Not that the speed would matter too much as the F16 would fall from the sky before it knew there was anyone there.

We have 20 in Norway now. 3 more coming every month.

That sounds about correct, but it doesn't answer the question. SAMs are good when they can get their shot off, but if the invading plane knows their location, it can avoid them because SAMs have to get a radar lock, and stealth coating is very effective against the high frequency radars used to get the lock. Once the missile locks, it is launched and the plane is probably dead unless the missile in question is old. And even then, we have situations like Serbia downing a stealth plane with ancient Soviet machinery and Israel losing an F-35 to "birds".
This means that interceptor planes are still relevant because they can cover blind spots in the surface to air defense network and in turn the difference between the maximum velocity of the planes in question is also relevant.

Okay, but where do I get some kind of official documentation on this? Or at least one of those propaganda/advertising videos?

It's probably the new helmet that comes packaged with it.

Not sure exactly, but even with both in firing range it's very unlikely the F-16 will be the first to detect and fire.

Morons. The F-35 flaws were eliminated by making 3 different models.

Hope your anus is prepared for cultural enrichment when our "new sweds" are running for norway after burning down us.

Making mutliple models doesn't eliminate flaws, can you not see why that doesn't make any sense?
> The airframe because of its innate structure is limited in withstanding g-forces at speeds above X
> Oh well, with these 2 different models using THE SAME AIRFRAME we'll overcome that issue that is caused by the airframe in the first place
Not to say that that placeholder 'issue' is a flaw of the F35 but it's just one potential example.

When she finishes you off, make sure to give her some oats or apple along with a good brushing.

Eurofighter campaign in Norway: (well, could be interesting to some)

Thank you for your injection of humor into these dark times.

Attached: Norway.jpg (764x1023, 96.51K)

Do not insult my Norwegian Wheyfu.

Attached: NorgayWheyFu.jpg (1037x1037, 71.79K)

Russia shills love to spread that the f35 is a bad aircraft. It’s got them scared and it shows

Blocks your path

Attached: us-air-force-combat-thumb.jpg (796x562, 312.65K)


At 03:00
"That's the F35 firing the MYTHICAL Joint Strike Missile"


that pic is at one of the most god forsaken usaf bases to ever exist. 110 all the time