What exactly is the problem with the 'browning of America' besides the racism?

What exactly is the problem with the 'browning of America' besides the racism?

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The Racism
Non-whites are very racist

These Invaders don't share any of our values. Hate everything about our culture and want us dead / extinct. All under the banner of "help us poor refugees"
Fuck em

It’s genocide according to the Geneva Convention.

Stop posting this jew Silverman.

The more brown people you have in one place the worse living conditions get. Nobody should want that.

The smell.
spics smell like beans, pajeets smell like curry and poo, asians don't brush their teeth

>Posting that THOT
Sup simp

What exactly is the problem with the 'whitening of America' besides the racism?

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Mutt’s Law

NO problem!!!!, White GENES will survive as recessive ,in all Brown DNA

makes everyone retarded violent and worthless and replaces beautiful white people with brown 60 iq subhumans

lol at racism

why push it so hard? who gives a shit. stop obsessing about wiping out white people. it wont solve your problems

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This girl let the fame get over her head. Wonder if her father knows

browncel detected
kill yourself

ok, zoomer

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Fuck off, no one wants to see those saggy tits.

She’ll be covered in tattoos after the attention dies

dios mio

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name one good brown country
then if you really believe it, move there

Nothing wrong with browning
Nothing wrong with genetic diversity
>muh culture
Not like “White” Americans have any culture that isn’t just catholic holidays and Halloween, both of which are done better by mexibros
>muh racial purity
I don’t think anyone really knows what this means, because no European countries are actually pure. Go back 150 years ago sure, but since then the mixing has been through the roof. Even if a person is pure, Yas Forums is living proof that racial purity breeds neetdom. Only genetic quality that truly matters is height

what exactly is the problem with hitting your balls with a hammer besides the infertility?

it reminds the neets here that they're not getting laid

Same problem with the bleaching of other nations I'd imagine. I mean what's wrong with that?

What did she mean by this?

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And shooting Heroin and fucking niggers to get it

Shit colored cretins everywhere. You really like shit colored hair, eyes and skin?

Lower iq

>this is a 10/10 on Yas Forums

>would drag my dick through thousand miles of broken glas just to hear her fart over a walkie-talkie

good times fellas, gidiap

Attached: the walk.jpg (600x600, 33.57K)

What’s wrong with the whitening of America?

Turn countries into shithole countries.

We're fine with Hispanics, they're hard workers and the girls are qt. The browning of America refers to shitskin pajeets and arabs.

cringe post bro.

You americans are just smelly as pajeets

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+ darkie immigrants statistically vote for socialism and leftists and can't maintain a civilization.

Ok jew-mer

I wish we'd get ELVE'D.

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>What exactly is the problem with the 'browning of America' besides the racism?

it wont be a superpower or a 1st world country when whites are minorities.

Higher crime rates and lower IQ

Her uglyness is matched both inside and out.

im convinced that margaret qualley is a boy who transitioned. nothing about her physicality is effeminate. her bones all look like a boys

I like chocolate, and that’s shit-colored. Same with coffee. Shall I continue?

The problem is its not truckloads of hot whores coming over its middle aged disease ridden illiterate men

But you know that you disingenous fuck


>Fiscal Impact by Race in the United States

>Non-Whites of Every Stripe Vote Democrat

>Racial Diversity May Reduce Overall Innovation

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Slide thread. Why would you want to turn america into the same nations that people are fleeing en masse from?

Refute it

what was the problem with the whitening of america?

Spics are basically niggers. They aren’t trad, they aren’t ‘conservative’ they’re vicious criminal psychopaths and ugly as fuck to boot.

that's a man, baby.

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that is one hot tranny

Fuck off

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what if they integrate into your culture?
Like that nigger who became the best bread maker in France.

She's hot!


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>wants higher risk of violence than already
>wants to live among lower IQ than already

Wtf I love shit now

Attached: abd.jpg (1080x1080, 115.92K)

Lowers IQ. Lowers morals. Lowers standards of life. Uglier

being attracted to pic related

Using some 30plus year old roastie with fake tits and 20 pounds of makeup to justify mass immigration. Imagine being this pathetic. I guess a life with no real pussy will make you worship minority whores online.

Speak for yourself, you fucking degenerate race traitor.

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Woah pajeetas look like THAT?
i want one RIGHT NOW BROS....

Redpill me on this girl, I see her everywhere and I'm not a zoomer.

>walmart pics
doesn't count. that's shooting fish a barrell

>butthole eyeballs

The character.

>why is browning bad
browning leads to lower iq
lower iq leads to critical failures of anti air crews, anti air equipment (and entire civilization down the line but this is much more immediate)
loss of anti air leads to a loss of country as chinese/russian airforce cadets take out entire battalions and divisions of your military
loss of military leads to a loss of entire civilian society

its the eternal rule of natural law, races are unequal and competing, browning leads to massive losses, why do you think the jewish media is pushing for it?

>Only genetic quality that truly matters is height

Attached: Education polygenic score.png (2193x1479, 376.43K)

No group of people should be forced to pay for their own colonization. It's literally evil

Yeah and she just finished up her bath in the feces infested Ganges River so she has that fresh shit scent that drives the Poos crazy

Economic decline.
We lose our Universities due to lower native IQ.
Reduced social cohesion.
Higher crime rates.
Lower empathy for strangers.
Other nations like China or Russia will just wall all over us while we bicker over racism.

beaner country are shitty because of beaners. Their governments are difunctional because they are less than human. America is dooms to spicdom and it will collapse into mediocrity and then later serfdom. Spics and niggers kill civilization and exploration. Thats whats wrong with it, asshole.

t. brown mutt

>that uncomfortably large gap between boobs
Bad boob job

Plenty of refutations in this thread and on this board.

>Not like “White” Americans have any culture that isn’t just catholic holidays and Halloween, both of which are done better by mexibros

nice lie shitskin

Kek, that pic never gets old.

Oops, posted the potato version by mistake.

inb4 namefag
I know, so sorry, frens...

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Its the quality of immigrant coming here I have a problem with.

I've never met a spic in the US that was smart. Not one. It's because all the smart ones are still doing fine living in Mexico. I know because I go there sometimes and work with them. Trust me they are there.

All we get here in Cali is the fat stupid trashy ones. This immigration from mexico is like if every trailer trash meth addict from Alabama migrated somewhere. Those people would learn to hate white people in no time. Its actually genius on the part of Mexico. Encourage all the trailer trash to leave.

Look, stop responding to me, I hate incels responding to me.

>Browning of America.
America has always been a brown land. It got bleached temporarily by mass European immigration.

HOLY SHIT make a new thread leading with these.

wtf... what are those rosy cheeks in OP's pic?
she is putting makeup and using filters to look whiter than she is
the state of spic roasties lmao

Every brown country is terrible.

Good resource of nationalist content


Yes, you should.


American was never brown. The USA has always been a European invention and phenomenon.

why is this ugly whore being spammed?

Population displacement is a form of genocide.

This can't be real lmfao

What “values” do white Americans have that Mexicans don’t?
Oh yeah, LGBT pride, gender transitions, and baby penis mutilation

>brown land owned by browns who don't know what "owning land" means

Suck a dick faggot. I'm not an incel. I have a career. I have a family and friends. I don't need to project anything onto you. You are an Elton John level homo completely on your own.

Gooks look like aliens. Mulattos are pretty much mild niggers. Latinas are sexy af tho. I'd plunge my tongue into their stink ring. Assuming they're the sexy white latinas. No goblins.

Yeah. That's just what I want when I come home from a hard day's work: a nice bowl of curry and some brown bitch with more shit in her face like Kira from Deep Space Nine.

Have you ever been in Africa or Middle-East? Take a big long look how their countries are and you will understand

Amren is wonderful, people criticize Jared because he does not talk about the JQ. I think its silly to ignore all the good work they do.

oops you made the mistake of assuming it's high quality mexican nationals coming here and not the gutter trash. Gutter trash do not have a culture, they just rape children in public bathrooms.

Look at the daily crime news in Mexico to see why the browning is bad.

read mein kampf

all of you


she's a whore
that's all you need to know

>Oh yeah, LGBT pride, gender transitions, and baby penis mutilation

Mexicans do all of that and more. If they are so wonderful and cultured for America, then they should benefit their home nation.

>IQ good
IQ won’t get you laid
You’re right, I forgot about white people’s love of lgbt rights, tranny children, and cutting off baby penises. Oh and letting cops murder you in the street

absolutely nothing

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I wanna lick her labia
I bet it's like brown bubblegum

She’s literally perfect

IQ is too low for USA to remain competitive in the world. Hispanics are a net burden on government spending, same as blacks.

the problem is they don't look like that.

Then great! But they usually don’t

on average 200k a year to the economy. the average subhuman bean drains 400k from the economy. You all are parasites.

what's wrong with her face?

What's the problem with racism?

Darker skin = Low IQ
Low IQ = Weak Civilization

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>You’re right, I forgot about white people’s love of lgbt rights, tranny children, and cutting off baby penises. Oh and letting cops murder you in the street

That is a relatively new phenomenon. These things did not exists 50 years ago, and you are arrogant to think that your precious shitskin spic brethren will be immune to these things.

That my cum isn't on it

she tried saving shovel dog

It replaces less violent higher IQ populations with violent low IQ savages. It's a huge step backwards for civilization.

>absolutely nothing

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